857 research outputs found

    Towards simulating the emergence of environmentally responsible behavior among natural resource users : an integration of complex systems theory, machine learning and geographic information science

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    La gouvernance pour le développement durable comporte de nombreux défis. L'un de ces défis consiste à mieux comprendre les systèmes socio-écologiques gouvernés. Dans de tels systèmes, l'apprentissage par essais et erreurs implique le risque de conséquences inattendues, irréversibles et néfastes. De plus, en raison de la complexité des systèmes socio-écologiques, les leçons tirées d'expériences à petite échelle ne peuvent pas toujours être applicables à des problèmes à grande échelle. Un autre aspect difficile des problèmes de développement durable est que ces problèmes sont souvent multidisciplinaires et composés de composants qui sont chacun étudiés individuellement dans une discipline différente, mais il existe peu d'informations sur leur comportement ensemble. Un troisième défi de la gouvernance pour le développement durable est qu'il est souvent nécessaire d'impliquer les parties prenantes dans des actions de gestion et des mesures d'intervention coûteuses pour les individus qui y participent. De plus, dans de nombreuses situations de ce type, les incitations financières et l'application des réglementations se soldent par un échec et ne constituent donc pas des options de gouvernance. Dans cette thèse, les défis ci-dessus sont abordés dans un exemple de contrôle des perturbations forestières avec une approche intégrée. Pour éviter le problème des effets indésirables irréversibles et pour permettre des expériences répétées, une approche de simulation est utilisée. Pour relever le défi de la multidisciplinarité des problèmes des systèmes socio-écologiques, deux modèles sont développés indépendamment - portant sur les aspects sociaux et écologiques du système de l'étude - et ils sont ensuite couplés de telle sorte que la sortie de chaque modèle est utilisée comme entrée pour l'autre modèle. Pour résoudre le problème de l'engagement des parties prenantes, un plan est proposé pour la promotion d'un comportement respectueux de l'environnement. Ce plan est basé sur l'offre de reconnaissance à ceux qui adoptent volontairement le comportement responsable. Le modèle écologique de cette étude, qui simule la propagation d'une perturbation forestière, est construit à l'aide de l’apprentissage automatique supervisé. Le modèle social de cette étude, qui simule l'émergence d'une nouvelle norme de comportement, est construit à l'aide de l'apprentissage par renforcement. Les deux modèles sont testés et validés avant couplage. Le modèle couplé est ensuite utilisé comme un laboratoire virtuel, où plusieurs expériences sont réalisées dans un cadre hypothétique et selon différents scénarios. Chacune de ces expériences est une simulation. A travers ces simulations, cette étude montre qu'avec un algorithme de prise de décision approprié et avec suffisamment de temps pour l'interaction entre une entité gouvernante et la société, il est possible de créer une motivation pour un comportement responsable dans la société. En d'autres termes, il est possible d'encourager la participation volontaire des acteurs à l'action pour le développement durable, sans que l'entité gouvernante ait besoin d'utiliser des incitations financières ou d'imposer son autorité. Ces résultats peuvent être applicables à d'autres contextes où un comportement responsable des individus ou des entreprises est recherché afin d'atténuer l'impact d'une perturbation, de protéger une ressource écologique, ou de faciliter une transition sectorielle vers la durabilité.Governance for sustainable development involves many challenges. One of those challenges is to gain insight about the social-ecological systems being governned. In such systems, learning by trial and error involve the risk of unexpected, irreversible and adverse consequences. Moreover, due to complexity of social-ecological systems, lessons learned from small scale experiments may not be applicable in large-scale problems. Another challenging aspect of problems of sustainable development is that these problems are often multidisciplinary and comprised of components that are each studied individually in a different discipline, but little information exists about their behavior together as a whole. A third challenge in governance for sustainable development is that often it is necessary to involve stakeholders in management actions and intervention measures that are costly for individuals who participate in them. Moreover, in many of these situations financial incentives or enforcement of regulations result in failure, and are thus not options for governance. In this thesis, the above challenges are addressed in an example case of forest disturbance control with an integrated approach. To avoid the problem of irreversible adverse effects and to allow repeated experiments, a simulation approach is used. To tackle the challenge of multidisciplinarity of problems of social-ecological systems, two models are independently developed – pertaining to social and ecological aspects of the system of the study – and they are subsequently coupled in such a way that the output of each model served as an input for the other. To address the problem of engagement of stakeholders, a scheme is proposed for promotion of environmentally responsible behavior. This scheme is based on offering recognition to those who voluntarily perform the responsible behavior. The ecological model of this study, which simulates the spread of a forest disturbance, is built using Supervised Machine Learning. The social model of this study, which simulates the emergence of a new norm of behavior, is built using Reinforcement Learning. Both models are tested and validated before coupling. The coupled model is then used as a virtual laboratory, where several experiments are performed in a hypothetical setting and under various scenarios. Each such experiment is a simulation. Through these simulations, this study shows that with an appropriate decision-making algorithm and with sufficient time for interaction between a governing entity and the society, it is possible to create motivation for responsible behavior in the society. In other words, it is possible to encourage voluntary participation of stakeholders in action for sustainable development, without the need for the governing entity to use financial incentives or impose its authority. These results may be applicable to other contexts where responsible behavior by individuals or enterprises is sought in order to mitigate the impact of a disturbance, protect an ecological resource, or facilitate a sectoral transition towards sustainability

    Integrating remote sensing, GIS and dynamic models for landscape-level simulation of forest insect disturbance

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    Cellular automata (CA) is a powerful tool for modeling the evolution of macroscopic scale phenomena as it couples time, space, and variables together while remaining in a simplified form. However, such application has remained challenging in forest insect epidemics due to the highly dynamic nature of insect behavior. Recent advances in temporal trajectory-based image analysis offer an alternative way to obtain high-frequency model calibration data. In this study, we propose an insect-CA modeling framework that integrates cellular automata, remote sensing, and Geographic Information System to understand the insect ecological processes, and tested it with measured data of mountain pine beetle (MPB) in the Rocky Mountains. The overall accuracy of the predicted MPB mortality pattern in the test years ranged from 88% to 94%, which illuminates its effectiveness in modeling forest insect dynamics. We further conducted sensitivity analysis to examine responses of model performance to various parameter settings. In our case, the ensemble random forest algorithm outperforms the traditional linear regression in constructing the suitability surface. Small neighborhood size is more effective in simulating the MPB movement behavior, indicating that short-distance is the dominating dispersal mode of MPB. The introduction of a stochastic perturbation component did not improve the model performance after testing a broad range of randomness degree, reflecting a relative compact dispersal pattern rather than isolated outbreaks. We conclude that CA with remote sensing observation is useful for landscape insect movement analyses;however, consideration of several key parameters is critical in the modeling process and should be more thoroughly investigated in future work

    Nondestructive Multivariate Classification of Codling Moth Infested Apples Using Machine Learning and Sensor Fusion

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    Apple is the number one on the list of the most consumed fruits in the United States. The increasing market demand for high quality apples and the need for fast, and effective quality evaluation techniques have prompted research into the development of nondestructive evaluation methods. Codling moth (CM), Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is the most devastating pest of apples. Therefore, this dissertation is focused on the development of nondestructive methods for the detection and classification of CM-infested apples. The objective one in this study was aimed to identify and characterize the source of detectable vibro-acoustic signals coming from CM-infested apples. A novel approach was developed to correlate the larval activities to low-frequency vibro-acoustic signals, by capturing the larval activities using a digital camera while simultaneously registering the signal patterns observed in the contact piezoelectric sensors on apple surface. While the larva crawling was characterized by the low amplitude and higher frequency (around 4 Hz) signals, the chewing signals had greater amplitude and lower frequency (around 1 Hz). In objective two and three, vibro-acoustic and acoustic impulse methods were developed to classify CM-infested and healthy apples. In the first approach, the identified vibro-acoustic patterns from the infested apples were used for the classification of the CM-infested and healthy signal data. The classification accuracy was as high as 95.94% for 5 s signaling time. For the acoustic impulse method, a knocking test was performed to measure the vibration/acoustic response of the infested apple fruit to a pre-defined impulse in comparison to that of a healthy sample. The classification rate obtained was 99% for a short signaling time of 60-80 ms. In objective four, shortwave near infrared hyperspectral imaging (SWNIR HSI) in the wavelength range of 900-1700 nm was applied to detect CM infestation at the pixel level for the three apple cultivars reaching an accuracy of up to 97.4%. In objective five, the physicochemical characteristics of apples were predicted using HSI method. The results showed the correlation coefficients of prediction (Rp) up to 0.90, 0.93, 0.97, and 0.91 for SSC, firmness, pH and moisture content, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of long-term storage (20 weeks) at three different storage conditions (0 °C, 4 °C, and 10 °C) on CM infestation and the detectability of the infested apples was studied. At a constant storage temperature the detectability of infested samples remained the same for the first three months then improved in the fourth month followed by a decrease until the end of the storage. Finally, a sensor data fusion method was developed which showed an improvement in the classification performance compared to the individual methods. These findings indicated there is a high potential of acoustic and NIR HSI methods for detecting and classifying CM infestation in different apple cultivars

    Understanding Striga occurrence and risk under changing climatic conditions across different agroecological farming systems at local and regional scales122

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThe invasion by Striga in most cereal crop fields in Africa has posed an acute threat to food security and socioeconomic integrity. Consequently, numerous technological and research developments have been made to minimize and even control the Striga impacts on crop production. So far, efforts to control Striga have primarily focused on the manipulation of the genetics of the host crops, as well as understanding the phenological and physiological traits, along with the chemical composition of the weed

    Acoustic emission monitoring of wood materials and timber structures: A critical review

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    The growing interest in timber construction and using more wood for civil engineering applications has given highlighted importance of developing non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods for structural health monitoring and quality control of wooden construction. This study, critically reviews the acoustic emission (AE) method and its applications in the wood and timber industry. Various other NDE methods for wood monitoring such as infrared spectroscopy, stress wave, guided wave propagation, X-ray computed tomography and thermography are also included. The concept and experimentation of AE are explained, and the impact of wood properties on AE signal velocity and energy attenuation is discussed. The state-of-the-art AE monitoring of wood and timber structures is organized into six applications: (1) wood machining monitoring; (2) wood drying; (3) wood fracture; (4) timber structural health monitoring; (5) termite infestation monitoring; and (6) quality control. For each application, the opportunities that the AE method offers for in-situ monitoring or smart assessment of wood-based materials are discussed, and the challenges and direction for future research are critically outlined. Overall, compared with structural health monitoring of other materials, less attention has been paid to data-driven methods and machine learning applied to AE monitoring of wood and timber. In addition, most studies have focused on extracting simple time-domain features, whereas there is a gap in using sophisticated signal processing and feature engineering techniques. Future research should explore the sensor fusion for monitoring full-scale timber buildings and structures and focus on applying AE to large-size structures containing defects. Moreover, the effectiveness of AE methods used for wood composites and mass timber structures should be further studied

    Acoustic emission monitoring of wood materials and timber structures: A critical review

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    The growing interest in timber construction and using more wood for civil engineering applications has given highlighted importance of developing non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods for structural health monitoring and quality control of wooden construction. This study, critically reviews the acoustic emission (AE) method and its applications in the wood and timber industry. Various other NDE methods for wood monitoring such as infrared spectroscopy, stress wave, guided wave propagation, X-ray computed tomography and thermography are also included. The concept and experimentation of AE are explained, and the impact of wood properties on AE signal velocity and energy attenuation is discussed. The state-of-the-art AE monitoring of wood and timber structures is organized into six applications: (1) wood machining monitoring; (2) wood drying; (3) wood fracture; (4) timber structural health monitoring; (5) termite infestation monitoring; and (6) quality control. For each application, the opportunities that the AE method offers for in-situ monitoring or smart assessment of wood-based materials are discussed, and the challenges and direction for future research are critically outlined. Overall, compared with structural health monitoring of other materials, less attention has been paid to data-driven methods and machine learning applied to AE monitoring of wood and timber. In addition, most studies have focused on extracting simple time-domain features, whereas there is a gap in using sophisticated signal processing and feature engineering techniques. Future research should explore the sensor fusion for monitoring full-scale timber buildings and structures and focus on applying AE to large-size structures containing defects. Moreover, the effectiveness of AE methods used for wood composites and mass timber structures should be further studied

    Challenges and opportunities of using ecological and remote sensing variables for crop pest and disease mapping

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    Crop pest and diseases are responsible for major economic losses in the agricultural systems in Africa resulting in food insecurity. Potential yield losses for major crops across Africa are mainly caused by pests and diseases. Total losses have been estimated at 70% with approximately 30% caused by inefficient crop protection practices. With newly emerging crop pests and disease, monitoring plant health and detecting pathogens early is essential to reduce disease spread and to facilitate effective management practices. While many pest and diseases can be acquired from another host or via the environment, the majority are transmitted by biological vectors. Thus, vector ecology can serve an indirect explanation of disease cycles, outbreaks, and prevalence. Hence, better understanding of the vector niche and the dependence of pest and disease processes on their specific spatial and ecological contexts is therefore required for better management and control. While research in disease ecology has revealed important life history of hosts with the surrounding environment, other aspects need to be explored to better understand vector transmission and control strategies. For instance, choosing appropriate farming practices have proved to be an alternative to the use of synthetic pesticides. For instance, intercropping can serve as a buffer against the spread of plant pests and pathogens by attracting pests away from their host plant and also increasing the distance between plants of the same species, making it more exigent for the pest to target the main crop. Many studies have explored the potential applications of geospatial technology in disease ecology. However, pest and disease mapping in crops is rather crudely done thus far, using Spatial Distribution Models (SDM) on a regional scale. Previous research has explored climatic data to model habitat suitability and the distribution of different crop pests and diseases. However, there are limitation to using climate data since it ignores the dispersal and competition from other factors which determines the distribution of vectors transmitting the disease, thus resulting in model over prediction. For instance, vegetation patterns and heterogeneity at the landscape level has been identified to play a key role in influencing the vector-host-pathogen transmission, including vector distribution, abundance and diversity at large. Such variables can be extracted from remote sensing dataset with high accuracy over a large extent. The use of remotely sensed variables in modeling crop pest and disease has proved to increase the accuracy and precision of the models by reducing over fitting as compared to when only climatic data which are interpolated over large areas thus disregarding landscape heterogeneity.When used, remotely sensed predictors may capture subtle variances in the vegetation characteristic or in the phenology linked with the niche of the vector transmitting the disease which cannot be explained by climatic variables. Subsequently, the full potential of remote sensing applications to detect changes in habitat condition of species remains uncharted. This study aims at exploring the potential behind developing a framework which integrates both ecological and remotely sensed dataset with a robust mapping/modelling approach with aim of developing an integrated pest management approach for pest and disease affecting both annual and perrennial crops and whom currently there is no cure or existing germplasm to control further spread across sub Saharan Africa.Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten der Verwendung von ökologischen und Fernerkundungsvariablen für die Schädlings- und Krankheitskartierung Pflanzenschädlinge und Krankheiten in der Landwirtschaft sind für große wirtschaftliche Verluste in Afrika verantwortlich, die zu Ernährungsunsicherheit führen. Die Verluste werden auf 70% geschätzt, wobei etwa 30% auf ineffiziente Pflanzenschutzpraktiken zurückzuführen sind. Bei neu auftretenden Pflanzenschädlingen und Krankheiten ist die Überwachung des Pflanzenzustands und die frühzeitige Erkennung von Krankheitserregern unerlässlich, um die Ausbreitung von Krankheiten zu reduzieren und effektive Managementpraktiken zu erleichtern. Während viele Schädlinge und Krankheiten von einem anderen Wirt oder über die Umwelt erworben werden können, wird die Mehrheit durch biologische Vektoren übertragen. Daraus folgt, dass die Vektorökologie als indirekte Erklärung von Krankheitszyklen, Ausbrüchen und Prävalenz untersucht werden sollte. Um effektive Vektorkontrollmaßnahmen zu entwickeln ist ein besseres Verständnis der ökologischen Vektor-Nischen und der Abhängigkeit von Schädlings- und Krankheits-Prozessen von ihrem spezifischen räumlichen und ökologischen Kontext wichtig. Während die Forschung in der Krankheitsökologie wichtige Lebenszyklen von Wirten mit der Umgebung schon gut aufgezeigt hat, müssen weitere Aspekte noch besser untersucht werden, um Vektorübertragungs- und Kontroll-Strategien zu entwickeln. So hat sich beispielsweise die Wahl geeigneter Anbaumethoden als Alternative zum Einsatz synthetischer Pestizide erwiesen. In einigen Fällen wurde der Zwischenfruchtanbau als ‚Puffer' gegen die Ausbreitung von Pflanzenschädlingen und Krankheitserregern vorgeschlagen. Bei diesem Anbausystem werden Schädlinge von ihrer Wirtspflanze abgezogen und auch der Abstand zwischen Pflanzen derselben Art vergrößert (was eine Übertragung erschwert). Viele Studien haben bereits die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Geodaten in der Krankheitsökologie untersucht. Die Kartierung von Schädlingen und Krankheiten in Nutzpflanzen ist jedoch bisher eher großskalig erfolgt, unter der Zunahme von sogenannten ‚Spatial Distribution Models (SDM)' auf regionaler Ebene. Etliche Studien haben diesbezüglich klimatische Daten verwendet, um die Eignung und Verteilung verschiedener Pflanzenschädlinge und Krankheiten zu modellieren. Es gibt jedoch Einschränkungen bei der Verwendung von Klimadaten, da dabei andere landschaftsbezogene Verbreitungs-Faktoren ignoriert werden, die die Verteilung der Vektoren und Krankheitserreger bestimmen, was zu einer Modell-Überprognose führt. Vegetationsmuster und Heterogenität auf Landschaftsebene beeinflussen maßgeblich die Diversität und Verteilung eines Vektors und spielen somit eine wichtige Rolle bei der Vektor-Wirt-Pathogen-Übertragung. Bei der Verwendung von Fernerkundungsdaten können subtile Abweichungen in der Vegetationscharakteristik oder in der Phänologie, die mit der Nische des Vektors verbunden sind, besser erfasst werden. Es besteht noch Forschungs-Bedarf hinsichtlich der Rolle von Fernerkundungsdaten bei der Verbesserung von Artenmodellen, die zum Ziel haben den Lebensraum von Krankheitsvektoren besser zu erfassen. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, das Potenzial für die Entwicklung eines Rahmens zu untersuchen, der sowohl ökologische als auch aus der Ferne erfasste Daten mit einem robusten Mapping- / Modellierungsansatz kombiniert, um einen integrierten Ansatz zur Schädlingsbekämpfung für Schädlinge und Krankheiten zu entwickeln, der sowohl einjährige als auch mehrjährige Kulturpflanzen betrifft Keine Heilung oder vorhandenes Keimplasma zur weiteren Verbreitung in Afrika südlich der Sahara

    Implementation of Sensors and Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Hazards Assessment in Urban, Agriculture and Forestry Systems

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    The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), together with robotics, sensors, sensor networks, Internet of Things (IoT), and machine/deep learning modeling, has reached the forefront of research activities, moving towards the goal of increasing the efficiency in a multitude of applications and purposes related to environmental sciences. The development and deployment of AI tools requires specific considerations, approaches, and methodologies for their effective and accurate applications. This Special Issue focused on the applications of AI to environmental systems related to hazard assessment in urban, agriculture, and forestry areas

    Mapping a European spruce bark beetle outbreak using sentinel-2 remote sensing data

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    Insect outbreaks affect forests, causing the deaths of trees and high economic loss. In this study, we explored the detection of European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus, L.) outbreaks at the individual tree crown level using multispectral satellite images. Moreover, we explored the possibility of tracking the progression of the outbreak over time using multitemporal data. Sentinel-2 data acquired during the summer of 2020 over a bark beetle–infested area in the Italian Alps were used for the mapping and tracking over time, while airborne lidar data were used to automatically detect the individual tree crowns and to classify tree species. Mapping and tracking of the outbreak were carried out using a support vector machine classifier with input vegetation indices extracted from the multispectral data. The results showed that it was possible to detect two stages of the outbreak (i.e., early, and late) with an overall accuracy of 83.4%. Moreover, we showed how it is technically possible to track the evolution of the outbreak in an almost bi-weekly period at the level of the individual tree crowns. The outcomes of this paper are useful from both a management and ecological perspective: it allows forest managers to map a bark beetle outbreak at different stages with a high spatial accuracy, and the maps describing the evolution of the outbreak could be used in further studies related to the behavior of bark beetle