7 research outputs found

    Implementation of Open Source applications “Serious Game” for rehabilitation

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    Serious Games and Virtual Reality (VR) are present nowadays as an alternative to traditional rehabilitation therapies. This project describes the workflow to develop videogames for health monitoring as well as a source of entertainment for physiotherapy patients, primarily patients that suffer hemiparesis caused by a neurological disease like a stroke. We propose the last version of Microsoft Kinect sensors as low cost game controller and the software Unity to develop Open Source Rehabilitation Serious Games. These Serious Games try to imitate physiotherapy sessions performed in movement recovery therapies, reducing the waiting list of patients together with time and costs to hospitals. The premise is that the gameplay makes patients execute upper body exercises alongside equilibrium training, meanwhile they are monitored extracting useful data and results for the physicians.Ingeniería Biomédic

    Metacognizione, attenzione e intelligenza emotiva: uno studio sperimentale

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    Il tema dell'intelligenza emotiva è piuttosto attuale e dibattuto all'interno del panorama scientifico della psicologia moderna. In generale, c'è unanimità nel definire l'intelligenza emotiva come la capacità di riconoscere le emozioni proprie e altrui in modo da poter strutturare e regolare adeguate relazioni sociali