173 research outputs found

    Development of electro-optic systems for self cleaning concentrated solar reflectors

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    The current demand for energy usage in the world is increasing at a rapid pace; in China alone, the electricity usage has increased by 12% per year from 2006-2010, where more than 75% of electrical power is produced by coal burning facilities. Numerous studies have shown the effects of carbon dioxide emissions on global climate change, and even showing the permanence of high carbon dioxide levels after emissions cease. Current trends away from carbon emitting power facilities are pushing solar energy into a position for many new solar power plants to be constructed. Terrestrial solar energy at AM1.5 is generally given at 1kW/m2, which is a vast free source of energy that can be be harvested to meet the global demand for electricity. Aside from some areas receiving intermittent levels of solar insolation, one of the largest hindrances to large scale solar power production is obscuration of sunlight on solar collectors caused by dust deposition. In areas with the highest average solar insolation, dust deposition is a major problem for maintaining a constant maximum power output. The southern Negev desert in Israel receives on average 17g/m2 per month in dust deposition on solar installations, which in turn causes losses of a third of the total power output of the installation. In these areas, water is a scarce commodity, which can only be used to clean solar installations at a prohibitive cost. To resolve this problem, a cost effective solution would be the application of electrodynamic screens (EDS), which can be implemented by embedding a set of parallel electrodes into the sun facing surface of solar collectors, including concentrating mirrors or photovoltaic (PV) modules, and applying a low frequency pulsed voltage to these electrodes. Three major contributions made in the course of this research in advancing (EDS) for self-cleaning solar mirrors are: (1) development of non-contact specular reflectometer for solar mirrors that allows measurement of reflectance loss as a function of dust deposition, (2) development of a dust deposition analyzer capable of measuring size distribution of deposited dust and provides mass concentration of dust on the surface of the mirror, and (3) optimization of electrode geometry of EDS film for minimizing optical reflection losses caused by the lamination of the film on the mirror surface while maintaining high reflection efficiency with high dust removal efficiency. The non-contact specular reflectometer and the dust deposition analyzer allowed experimental investigation of reflection losses as functions of surface mass concentration of dust on mirrors for validation of the optical model presented in this study

    Mitigation of soiling losses in solar collectors: removal of surface-adhered dust particles using an electrodynamic screen

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    Particulate contamination of the optical surfaces of solar collectors, often called "soiling", can have a significant deteriorating impact on energy yield due to the absorption and scattering of incident light. Soiling has more destructive effect on concentrated solar systems than on flat-plate photovoltaic panels, as the former are incapable of converting scattered sunlight. The first part of this thesis deals with the soiling losses of flat-plate photovoltaic (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP), and concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) systems in operation in several regions of the world. Influential parameters in dust accumulation losses, as well as different cleaning mechanisms in pursuit of restoring the efficiency of soiled systems, have been thoroughly investigated. In lieu of the most commonly-practiced manual cleaning method of using high-pressure water jets, the concept of automatic dust removal using the electrostatic forces of electrodynamic screen (EDS) technology is in a developmental stage and on its way toward commercialization. This thesis provides comprehensive analytical solutions for the electric potential and electric field distribution in EDS devices having different configurations. Numerical simulations developed using finite element analysis (FEA) software have corroborated the analytical solutions which can easily be embedded into software programs for particle trajectory simulations while also providing flexibility and generality in the study on the effect of different parameters of the EDS on the electric field and ensuing dust-removal performance. Evaluation and comparison of different repelling and attracting forces exerted on dust particles is of utmost importance to a detailed analysis of EDS performance in dust removal. Hence, the balance of electrostatic and adhesion forces, including van der Waals and capillary forces, have received significant attention in this dissertation. Furthermore, different numerical analyses have been conducted to investigate the potential causes of observed failures of EDS prototypes that functioned well in a laboratory environment but failed after outdoor exposure. Experimental studies form the last two chapters of this dissertation. Different tests have been conducted on an EDS sample integrated with a PV cell to restore the efficiency of the cell after dust deposition. In order to evaluate the performance of the EDS in dust-particle removal, we have studied the particle size distribution on the EDS surface after each dust deposition and EDS cleaning cycle using a custom-built dust-deposition analyzer. Furthermore, we have pursued several experiments to examine how the geometric and operational EDS parameters affect particle charge via charge-to-mass-ratio measurements

    Soiling in solar energy conversion technologies: assessment and mitigation

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    Soiling, the process of particle deposition onto surfaces, has been studied since the 40’s. Initially, it was studied as a physical process, including types of adhesion forces, and later its effect on performance of solar energy conversion technologies was analyzed, such as in photovoltaics and concentrated solar power. This thesis approaches the problem from a cause-effect point of view and how it can be mitigated. Soiling is characterized, mineral and chemically, using a Scanning Electron Microscope. Polycristalline photovoltaic modules deposition rates are retrieved and related to environmental parameters, as well as, to long-range Saharan desert dust transport, a non-local phenomenon. Attention is also given to Spring, where atmospheric pollen concentration enhances soiling. The effect of soiling on the photovoltaic optimum tilt angle, for fixed and multiple angles, is studied along with a simple economic analysis. Cleaning schedules, for a desired system efficiency, are calculated based on annual soiling. Mirror soiling, related to concentrated solar power technologies, is also analyzed. Soiling rates are calculated and interlinked with environmental parameters such as air temperature, relative humidity, particulate mater concentration and vertical wind speed. From a collaboration with the Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies Nouvelles, Morocco, an insightful study is made comparing soiling effect between Portugal and Morocco. A passive cleaning method, impregnated anti-soiling coating, is tested. Comparison between coated and uncoated mirrors is done to evaluate its performance and conclude if it stands as a possible tool to reduce water consumption in cleaning solar harvesting technologies; Resumo: Sujidade em Tecnologias de Conversão de Energia Solar: Avaliação e Mitigação A sujidade, o processo de deposição de partículas em superfícies, tem sido estudada desde os anos 40. Inicialmente, começou a ser estudada como um processo fisico, incluindo tipos de forças de adesão, e mais tarde o seu efeito no desempenho de tecnologias de conversão de energia solar, como na tecnologia fotovoltaica e e de concentração. Esta tese aborda este problema de um ponto de vista causa-efeito e como pode ser mitigado. A sujidade é caracterizada, mineral e químicamente, usando um Microscópio Eletrónico de Varrimento. As taxas de deposição em módulos fotovoltaicos policristalinos são calculadas e relacionadas com parametros ambientais, tal como com o transporte de longo alcance de areia do deserto do Sahara, um fenómeno não local. Também é dada atenção à Primavera, onde a concentração de pólen na atmosfera aumenta a sujidade. O efeito da sujidade no ângulo de inclinação fotovoltaico óptimo, para ângulos fixos e múltiplos, é estudado juntamente com analises económicas. Calendários de limpeza, para uma eficiência de sistema desejada, são calculados com base em dados anuais de deposição de particulas. A sujidade em espelhos, relacionada com as tecnologias de energia solar concentrada, é também analisada. As taxas de deposição são calculadas e relacionadas com parâmetros ambientais, tais como temperatura do ar, humidade relativa, concentração de particulas e velocidade vertical do vento. A partir de uma colaboração com o Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies Nouvelles, Marrocos, fez-se um estudo esclarecedor, comparando o efeito da sujidade entre Portugal e Marrocos. Um método passivo de limpeza, revestimentos impregnados anti-sujidade, é testado. A comparação entre espelhos revestidos e não revestidos é realizada para avaliar o seu desempenho e concluir se é um método importante para alcançar uma redução no consumo de água na limpeza de tecnologias de energia solar

    Electrical And Magnetic Separation Of Particles

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    Particle separation technologies have been utilized in many industrial fields, such as pigment and filler production, mineral processing, environmental protection, the food and beverage industry, and the chemical industry, as well as in biomedical application, such as cell biology, molecular genetics, biotechnological production, clinical diagnostics, and therapeutics. A lot of particle separation technologies using various mechanics in terms of the differences in the physical or physico-chemical properties of the particles have been developed. Among these categories, electrical and magnetic separations are of great interest in recent researches. The overall objective of this dissertation is to advance our current knowledge on these two particle separation technologies. Accordingly, it has two major parts:: 1) Charge Conditioning for Particle Separation, and: 2) Magnetic Filtering for Particle Separation. In the first part, a new DC-corona-based charge conditioner for critical control of electrical charges on particles and a UV aerosol charger for fundamental investigation particle photocharging process were developed. The chargers\u27 performances including charging efficiencies and charge distributions were evaluated upon different operational conditions such as aerosol flow rates, corona operations, and ion-driving voltages for the charge conditioner, particle material and irradiation intensity for the UV charger. The birth-and-death charging model with the Fuchs limiting sphere theory for calculating the ion-particle combination coefficient was applied to obtain the charging ion concentration inside the charge conditioner. The UV charging model with the photoemission rely on the Fowler-Nordheim law was applied to predict the charging performance of the UV charger. In the second part, a magnetic filter system has been constructed, and its performance has been investigated. To retrieve the magnetic property of characterized particles from the measured penetration data, a numerical model was further developed using the finite element package COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5. The numerical model was first validated by comparing the experimental penetration with the simulation results for the cases of 100, 150, and 250 nm r-Fe2O3 particles having the magnetic susceptibility characterized by Vibrating Sample Magnetometer: VSM). The magnetic susceptibilities of other sizes from 100 to 300 nm were then derived from this model according to the measured penetration data. To control or remove the lunar dust through a magnetic approach, eight samples: three JSC-1A series lunar dust simulants, two NU-LHT series lunar dust simulants, and three minerals) in the size range from 150 to 450 nm were characterized. Magnetic susceptibilities were obtained from the difference in particle penetration through magnetic mesh filters with and without an applied external magnetic field

    Alloy Plasmonics - Fundamentals and Applications

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    Alloys have for a long time been important in the development of our society; from the Bronze Age, where man learned how to alloy copper with tin, to today, where many products are made of steel and aluminum alloys. Similarly, but maybe not as generally well known, alloys have lately been proposed as a new paradigm in nanophotonics, to tailor optical properties of nanomaterials that find applications within telecommunication, sensing, or biotechnology.\ua0Furthermore, alloys are explored in heterogeneous catalysis to develop solutions to increase activity and selectivity of chemical processes. Nanophotonics and catalysis, separately and in combination, are the focus of this thesis.\ua0Specifically, we have compiled a library of alloy complex dielectric functions for the late transition metals by utilizing time-dependent density-functional theory. The calculated dielectric functions were benchmarked by (i) nanofabricating series of alloy nanoparticle arrays with systematically varying composition, (ii) measuring their plasmonic properties, and (iii) comparing these properties with electrodynamic simulations of alloy nanoparticles, using the dielectric function library as the input. These dielectric functions allowed us further to screen the absorption efficiency of nanoparticles of multiple combination of size and composition to show the superior performance of alloys compared to their neat constituents.The second theme in this thesis is plasmon-enhanced catalysis. In this field, there is a continuous discussion regarding the reaction enhancing mechanisms when noble metal catalyst nanoparticles are irradiated with visible light during a catalytic reaction. Here we investigated the role of photothermal enhancement of reactions by tailoring the catalytic activity of nanofabricated particles without radiation by means of alloying Pd with Au, while keeping the optical absorption cross section constant, as confirmed by electrodynamics simulations using our dielectric function library as the input. Temperature is a crucial parameter during catalysis in general and photocatalysis in specifically. However, it is intrinsically difficult to measure the temperature of nanoparticles with traditional methods. Therefore, we presented a hydrogen nanothermometry method that allows measuring nanoparticle temperature directly and noninvasively via the temperature dependent phase transition during Pd-hydride formation. We showed that the Pd particle temperature during light-induced heating can be measured with a resolution of 1 \ub0C

    Advances in Solar PV Systems; A Comprehensive Review of PV Performance, Influencing Factors, and Mitigation Techniques

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    PV power plants utilizing solar energy to generate electricity on a large scale has become a trend and a new option that has been adopted by many countries; however, in actuality, it is difficult to anticipate how much electricity PV plants will generate. This analysis of existing photovoltaic (PV) power plants provides guidelines for more precise designs and performance forecasting of other upcoming PV technologies. In the literature, some authors have put their efforts into reviewing studies on PV power systems; however, those reviews are too focused on specific aspects of the topic. This study will review, from a broader perspective, recent investigations on PV power systems in the literature that were published between 1990 and 2022. The present study is divided into three main parts. Firstly, a performance assessment review of PV power plants is presented by taking different performance parameters into consideration, which were developed by the “International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC 61724-1)”. These parameters include reference yield, final yield, performance ratio, capacity utilization factor, and system efficiency. Secondly, different identifying factors that were investigated in previous studies, and which affect PV performance, were considered. These factors include solar irradiance, PV technology type, ambient temperature, cell temperature, tilt angle, dust accumulation, and shading effect. Thirdly, different methods were adopted and suggested to counter the effects of these influencing factors to enhance the performance efficiency of the PV power system. A hybrid cooling and cleaning system can use active techniques to boost efficiency during high solar irradiances and ambient temperatures while depending on passive techniques for everyday operations. This comprehensive and critical review identifies the challenges and proposed solutions when using photovoltaic technologies and it will be helpful for researchers, designers, and investors dealing with PV power systems.publishedVersio