204 research outputs found

    A Pipeline of 3D Scene Reconstruction from Point Clouds

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    3D technologies are becoming increasingly popular as their applications in industrial, consumer, entertainment, healthcare, education, and governmental increase in number. According to market predictions, the total 3D modeling and mapping market is expected to grow from 1.1billionin2013to1.1 billion in 2013 to 7.7 billion by 2018. Thus, 3D modeling techniques for different data sources are urgently needed. This thesis addresses techniques for automated point cloud classification and the reconstruction of 3D scenes (including terrain models, 3D buildings and 3D road networks). First, georeferenced binary image processing techniques were developed for various point cloud classifications. Second, robust methods for the pipeline from the original point cloud to 3D model construction were proposed. Third, the reconstruction for the levels of detail (LoDs) of 1-3 (CityGML website) of 3D models was demonstrated. Fourth, different data sources for 3D model reconstruction were studied. The strengths and weaknesses of using the different data sources were addressed. Mobile laser scanning (MLS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images, airborne laser scanning (ALS), and the Finnish National Land Survey’s open geospatial data sources e.g. a topographic database, were employed as test data. Among these data sources, MLS data from three different systems were explored, and three different densities of ALS point clouds (0.8, 8 and 50 points/m2) were studied. The results were compared with reference data such as an orthophoto with a ground sample distance of 20cm or measured reference points from existing software to evaluate their quality. The results showed that 74.6% of building roofs were reconstructed with the automated process. The resulting building models provided an average height deviation of 15 cm. A total of 6% of model points had a greater than one-pixel deviation from laser points. A total of 2.5% had a deviation of greater than two pixels. The pixel size was determined by the average distance of input laser points. The 3D roads were reconstructed with an average width deviation of 22 cm and an average height deviation of 14 cm. The results demonstrated that 93.4% of building roofs were correctly classified from sparse ALS and that 93.3% of power line points are detected from the six sets of dense ALS data located in forested areas. This study demonstrates the operability of 3D model construction for LoDs of 1-3 via the proposed methodologies and datasets. The study is beneficial to future applications, such as 3D-model-based navigation applications, the updating of 2D topographic databases into 3D maps and rapid, large-area 3D scene reconstruction. 3D-teknologiat ovat tulleet yhä suositummiksi niiden sovellusalojen lisääntyessä teollisuudessa, kuluttajatuotteissa, terveydenhuollossa, koulutuksessa ja hallinnossa. Ennusteiden mukaan 3D-mallinnus- ja -kartoitusmarkkinat kasvavat vuoden 2013 1,1 miljardista dollarista 7,7 miljardiin vuoteen 2018 mennessä. Erilaisia aineistoja käyttäviä 3D-mallinnustekniikoita tarvitaankin yhä enemmän. Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa kehitettiin automaattisen pistepilviaineiston luokittelutekniikoita ja rekonstruoitiin 3D-ympäristöja (maanpintamalleja, rakennuksia ja tieverkkoja). Georeferoitujen binääristen kuvien prosessointitekniikoita kehitettiin useiden pilvipisteaineistojen luokitteluun. Työssä esitetään robusteja menetelmiä alkuperäisestä pistepilvestä 3D-malliin eri CityGML-standardin tarkkuustasoilla. Myös eri aineistolähteitä 3D-mallien rekonstruointiin tutkittiin. Eri aineistolähteiden käytön heikkoudet ja vahvuudet analysoitiin. Testiaineistona käytettiin liikkuvalla keilauksella (mobile laser scanning, MLS) ja ilmakeilauksella (airborne laser scanning, ALS) saatua laserkeilausaineistoja, miehittämättömillä lennokeilla (unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV) otettuja kuvia sekä Maanmittauslaitoksen avoimia aineistoja, kuten maastotietokantaa. Liikkuvalla laserkeilauksella kerätyn aineiston osalta tutkimuksessa käytettiin kolmella eri järjestelmällä saatua dataa, ja kolmen eri tarkkuustason (0,8, 8 ja 50 pistettä/m2) ilmalaserkeilausaineistoa. Tutkimuksessa saatuja tulosten laatua arvioitiin vertaamalla niitä referenssiaineistoon, jona käytettiin ortokuvia (GSD 20cm) ja nykyisissä ohjelmistoissa olevia mitattuja referenssipisteitä. 74,6 % rakennusten katoista saatiin rekonstruoitua automaattisella prosessilla. Rakennusmallien korkeuksien keskipoikkeama oli 15 cm. 6 %:lla mallin pisteistä oli yli yhden pikselin poikkeama laseraineiston pisteisiin verrattuna. 2,5 %:lla oli yli kahden pikselin poikkeama. Pikselikoko määriteltiin kahden laserpisteen välimatkan keskiarvona. Rekonstruoitujen teiden leveyden keskipoikkeama oli 22 cm ja korkeuden keskipoikkeama oli 14 cm. Tulokset osoittavat että 93,4 % rakennuksista saatiin luokiteltua oikein harvasta ilmalaserkeilausaineistosta ja 93,3 % sähköjohdoista saatiin havaittua kuudesta tiheästä metsäalueen ilmalaserkeilausaineistosta. Tutkimus demonstroi 3D-mallin konstruktion toimivuutta tarkkuustasoilla (LoD) 1-3 esitetyillä menetelmillä ja aineistoilla. Tulokset ovat hyödyllisiä kehitettäessä tulevaisuuden sovelluksia, kuten 3D-malleihin perustuvia navigointisovelluksia, topografisten 2D-karttojen ajantasaistamista 3D-kartoiksi, ja nopeaa suurten alueiden 3D-ympäristöjen rekonstruktiota

    Query-by-Pointing: Algorithms and Pointing Error Compensation

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    People typically communicate by pointing, talking, sketching, writing, and typing. Pointing can be used to visualize or exchange information about an object when there is no other mutually understood way of communication. Despite its proven expressiveness, however, it has not yet become a frequently used modality to interact with computer systems. With the rapid move towards the adoption of mobile technologies, geographic information systems (GISs) have a particular need for advanced forms of interaction that enable users to query the geographic world directly. To enable pointing-based query system on a handheld device, a number of fundamental technical challenges have to be overcome. For such a system to materialize we need models stored in the device\u27s knowledge base that can be used as surrogate of real world objects. These computations, however, assume that (1) the pointing direction matches with the line-of-sight and (2) the observations about location and direction are precise enough so that a computational model will determine the same object as what the user points at. Both assumptions are not true. This thesis, therefore, develops an efficient error compensation model to reduce the discrepancy between the line-of-sight of the eye and the pointer direction. The model is based on a coordinate system centered at the neck and distances measured from neck to eye, neck to shoulder, shoulder to handheld pointer, and the pointing direction. An experiment was conducted using a gyro-enhanced sensor and three subjects who pointed at marked targets in a given room. It showed that the error compensation algorithm significantly reduces errors in pointing with arms outstretched

    A Novel Path Planning Optimization Algorithm for Semi-Autonomous UAV in Bird Repellent Systems Based in Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Bird damage to fruit crops causes significant monetary losses to farmers annually. The application of traditional bird repelling methods such as bird cannons and tree netting became inefficient in the long run, keeping high maintenance and reduced mobility. Due to their versatility, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be beneficial to solve this problem. However, due to their low battery capacity that equals low flight duration, it is necessary to evolve path planning optimization. A path planning optimization algorithm of UAVs based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is presented in this dissertation. This technique was used due to the need for an easy implementation optimization algorithm to start the initial tests. The PSO algorithm is simple and has few control parameters while maintaining a good performance. This path planning optimization algorithm aims to manage the drone's distance and flight time, applying optimization and randomness techniques to overcome the disadvantages of the traditional systems. The proposed algorithm's performance was tested in three study cases: two of them in simulation to test the variation of each parameter and one in the field to test the influence on battery management and height influence. All cases were tested in the three possible situations: same incidence rate, different rates, and different rates with no bird damage to fruit crops. The proposed algorithm presents promising results with an outstanding reduced average error in the total distance for the path planning obtained and low execution time. However, it is necessary to point out that the path planning optimization algorithm may have difficulty finding a suitable solution if there is a bad ratio between the total distance for path planning and points of interest. The field tests were also essential to understand the algorithm's behavior of the path planning algorithm in the UAV, showing that there is less energy discharged with fewer points of interest, but that do not correlates with the flight time. Also, there is no association between the maximum horizontal speed and the flight time, which means that the function to calculate the total distance for path planning needs to be adjusted.Anualmente, os danos causados pelas aves em pomares criam perdas monetárias significativas aos agricultores. A aplicação de métodos tradicionais de dispersão de aves, como canhões repelentes de aves e redes nas árvores, torna-se ineficiente a longo prazo, sendo ainda de alta manutenção e de mobilidade reduzida. Devido à sua versatilidade, os Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANT) podem ser benéficos para resolver este problema. No entanto, devido à baixa capacidade das suas baterias, que se traduz num baixo tempo de voo, é necessário otimizar o planeamento dos caminhos. Nesta dissertação, é apresentado um algoritmo de otimização para planeamento de caminhos para VANT baseado no Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Para se iniciarem os primeiros testes do algoritmo proposto, a técnica utilizada foi a supracitada devido à necessidade de um algoritmo de otimização fácil de implementar. O algoritmo PSO é simples e possuí poucos parâmetros de controlo, mantendo um bom desempenho. Este algoritmo de otimização de planeamento de caminhos propõe-se a gerir a distância e o tempo de voo do drone, aplicando técnicas de otimização e de aleatoriedade para superar a sua desvantagem relativamente aos sistemas tradicionais. O desempenho do algoritmo de planeamento de caminhos foi testado em três casos de estudo: dois deles em simulação para testar a variação de cada parâmetro e outro em campo para testar a capacidade da bateria. Todos os casos foram testados nas três situações possíveis: mesma taxa de incidência, taxas diferentes e taxas diferentes sem danos de aves. Os resultados apresentados pelo algoritmo proposto demonstram um erro médio muto reduzido na distância total para o planeamento de caminhos obtido e baixo tempo de execução. Porém, é necessário destacar que o algoritmo pode ter dificuldade em encontrar uma solução adequada se houver uma má relação entre a distância total para o planeamento de caminhos e os pontos de interesse. Os testes de campo também foram essenciais para entender o comportamento do algoritmo na prática, mostrando que há menos energia consumida com menos pontos de interesse, sendo que este parâmetro não se correlaciona com o tempo de voo. Além disso, não há associação entre a velocidade horizontal máxima e o tempo da missão, o que significa que a função de cálculo da distância total para o planeamento de caminhos requer ser ajustada