2,099 research outputs found

    A Survey of Quantum Theory Inspired Approaches to Information Retrieval

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    Since 2004, researchers have been using the mathematical framework of Quantum Theory (QT) in Information Retrieval (IR). QT offers a generalized probability and logic framework. Such a framework has been shown capable of unifying the representation, ranking and user cognitive aspects of IR, and helpful in developing more dynamic, adaptive and context-aware IR systems. Although Quantum-inspired IR is still a growing area, a wide array of work in different aspects of IR has been done and produced promising results. This paper presents a survey of the research done in this area, aiming to show the landscape of the field and draw a road-map of future directions

    Modeling Meaning Associated with Documental Entities: Introducing the Brussels Quantum Approach

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    We show that the Brussels operational-realistic approach to quantum physics and quantum cognition offers a fundamental strategy for modeling the meaning associated with collections of documental entities. To do so, we take the World Wide Web as a paradigmatic example and emphasize the importance of distinguishing the Web, made of printed documents, from a more abstract meaning entity, which we call the Quantum Web, or QWeb, where the former is considered to be the collection of traces that can be left by the latter, in specific measurements, similarly to how a non-spatial quantum entity, like an electron, can leave localized traces of impact on a detection screen. The double-slit experiment is extensively used to illustrate the rationale of the modeling, which is guided by how physicists constructed quantum theory to describe the behavior of the microscopic entities. We also emphasize that the superposition principle and the associated interference effects are not sufficient to model all experimental probabilistic data, like those obtained by counting the relative number of documents containing certain words and co-occurrences of words. For this, additional effects, like context effects, must also be taken into consideration.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, Late

    Learning with relational knowledge in the context of cognition, quantum computing, and causality

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    Learning representations for Information Retrieval

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    La recherche d'informations s'intĂ©resse, entre autres, Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  des questions comme: est-ce qu'un document est pertinent Ă  une requĂȘte ? Est-ce que deux requĂȘtes ou deux documents sont similaires ? Comment la similaritĂ© entre deux requĂȘtes ou documents peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour amĂ©liorer l'estimation de la pertinence ? Pour donner rĂ©ponse Ă  ces questions, il est nĂ©cessaire d'associer chaque document et requĂȘte Ă  des reprĂ©sentations interprĂ©tables par ordinateur. Une fois ces reprĂ©sentations estimĂ©es, la similaritĂ© peut correspondre, par exemple, Ă  une distance ou une divergence qui opĂšre dans l'espace de reprĂ©sentation. On admet gĂ©nĂ©ralement que la qualitĂ© d'une reprĂ©sentation a un impact direct sur l'erreur d'estimation par rapport Ă  la vraie pertinence, jugĂ©e par un humain. Estimer de bonnes reprĂ©sentations des documents et des requĂȘtes a longtemps Ă©tĂ© un problĂšme central de la recherche d'informations. Le but de cette thĂšse est de proposer des nouvelles mĂ©thodes pour estimer les reprĂ©sentations des documents et des requĂȘtes, la relation de pertinence entre eux et ainsi modestement avancer l'Ă©tat de l'art du domaine. Nous prĂ©sentons quatre articles publiĂ©s dans des confĂ©rences internationales et un article publiĂ© dans un forum d'Ă©valuation. Les deux premiers articles concernent des mĂ©thodes qui crĂ©ent l'espace de reprĂ©sentation selon une connaissance Ă  priori sur les caractĂ©ristiques qui sont importantes pour la tĂąche Ă  accomplir. Ceux-ci nous amĂšnent Ă  prĂ©senter un nouveau modĂšle de recherche d'informations qui diffĂšre des modĂšles existants sur le plan thĂ©orique et de l'efficacitĂ© expĂ©rimentale. Les deux derniers articles marquent un changement fondamental dans l'approche de construction des reprĂ©sentations. Ils bĂ©nĂ©ficient notamment de l'intĂ©rĂȘt de recherche dont les techniques d'apprentissage profond par rĂ©seaux de neurones, ou deep learning, ont fait rĂ©cemment l'objet. Ces modĂšles d'apprentissage Ă©licitent automatiquement les caractĂ©ristiques importantes pour la tĂąche demandĂ©e Ă  partir d'une quantitĂ© importante de donnĂ©es. Nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  la modĂ©lisation des relations sĂ©mantiques entre documents et requĂȘtes ainsi qu'entre deux ou plusieurs requĂȘtes. Ces derniers articles marquent les premiĂšres applications de l'apprentissage de reprĂ©sentations par rĂ©seaux de neurones Ă  la recherche d'informations. Les modĂšles proposĂ©s ont aussi produit une performance amĂ©liorĂ©e sur des collections de test standard. Nos travaux nous mĂšnent Ă  la conclusion gĂ©nĂ©rale suivante: la performance en recherche d'informations pourrait drastiquement ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©e en se basant sur les approches d'apprentissage de reprĂ©sentations.Information retrieval is generally concerned with answering questions such as: is this document relevant to this query? How similar are two queries or two documents? How query and document similarity can be used to enhance relevance estimation? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to access computational representations of documents and queries. For example, similarities between documents and queries may correspond to a distance or a divergence defined on the representation space. It is generally assumed that the quality of the representation has a direct impact on the bias with respect to the true similarity, estimated by means of human intervention. Building useful representations for documents and queries has always been central to information retrieval research. The goal of this thesis is to provide new ways of estimating such representations and the relevance relationship between them. We present four articles that have been published in international conferences and one published in an information retrieval evaluation forum. The first two articles can be categorized as feature engineering approaches, which transduce a priori knowledge about the domain into the features of the representation. We present a novel retrieval model that compares favorably to existing models in terms of both theoretical originality and experimental effectiveness. The remaining two articles mark a significant change in our vision and originate from the widespread interest in deep learning research that took place during the time they were written. Therefore, they naturally belong to the category of representation learning approaches, also known as feature learning. Differently from previous approaches, the learning model discovers alone the most important features for the task at hand, given a considerable amount of labeled data. We propose to model the semantic relationships between documents and queries and between queries themselves. The models presented have also shown improved effectiveness on standard test collections. These last articles are amongst the first applications of representation learning with neural networks for information retrieval. This series of research leads to the following observation: future improvements of information retrieval effectiveness has to rely on representation learning techniques instead of manually defining the representation space

    Neurocognitive Informatics Manifesto.

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    Informatics studies all aspects of the structure of natural and artificial information systems. Theoretical and abstract approaches to information have made great advances, but human information processing is still unmatched in many areas, including information management, representation and understanding. Neurocognitive informatics is a new, emerging field that should help to improve the matching of artificial and natural systems, and inspire better computational algorithms to solve problems that are still beyond the reach of machines. In this position paper examples of neurocognitive inspirations and promising directions in this area are given

    Document ranking with quantum probabilities

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    In this thesis we investigate the use of quantum probability theory for ranking documents. Quantum probability theory is used to estimate the probability of relevance of a document given a user's query. We posit that quantum probability theory can lead to a better estimation of the probability of a document being relevant to a user's query than the common approach, i.e. the Probability Ranking Principle (PRP), which is based upon Kolmogorovian probability theory. Following our hypothesis, we formulate an analogy between the document retrieval scenario and a physical scenario, that of the double slit experiment. Through the analogy, we propose a novel ranking approach, the quantum probability ranking principle (qPRP). Key to our proposal is the presence of quantum interference. Mathematically, this is the statistical deviation between empirical observations and expected values predicted by the Kolmogorovian rule of additivity of probabilities of disjoint events in configurations such that of the double slit experiment. We propose an interpretation of quantum interference in the document ranking scenario, and examine how quantum interference can be effectively estimated for document retrieval. To validate our proposal and to gain more insights about approaches for document ranking, we (1) analyse PRP, qPRP and other ranking approaches, exposing the assumptions underlying their ranking criteria and formulating the conditions for the optimality of the two ranking principles, (2) empirically compare three ranking principles (i.e. PRP, interactive PRP, and qPRP) and two state-of-the-art ranking strategies in two retrieval scenarios, those of ad-hoc retrieval and diversity retrieval, (3) analytically contrast the ranking criteria of the examined approaches, exposing similarities and differences, (4) study the ranking behaviours of approaches alternative to PRP in terms of the kinematics they impose on relevant documents, i.e. by considering the extent and direction of the movements of relevant documents across the ranking recorded when comparing PRP against its alternatives. Our findings show that the effectiveness of the examined ranking approaches strongly depends upon the evaluation context. In the traditional evaluation context of ad-hoc retrieval, PRP is empirically shown to be better or comparable to alternative ranking approaches. However, when we turn to examine evaluation contexts that account for interdependent document relevance (i.e. when the relevance of a document is assessed also with respect to other retrieved documents, as it is the case in the diversity retrieval scenario) then the use of quantum probability theory and thus of qPRP is shown to improve retrieval and ranking effectiveness over the traditional PRP and alternative ranking strategies, such as Maximal Marginal Relevance, Portfolio theory, and Interactive PRP. This work represents a significant step forward regarding the use of quantum theory in information retrieval. It demonstrates in fact that the application of quantum theory to problems within information retrieval can lead to improvements both in modelling power and retrieval effectiveness, allowing the constructions of models that capture the complexity of information retrieval situations. Furthermore, the thesis opens up a number of lines for future research. These include (1) investigating estimations and approximations of quantum interference in qPRP, (2) exploiting complex numbers for the representation of documents and queries, and (3) applying the concepts underlying qPRP to tasks other than document ranking
