2,313 research outputs found

    Computationally Efficient Optimization of a Five-Phase Flux-Switching PM Machine Under Different Operating Conditions

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    This paper investigates the comparative design optimizations of a five-phase outer-rotor flux-switching permanent magnet (FSPM) machine for in-wheel traction applications. To improve the comprehensive performance of the motor, two kinds of large-scale design optimizations under different operating conditions are performed and compared, including the traditional optimization performed at the rated operating point and the optimization targeting the whole driving cycles. Three driving cycles are taken into account, namely, the urban dynamometer driving schedule (UDDS), the highway fuel economy driving schedule (HWFET), and the combined UDDS/HWFET, representing the city, highway, and combined city/highway driving, respectively. Meanwhile, the computationally efficient finite-element analysis (CE-FEA) method, the cyclic representative operating points extraction technique, as well as the response surface methodology (in order to minimize the number of experiments when establishing the inverse machine model), are presented to reduce the computational effort and cost. From the results and discussion, it will be found that the optimization results against different operating conditions exhibit distinct characteristics in terms of geometry, efficiency, and energy loss distributions. For the traditional optimization performed at the rated operating point, the optimal design tends to reduce copper losses but suffer from high core losses; for UDDS, the optimal design tends to minimize both copper losses and PM eddy-current losses in the low-speed region; for HWFET, the optimal design tends to minimize core losses in the high-speed region; for the combined UDDS/HWFET, the optimal design tends to balance/compromise the loss components in both the low-speed and high-speed regions. Furthermore, the advantages of the adopted optimization methodologies versus the traditional procedure are highlighted

    Design Simulation and Experiments on Electrical Machines for Integrated Starter-Generator Applications

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    This thesis presents two different non-permanent magnet machine designs for belt-driven integrated starter-generator (B-ISG) applications. The goal of this project is to improve the machine performance over a benchmark classical switched reluctance machine (SRM) in terms of efficiency, control complexity, torque ripple level and power factor. The cost penalty due to the necessity of a specially designed H-bridge machine inverter is also taken into consideration by implementation of a conventional AC inverter. The first design changes the classical SRM winding configuration to utilise both self-inductance and mutual-inductance in torque production. This allows the use of AC sinusoidal current with lower cost and comparable or even increased torque density. Torque density can be further increased by using a bipolar square current drive with optimum conduction angle. A reduction in control difficulty is also achieved by adoption of standard AC machine control theory. Despite these merits, the inherently low power factor and poor field weakening capability makes these machines unfavourable in B-ISG applications. The second design is a wound rotor synchronous machine (WRSM). From FE analysis, a six pole geometry presents a lower loss level over four pole geometry. Torque ripple and iron loss are effectively reduced by the use of an eccentric rotor pole. To determine the minimum copper loss criteria, a novel algorithm is proposed over the conventional Lagrange method, where the deviation is lowered from ± 10% to ± 1%, and the simulation time is reduced from hours to minutes on standard desktop PC hardware. With the proposed design and control strategies, the WRSM delivers a comparable field weakening capability and a higher efficiency compared with the benchmark SRM under the New European Driving Cycle, where a reduction in machine losses of 40% is possible. Nevertheless, the wound rotor structure brings mechanical and thermal challenges. A speed limit of 11,000 rpm is imposed by centrifugal forces. A maximum continuous motoring power of 3.8 kW is imposed by rotor coil temperature performance, which is extended to 5 kW by a proposed temperature balancing method. A prototype machine is then constructed, where the minimum copper loss criteria is experimentally validated. A discrepancy of no more than 10% is shown in back-EMF, phase voltage, average torque and loss from FE simulation

    Flux Weakening Strategy Optimization for Five-Phase PM Machine with Concentrated Windings

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    The paper applies an Efficient Global Optimization method (EGO) to improve the efficiency, in flux weakening region, of a given 5-phase Permanent Magnet (PM) machine. An optimal control for the four independent currents is thus defined. Moreover, a modification proposal of the machine geometry is added to the optimization process of the global drive. The effectiveness of the method allows solving the challenge which consists in taking into account inside the control strategy the eddy-current losses in magnets and iron. In fact, magnet losses are a critical point to protect the machine from demagnetization in flux-weakening region. But these losses, which highly depend on magnetic state of the machine, must be calculated by Finite Element Method (FEM) to be accurate. The FEM has the drawback to be time consuming. It is why a direct optimization using FEM is critical. EGO method, using sparingly FEM, allows to find a feasible solution to this hard optimization problem of control and design of multi-phase drive

    Advanced design methodology for permanent magnet synchronous machines in power applications

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    Most of the world electrical energy is consumed by electric motors, and then, the improvement in their performance leads to essential savings in the global energy consumption, required to reduce the CO2 emissions. Actually, the policies of governments and institutions are becoming more demanding and the manufacturers are forced to offer more and more optimized products. Moreover, many applications are increasingly demanding high performance in terms of power density, reliability or dynamic response, as in the case of electric vehicle, wind power generation or railway traction. The high energetic content of neodymium magnets causes that the permanent magnet machines (PMSM) are the more attractive option with respect to power density. In addition, thanks to the almost complete elimination of the rotor losses they are the most energetically efficient machines. The PMSM design requires of a multiphysical approach since it comprises electric, magnetic and thermal aspects. In this work, a comprehensive review of the technical literature regarding these machines has been done, and some areas for improvement have been found. Firstly, it is common that the procedure starts from a quite defined machine and just an optimization of a specific part is realized. Moreover, excessive dependence on designer’s experience and knowhow is observed, without giving clear instructions for taking design decisions. Finally, excessive dependence on time consuming FEM models is found. Hence, the main objective of this thesis is to develop and propose an advanced design methodology for PMSM design, characterized by being clear and complete, considering whole the design process and giving criteria and tools for taking decisions which lead to an optimum choice of the final solution. A PMSM design methodology has been proposed that enables the evaluation of large amounts of configurations in an automatic manner, easing to the designer the process of taking the final design decision. To implement this methodology, several tools have been developed and explained in detail: electromagnetic models coupled to thermal models and lumped parameter electromagnetic models. Some important modifications were done in the thermal models taken as a reference in order to consider different cooling conditions. In addition, a basis permeance network model was adapted to the selected machine topology and it was used to demonstrate its suitability to be used in combination with Frozen Permeability technique. Following the proposed design methodology, a 75 kW PMSM prototype was designed and validated at the IK4‐IKERLAN medium voltage laboratory. The obtained results have validated both the proposed design methodology and the developed and employed tools.La mayor parte de la energía eléctrica mundial es consumida en motores eléctricos, por lo que la mejora de sus prestaciones conduce a ahorros en el consumo energético esenciales si se quieren reducir las emisiones de CO2. De hecho, las políticas de gobiernos y asociaciones cada vez son más exigentes, y los diseñadores se ven forzados a lanzar productos cada vez más optimizados. Además, cada vez hay más aplicaciones que son muy exigentes en términos de densidad de potencia, fiabilidad o prestaciones dinámicas, como son el vehículo eléctrico, la generación eólica o la tracción ferroviaria. El altísimo contenido energético de los imanes de neodimio provoca que las máquinas imanes permanentes (PMSM) sean las más atractivas en términos de densidad de potencia. Además, debido a la casi total eliminación de pérdidas en el rotor se convierten en las máquinas más eficientes energéticamente. El diseño de una PMSM requiere de un enfoque multidisciplinar, ya que engloba aspectos eléctricos, magnéticos y térmicos. En este trabajo, se ha realizado una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura técnica publicada hasta la fecha en relación con el diseño de estas máquinas, y se han encontrado ciertos puntos de mejora. En primer lugar, muchas veces se parte de un diseño bastante definido y se optimiza una parte concreta del mismo. Además, se aprecia excesiva dependencia de la experiencia y knowhow del diseñador, sin establecer pautas claras para la toma de decisiones de diseño. Finalmente, dependen excesivamente del temporalmente costoso FEM. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es desarrollar una metodología avanzada de diseño de PMSMs que sea clara y completa, abarcando todo el proceso de diseño y aportando criterios y herramientas para la toma de decisiones que conduzcan a una elección óptima de la solución final. Se ha propuesto una metodología de diseño que permite la evaluación de gran cantidad de configuraciones de PMSM de forma automática, facilitando la decisión de diseño final por parte del diseñador. Para la implementación de esta metodología, diversas herramientas han tenido que ser desarrolladas y son explicadas en detalle: modelos analíticos electromagnéticos acoplados con modelos térmicos, y modelos electromagnéticos de parámetros concentrados. Importantes modificaciones fueron realizadas sobre los modelos térmicos adoptados para considerar diferentes refrigeraciones. Además, el circuito electromagnético de parámetros concentrados fue adaptado a la topología seleccionada y demostró su validez para ser utilizado en combinación con la técnica de Frozen Permeability. Siguiendo la metodología propuesta, se ha diseñado y fabricado un prototipo de 75 kW y se ha realizado la validación experimental en el laboratorio de media tensión de IK4‐IKERLAN. Los resultados obtenidos han servido para validar tanto la metodología de diseño como las herramientas empleadas en la misma.Munduko energia elektrikoaren zatirik handiena motor elektrikoetan kontsumitzen da, eta, ondorioz, prestazioak hobetzeak lagundu egiten du kontsumo energetikoan funtsezko aurrezpenak egiten, CO2 igorpenak murriztu nahi badira. Berez, gobernuen eta elkarteen eskakizunak gero eta zorrotzagoak dira, eta diseinatzaileak produktu gero eta optimizatuak atera beharrean daude. Gainera, gero eta aplikazio gehiago daude zorroztasun handia eskatzen dutenak potentzi dentsitateari, fidagarritasunari edo prestazio dinamikoei dagokienez, esaterako, ibilgailu elektrikoan, sorkuntza eolikoan edo tren trakzioan. Neodimiozko imanen eduki energetiko itzelaren ondorioz, iman makina iraunkorrak (PMSM) dira erakargarrienak potentzi dentsitateari dagokionez. Gainera, errotorearen galerak ia guztiz deuseztatzen direnez, energetikoki makinarik eraginkorrenak dira. PMSM bat diseinatzeko diziplina askoko ikuspegia behar da, alderdi elektrikoak, magnetikoak eta termikoak hartzen baititu bere baitan. Lan honetan orain arte honelako makinen diseinuari buruz argitaratutako literatura teknikoaren azterketa zehatza egin da, eta hobetzeko hainbat puntu aurkitu dira. Lehenik eta behin, askotan, abiapuntua nahiko definituta dagoen diseinu bat izaten da, eta egiten dena da horren zati jakin bat optimizatu. Gainera, gehiegizko mendekotasuna egoten da diseinatzailearen esperientzia eta knowhow‐arekiko, diseinuaren inguruko erabakiak hartzeko jarraibide argiak ezarri gabe. Azkenik, mendekotasun handia dago FEMek behin‐behinean duen kostu handiarekiko. Horrenbestez, tesiaren helburu nagusia da PMSMak diseinatzeko metodologia aurreratu bat garatzea, argia eta osatua, diseinuaren prozesu osoa hartuko duena, eta erabakiak hartzeko irizpideak eta tresnak eskainiko dituena, amaierako soluziorik onena aukeratu ahal izateko. Diseinurako proposatu den metodologiarekin PMSMko konfigurazio kopuru handi bat ebaluatu daiteke automatikoki, diseinatzaileari amaierako diseinua erabakitzen laguntzeko. Metodologia inplementatzeko, hainbat tresna garatu behar izan dira, eta horiek zehatz esplikatzen dira: eredu analitiko elektromagnetikoak, eredu termikoekin uztartuta, eta parametro kontzentratuen bidezko eredu elektromagnetikoak. Hautatutako eredu termikoetan aldaketa garrantzitsuak egin behar izan ziren, hozkuntza desberdinak lantzeko. Horrez gain, parametro kontzentratuen zirkuitu elektromagnetikoa hautatutako topologiara egokitu zen, eta bere balioa frogatu zuen, Frozen Permeability teknikarekin konbinatuta erabiltzeko. Proposatutako metodologiari jarraituz, 75 kW‐eko prototipo bat diseinatu eta fabrikatu da, eta balioztapen esperimentala egin da IK4‐IKERLANeko tentsio ertaineko laborategian. Lortutako emaitzek diseinuaren metodologia zein bertan erabilitako tresnak balioztatzeko balio izan dute


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    This thesis investigates energy efficiency improvement in permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) and drive system to achieve high–performance drive for practical industrial and primarily, traction applications. In achieving improved energy efficiency from a system level, this thesis proposes: (1) Accurate modeling and testing of loss components in PMSM considering inverter harmonics; (2) Easy–to–implement, accurate parameter determination techniques to understand variations in motor parameters due to saturation, cross–saturation and temperature; and (3) Control methodologies to improve system level efficiency considering improved loss models and parameter variations. An improved loss model to incorporate the influence of motor–drive interaction on the motor losses is developed by taking time and space harmonics into account. An improved winding function theory incorporating armature reaction fields due to fundamental and harmonic stator magnetic fields is proposed to calculate the additional harmonic losses in the PMSM. Once all contributing losses in the motor are modelled accurately, an investigation into control variables that affect the losses in the motor and inverter is performed. Three major control variables such as DC link voltage, switching frequency and current angle are chosen and the individual losses in the motor and inverter as well as the system losses are studied under varying control variables and wide operating conditions. Since the proposed loss as well as efficiency modeling involves machine operation dependent parameters, the effects of parameter variation on PMSM due to saturation and temperature variation are investigated. A recursive least square (RLS) based multi–parameter estimation is proposed to identify all the varying parameters of the PMSM to improve the accuracy and validity of the proposed model. The impact of losses on these parameters as well as the correct output torque considering the losses are studied. Based on the proposed loss models, parameter variations and the investigation into control variables, an off–line loss minimization procedure is developed to take into account the effects of parameter variations. The search–based procedure generates optimal current angles at varying operating conditions by considering maximization of system efficiency as the objective. In order to further simplify the consideration of parameter variations in real–time conditions, an on–line loss minimization procedure using DC power measurement and loss models solved on–line using terminal measurements in a PMSM drive is proposed. A gradient descent search–based algorithm is used to calculate the optimal current angle corresponding to maximum system efficiency from the input DC power measurement and output power based on the loss models. During the thesis investigations, the proposed models and control techniques are extensively evaluated on a laboratory PMSM drive system under different speeds, load conditions, and temperatures

    Torque analysis on a double rotor electrical variable transmission with hybrid excitation

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    An electrical variable transmission (EVT) can be used as a power splitting device in hybrid electrical vehicles. The EVT analyzed in this paper is a rotating field electrical machine having two concentric rotors. On the outer rotor, permanent magnets (PMs) are combined with a dc-field winding, being the first implementation of its kind. The magnetic field in the machine as well as the electromagnetic torque on both rotors are a function of the q- and d-axis currents of the stator and inner rotor, as well as the dc-field current. To describe and fully understand this multiple-input multiple-output machine, this paper gives an overview of the influence of the different current inputs on the flux linkage and torque on both rotors. Focus is given to the hybrid excitation in the d-axis by combining the dc-field current and the alternating currents. This has the advantage compared to other EVT topologies that unwanted stator torque can be avoided without stator d-axis current flux weakening. Results of the analysis are presented by means of the torque to current characteristics of a double rotor PM-assisted EVT, as well as the torque to current ratios. The machine characteristics are finally experimentally verified on a prototype machine

    Modeling and control of an Electrical variable transmission with hybrid excitation

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    Experimental Assessment of Cryogenic Cooling Impact on Induction Motors

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    In this work, an experimental assessment of the influence of cryogenic cooling in a conventional induction motor is presented. The performance of a fractional kilowatt induction motor is evaluated when submerged in liquid nitrogen. Using the single-phase equivalent electric circuit, the influence of the temperature and skin-effect is analyzed in the variation of the machine's parameters, under ambient and cryogenic conditions. Also, the variation of the iron core and mechanical losses are evaluated. An analytical methodology is proposed to estimate the change of motor performance under cryogenic conditions. For the analyzed induction motor, measurements are performed to verify the predicted machine performance. The experimental tests in cryogenic conditions show the possibility of achieving higher efficiency levels with more than double the nominal torque. Also, due to the cryogenic environment, there was no thermal constraint in the operation of the induction motor

    Parameter Measurement of 0.33 HP Synchronous Machine Using ITECH Digital Power Supply

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    The classical methodologies for synchronous machine modeling provide a solid estimation for synchronous machine behavior but are limited in terms of accuracy due to the assumptions made in the modeling process. The equivalent circuit model developed by the classical approach breaks down the entire machine into a singular impedance component. This allows the model to be generated more quickly but limits its accuracy. In the pursuit of developing a more realistic model, this thesis outlines the parameter measurement of a Hampden SM-100 synchronous machine. In determining the SM-100’s experimental parameters, this thesis executes and analyzes new experimental approaches to synchronous machine modeling. With the results of these approaches, a model for the Hampden SM-100 synchronous machine is developed that considers the rotor, stator, and core parameters of the synchronous machine separately

    Efficiency and time-optimal control of fuel cell - compressor - electrical drive systems

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    The proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) based power generation sys- tem is regarded as one of the perspective energy supply solutions for a wide variety of applications including distributed power plants and transport. The main compo- nent of the FC system is the FC stack, where the process of electrochemical energy conversion takes place. Additionally, such systems usually contain an auxiliary compression subsystem which supplies the reactant gases to the FC stack as well as maintains certain operation conditions: pressure, temperature, humidity, etc. The proper operation of the compression system signi¯cantly improves the performance characteristics of the total system. On the other hand, it consumes a portion of the electrical energy produced, thus reducing the net e±ciency of the total system. This thesis focuses on an innovative way to improve both the energy e±ciency and the response characteristics of a power generation system with a PEMFC. The approach principally consists of the control of the air compressor powered by the electrical drive. This method could be considered as an alternative to a redesign of the complete system (changing the power level, using an extra energy bu®er, etc). The modern high-speed centrifugal compressor has been regarded as one of the best candidates for the FC system. It has appropriate characteristics with respect to e±ciency, reliability, compact design, etc. However, the presence of a stability margin or so-called "surge line" limits its operation area. With the aim to overcome this constraint, a novel active surge suppression approach has been proposed for application in the system. This control method relies on the high-performance speed control of the electrical drive and accurate measurement and estimation of the thermodynamic quantities, such as air pressure and mass °ow. The choice of an induction motor drive has been justi¯ed by its commonly known advantages: low cost, simple construction, high reliability, etc. These features be- come especially important in high-speed applications. For the detailed investigation and performance prediction of the prime mover, a global electromagnetic design pro- cedure with thermal analysis of a high-speed induction motor has been performed. The obtained analytical results have been veri¯ed numerically by a high-precision Finite Elements Method. A good agreement between the analytical and FEM simu- lation results has been achieved. The mentioned active surge control in combination with the high-performance ¯eld-oriented control of the induction motor has been im- plemented and tested. The test bench comprises the centrifugal compressor with the PVC piping system, the high-speed induction motor drive, the real-time data acquisition and the control system. The experimental results proved the e®ective- ness of the active surge suppression by means of the drive torque actuation: the operation point of the compressor can be moved beyond the surge line while the process remains stable. Using the combined mathematical models of the FC stack, the centrifugal com- pressor and the ¯eld-oriented controlled induction motor drive, the static and dy- namic behavior of the total system have been simulated, allowing to clarify the interaction between the electrochemical processes in the FC stack, the thermody- namic processes in the compression system and the electromechanical performance of the drive. Various system operating regimes have been proposed and analyzed. When the FC electrical load changes frequently and fast, the constant-speed operating regime can be used. In case of a slow variation of the FC electrical load, the variable- speed operating regime is advisable, providing a high energy e±ciency at low FC load. In intermediate cases, the load-following-mass °ow operating regime with the application of the active surge control of the compressor becomes preferable. This operating regime eliminates the relatively long mechanical transient process, keep- ing the energy consumption of the balance of plant (BoP) approximately linearly proportional to the main load. The operating regime with applied linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) time-optimal control has been proposed as an alternative to the load-following-mass °ow operating regime and the variable-speed operating regime. The transition between two steady-state operating points, where the system e±- ciency is maximum, follows the time-optimal trajectory, keeping the transient re- sponse time small. Finally, recommendations for further research have been formulated concerning the dynamic response and energy-e±ciency of a fuel cell system. Mainly, the recom- mendations concern further improvements of presented control strategies and their more comprehensive experimental veri¯cation using a complete FC system. First of all, the use of a direct induction motor drive for the compressor stabiliza- tion would signi¯cantly improve the e®ectiveness of the surge control. It would allow to control the surge of higher frequency, or to stabilize the compressor operation at larger distance from the surge line. Second, a combination of the electrical drive torque control with a valve position control would result probably in a more e®ective surge control, together with fast transients of the system operating point. Third, the application of the electrical drive for the compressor active surge control in a FC system would require new control algorithms for energy-e±ciency improvement of the induction motor, not compromising its high-performance capa- bilities