220 research outputs found

    Static Race Detection and Mutex Safety and Liveness for Go Programs

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    Go is a popular concurrent programming language thanks to its ability to efficiently combine concurrency and systems programming. In Go programs, a number of concurrency bugs can be caused by a mixture of data races and communication problems. In this paper, we develop a theory based on behavioural types to statically detect data races and deadlocks in Go programs. We first specify lock safety/liveness and data race properties over a Go program model, using the happens-before relation defined in the Go memory model. We represent these properties of programs in a μ-calculus model of types, and validate them using type-level model-checking. We then extend the framework to account for Go’s channels, and implement a static verification tool which can detect concurrency errors. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first static verification framework of this kind for the Go language, uniformly analysing concurrency errors caused by a mix of shared memory accesses and asynchronous message-passing communications

    Statistiline lähenemine mälulekete tuvastamiseks Java rakendustes

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    Kaasaegsed hallatud käitusaja keskkonnad (ingl. managed runtime environment) ja programmeerimiskeeled lihtsustavad rakenduste loomist ning haldamist. Kõige levinumaks näiteks säärase keele ja keskkonna kohta on Java. Üheks tähtsaks hallatud käitusaja keskkonna ülesandeks on automaatne mäluhaldus. Vaatamata sisseehitatud prügikoristajale, mälulekke probleem Javas on endiselt relevantne ning tähendab tarbetut mälu hoidmist. Probleem on eriti kriitiline rakendustes mis peaksid ööpäevaringselt tõrgeteta toimima, kuna mäluleke on üks väheseid programmeerimisvigu mis võib hävitada kogu Java rakenduse. Parimaks indikaatoriks otsustamaks kas objekt on kasutuses või mitte on objekti viimane kasutusaeg. Selle meetrika põhiliseks puudujäägiks on selle hind jõudluse mõttes. Käesolev väitekiri uurib mälulekete problemaatikat Javas ning pakub välja uudse mälulekkeid tuvastava ning diagnoosiva algoritmi. Väitekirjas kirjeldatakse alternatiivset lähenemisviisi objektide kasutuse hindamiseks. Põhihüpoteesiks on idee et lekkivaid objekte saab statistiliste meetoditega eristada mittelekkivatest kui vaadelda objektide populatsiooni eluiga erinevate gruppide lõikes. Pakutud lähenemine on oluliselt odavama hinnaga jõudluse mõttes, kuna objekti kohta on vaja salvestada infot ainult selle loomise hetkel. Väitekirja uurimistöö tulemusi on rakendatud mälulekete tuvastamise tööriista Plumbr arendamisel, mida hetkel edukalt kasutatakse ka erinevates toodangkeskkondades. Pärast sissejuhatavaid peatükke, väitekirjas vaadeldakse siiani pakutud lahendusi ning on pakutud välja ka nende meetodite klassifikatsioon. Järgnevalt on kirjeldatud statistiline baasmeetod mälulekete tuvastamiseks. Lisaks on analüüsitud ka kirjeldatud baasmeetodi puudujääke. Järgnevalt on kirjeldatud kuidas said defineeritud lisamõõdikud mis aitasid masinõppe abil baasmeetodit täpsemaks teha. Testandmeid masinõppe tarbeks on kogutud Plumbri abil päris rakendustest ning toodangkeskkondadest. Lisaks, kirjeldatakse väitekirjas juhtumianalüüse ning võrdlust ühe olemasoleva mälulekete tuvastamise lahendusega.Modern managed runtime environments and programming languages greatly simplify creation and maintenance of applications. One of the best examples of such managed runtime environments and a language is the Java Virtual Machine and the Java programming language. Despite the built in garbage collector, the memory leak problem is still relevant in Java and means wasting memory by preventing unused objects from being removed. The problem of memory leaks is especially critical for applications, which are expected to work uninterrupted around the clock, as running out of memory is one of a few reasons which may cause the termination of the whole Java application. The best indicator of whether an object is used or not is the time of the last access. However, the main disadvantage of this metric is the incurred performance overhead. Current thesis researches the memory leak problem and proposes a novel approach for memory leak detection and diagnosis. The thesis proposes an alternative approach for estimation of the 'unusedness' of objects. The main hypothesis is that leaked objects may be identified by applying statistical methods to analyze lifetimes of objects, by observing the ages of the population of objects grouped by their allocation points. Proposed solution is much more efficient performance-wise as for each object it is sufficient to record any information at the time of creation of the object. The research conducted for the thesis is utilized in a memory leak detection tool Plumbr. After the introduction and overview of the state of the art, current thesis reviews existing solutions and proposes the classification for memory leak detection approaches. Next, the statistical approach for memory leak detection is described along with the description of the main metric used to distinguish leaking objects from non-leaking ones. Follows the analysis of this single metric. Based on this analysis additional metrics are designed and machine learning algorithms are applied on the statistical data acquired from real production environments from the Plumbr tool. Case studies of real applications and one previous solution for the memory leak detection are performed in order to evaluate performance overhead of the tool

    Proceedings of the First NASA Formal Methods Symposium

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    Topics covered include: Model Checking - My 27-Year Quest to Overcome the State Explosion Problem; Applying Formal Methods to NASA Projects: Transition from Research to Practice; TLA+: Whence, Wherefore, and Whither; Formal Methods Applications in Air Transportation; Theorem Proving in Intel Hardware Design; Building a Formal Model of a Human-Interactive System: Insights into the Integration of Formal Methods and Human Factors Engineering; Model Checking for Autonomic Systems Specified with ASSL; A Game-Theoretic Approach to Branching Time Abstract-Check-Refine Process; Software Model Checking Without Source Code; Generalized Abstract Symbolic Summaries; A Comparative Study of Randomized Constraint Solvers for Random-Symbolic Testing; Component-Oriented Behavior Extraction for Autonomic System Design; Automated Verification of Design Patterns with LePUS3; A Module Language for Typing by Contracts; From Goal-Oriented Requirements to Event-B Specifications; Introduction of Virtualization Technology to Multi-Process Model Checking; Comparing Techniques for Certified Static Analysis; Towards a Framework for Generating Tests to Satisfy Complex Code Coverage in Java Pathfinder; jFuzz: A Concolic Whitebox Fuzzer for Java; Machine-Checkable Timed CSP; Stochastic Formal Correctness of Numerical Algorithms; Deductive Verification of Cryptographic Software; Coloured Petri Net Refinement Specification and Correctness Proof with Coq; Modeling Guidelines for Code Generation in the Railway Signaling Context; Tactical Synthesis Of Efficient Global Search Algorithms; Towards Co-Engineering Communicating Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems; and Formal Methods for Automated Diagnosis of Autosub 6000

    Timing analysis of synchronous data flow graphs

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    Consumer electronic systems are getting more and more complex. Consequently, their design is getting more complicated. Typical systems built today are made of different subsystems that work in parallel in order to meet the functional re- quirements of the demanded applications. The types of applications running on such systems usually have inherent timing constraints which should be realized by the system. The analysis of timing guarantees for parallel systems is not a straightforward task. One important category of applications in consumer electronic devices are multimedia applications such as an MP3 player and an MPEG decoder/encoder. Predictable design is the prominent way of simultaneously managing the design complexity of these systems and providing timing guarantees. Timing guarantees cannot be obtained without using analyzable models of computation. Data flow models proved to be a suitable means for modeling and analysis of multimedia applications. Synchronous Data Flow Graphs (SDFGs) is a data flow model of computation that is traditionally used in the domain of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) platforms. Owing to the structural similarity between DSP and multimedia applications, SDFGs are suitable for modeling multimedia applications as well. Besides, various performance metrics can be analyzed using SDFGs. In fact, the combination of expressivity and analysis potential makes SDFGs very interesting in the domain of multimedia applications. This thesis contributes to SDFG analysis. We propose necessary and sufficient conditions to analyze the integrity of SDFGs and we provide techniques to capture prominent performance metrics, namely, throughput and latency. These perfor- mance metrics together with the mentioned sanity checks (conditions) build an appropriate basis for the analysis of the timing behavior of modeled applications. An SDFG is a graph with actors as vertices and channels as edges. Actors represent basic parts of an application which need to be executed. Channels represent data dependencies between actors. Streaming applications essentially continue their execution indefinitely. Therefore, one of the key properties of an SDFG which models such an application is liveness, i.e., whether all actors can run infinitely often. For example, one is usually not interested in a system which completely or partially deadlocks. Another elementary requirement known as boundedness, is whether an implementation of an SDFG is feasible using a lim- ited amount of memory. Necessary and sufficient conditions for liveness and the different types of boundedness are given, as well as algorithms for checking those conditions. Throughput analysis of SDFGs is an important step for verifying throughput requirements of concurrent real-time applications, for instance within design-space exploration activities. In fact, the main reason that SDFGs are used for mod- eling multimedia applications is analysis of the worst-case throughput, as it is essential for providing timing guarantees. Analysis of SDFGs can be hard, since the worst-case complexity of analysis algorithms is often high. This is also true for throughput analysis. In particular, many algorithms involve a conversion to another kind of data flow graph, namely, a homogenous data flow graph, whose size can be exponentially larger than the size of the original graph and in practice often is much larger. The thesis presents a method for throughput analysis of SD- FGs which is based on explicit state-space exploration, avoiding the mentioned conversion. The method, despite its worst-case complexity, works well in practice, while existing methods often fail. Since the state-space exploration method is akin to the simulation of the graph, the result can be easily obtained as a byproduct in existing simulation tools. In various contexts, such as design-space exploration or run-time reconfigu- ration, many throughput computations are required for varying actor execution times. The computations need to be fast because typically very limited resources or time can be dedicated to the analysis. In this thesis, we present methods to compute throughput of an SDFG where execution times of actors can be param- eters. As a result, the throughput of these graphs is obtained in the form of a function of these parameters. Calculation of throughput for different actor exe- cution times is then merely an evaluation of this function for specific parameter values, which is much faster than the standard throughput analysis. Although throughput is a very useful performance indicator for concurrent real-time applications, another important metric is latency. Especially for appli- cations such as video conferencing, telephony and games, latency beyond a certain limit cannot be tolerated. The final contribution of this thesis is an algorithm to determine the minimal achievable latency, providing an execution scheme for executing an SDFG with this latency. In addition, a heuristic is proposed for optimizing latency under a throughput constraint. This heuristic gives optimal latency and throughput results in most cases

    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

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    This book is Open Access under a CC BY licence. The LNCS 11427 and 11428 proceedings set constitutes the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2019, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic, in April 2019, held as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2019. The total of 42 full and 8 short tool demo papers presented in these volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 164 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: SAT and SMT, SAT solving and theorem proving; verification and analysis; model checking; tool demo; and machine learning. Part II: concurrent and distributed systems; monitoring and runtime verification; hybrid and stochastic systems; synthesis; symbolic verification; and safety and fault-tolerant systems

    A Historical Perspective on Runtime Assertion Checking in Software Development

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    This report presents initial results in the area of software testing and analysis produced as part of the Software Engineering Impact Project. The report describes the historical development of runtime assertion checking, including a description of the origins of and significant features associated with assertion checking mechanisms, and initial findings about current industrial use. A future report will provide a more comprehensive assessment of development practice, for which we invite readers of this report to contribute information

    Computer Aided Verification

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    The open access two-volume set LNCS 12224 and 12225 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 32st International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2020, held in Los Angeles, CA, USA, in July 2020.* The 43 full papers presented together with 18 tool papers and 4 case studies, were carefully reviewed and selected from 240 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: AI verification; blockchain and Security; Concurrency; hardware verification and decision procedures; and hybrid and dynamic systems. Part II: model checking; software verification; stochastic systems; and synthesis. *The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic