144,563 research outputs found

    Application of simulation models for the optimization of business processes

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    The paper deals with the applications of modeling and simulation tools in the optimization of business processes, especially in solving an optimization of signal flow in security company. As a modeling tool was selected Simul8 software that is used to process modeling based on discrete event simulation and which enables the creation of a visual model of production and distribution processes. © 2016 Author(s)

    Simulation of BPMN process models: current BPM tools capabilities

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    "The 2016 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'16)"Nowadays, more and more organizations are using Business Process Management (BPM) to prepare themselves to deal, in an effective way, with the increasingly difficult conditions of modern markets. Essential to BPM is the collection of tools which support the operationalization of the business process concept – BPM tools. These tools deal with business process models, which have to be described with a suitable language. In the present, BPMN is considered the standard modeling language to describe business processes. Once a business process is modeled, a process simulation approach might be used in order to find its optimized version. Therefore, the simulation of business process models, such as those defined in BPMN, appears as an obvious way of improving processes. This paper advances work previously published by the authors regarding BPM tools capabilities in terms of the simulation of BPMN process models. In this context a platform to support the characterization of BPM tools regarding process simulation capabilities has been developed. This platform might be helpful to users who want to select the most adequate BPM tool regarding their simulation needs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Specification of e-business process model for PayPal online payment process using Reo

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    E-business process modeling allows business analysts to better understand and analyze the business processes, and eventually to use software systems to automate (parts of) these business processes to achieve higher profit. To support e-business process modeling, many business process modeling languages have been used as tools. However, many existing business process modeling languages lack (a) formal semantics, (b) formal computational model, and (c) an integrated view of the business process being modeled. In this paper, we assess the effectiveness of the Reo coordination language as a business process modeling language. We present a specification of PayPal online payment business process model using Reo and evaluate Reo according to the criteria of e-business process modeling with respect to (a) language expressiveness, (b) visual notation and language semantics, (c) analysis and reasoning, (d) simulation and executio

    Workflow support for simulation of service oriented B-to-C transaction

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    Computation technologies and computer tools offer varied resources for the implementation of applications of electronic commerce (e-commerce). The current organizational models are based on nets of associations that are integrated to achieve business objectives. Therefore, the effectiveness of the commercial operation doesn't only depend on an appropriate configuration of technologies but also on efficiency in the business services. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style for distributed computation that considers the creation and administration of business services. With Web Services the services can be published in the Web and accessed by applications independently from language and technology. In this work a workflow support for the modeling and simulation of applications of e-commerce based on services and technologies Web Services is proposed. Tools are applied of processes modeling, with their integration in TIBCO that result in the modeling of a process business to consumer (b-to-c), their simulation and the evaluation of metrics of performanceI Workshop Innovación en Sistemas de Software (WISS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Simulation Modeling for Service-Oriented Development

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    As a consequence of the growing customer orientation of business, organizations are now showing a big interest in the development of technological solutions that allow them both to offer a quick respond to their customers and procuring operational efficiency. In this sense, SOA can be seen as a mechanism to help achieve the alignment of business goals and objectives with technology capability. SOA benefits an organization by abstracting business services from the specific technologies they are developed with. However, to translate SOA benefits into successful software development projects, well defined processes to develop software from business processes are needed. To achieve this, simulation modeling techniques can be useful tools since they make it possible to model and improve both business processes within organizations and their service-oriented development process. This paper presents a set of domains in service-oriented development where simulation modeling can be applied and discusses the benefits of this application. These domains are also related with the different phases of a general SOA lifecycle. An overview of the main works in this field is also included.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-67843-C06-0

    Business process modeling using petri nets with clocks

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    Petri Nets are tools for the analysis and design of concurrent systems. There is a formal theory, which supports Petri Nets. We propose Petri Nets with Clocks which has a high expressive power in the concurrent and asynchronous process modeling and gives the possibility to model real time systems. The Petri Nets with Clocks are useful to model systems with temporal requirements via specification of clocks, using temporal invariants for the places and temporal conditions in the transitions. Also, we have developed an algorithm for the analysis of Petri Nets with Clocks. For the Business Processes Modeling, we propose to use Petri Nets with Clocks to formalize models, allowing to study the models through a quantitative and qualitative analysis. Petri Nets with Clocks includes additional temporal elements -clocks-, which are appropriate for the Business Processes Modeling and are not taken into consideration in the literature concerning the extensions of Petri Nets with time. Petri Nets with Clocks allows studying the structural properties of Business Processes Modeling. This study not only allows the simulation but also verifies formally the model. It is oriented to the verification and correction of errors in the modeling of the time variable en Business Processes.Eje: Ingeniería de softwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Business process modeling using petri nets with clocks

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    Petri Nets are tools for the analysis and design of concurrent systems. There is a formal theory, which supports Petri Nets. We propose Petri Nets with Clocks which has a high expressive power in the concurrent and asynchronous process modeling and gives the possibility to model real time systems. The Petri Nets with Clocks are useful to model systems with temporal requirements via specification of clocks, using temporal invariants for the places and temporal conditions in the transitions. Also, we have developed an algorithm for the analysis of Petri Nets with Clocks. For the Business Processes Modeling, we propose to use Petri Nets with Clocks to formalize models, allowing to study the models through a quantitative and qualitative analysis. Petri Nets with Clocks includes additional temporal elements -clocks-, which are appropriate for the Business Processes Modeling and are not taken into consideration in the literature concerning the extensions of Petri Nets with time. Petri Nets with Clocks allows studying the structural properties of Business Processes Modeling. This study not only allows the simulation but also verifies formally the model. It is oriented to the verification and correction of errors in the modeling of the time variable en Business Processes.Eje: Ingeniería de softwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Методы и средства имитационного моделирования бизнес-процессов

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    В статті розглядаються сучасні методи та засоби імітаційного моделювання бізнес-процесів. Проводиться аналіз існуючих проблем імітаційного моделювання. На основі проведеного аналізу пропонується новий підхід який може вирішити розглянуті проблеми. Цей підхід базується на конструюванні імітаційних моделей з використанням аналізу "Вузол-Функція-Об'єкт" (ВФО-аналіз) і використанні логіки антонімів для аналізу результатів моделювання.This article reviews modern methods and tools for simulation modeling of business processes. The analysis of existing problems of imitating modeling is carried out. As result it is proposed new approach which can resolve considered problems. This approach is based on designing of imitating models with use of the analysis "Unit-Function-Object" and on using of antonyms logic for the analysis of results of modeling

    Business Process Simulation Using Coloured Petri Nets

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    Äriprotsesside juhtimine on tänapäeva maailmas muutunud järjest olulisemaks tänu suurenevatele nõudmistele protsesside tõhusamaks muutmisel. Protsesside juhtimisega üritatakse leida võimalikke kitsaskohti, tõsta tootlikust ja vähendada vajadust ressursside järjele. Paljud protsesside modelleerimise vahendid toetavad lisaks protsesside modelleerimisele mudelite juurutamist ning simulatsioone. Simulatsioonid on üks parimaid tehnikaid protsesside efektiivsemaks muutmisel. Enamus äriprotsesside modelleerimise standardeid ei toeta simulatsioone (k.a. de facto standard BPMN). Mitmed protsesside modelleerimise vahendid võimaldavad simulatsioone, kuid simulatsioonimootor on peidetud nende vahendite sisse. See piirab simulatsioonimootorite laiendatavust ning protsesside simulatsioonides tuleb läbi ajada tarkvara vahenditega. Kuid modelleerimistarkvara võimalused on võrreldes reaalse maailma situatsioonidega väga piiratud. Antud töö eesmärgiks on välja pakkuda eelpool mainitud probleemile üks võimalik lahendus – BPMN meta-mudeli laiendus simulatsiooni atribuutidega. Töös kasutatakse simulatsioonimootorit CPN Tools, mis baseerub Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) modelleerimis-keelel. CPN on loodud spetsiaalselt diskreetsete süsteemide simulatsiooni keeleks. Esmalt tehakse ülevaade BPMN standardist ning kahest levinumast BPMN modelleerimise vahendist – IBM WebSphere Modeller ja IPT Commerce. Järgnevalt antakse lühiülevaade Petri Nets ja CPN mudelitest ning CPN Tools modelleerimisvahendist. Kasutades olemasolevate vahendite analüüsist saadud kogemusi, laiendatakse BPMN standardi meta-mudelit simulatsioonide meta-mudeliga. Seejärel kirjeldatakse kuidas saada simulatsiooni andmetega täiendatud BPMN mudelist CPN mudel ning demonstreeritakse erinevaid võimalusi CPN mudelite simuleerimiseks kasutades CPN Tools vahendeid. Töös kirjeldatud simulatsiooni meta-mudel ja BPMN mudeli elementide teisendamine CPN mudeli konstruktsioonideks on esitatud üldiselt, sest eesmärgiks oli testida välja pakutava lahenduse võimalikkust. CPN Tools sai valitud simulatsioonimootoriks sellepärast, et tema mudelid on kirjeldatud kasutades XML-i. Töö edasiarendusena pakub autor välja BPMN mudelitest CPN mudelite automaatse konverteri loomist.Business process management plays an increasingly important role in the business world as it promotes effectiveness and efficiency in business operations. The simulation of business processes is one of the most versatile techniques for analyzing business processes quantitatively in order to identify and remove performance bottlenecks. The graphical representation of business process models has proven to be a very effective tool for presenting information to business stakeholders, including business analysts and system developers. Unfortunately most of the graphical business process modeling standards (including de facto standard BPMN) do not support attaching simulation information to the models. Major business process modelling tools and suites still provide ability to add simulation data and execute those models. However, only models designed with the tools themselves can be simulated and no extensibility mechanism is provided to add new features or change the pre-built simulation and reporting options. This paper proposes a meta-model for specifying simulation scenarios on the top of the BPMN meta-model. Also, the paper advocates using CPN Tools as an open and extensible business process model simulator. The paper provides an initial design of a transformation from BPMN process models to CPN models. The proposed design has been validated through one fully-worked case study

    Workflow support for simulation of service oriented B-to-C transaction

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    Computation technologies and computer tools offer varied resources for the implementation of applications of electronic commerce (e-commerce). The current organizational models are based on nets of associations that are integrated to achieve business objectives. Therefore, the effectiveness of the commercial operation doesn't only depend on an appropriate configuration of technologies but also on efficiency in the business services. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style for distributed computation that considers the creation and administration of business services. With Web Services the services can be published in the Web and accessed by applications independently from language and technology. In this work a workflow support for the modeling and simulation of applications of e-commerce based on services and technologies Web Services is proposed. Tools are applied of processes modeling, with their integration in TIBCO that result in the modeling of a process business to consumer (b-to-c), their simulation and the evaluation of metrics of performanceI Workshop Innovación en Sistemas de Software (WISS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI