885 research outputs found

    Integration of Flywheel Energy Storage Systems in Low Voltage Distribution Grids

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    Mit dem Ziel, den Stromsektor zu dekarbonisieren und dem Klimawandel zu begegnen, steigt der Anteil erneuerbarer Energieressourcen in den Energiesystemen rund um den Globus kontinuierlich an. Aufgrund des intermittierenden Charakters dieser Ressourcen kann die Aufrechterhaltung des momentanen Gleichgewichts zwischen Erzeugung und Verbrauch und damit der Netzfrequenz ohne angemessene Maßnahmen jedoch eine Herausforderung darstellen. Da erneuerbare Energiequellen mit Umrichterschnittstellen dem System selbst keine Trägheit verleihen, nimmt gleichzeitig die kumulative Systemträgheit ab, was zu schnelleren Änderungen der Netzfrequenz und Bedenken hinsichtlich der Netzstabilität führt. Ein Schwungrad-Energiespeichersystem (Flywheel Energy Storage System, FESS) kann schnell große Leistungsmengen einspeisen oder aufnehmen, um das Netz nach einer abrupten Änderung der Erzeugung oder des Verbrauchs zu unterstützen. Neben der schnellen Reaktionszeit hat ein FESS den Vorteil einer hohen Leistungsdichte und einer großen Anzahl von Lade- und Entladezyklen ohne Kapazitätsverlust während seiner gesamten Lebensdauer. Diese Eigenschaften machen das FESS zu einem gut geeigneten Kandidaten für die Frequenzstabilisierung des Netzes oder die Glättung kurzfristiger Leistungsschwankungen auf lokaler Ebene. In dieser Dissertation wird die Netzintegration eines Hochgeschwindigkeits-FESS auf der Niederspannungsebene aus mehreren Perspektiven untersucht. Zunächst wird das Problem der Platzierung und Dimensionierung eines FESS in Niederspannungsverteilnetzen für Leistungsglättungsanwendungen behandelt. Um den am besten geeigneten Standort für ein FESS zu finden, wird eine datengetriebene Methode zur Abschätzung der relativen Spannungsempfindlichkeit vorgestellt, die auf dem Konzept der Transinformation basiert. Der Hauptvorteil der vorgeschlagenen Methode besteht darin, dass sie kein Netzmodell erfordert und nur Messwerte an den interessierenden Punkten verwendet. Messergebnisse aus einem realen Netz in Süddeutschland zeigen, dass mit dem vorgeschlagenen Ansatz die Netzanschlusspunkte mit einer höheren Spannungsempfindlichkeit gegenüber Wirkleistungsänderungen, welche am meisten von einem durch FESS ermöglichten, glatteren Leistungsprofil profitieren können, erfolgreich zugeordnet werden können. Darüber hinaus wird eine neue Methode zur Dimensionierung von Energiespeichersystemen unter Verwendung von Messdaten eingeführt. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz erkennt wiederkehrende Verbrauchsmuster in aufgezeichneten Leistungsprofilen mit Hilfe des "Motif Discovery"-Algorithmus, die dann zur Dimensionierung verschiedener Speichertechnologien, einschließlich eines FESS, verwendet werden. Anhand von gesammelten Messdaten aus mehreren Niederspannungsnetzen in Deutschland wird gezeigt, dass die Speichersysteme mit den aus den detektierten Mustern abgeleiteten Charakteristika während der gesamten Messperiode effektiv für ihre Anwendungen genutzt werden können. Als nächstes wurde ein dynamisches Modell eines Hochgeschwindigkeits-FESS entwickelt und mit experimentellen Ergebnissen in mehreren Szenarien, unter Berücksichtigung der Verluste und des Hilfsenergiebedarfs des Systems, validiert. In den untersuchten Szenarien wurde eine maximale Differenz von nur 0,8 % zwischen dem Ladezustand des Modells und dem realen FESS beobachtet, was die Genauigkeit des entwickelten Modells beschreibt. Nach Festlegung des erforderlichen Aufbaus wurde die Leistungsfähigkeit eines 60 kW Hochgeschwindigkeits-FESS während mehrerer Frequenzabweichungsszenarien mit Hilfe von Power Hardware-in-the-Loop-Tests beurteilt. Die Ergebnisse der PHIL-Tests zeigen, dass das Hochgeschwindigkeits-FESS sehr schnell nach einer plötzlichen Frequenzabweichung reagiert und in knapp 60 ms die erforderliche Leistung erreicht, wobei die neuesten Anforderungen der Anwendungsregeln für die Frequenzunterstützung auf der Niederspannungsebene erfüllt werden. Um schließlich die Vorteile des schnellen Verhaltens des FESS für Energiesysteme mit geringer Trägheit zu demonstrieren, wurde ein neuartiger adaptiver Trägheits-Emulationsregler für das Hochgeschwindigkeits-FESS eingeführt und seine Leistung in einem Microgrid mit geringer Trägheit durch Simulationen und Experimente validiert. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass die Verwendung des FESS mit dem vorgeschlagenen Trägheits-Emulationsregler die maximale Änderungsrate der Frequenz um 28 % und die maximale Frequenzabweichung um 44 % während der Inselbildung des untersuchten Microgrid reduzieren kann und mehrere zuvor vorgestellte adaptive Regelungskonzepte übertrifft. Der vorgeschlagene Regler wurde auch auf einem realen 60 kW FESS mit dem Konzept des Rapid Control Prototyping implementiert, und die Leistungsfähigkeit des FESS mit dem neuen Regelungsentwurf wurde mit Hilfe von PHIL-Tests des FESS validiert. Die PHIL-Ergebnisse, die die allererste experimentelle Validierung der Trägheitsemulation mit einem FESS darstellen, bestätigen die Simulationsergebnisse und zeigen die Vorteile des vorgeschlagenen Reglers

    Contributions of flywheel systems in wind power plants

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    The stepwise replacement of conventional power plants by renewable-based ones such as wind power plants could a ect the system behaviour and planning. First, the network stability may be compromised as it becomes less resilient against sudden changes in the loads or generator trips. This is because wind turbines are not synchronized with network frequency but they are usually connected to the grid through fast controllable electronic power converters. And second, due to the stochastic nature of wind, the electrical power generated by wind power plants is neither constant non controllable. This aff ects the network planning as the expected generation level depends on non reliable wind forecasts. Also it aff ects the power quality as the fast fluctuations of wind power can cause harmonics and flicker emissions. For these reasons, network operators gradually set up more stringent requirements for the grid integration of wind power. These regulations require wind power plants to behave in several aspects as conventional synchronized generating units. Among other requirements, it is set the provision of some ancillary services to the grid as frequency and voltage control, the capability of withstanding short-circuits and faults, and to respect some threshold level with regard to the quality of the power generated. Accordingly, energy storage systems may play an important role in wind power applications by enhancing the controllability of the output of wind power plants and providing ancillary services to the power system and thus, enabling an increased penetration of wind power in the system. This thesis focuses on the potential uses of flywheel energy storage systems in wind power. The thesis introduces the basis of several energy storage systems as well as identi es their applications in wind power based on an extensive literature review. It follows with the presentation of the design and setting up of a scale-lab flywheel-based energy storage system. From this work, research concentrates on the application of flywheel devices for power smoothing of wind power plants. The developed concepts are proved by simulations but also experimentally using the above mentioned scale-lab test bench. In particular, research focuses on the de nition of an optimization criteria for the operation of flywheel devices while smoothing the wind power, and the design and experimental validation of the proposed control algorithms of the storage device. The last chapters of the thesis research on the role of wind power plants in system frequency control support. In this sense, an extensive literature review on the network operator's requirements for the participation of wind power plants in system frequency control related-tasks is off ered. Also, this review covers the proposed control methods in the literature for enabling wind turbines to participate in system frequency control. The results of this work open the door to the design of control systems of wind turbines and wind power plants for primary frequency control. The contribution of flywheel devices is also considered. Results highlight the tremendous potential of energy storage systems in general for facilitating the grid integration of wind power plants. Regarding the uses of flywheel devices, it is worth noting that some of their characteristics as the high-ramp power rates can be exploited for reducing the variability of the power generated by wind turbines, and thus for improving the quality of the power injected to the grid by wind power plants. Also, they can support wind power plants to ful l the requirements for their participation in system frequency control support related tasks.El progressiu despla cament de plantes de generaci o convencionals per part de plantes de generaci o de tipus renovable, com els parcs e olics, pot afectar el comportament i la plani caci o del sistema el ectric. Primer, l'estabilitat pot ser compromesa ja que el sistema el ectric resulta m es vulnerable davant canvis abruptes provocats per les c arregues del sistema o desconnexions no programades de generadors. Aix o es degut a que les turbines e oliques no estan sincronitzades amb la freqü encia el ectrica del sistema ja que la seva connexi o es a trav es de convertidors electr onics de pot encia. Segon, degut a la gran variabilitat del vent, la pot encia el ectrica generada per les turbines e oliques no es constant ni controlable. En aquest sentit, la qualitat de la pot encia del parc e olic es pot veure compromesa, ja que es poden detectar nivells apreciables d'harm onics i emissions de "flicker" degudes a les r apides variacions de la pot encia generada pel parc e olic. Per aquests motius, els operadors dels sistemes el ectrics fan gradualment m es restrictius els requeriments de connexi o dels parcs e olics al sistema el ectric. Aquestes regulacions requereixen als parcs e olics que es comportin en molts aspectes com plantes de generaci o convencional. Entre d'altres requeriments, els parcs e olics han de proveir serveis auxiliars per a la operaci o del sistema el ectric com tamb e el suport en el control dels nivells de tensi o i freqü encia de la xarxa; oferir suport durant curtcircuits; i mantenir uns nivells m nims en la qualitat de la pot encia generada. Els sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia poden millorar la controlabilitat de la pot encia generada pels parcs e olics i ajudar a aquests a proveir serveis auxiliars al sistema el ectric, afavorint aix la seva integraci o a la xarxa. Aquesta tesi tracta l'aplicaci o en parcs e olics dels sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia basats en volants d'in ercia. La tesi introdueix les bases de diversos sistemes d'emmagatzematge i identi ca les seves potencials aplicacions en parcs e olics en base a una extensa revisi o bibliogr a ca. El treball continua amb la posta a punt d'un equipament de laboratori, que con gura un sistema d'emmagatzematge d'energia basat en un volant d'in ercia. Següents cap tols de la tesi estudien l'aplicaci o dels volants d'in ercia per a esmorteir el per l fluctuant de la pot encia generada pels parcs e olics. Els treballs es focalitzen en la de nici o dels criteris per a la operaci o optima dels volants d'in ercia per la seva aplicaci o d'esmorteir el per l fluctuant de potencia e olica, i tamb e en el disseny i validaci o experimental dels algoritmes de control desenvolupats per governar el sistema d'emmagatzematge. Els cap tols finals de la tesi tracten sobre el suport al control de freqü encia per part dels parcs e olics. S'ofereix una extensa revisi o bibliografica respecte els requeriments indicats pels operadors del sistema el ectric en aquest sentit. A m es, aquesta revisi o cobreix els m etodes de control dels parcs e olics i turbines e oliques per la seva participaci o en el suport al control de freqü encia. Les conclusions extretes serveixen per proposar sistemes de control de parcs e olics i de turbines e oliques per proveir el servei de control de freqüencia. Aquest treball, tamb e contempla la inclusi o de volants d'in ercia en els parcs e olics. Dels resultats de la tesi se'n dedueix l'important potencial dels sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia per a afavorir la integraci o a la xarxa dels parcs e olics. La controlabilitat de la pot encia dels volants d'in ercia, afavoreix el seu us per reduir la variabilitat de la pot encia generada pels parcs e olics, millorant aix la qualitat de pot encia del mateix. A m es, els volants d'in ercia poder ajudar als parcs e olics a complir amb els requeriments per a la seva integraci o a xarxa, com la participaci o en el control de freqüencia del sistema el ectric

    Integration of Flywheel Energy Storage Systems in Low Voltage Distribution Grids

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    A Flywheel Energy Storage System (FESS) can rapidly inject or absorb high amounts of active power in order to support the grid, following abrupt changes in the generation or in the demand, with no concern over its lifetime. The work presented in this book studies the grid integration of a high-speed FESS in low voltage distribution grids from several perspectives, including optimal allocation, sizing, modeling, real-time simulation, and Power Hardware-in-the-Loop testing

    Control of a flywheel energy storage system for power smoothing in wind power plants

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    This paper deals with the design and the experimental validation in scale-lab test benches of an energy management algorithm based on feedback control techniques for a flywheel energy storage device. The aim of the flywheel is to smooth the net power injected to the grid by a wind turbine or by a wind power plant. In particular, the objective is to compensate the power disturbances produced by the cycling torque disturbances of the wind turbines due to the airflow deviation through its tower section. This paper describes the control design, its tuning, as well as the description of the experimental setup, and the methods for the experimental validation of the proposed concepts. Results show that the fast wind power fluctuations can be mostly compensated through the flywheel support.Postprint (author's final draft

    Modeling, Simulation and Control of Doubly-Fed Induction Machine Controlled by Back-to-Back converter

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    Aquesta Tesi estudia el control d'un sistema complex, un sistema d'emmagatzement d'energia cinètica, incloent les seves especificacions de control, modelat, disseny de controladors, simulacions, muntatge i validació experimental.Primerament, s'estudia l'interconnexió i control dels sistemes electromecànics. Es presenta el formalisme Hamiltonià (PCHS) en general, i després particularitzant en els sistemes electromecànics, inclòs els sistemes d'estructura variable (VSS).L'IDA-PBC (Interconnection and damping assignment-passivity based control) és una tècnica de control basat en els PCHS. En aquesta Tesi s'estudien el problemes que apareixen en controlar, per IDA-PBC, sortides de grau relatiu u quan el paràmetres nominals del controlador són incerts. Per evitar-los es proposa introduir una acció integral que pot ésser interpretada dins l'estructura Hamiltoniana.En aquesta Tesi també es presenten dues modificacions que permeten millorar el rang d'aplicacions de la tècnica IDA-PBC. Primer, es demostra que el fet de descomposar la tècnica de l'IDA-PBC en deformar la funció d'energia i una injecció de fregament, redueix el conjunt de sistemes que es poden estabilitzar mitjançant aquest mètode. Per evitar aquest problema, es proposa fer simultàniament els dos passos donant lloc a l'anomenat SIDA-PBC. Per altre costat, el mètode IDA-PBC requereix el coneixement de la funció energia (o Hamiltonià). Això representa un problema perquè, en general, el punt d'equilibri depèn de paràmetres incerts. En aquest treball es desenvolupa una metodologia per seleccionar l'estructura Hamiltoniana que redueix aquesta dependència dels paràmetres. Aquesta tècnica permet millorar la robustesa dels les sortides d'ordre relatiu superior a u.El sistema d'emmagatzement d'energia cinètica consisteix en una màquina d'inducció doblament alimentada (DFIM) amb un volant d'inèrcia, controlada pel rotor per un convertidor de potència back-to-back (B2B). L'objectiu és gestionar el flux d'energia entre la DFIM i una càrrega local connectada a la xarxa, commutant entre diferents punts de funcionament. Per això es planteja una gestió de l'energia, basada en la velocitat òptima de la DFIM.Pel què fa al control de la DFIM, es proposa un nou esquema de control que ofereix importants avantatges, i que és considerablement més senzill que el mètode clàssic, el vector control. Aquest nou controlador permet una fàcil descomposició de les potències activa i reactiva de l'estator, i el seu control a través de les tensions de rotor. Aquest disseny s'obté aplicant el procediment que millora la robustesa de l'IDA-PBC.S'han estudiat d'altres controladors, com el vector control clàssic. També a partir de la tècnica IDA-PBC, on l'equació en derivades parcials que apareix en aplicar el mètode es pot resoldre fixant l'energia en llaç tancat, i afegint nous termes a la matriu d'interconnexió. Per obtenir un controlador definit globalment s'afegeix un terme de fregament depenent dels estats, que desacobla la part elèctrica i mecànica del sistema. Finalment, també es prova que mitjançant el SIDA-PBC es pot modelar l'energia total (elèctrica i mecànica) de la DFIM. Tots aquest controladors han estat simulats i comparats. El controlador robust IDA-PBC s'ha validat experimentalment amb uns resultats satisfactoris. A la Tesi també es presenta un controlador que permet el flux bidireccional de potència pel B2B. L'estudi de la dinàmica zero adverteix que les tècniques de control estàndard no garanties en l'estabilitat en ambdós direccions, i per això s'utilitza un controlador IDA-PBC. Pel disseny s'utilitza un model basat en GSSA (generalized state space averaging), on es descomposa i es trunca el sistema per determinades freqüències, i que permet expresar els objectius de control (tensió constant al bus de contínua i factor de potència unitari) com un problema de regulació. Les simulacions i els resultats experimentals validen, tant la llei de control, com les simplificacions efectuades.Els controladors proposats i validats experimentalment són usats, finalment, per implementar la gestió de potència del sistema d'emmegatzement d'energia cinètica. Els resultats confirmen el bon comportament del sistema i dels controladors IDA-PBC proposats.This Thesis studies a complex multidomain system, the Flywheel Energy Storage System, including the control objectives specification, modeling, control design, simulation, experimental setup assembling and experimental validation stages.The port interconnection and control of electromechanical systems is studied. The port Hamiltonian formalism is presented in general, and particularized for generalized electromechanical systems, including variable structure systems (VSS).Interconnection and damping assignment-passivity based control (IDA-PBC) is a well known technique for port Hamiltonian systems (PCHS). In this Thesis we point out the kind of problems that can appear in the closed-loop structure obtained by IDA-PBC methodsfor relative degree one outputs, when nominal values are used in a system with uncertain parameters. To correct this, we introduce an integral control, which can be cast into the Hamiltonian framework.This Thesis also presents two new approaches which improve the range of applicability of the IDA-PBC technique. First, we show that the standard two-stage procedure used in IDA-PBC consisting of splitting the control action into the sum of energy-shaping and damping injection terms is not without loss of generality, and effectively reduces the set of systems that can be stabilized with IDA-PBC. To overcome this problem we suggest to carry out simultaneously both stages and refer to this variation of the method as SIDA-PBC.Secondly, we present an improvement of the IDA-PBC technique. The IDA-PBC method requires the knowledge of the full energy (or Hamiltonian) function. This is a problem because, in general, the equilibrium point which is to be regulated depends on uncertain parameters. We show how select the target port-Hamiltonian structure so that this dependence is reduced. This new approach allows to improve the robustness for higher relative degree outputs.The Flywheel Energy Storage System consists of a doubly-fed induction machine (DFIM), controlled through the rotor voltage by a power electronics subsystem (a back-to-back AC/AC converter (B2B)), and coupled to flywheel. The control objective is to optimally regulate the power flow between the DFIM and a local load connected to the grid, and this is achieved by commuting between different steady-state regimes. A police management based on the optimal speed for the DFIM is proposed.In this Thesis we propose a new control scheme for the DFIM that offers significant advantages, and is considerably simpler, than the classical vector control method. This controller allows an easy decomposition of the active and reactive powers on the stator side and their regulation, acting on the rotor voltage, via stator current control. This design was obtained applying the new robust IDA-PBC procedure.Other controllers are also designed along the dissertation. The classical vector control is studied. We also apply the classic IDA-PBC technique. It is shown that the partial differential equation that appears in this method can be circumvented by fixing the desired closed-loop total energy and adding new terms to the interconnection structure. Furthermore, to obtain a globally defined control law we introduce a state--dependent damping term that has the nice interpretation of effectively decoupling the electrical and mechanical parts of the system. This results in a globally convergent controller parameterized by two degrees of freedom. Finally, we also prove that with SIDA-PBC we can shape the total energy of the full (electrical and mechanical) dynamics of the DFIM. These different controllers (vector control, IDA-PBC, SIDA-PBC and robust IDA-PBC) are simulated and compared. The IDA-PBC robust controller is also experimentally tested and shown to work satisfactorily.A controller able to achieve bidirectional power flow for the B2B converter is presented. Standard techniques cannot be used since it is shown that no single output yields a stable zero dynamics for power flowing both ways. The controller is computed using standard IDA-PBC techniques for a suitable generalized state space averaging truncation of the system, which transforms the control objectives, namely constant output voltage dc-bus and unity input power factor, into a regulation problem. Simulation and experimental results for the full system confirm the correctness of the simplifications introduced to obtain the controller.The proposed and tested controllers for the DFIM and the B2B are used to implement the power management policy. These results show a good performance of the flywheel energy storage system and also validate the IDA-PBC technique, with the proposed improvements

    Integration of Flywheel Energy Storage Systems in Low Voltage Distribution Grids

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    A Flywheel Energy Storage System (FESS) can rapidly inject or absorb high amounts of active power in order to support the grid, following abrupt changes in the generation or in the demand, with no concern over its lifetime. The work presented in this book studies the grid integration of a high-speed FESS in low voltage distribution grids from several perspectives, including optimal allocation, sizing, modeling, real-time simulation, and Power Hardware-in-the-Loop testing

    Experimental set-up and efficiency evaluation of zero-field-cooled (ZFC) YBCO magnetic bearings

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    This paper presents the conception, simulation and experimental evaluation of magnetic bearings based on NdFeB magnets and zero-field-cooled (ZFC) YBCO bulk superconductors to replace the bearings of a standard electric machine. Advanced research on HTS magnetic levitation has been carried out for the construction of large scale flywheels or for industry applications. However, those approaches used field-cooled (FC) superconductors, whereas the approach shown in this paper uses ZFC superconductors. Actually, as previously shown by the authors, ZFC implementation presents much less AC losses. The approach in our horizontal flywheel research follows the ZFC-maglev structure, where the linear track was closed into a circular one with the same diameter of the superconductor magnetic bearing. The conception and geometric placement of magnets and superconductors was designed to keep symmetry along the rotating axis and minimizing air gaps. A 3D finite element model was built for simulation and validation of the effectiveness of the solution. Experimental validation was then achieved measuring the balanced and unbalanced rotor lifting and guiding forces

    Design of Outrunner Eectric Machines for Green Energy Applications

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    Interests in using rare-earth free motors such as switched reluctance motors (SRMs) for electric and hybrid electric vehicles (EV/HEVs) continue to gain popularity, owing to their low cost and robustness. Optimal design of an SRM, to meet specific characteristics for an application, should involve simultaneous optimization of the motor geometry and control in order to achieve the highest performance with the lowest cost. This dissertation firstly presents a constrained multi-objective optimization framework for design and control of a SRM based on a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II). The proposed methodology optimizes SRM operation for high volume traction applications by considering multiple criteria including efficiency, average torque, and torque ripple. Several constraints are defined by the application considered, such as the motor stack length, minimum desired efficiency, etc. The outcome of this optimization includes an optimal geometry, outlining variables such as air gap length, rotor inner diameter, stator pole arc angle, etc as well as optimal turn-on and turn-off firing angles. Then the machine is manufactured according to the obtained optimal specifications. Finite element analysis (FEA) and experimental results are provided to validate the theoretical findings. A solution for exploring optimal firing angles of nonlinear current-controlled SRMs is proposed in order to minimize the torque ripple. Motor torque ripple for a certain electrical load requirement is minimized using a surrogate-based optimization of firing angles by adjusting the motor geometry, reference current, rotor speed and dc bus voltage. Surrogate-based optimization is facilitated via Neural Networks (NN) which are regression tools capable of learning complex multi-variate functions. Flux and torque of the nonlinear SRM is learned as a function of input parameters, and consequently the computation time of design, which is crucial in any micro controller unit, is expedited by replacing the look-up tables of flux and torque with the surrogate NN model. This dissertation then proposes a framework for the design and analysis of a coreless permanent magnet (PM) machine for a 100 kWh shaft-less high strength steel flywheel energy storage system (SHFES). The PM motor/generator is designed to meet the required specs in terms of torque-speed and power-speed characteristics given by the application. The design challenges of a motor/generator for this architecture include: the poor flux paths due to a large scale solid carbon steel rotor and zero-thermal convection of the airgap due to operation of the machine in vacuum. Magnetic flux in this architecture tends to be 3-D rather than constrained due to lack of core in the stator. In order to tackle these challenges, several other parameters such as a proper number of magnets and slots combination, number of turns in each coil, magnets with high saturated flux density and magnets size are carefully considered in the proposed design framework. Magnetic levitation allows the use of a coreless stator that is placed on a supporting structure. The proposed PM motor/generator comprehensive geometry, electromagnetic and mechanical dimensioning are followed by detailed 3-D FEA. The torque, power, and speed determined by the FEA electromagnetic analysis are met by the application design requirements and constraints for both the charging and discharging modes of operation. Finally, the motor/generator static thermal analysis is discussed in order to validate the proposed cooling system functionality

    Direct Connection of Supercapacitor-Battery Hybrid Storage System to the Grid-tied Photovoltaic System

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    IEEE Penetration rate of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) generation to the existing utility grid is rapidly increasing over the years. Since the power generated from PV systems fluctuate according to the weather condition, e.g., cloud passing, this can significantly disturb the stability of a weak utility grid. The integration of energy storage devices and its ramp-rate control technique are required to reduce the impact of PV systems output fluctuations and augment the stability of the utility grid. In this paper, ramp-rate control is applied to the direct connection of energy storage devices in PV generation system configuration. The direct connection of supercapacitors string and battery combination scheme is proposed to reduce the number of power converters so that the efficiency of the system is increased. In this work, the PV system output is controlled by directly control the energy storage system (ESS) to limit the changing rate of PV output to desired ramp-rate value. Hence, reducing the battery charge/discharge cycles and extending the expected lifetime of the ESS. The performance of the proposed direct connection scheme of ESS and its ramp-rate control strategy is verified using a 1-kW PV system prototype