9,714 research outputs found

    Towards a Computational Model of Dramatic Tension

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    One of the approaches to generate narrative consists in modeling narrative in terms of a deep structure, as introduced by narrative theories in the middle of the 20th century. This papers revisits this computational approach, and raises the central issue of dramatic tension: Would it be possible to build a computational model of dramatic tension, where tension could be managed according to the well known ascending/descending dramatic curve? The paper describes a new computational model of narrative, based on a set of structural narrative elements (goals, tasks, obstacles, side-effects), a hierarchical and modular approach, a paradox-based model of dramatic tension and a solution for managing endings. The papers illustrates this theoretical model with a full example

    Statistical Analysis of fMRI Time-Series: A Critical Review of the GLM Approach.

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is one of the most widely used tools to study the neural underpinnings of human cognition. Standard analysis of fMRI data relies on a general linear model (GLM) approach to separate stimulus induced signals from noise. Crucially, this approach relies on a number of assumptions about the data which, for inferences to be valid, must be met. The current paper reviews the GLM approach to analysis of fMRI time-series, focusing in particular on the degree to which such data abides by the assumptions of the GLM framework, and on the methods that have been developed to correct for any violation of those assumptions. Rather than biasing estimates of effect size, the major consequence of non-conformity to the assumptions is to introduce bias into estimates of the variance, thus affecting test statistics, power, and false positive rates. Furthermore, this bias can have pervasive effects on both individual subject and group-level statistics, potentially yielding qualitatively different results across replications, especially after the thresholding procedures commonly used for inference-making

    The ontology of drama

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    Open Innovation and Stakeholder Engagement

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    The paradox of open innovation lies in the conflict between the practical desire to reap the benefits of open innovation and concern over the risk that others will misappropriate those benefits. Stakeholder theory and recent developments in value creation through stakeholder engagement can assist with reconciliation of this inherent structural risk. The limitations of existing open innovation typologies are identified, and a process-based model of open innovation is proposed. The model is then expanded to include stakeholder engagement. When integrated with stakeholder engagement, open innovation processes can be understood to generate benefits beyond the acquisition of specific information sought from external experts. The addition of stakeholder engagement to the open innovation model allows for greater understanding and easier acceptance of the risks inherent in the open innovation process

    Marriages of Mathematics and Physics: A Challenge for Biology

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    The human attempts to access, measure and organize physical phenomena have led to a manifold construction of mathematical and physical spaces. We will survey the evolution of geometries from Euclid to the Algebraic Geometry of the 20th century. The role of Persian/Arabic Algebra in this transition and its Western symbolic development is emphasized. In this relation, we will also discuss changes in the ontological attitudes toward mathematics and its applications. Historically, the encounter of geometric and algebraic perspectives enriched the mathematical practices and their foundations. Yet, the collapse of Euclidean certitudes, of over 2300 years, and the crisis in the mathematical analysis of the 19th century, led to the exclusion of “geometric judgments” from the foundations of Mathematics. After the success and the limits of the logico-formal analysis, it is necessary to broaden our foundational tools and re-examine the interactions with natural sciences. In particular, the way the geometric and algebraic approaches organize knowledge is analyzed as a cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural issue and will be examined in Mathematical Physics and Biology. We finally discuss how the current notions of mathematical (phase) “space” should be revisited for the purposes of life sciences

    Реализация инновационных технологий на уроках языка в Новой украинской школе

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    The article deals with the problem of implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies of language learning at the New Ukrainian School. The attention is dedicated to the phenomenon of integration of pedagogical technologies in achieving a specific educational goal. The degrees of the development of various aspects of the problem, which are studied in methodical, psychological literature and linguistics, have been analyzed. It is noted that in modern linguistics the problem of implementation of pedagogical technologies at the lessons of the Ukrainian language has been deeply developed. However, the social importance of mastering students’ key competences, skills and knowledge of self-acquisition and assimilation of knowledge, world trends in the development of modern science, processes of updating the education system in Ukraine, as well as insufficient coverage of issues in modern linguistics has actualized the problem of finding effective ways to implement innovative technologies of language learning at the New Ukrainian School. The object, subject, aim and research objectives are clearly defined. The methodology of the research (theoretical methods include studying of normative documents and working on topical problems of general secondary education, analysis and synthesis of achievements of linguistic, psychological, pedagogical sciences on the problem of implementation of innovative technologies of language learning at the New Ukrainian School; comparison, classification and generalization of theoretical data; empirical methods comprise observations, conversations with teachers and students, questionnaires, analysis of lessons, writing and oral responses of students study and generalization of teachers’ best practices in the process of implementing innovative technologies at language lessons). It has been found that the initial requirements for the implementation of innovative technologies of language learning at the New Ukrainian School are: necessities on the need to integrate different approaches to language learning in a comprehensive language school course; provisions on the need for an organic combination of different pedagogical technologies in language teaching at school; provisions on interdisciplinary and cross-curricular communication of language and, accordingly, opportunities for the formation of paradoxical and divergent thinking of students as the basis for a diverse, critical thinking personality. It is determined that the implementation of innovative learning technologies at school is carried out in the following areas: mastering linguistic terminology, key categories, spelling and punctuation rules, linguistic facts and phenomena regarding the features of the functioning of linguistic units in texts of different styles and genres of speech, etc.; implementation of cross-curricular and intra-subject connections, which contributes to the formation of a paradoxical type of students’ thinking and implements the principles of openness and emergence of scientific knowledge. The linguo-didactic features of the implementation of innovative technologies of language learning at the New Ukrainian School are highlighted. Effective innovative technologies in general secondary education institutions have been characterized. The prospects of further research on specifying the course of integration processes between innovative learning technologies, development of specific methods and tactics for their implementation at the language lessons at school on the material of different language levels and units are determinedУ статті описано проблему реалізації інноваційних педагогічних технологій на уроках мови у Новій українській школі. Особливу увагу приділено явищу інтеграції педагогічних технологій з метою досягнення конкретної освітньої мети. Проаналізовано ступінь розробки різних аспектів проблеми, що досліджуються у методичній, лінгвістичній, психологічній літературі. Зауважено, що у сучасній лінгводидактиці проблема реалізацій інноваційних технологій на уроках української мови глибоко розроблена, однак соціальна значущість оволодіння учнями ключовими компетентностями, вміннями і навичками самостійного здобуття і засвоєння знань, світові тенденції розвитку сучасної науки, процеси оновлення системи освіти в Україні, а також недостатнє висвітлення питання у сучасній лінгводидактиці актуалізували проблему пошуку ефективних засобів і способів реалізації інноваційних технологій на уроках мови у Новій українській школіВ статье описано проблему реализации инновационных педагогических технологий на уроках языка в Новой украинской школе. Особое внимание уделено явлению интеграции педагогических технологий с целью достижения конкретной образовательной цели. Проанализирована степень разработки различных аспектов проблемы, которые исследуются в методической, лингвистической, психологической литературе. Замечено, что в современной лингводидактике проблема реализации инновационных технологий на уроках украинского языка глубоко разработана, однако социальная значимость овладения учащимися ключевыми компетенциями, умениями и навыками самостоятельного получения и усвоения знаний, мировые тенденции развития современной науки, процессы обновления системы образования в Украине, а также недостаточное освещение вопроса в современной лингводидактике актуализировали проблему поиска эффективных средств и способов реализации инновационных технологий на уроках языка в Новой украинской школ

    Performance Management in Public Organizations: A Complexity Perspective

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    During this uncertain and turbulent knowledge-oriented era, simple linear organizations are no longer able to face the current openness, conflicts, chaos, randomness and uncertainty. Therefore, amoeba or multi-faceted organizational structures are on the rise and performance management of organizations should change their present course. This research employs complexity theory to review the innovation of performance management in public organizations. It further emphasizes the unpredictability and nonlinear- development and focuses more on how modern organizations can create dynamical performance management with paradox management, co-evolution and selforganization management methods to examine performance management of public organizations