621 research outputs found

    An Efficient Patch Dissemination Strategy for Mobile Networks

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    Mobile phones and personal digital assistants are becoming increasingly important in our daily life since they enable us to access a large variety of ubiquitous services. Mobile networks, formed by the connection of mobile devices following some relationships among mobile users, provide good platforms for mobile virus spread. Quick and efficient security patch dissemination strategy is necessary for the update of antivirus software so that it can detect mobile virus, especially the new virus under the wireless mobile network environment with limited bandwidth which is also large scale, decentralized, dynamically evolving, and of unknown network topology. In this paper, we propose an efficient semi autonomy-oriented computing (SAOC) based patch dissemination strategy to restrain the mobile virus. In this strategy, some entities are deployed in a mobile network to search for mobile devices according to some specific rules and with the assistance of a center. Through experiments involving both real-world networks and dynamically evolving networks, we demonstrate that the proposed strategy can effectively send security patches to as many mobile devices as possible at a considerable speed and lower cost in the mobile network. It is a reasonable, effective, and secure method to reduce the damages mobile viruses may cause

    Distributed interaction between computer virus and patch: A modeling study

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    The decentralized patch distribution mechanism holds significant promise as an alternative to its centralized counterpart. For the purpose of accurately evaluating the performance of the decentralized patch distribution mechanism and based on the exact SIPS model that accurately captures the average dynamics of the interaction between viruses and patches, a new virus-patch interacting model, which is known as the generic SIPS model, is proposed. This model subsumes the linear SIPS model. The dynamics of the generic SIPS model is studied comprehensively. In particular, a set of criteria for the final extinction or/and long-term survival of viruses or/and patches are presented. Some conditions for the linear SIPS model to accurately capture the average dynamics of the virus-patch interaction are empirically found. As a consequence, the linear SIPS model can be adopted as a standard model for assessing the performance of the distributed patch distribution mechanism, provided the proper conditions are satisfied

    Modeling the propagation and defense study of internet malicious information

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     Dr. Wen\u27s research includes modelling the propagation dynamics of malicious information, exposing the most influential people and source identification of epidemics in social networks. His research is beneficial to both academia and industry in the field of Internet social networks

    Incorporating social opinion in the evolution of an epidemic spread

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    The evolution of the COVID19 pandemic worldwide has shown that the most common and effective strategy to control it used worldwide involve imposing mobility constrains to the population. A determinant factor in the success of such policies is the cooperation of the population involved but this is something, at least, difficult to measure. In this manuscript, we propose a method to incorporate in epidemic models empirical data accounting for the society predisposition to cooperate with the mobility restriction policiesThis research is supported by the Spanish Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad and European Regional Development Fund, research grant No. COV20/00617 and RTI2018-097063-B-I00 AEI/FEDER, UE; by Xunta de Galicia, Research Grant No. 2018-PG082, and the CRETUS Strategic Partnership, AGRUP2015/02, supported by Xunta de Galicia. All these programs are co-funded by FEDER (UE). We also acknowledge support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the Project n. 147S
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