1,832 research outputs found

    Agile Data Offloading over Novel Fog Computing Infrastructure for CAVs

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    Future Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) will be supervised by cloud-based systems overseeing the overall security and orchestrating traffic flows. Such systems rely on data collected from CAVs across the whole city operational area. This paper develops a Fog Computing-based infrastructure for future Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) enabling an agile and reliable off-load of CAV data. Since CAVs are expected to generate large quantities of data, it is not feasible to assume data off-loading to be completed while a CAV is in the proximity of a single Road-Side Unit (RSU). CAVs are expected to be in the range of an RSU only for a limited amount of time, necessitating data reconciliation across different RSUs, if traditional approaches to data off-load were to be used. To this end, this paper proposes an agile Fog Computing infrastructure, which interconnects all the RSUs so that the data reconciliation is solved efficiently as a by-product of deploying the Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC) technique. Our numerical results confirm the feasibility of our solution and show its effectiveness when operated in a large-scale urban testbed.Comment: To appear in IEEE VTC-Spring 201

    Network acceleration techniques

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    Splintered offloading techniques with receive batch processing are described for network acceleration. Such techniques offload specific functionality to a NIC while maintaining the bulk of the protocol processing in the host operating system ("OS"). The resulting protocol implementation allows the application to bypass the protocol processing of the received data. Such can be accomplished this by moving data from the NIC directly to the application through direct memory access ("DMA") and batch processing the receive headers in the host OS when the host OS is interrupted to perform other work. Batch processing receive headers allows the data path to be separated from the control path. Unlike operating system bypass, however, the operating system still fully manages the network resource and has relevant feedback about traffic and flows. Embodiments of the present disclosure can therefore address the challenges of networks with extreme bandwidth delay products (BWDP)

    Teenustele orienteeritud ja tõendite-teadlik mobiilne pilvearvutus

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    Arvutiteaduses on kaks kõige suuremat jõudu: mobiili- ja pilvearvutus. Kui pilvetehnoloogia pakub kasutajale keerukate ülesannete lahendamiseks salvestus- ning arvutusplatvormi, siis nutitelefon võimaldab lihtsamate ülesannete lahendamist mistahes asukohas ja mistahes ajal. Täpsemalt on mobiilseadmetel võimalik pilve võimalusi ära kasutades energiat säästa ning jagu saada kasvavast jõudluse ja ruumi vajadusest. Sellest tulenevalt on käesoleva töö peamiseks küsimuseks kuidas tuua pilveinfrastruktuur mobiilikasutajale lähemale? Antud töös uurisime kuidas mobiiltelefoni pilveteenust saab mobiilirakendustesse integreerida. Saime teada, et töö delegeerimine pilve eeldab mitmete pilve aspektide kaalumist ja integreerimist, nagu näiteks ressursimahukas töötlemine, asünkroonne suhtlus kliendiga, programmaatiline ressursside varustamine (Web APIs) ja pilvedevaheline kommunikatsioon. Nende puuduste ületamiseks lõime Mobiilse pilve vahevara Mobile Cloud Middleware (Mobile Cloud Middleware - MCM) raamistiku, mis kasutab deklaratiivset teenuste komponeerimist, et delegeerida töid mobiililt mitmetele pilvedele kasutades minimaalset andmeedastust. Teisest küljest on näidatud, et koodi teisaldamine on peamisi strateegiaid seadme energiatarbimise vähendamiseks ning jõudluse suurendamiseks. Sellegipoolest on koodi teisaldamisel miinuseid, mis takistavad selle laialdast kasutuselevõttu. Selles töös uurime lisaks, mis takistab koodi mahalaadimise kasutuselevõttu ja pakume lahendusena välja raamistiku EMCO, mis kogub seadmetelt infot koodi jooksutamise kohta erinevates kontekstides. Neid andmeid analüüsides teeb EMCO kindlaks, mis on sobivad tingimused koodi maha laadimiseks. Võrreldes kogutud andmeid, suudab EMCO järeldada, millal tuleks mahalaadimine teostada. EMCO modelleerib kogutud andmeid jaotuse määra järgi lokaalsete- ning pilvejuhtude korral. Neid jaotusi võrreldes tuletab EMCO täpsed atribuudid, mille korral mobiilirakendus peaks koodi maha laadima. Võrreldes EMCO-t teiste nüüdisaegsete mahalaadimisraamistikega, tõuseb EMCO efektiivsuse poolest esile. Lõpuks uurisime kuidas arvutuste maha laadimist ära kasutada, et täiustada kasutaja kogemust pideval mobiilirakenduse kasutamisel. Meie peamiseks motivatsiooniks, et sellist adaptiivset tööde täitmise kiirendamist pakkuda, on tagada kasutuskvaliteet (QoE), mis muutub vastavalt kasutajale, aidates seeläbi suurendada mobiilirakenduse eluiga.Mobile and cloud computing are two of the biggest forces in computer science. While the cloud provides to the user the ubiquitous computational and storage platform to process any complex tasks, the smartphone grants to the user the mobility features to process simple tasks, anytime and anywhere. Smartphones, driven by their need for processing power, storage space and energy saving are looking towards remote cloud infrastructure in order to solve these problems. As a result, the main research question of this work is how to bring the cloud infrastructure closer to the mobile user? In this thesis, we investigated how mobile cloud services can be integrated within the mobile apps. We found out that outsourcing a task to cloud requires to integrate and consider multiple aspects of the clouds, such as resource-intensive processing, asynchronous communication with the client, programmatically provisioning of resources (Web APIs) and cloud intercommunication. Hence, we proposed a Mobile Cloud Middleware (MCM) framework that uses declarative service composition to outsource tasks from the mobile to multiple clouds with minimal data transfer. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that computational offloading is a key strategy to extend the battery life of the device and improves the performance of the mobile apps. We also investigated the issues that prevent the adoption of computational offloading, and proposed a framework, namely Evidence-aware Mobile Computational Offloading (EMCO), which uses a community of devices to capture all the possible context of code execution as evidence. By analyzing the evidence, EMCO aims to determine the suitable conditions to offload. EMCO models the evidence in terms of distributions rates for both local and remote cases. By comparing those distributions, EMCO infers the right properties to offload. EMCO shows to be more effective in comparison with other computational offloading frameworks explored in the state of the art. Finally, we investigated how computational offloading can be utilized to enhance the perception that the user has towards an app. Our main motivation behind accelerating the perception at multiple response time levels is to provide adaptive quality-of-experience (QoE), which can be used as mean of engagement strategy that increases the lifetime of a mobile app

    A Framework for Collaborative Content Mashup with Pervasive Services

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    Kombineerides erinevaid teenuseid saavad mobiiltelefonid rahuldada paljusid tööstus ja ärivajadusi.Samas tuleb teenuste kombineerimise raames sisu õigesti tuvastamiseks ja tõlgendamiseks avastada ja töödelda suurt hulka andmeid. Kuna ainult ühe seadme kasu-tamine mingi ülesande lahendamiseks ei ole väga efektiivne on ühiste eesmärkide saa-vutamiseks soovitatav tööd mitme seadme vahel jagada. Pakume välja ja arendame üldraamistikku, mis toetab teenustele orienteeritud sisu segunemist ning laialt levinud teenuste loomise integreerimist, mis toimuks Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)-tuginevale kollaboratsioonile. Esitasime kollaboratsioonis seadmetele ressursi-säästliku teisaldamise plaani ja implementeerimise selle proof of concept'ina (kontseptsiooni tõestus). Hinnangu tulemused näitavad, et raamistik toetab kollaboratiivset ülesannete teisaldamise kava, mis vähendab mobiilsete seadete ressursside kasutamist.By composing pervasive services, mobile phones can support various industrial and commercial needs. However, the pervasive services composition involves discovering and processing a large amount of data in order to identify and interpret the content. Due to the limitation of the single device capability, it is advisable to collaborate with other devices via a wireless network to accomplish common goals. In this thesis, we propose and develop a generic framework that supports service-oriented content mashup and integrating pervasive services composition in the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)-based collaboration. A resource-aware offloading scheme to collaborative devices has been proposed and implemented as a proof of concept. The evaluation results have shown that the framework supports collaborative task-offloading scheme that reduces the resource usage of mobile devices

    DeepBrain: Experimental Evaluation of Cloud-Based Computation Offloading and Edge Computing in the Internet-of-Drones for Deep Learning Applications

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Time-Sensitive Networks for Unmanned Aircraft SystemsUnmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been very effective in collecting aerial images data for various Internet-of-Things (IoT)/smart cities applications such as search and rescue, surveillance, vehicle detection, counting, intelligent transportation systems, to name a few. However, the real-time processing of collected data on edge in the context of the Internet-of-Drones remains an open challenge because UAVs have limited energy capabilities, while computer vision techniquesconsume excessive energy and require abundant resources. This fact is even more critical when deep learning algorithms, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), are used for classification and detection. In this paper, we first propose a system architecture of computation offloading for Internet-connected drones. Then, we conduct a comprehensive experimental study to evaluate the performance in terms of energy, bandwidth, and delay of the cloud computation offloading approach versus the edge computing approach of deep learning applications in the context of UAVs. In particular, we investigate the tradeoff between the communication cost and the computation of the two candidate approaches experimentally. The main results demonstrate that the computation offloading approach allows us to provide much higher throughput (i.e., frames per second) as compared to the edge computing approach, despite the larger communication delays.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio