3,927 research outputs found

    Negative emotions boost users activity at BBC Forum

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    We present an empirical study of user activity in online BBC discussion forums, measured by the number of posts written by individual debaters and the average sentiment of these posts. Nearly 2.5 million posts from over 18 thousand users were investigated. Scale free distributions were observed for activity in individual discussion threads as well as for overall activity. The number of unique users in a thread normalized by the thread length decays with thread length, suggesting that thread life is sustained by mutual discussions rather than by independent comments. Automatic sentiment analysis shows that most posts contain negative emotions and the most active users in individual threads express predominantly negative sentiments. It follows that the average emotion of longer threads is more negative and that threads can be sustained by negative comments. An agent based computer simulation model has been used to reproduce several essential characteristics of the analyzed system. The model stresses the role of discussions between users, especially emotionally laden quarrels between supporters of opposite opinions, and represents many observed statistics of the forum.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Data science methods for the analysis of controversial social dedia discussions

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    Social media communities like Reddit and Twitter allow users to express their views on topics of their interest, and to engage with other users who may share or oppose these views. This can lead to productive discussions towards a consensus, or to contended debates, where disagreements frequently arise. Prior work on such settings has primarily focused on identifying notable instances of antisocial behavior such as hate-speech and “trolling”, which represent possible threats to the health of a community. These, however, are exceptionally severe phenomena, and do not encompass controversies stemming from user debates, differences of opinions, and off-topic content, all of which can naturally come up in a discussion without going so far as to compromise its development. This dissertation proposes a framework for the systematic analysis of social media discussions that take place in the presence of controversial themes, disagreements, and mixed opinions from participating users. For this, we develop a feature-based model to describe key elements of a discussion, such as its salient topics, the level of activity from users, the sentiments it expresses, and the user feedback it receives. Initially, we build our feature model to characterize adversarial discussions surrounding political campaigns on Twitter, with a focus on the factual and sentimental nature of their topics and the role played by different users involved. We then extend our approach to Reddit discussions, leveraging community feedback signals to define a new notion of controversy and to highlight conversational archetypes that arise from frequent and interesting interaction patterns. We use our feature model to build logistic regression classifiers that can predict future instances of controversy in Reddit communities centered on politics, world news, sports, and personal relationships. Finally, our model also provides the basis for a comparison of different communities in the health domain, where topics and activity vary considerably despite their shared overall focus. In each of these cases, our framework provides insight into how user behavior can shape a community’s individual definition of controversy and its overall identity.Social-Media Communities wie Reddit und Twitter ermöglichen es Nutzern, ihre Ansichten zu eigenen Themen zu äußern und mit anderen Nutzern in Kontakt zu treten, die diese Ansichten teilen oder ablehnen. Dies kann zu produktiven Diskussionen mit einer Konsensbildung führen oder zu strittigen Auseinandersetzungen über auftretende Meinungsverschiedenheiten. Frühere Arbeiten zu diesem Komplex konzentrierten sich in erster Linie darauf, besondere Fälle von asozialem Verhalten wie Hassrede und "Trolling" zu identifizieren, da diese eine Gefahr für die Gesprächskultur und den Wert einer Community darstellen. Die sind jedoch außergewöhnlich schwerwiegende Phänomene, die keinesfalls bei jeder Kontroverse auftreten die sich aus einfachen Diskussionen, Meinungsverschiedenheiten und themenfremden Inhalten ergeben. All diese Reibungspunkte können auch ganz natürlich in einer Diskussion auftauchen, ohne dass diese gleich den ganzen Gesprächsverlauf gefährden. Diese Dissertation stellt ein Framework für die systematische Analyse von Social-Media Diskussionen vor, die vornehmlich von kontroversen Themen, strittigen Standpunkten und Meinungsverschiedenheiten der teilnehmenden Nutzer geprägt sind. Dazu entwickeln wir ein Feature-Modell, um Schlüsselelemente einer Diskussion zu beschreiben. Dazu zählen der Aktivitätsgrad der Benutzer, die Wichtigkeit der einzelnen Aspekte, die Stimmung, die sie ausdrückt, und das Benutzerfeedback. Zunächst bauen wir unser Feature-Modell so auf, um bei Diskussionen gegensätzlicher politischer Kampagnen auf Twitter die oben genannten Schlüsselelemente zu bestimmen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den sachlichen und emotionalen Aspekten der Themen im Bezug auf die Rollen verschiedener Nutzer. Anschließend erweitern wir unseren Ansatz auf Reddit-Diskussionen und nutzen das Community-Feedback, um einen neuen Begriff der Kontroverse zu definieren und Konversationsarchetypen hervorzuheben, die sich aus Interaktionsmustern ergeben. Wir nutzen unser Feature-Modell, um ein Logistischer Regression Verfahren zu entwickeln, das zukünftige Kontroversen in Reddit-Communities in den Themenbereichen Politik, Weltnachrichten, Sport und persönliche Beziehungen vorhersagen kann. Schlussendlich bietet unser Modell auch die Grundlage für eine Vergleichbarkeit verschiedener Communities im Gesundheitsbereich, auch wenn dort die Themen und die Nutzeraktivität, trotz des gemeinsamen Gesamtfokus, erheblich variieren. In jedem der genannten Themenbereiche gibt unser Framework Erkenntnisgewinne, wie das Verhalten der Nutzer die spezifisch Definition von Kontroversen der Community prägt

    Exploring Cyberterrorism, Topic Models and Social Networks of Jihadists Dark Web Forums: A Computational Social Science Approach

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    This three-article dissertation focuses on cyber-related topics on terrorist groups, specifically Jihadists’ use of technology, the application of natural language processing, and social networks in analyzing text data derived from terrorists\u27 Dark Web forums. The first article explores cybercrime and cyberterrorism. As technology progresses, it facilitates new forms of behavior, including tech-related crimes known as cybercrime and cyberterrorism. In this article, I provide an analysis of the problems of cybercrime and cyberterrorism within the field of criminology by reviewing existing literature focusing on (a) the issues in defining terrorism, cybercrime, and cyberterrorism, (b) ways that cybercriminals commit a crime in cyberspace, and (c) ways that cyberterrorists attack critical infrastructure, including computer systems, data, websites, and servers. The second article is a methodological study examining the application of natural language processing computational techniques, specifically latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic models and topic network analysis of text data. I demonstrate the potential of topic models by inductively analyzing large-scale textual data of Jihadist groups and supporters from three Dark Web forums to uncover underlying topics. The Dark Web forums are dedicated to Islam and the Islamic world discussions. Some members of these forums sympathize with and support terrorist organizations. Results indicate that topic modeling can be applied to analyze text data automatically; the most prevalent topic in all forums was religion. Forum members also discussed terrorism and terrorist attacks, supporting the Mujahideen fighters. A few of the discussions were related to relationships and marriages, advice, seeking help, health, food, selling electronics, and identity cards. LDA topic modeling is significant for finding topics from larger corpora such as the Dark Web forums. Implications for counterterrorism include the use of topic modeling in real-time classification and removal of online terrorist content and the monitoring of religious forums, as terrorist groups use religion to justify their goals and recruit in such forums for supporters. The third article builds on the second article, exploring the network structures of terrorist groups on the Dark Web forums. The two Dark Web forums\u27 interaction networks were created, and network properties were measured using social network analysis. A member is considered connected and interacting with other forum members when they post in the same threads forming an interaction network. Results reveal that the network structure is decentralized, sparse, and divided based on topics (religion, terrorism, current events, and relationships) and the members\u27 interests in participating in the threads. As participation in forums is an active process, users tend to select platforms most compatible with their views, forming a subgroup or community. However, some members are essential and influential in the information and resources flow within the networks. The key members frequently posted about religion, terrorism, and relationships in multiple threads. Identifying key members is significant for counterterrorism, as mapping network structures and key users are essential for removing and destabilizing terrorist networks. Taken together, this dissertation applies a computational social science approach to the analysis of cyberterrorism and the use of Dark Web forums by jihadists
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