51 research outputs found

    On Term-Graph Rewrite Strategies

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    AbstractWe tackle the problem of cyclic term-graph rewriting. We first revisit the classical algorithmic approach to term-graph rewriting by providing a definition of rewrite rules of the form lhs→rhs where the left-hand sides are term-graphs and the right-hand sides are sequences of actions. Such actions, which specify how to rewrite a term-graph in a stepwise manner, contribute to simplify substantially the definition of cyclic term-graph rewriting. Then we define a new class of term-graph rewrite systems which are confluent over the so-called admissible term-graphs. Finally, we provide an efficient rewrite strategy which contracts only needed redexes and give pointers to other results regarding optimal rewrite strategies of admissible term-graphs

    Inductive representation, proofs and refinement of pointer structures

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    Cette thèse s'intègre dans le domaine général des méthodes formelles qui donnent une sémantique aux programmes pour vérifier formellement des propriétés sur ceux-ci. Sa motivation originale provient d'un besoin de certification des systèmes industriels souvent développés à l'aide de l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM) et de langages orientés objets (OO). Pour transformer efficacement des modèles (ou graphes), il est avantageux de les représenter à l'aide de structures de pointeurs, économisant le temps et la mémoire grâce au partage qu'ils permettent. Cependant la vérification de propriétés sur des programmes manipulant des pointeurs est encore complexe. Pour la simplifier, nous proposons de démarrer le développement par une implémentation haut-niveau sous la forme de programmes fonctionnels sur des types de données inductifs facilement vérifiables dans des assistants à la preuve tels que Isabelle/HOL. La représentation des structures de pointeurs est faite à l'aide d'un arbre couvrant contenant des références additionnelles. Ces programmes fonctionnels sont ensuite raffinés si nécessaire vers des programmes impératifs à l'aide de la bibliothèque Imperative_HOL. Ces programmes sont en dernier lieu extraits vers du code Scala (OO). Cette thèse décrit la méthodologie de représentation et de raffinement et fournit des outils pour la manipulation et la preuve de programmes OO dans Isabelle/HOL. L'approche est éprouvée par de nombreux exemples dont notamment l'algorithme de Schorr-Waite et la construction de Diagrammes de Décision Binaires (BDDs).This thesis stands in the general domain of formal methods that gives semantics to programs to formally prove properties about them. It originally draws its motivation from the need for certification of systems in an industrial context where Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and object-oriented (OO) languages are common. In order to obtain efficient transformations on models (graphs), we can represent them as pointer structures, allowing space and time savings through the sharing of nodes. However verification of properties on programs manipulating pointer structures is still hard. To ease this task, we propose to start the development with a high-level implementation embodied by functional programs manipulating inductive data-structures, that are easily verified in proof assistants such as Isabelle/HOL. Pointer structures are represented by a spanning tree adorned with additional references. These functional programs are then refined - if necessary - to imperative programs thanks to the library Imperative_HOL. These programs are finally extracted to Scala code (OO). This thesis describes this kind of representation and refinement and provides tools to manipulate and prove OO programs in Isabelle/HOL. This approach is put in practice with several examples, and especially with the Schorr-Waite algorithm and the construction of Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs)

    Program variation for software security

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    Reconfiguration of legacy software artifacts in resource constraint embedded systems

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    Hochgradig ressourcenbeschränkte eingebettete Systeme befinden sich überall. Einige dieser Systeme befinden sich in Smart-Phones oder elektronischen Kontroll-Einheiten, andere in Sensor-Netzwerken oder auch Smart-Cards. Gerade die zuletzt genannten gehören zu den in Bezug auf Prozessorleistung und Speicherplatz am meist beschränkten Systemen. Um bei gleicher Ressourcenauslastung mehr Funktionalität bereitzustellen führt diese Arbeit ein Verfahren ein, welche es erlaubt durch Rekonfigurationstechniken dieses Problem zu lösen. Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Verwendungszwecken von Rekonfigurationstechniken wird in dieser Arbeit Rekonfiguration zur Reduktion der Anwendungsgröße verwendet. Heutige Architekturen, welche Rekonfiguration ermöglichen, basieren auf der Unterstützung dieser Mechanismen auf Entwurfs- bzw. Source-Code Ebene. Software Lösungen basieren jedoch zum großen Teil auf wiederverwertbaren Bibliotheken oder Drittanbieter-Komponenten, welche keine Unterstützung von Rekonfiguration mit sich bringen und zumeist im Binärformat vorliegen. Diese Arbeit stellt eine Methode vor, um ein existierendes System unter Verwendung von Binärcode automatisch in ein rekonfigurierbares System umzuwandeln, mit dem Ziel die Anwendungsgröße zuverringern und dabei weiterhin harten Echtzeitbedingungen zu genügen. Das Verfahren basiert auf der Verwendung von Binärcode-Analyse Techniken zur Rekonstruktion der Anwendungssemantik, welche es erlauben dem Benutzer durch Bedingungen in einer Hochsprache Komponenten aus der Anwendungen zu extrahieren. Diese Komponenten werden anschließend optimiert. Mit dem Verfahren ist es möglich nicht rekonfigurierbare binäre Softwaresysteme in rekonfigurierbare Systeme umzuwandeln, welche die Anwendungsgröße reduzieren und dabei harte Echtzeit-Bedingungen erfüllen.Highly resource-constrained embedded systems are everywhere. Some of them can be found inside smartphones, electronic control units, others in wireless sensor networks or smart cards. The last two systems are among the most restrictive ones in the sense of processing power, energy consumption and memory availability. Pricing policies often lead to a reduction in software functionality as cheaper hardware with less resources is demanded for the final product. In order to allow more complex software to run on such constrained systems, this thesis proposes the use of software reconfiguration. In contrast to traditional uses of reconfiguration this thesis proposes the use of reconfiguration mechanisms in order to reduce the footprint of an deeply embedded application while maintaining real-time constraints. Todays adaptable architectures require the support of reconfigurability and adaptability at design level. However, modern software products are often constructed out of reusable but non-adaptable legacy software artifacts to meet early time-to-market requirements. This thesis proposes a methodology to semiautomatically use existing binaries in a reconfigurable manner. It is based on using binary analysis techniques to reconstruct the semantics of the binary application in order to allow the system developer to select meaningful code parts as components from the binary code. Using a set of high level constraints the user is able to extract components from the binary application. These components are then subject to a design space exploration step, which optimizes the resulting reconfigurable system regarding parameters as, e.g., worst case blocking time and flash lifetime. With this approach, reconfiguration can be added with a low effort to non-adaptive binary software in order to decrease the footprint of the application while maintaining real-time constraints.Tag der Verteidigung: 05.04.2013Paderborn, Univ., Diss., 201

    Design and Implementation of an On-Board Controller-based Odometer for the Estimation of the Lifetime of Power Modules in Hybrid Vehicles

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    This thesis presents a software implementation and hardware investigation to monitor the wear-out condition of power modules used in traction applications. A new and original stand-alone tool for a real-time analysis and lifetime estimation has been developed dealing with two optimized algorithms, the Rainflow and the thermo-mechanical Stress-Strain analysis. Finally, different solutions and microcontrollers have been analyzed and benchmarked to define the tool with the best performanc

    Network-on-Chip -based Multi-Processor System-on-Chip: Towards Mixed-Criticality System Certification

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    ACCEL : a tool for supporting concept generation in the early design phase

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    Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design – FMCAD 2021

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    The Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) is an annual conference on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing
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