495 research outputs found


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    The Vinodol Valley, situated in the north-western Adriatic in Croatia, is characterized by complex geological and morphological conditions. Palaeogene flysch deposits form the inner parts of the valley, while the steep valley flanks are composed of Cretaceous and Palaeogene carbonate rocks. Flysch bedrock is mostly covered by diverse Quaternary deposits, among which deposits originating from carbonate rock slopes are abundant. During previous investigations, based on conventional field geological mapping and mostly conducted in the north-western and central parts of the Vinodol Valley, such Quaternary deposits were addressed to the tectonic evolution of the study area and rockfalls, respectively. Therefore, they were generally named as Quaternary rockfall breccias, or Quaternary rockfall deposits. This study presents six types of the Quaternary deposits originating from carbonate rock slopes and their spatial distribution in the whole Vinodol Valley (64.57 km2 ), which are identified and mapped based on the visual interpretation of 1-m airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) Digital Terrain Model (DTM). Lithological materials are classified according to engineering geological principles, and represent engineering formations. New insight into the types, shapes, geometric characteristics and hypsometrical positions of the identified sedimentary bodies indicate that some other gravitational mass movements, and not just rockfalls, played an important role in the formation of the Quaternary deposits originating from the carbonate rock slopes in the Vinodol Valley. This study also presents the potential of the visual interpretation of high-resolution LiDAR DTM for identification and mapping of superficial deposits in study areas characterized by complex geological and morphological conditions.Vinodolska udolina, smještena u sjeverozapadnome dijelu Hrvatskoga primorja, odlikuje se složenom geološkom građom i morfološkim uvjetima. Unutrašnji udolinski prostor izgrađuju flišolike naslage paleogenske starosti, a strmi bokovi udoline izgrađeni su od karbonatnih stijena kredne i paleogenske starosti. Padine izgrađene od flišolikih naslaga gotovo su u potpunosti prekrivene različitim vrstama površinskih naslaga kvartarne starosti, među kojima su obilno zastupljene površinske naslage sastavljene od fragmenata karbonatnih stijena. Tijekom prethodnih istraživanja, temeljenih na konvencionalnome terenskom geološkom kartiranju uglavnom u sjeverozapadnome i središnjemu dijelu Vinodolske udoline, ove su kvartarne naslage smatrane izravnom posljedicom tektonskoga razvoja istraživanoga područja, odnosno posljedicom pojava odrona, pa su općenito nazivane kvartarnim vapnenačkim brečama i kvartarnim naslagama odrona. Ovaj rad prikazuje šest vrsta kvartarnih naslaga sastavljenih od fragmenata karbonatnih stijena te njihovu prostornu raspodjelu na cijelome području Vinodolske udoline (64,57 km2 ), koje su identificirane i kartirane na temelju vizualne interpretacije digitalnoga modela reljefa (DMR) prostorne rezolucije 1 x 1 m izrađenoga od visinskih podataka prikupljenih laserskim skeniranjem iz zraka primjenom LiDAR tehnologije. Litološki materijali klasificirani su u skladu s inženjerskogeološkim principima i predstavljaju inženjerske formacije. Nove spoznaje o vrstama, oblicima, geometrijskim značajkama i hipsometrijskim položajima identificiranih sedimentnih tijela upućuju na to da su i neki ostali tipovi gravitacijskih pokreta, a ne samo odroni, imali važnu ulogu u formiranju kvartarnih naslaga sastavljenih od fragmenata karbonatnih stijena u Vinodolskoj udolini. Ovaj rad također prikazuje i mogućnosti primjene metode vizualne interpretacije DMR-a izrađenoga od visinskih podataka prikupljenih laserskim skeniranjem iz zraka primjenom LiDAR tehnologije za identifikaciju i kartiranje površinskih naslaga na područjima istraživanja obilježenima složenom geološkom građom i morfološkim uvjetima

    Landslide types in the Slani Potok gully, Croatia

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    The Slani Potok gully (0.48 km2) is situated in the central part of the Vinodol Valley (64.57 km2) in Croatia, and it was formed in the Eocene flysch deposits. So far, the area of Slani Potok has been mainly referred in the scientific literature as being subjected to unusually intense soil erosion processes (i.e., ‘’excessive erosion’’), associated with landslides. However, the landslides were never investigated in detail, given the available research methods only involved field investigations. Therefore, the landslide types according to the most commonly used landslide classifications have remained undetermined. In this paper, landslide types in the Slani Potok gully are presented, identified and mapped based on the visual interpretation of seven different LiDAR topographic derivatives computed from the 1 x 1 m DTM available from March 2012. The geomorphological historical landslide inventory of the Slani Potok gully was created, consisting of 181 landslide phenomena. Landslides cover 69 % of the area (0.33 km2) of the Slani Potok gully. The size of the smallest landslide is 65 m2, and of the largest is 10,563 m2. Landslides are very small to moderate-small, shallow to moderate-shallow, and mainly successive in distribution. Most of the landslides initiate along the margins of the gully channel walls, and extend to the gully channel bottom. Such a large number of identified landslides, as well as their specific spatial arrangement within the gully, indicates that sliding processes predominantly affect the morphologic development of the Slani Potok gully, and that the soil erosion is the secondary process in the study area.</p

    Post-disaster assessment of 2017 catastrophic Xinmo landslide (China) by spaceborne SAR interferometry

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    Timely and effective post-disaster assessment is of significance for the design of rescue plan, taking disaster mitigation measures and disaster analysis. Field investigation and remote sensing methods are the common ways to perform post-disaster assessment, which are usually limited by dense cloud coverage, potential risk, and tough transportation etc. in the mountainous area. In this paper, we employ the 2017 catastrophic Xinmo landslide (Sichuan, China) to demonstrate the feasibility of using spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data to perform timely and effective post-disaster assessment. With C-band Sentinel-1 data, we propose to combine interferometric coherence to recognize the stable area, which helps us successfully identify landslide source area and boundaries in a space-based remote sensing way. Complementarily, X-band TanDEM-X SAR data allow us to generate a precise pre-failure high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM), which provides us the ability to accurately estimate the depletion volume and accumulation volume of Xinmo landslide. The results prove that spaceborne SAR can provide a quick, valuable, and unique assistance for post-disaster assessment of landslides from a space remote sensing way. At some conditions (bad weather, clouds, etc.), it can provide reliable alternative.This work was funded by Sichuan Science and Technology Plan Key Research and Development Program (Grant No. 2018SZ0339), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41801391), State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics Open fund (Grant No. SKLGED2018-5-3-E), The Funds for Creative Research Groups of China (Grant No. 41521002) and partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO), the State Agency of Research (AEI), and European Funds for Regional Development (FEDER), under project TIN2014-55413-C2-2-P and by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, under project PRX17/00439. This work was also supported by the National Environment Research Council (NERC) through the Centre for the Observation and Modeling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET, ref.: come30001), the LiCS project (ref. NE/K010794/1), the ESA-MOST DRAGON-4 project (ref. 32244), and the Hunan Province Key Laboratory of Coal Resources Clean-Utilization and Mine Environment Protection, Hunan University of Science and Technology (Ref. E21608)

    Using the Monoplotting Technique for Documenting and Analyzing Natural Hazard Events

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    Historical or present-day oblique terrestrial photographs documenting natural disasters are abundant in archives and may be easily taken nowadays. While in most cases they provide highly informative details, they can hardly be georeferenced, which prevents their systematic use for analyzing and documenting the events and any related signs of damage. In this chapter, we present a monoplotting software program developed at WSL (the WSL Monoplotting Tool) that allows the georeferencing of ordinary individual photographs in order to produce georeferenced vector data by drawing them directly on the photographs and exchanging them with traditional geographic information systems (GIS-Systems). We report on the application of the monoplotting tool on selected study cases of natural events or protection infrastructures in Switzerland

    Updating Active Deformation Inventory Maps in Mining Areas by Integrating InSAR and LiDAR Datasets

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    Slope failures, subsidence, earthworks, consolidation of waste dumps, and erosion are typical active deformation processes that pose a significant hazard in current and abandoned mining areas, given their considerable potential to produce damage and affect the population at large. This work proves the potential of exploiting space-borne InSAR and airborne LiDAR techniques, combined with data inferred through a simple slope stability geotechnical model, to obtain and update inventory maps of active deformations in mining areas. The proposed approach is illustrated by analyzing the region of Sierra de Cartagena-La Union (Murcia), a mountainous mining area in southeast Spain. Firstly, we processed Sentinel-1 InSAR imagery acquired both in ascending and descending orbits covering the period from October 2016 to November 2021. The obtained ascending and descending deformation velocities were then separately post-processed to semi-automatically generate two active deformation areas (ADA) maps by using ADATool. Subsequently, the PS-InSAR LOS displacements of the ascending and descending tracks were decomposed into vertical and east-west components. Complementarily, open-access, and non-customized LiDAR point clouds were used to analyze surface changes and movements. Furthermore, a slope stability safety factor (SF) map was obtained over the study area adopting a simple infinite slope stability model. Finally, the InSAR-derived maps, the LiDAR-derived map, and the SF map were integrated to update a previously published landslides’ inventory map and to perform a preliminary classification of the different active deformation areas with the support of optical images and a geological map. Complementarily, a level of activity index is defined to state the reliability of the detected ADA. A total of 28, 19, 5, and 12 ADAs were identified through ascending, descending, horizontal, and vertical InSAR datasets, respectively, and 58 ADAs from the LiDAR change detection map. The subsequent preliminary classification of the ADA enabled the identification of eight areas of consolidation of waste dumps, 11 zones in which earthworks were performed, three areas affected by erosion processes, 17 landslides, two mining subsidence zone, seven areas affected by compound processes, and 23 possible false positive ADAs. The results highlight the effectiveness of these two remote sensing techniques (i.e., InSAR and LiDAR) in conjunction with simple geotechnical models and with the support of orthophotos and geological information to update inventory maps of active deformation areas in mining zones.This research was funded by the ESA-MOST China DRAGON-5 project (ref. 59339) and funded by a Chinese Scholarship Council studentship awarded to Liuru Hu (Ref. 202004180062)

    Congiungere la modellazione dei movimenti di massa alla realtà

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    I flussi di massa sono pericoli naturali di tipo gravitativo tipici delle zone montane che causano ogni anno perdite economiche e vittime. I modelli numerici sono strumenti per prevedere la propagazione di potenziali eventi di flussi di massa su una determinata topografia, ma questi richiedono diversi input. Gli input e i processi che sostanzialmente influenzano i risultati dei modelli sono rappresentati dalla dal volume, dalle condizioni di innesco e dalle interazioni topografia – flusso di massa. Pertanto, l'obiettivo principale della tesi è quello di migliorare la quantificazione del volume coinvolto in un evento di flusso di massa e di aumentare la rappresentazione dell’interazione tra il flusso e la topografia. Quindi, sono stati studiati due tipi di flussi di massa: debris flow e valanghe di neve. Per quanto riguarda i debris flow, la tesi vuole migliorare l'affidabilità dei modelli analizzando l'aumento del volume del flusso attraverso l'erosione del letto del canale e il collasso di strutture di mitigazione. Per le valanghe di neve, lo studio ha come obbiettivo quello di migliorare l'identificazione delle possibili aree di distacco. La tesi è strutturata come una raccolta di articoli dei quali tre sono stati pubblicati e uno è in fase di revisione. Il primo articolo ha migliorato la rappresentazione dei fenomeni erosivi nei modelli numerici grazie ai dati di un evento di debris flow avvenuto nel bacino del rio Gere (Veneto, IT). Una funzione basata sui valori di pendenza è stata definita per calcolare il coefficiente di erosione, successivamente utilizzato per riprodurre l’erosione osservata nel canale. I risultati sono utili per migliorare l'accuratezza di futuri scenari da debris flow per i quali l'erosione è un importante processo nella dinamica del flusso. Il secondo studio ha definito una procedura per simulare l'effetto del collasso delle briglie di consolidamento in un evento di debris flow. La metodologia è stata sviluppata nel rio Rotian (Trentino, IT), dove un evento di pioggia estrema ha innescato un debris flow che ha provocato il collasso di una serie di 15 briglie. La metodologia sviluppata può essere direttamente applicata per mappare il rischio residuo dei canali da debris flow in cui siano presenti opere o dove la mancanza di manutenzione delle misure di mitigazione può diminuire la loro stabilità. Il terzo progetto riguarda lo studio della rugosità del terreno. Sette algoritmi di calcolo della rugosità sono stati testati in due aree studio al fine di identificare quale algoritmo possa rappresentare nel modo più appropriato le tipologie del terreno che interagiscono con i fenomeni di massa. I risultati hanno mostrato che il miglior algoritmo è risultato il vector ruggedness e che l’utilizzo di una risoluzione maggiore non ha migliorato le performance. Il quarto progetto ha analizzato la capacità di protezione delle foreste colpite da tempeste di vento. Due nuovi algoritmi per valutare le caratteristiche degli alberi abbattuti sono stati sviluppati. I risultati hanno evidenziato che il momento di protezione minimo delle foreste contro le valanghe di neve è dopo 10 anni l'evento di tempesta. Inoltre, gli algoritmi possono essere applicati direttamente su scala regionale per la gestione e il monitoraggio delle aree forestali colpite da tempeste. I diversi studi hanno analizzato i processi di erosione, l'effetto del collasso di briglie e l'identificazione di potenziali aree di innesco. I risultati dei quattro progetti hanno risposto ai corrispondenti obbiettivi, migliorando la comprensione dei flussi di massa e quindi la previsione di eventi futuri. Inoltre, i progetti forniscono importanti risultati metodologici e nuovi metodi sono stati sviluppati e testati al fine di migliorare la stima del volume dei flussi di massa. Tali metodi sono inoltre applicabili al di fuori delle aree di studio prese in esame, dando supporto a diversi stakeholder nella gestione dei rischi naturali.Mass flows are gravitational natural hazards typical of mountain areas causing economic losses and fatalities every year. Numerical models are a way to predict the propagation of potential mass flow events over a certain topography. To appropriately reproduce future events, models required different inputs. Inputs and processes consistently affecting the outcomes of mass flow models regard the released volume, the triggering conditions and the interaction with the topography and the features on the ground once the flow is in motion. Therefore, the main objective of the thesis is to improve the quantification of the input volume and to improve the implementation of processes of interaction with the basal topography. In this context, the focus has been placed on two types of mass flows: debris flows and snow avalanches. Regarding debris flows, the study aims to improve the reliability of models to capture the increase in flow volume through channel bed erosion and mitigation structure collapse. For snow avalanches, the study wants to improve the identification of possible avalanche release areas taking into account the role of different types of vegetation structures. The thesis was structured as a collection of articles of which three have been published and one is currently under review. The first paper investigated the improvement of debris flow erosion in computational models thanks to data of a severe event occurred in the Gere catchment (Veneto, IT). A function based on a smoothed terrain slope map was calibrated to derive the erosion coefficient, successively used to reproduce the observed erosion process occurred in the channel. Results can improve the reliability of future scenarios related to debris flows for which bed erosion plays an important role in volume increase. The second study defined a procedure to simulate the effect of check dam collapse in a debris flow event. The methodology was developed in the rio Rotian (Trentino, IT) where an extreme rainfall event triggered a debris flow that collapsed a series of 15 check dams. The adopted methodology can be straight applied to map the residual risk of mountain channels or where the lack of maintenance may decrease torrent countermeasure stability. The third project involves the study of terrain roughness. We tested seven algorithms computing terrain roughness in two study areas with the aim to identify which roughness algorithm can represent in the most appropriate way the features on the ground interacting with natural hazards. Outcomes showed that the best algorithm resulted the vector ruggedness and that the increase in data resolution did not improve the classification performance. Results can improve the reliability of mass flow propagation models over natural areas. The fourth project analysed the protection capacity of forests affected by windstorms. We developed and tested two algorithms to assess the characteristics of abated trees. Results assessed that the time of minimum level of forest protection against snow avalanches in 10 years after the storm event. The developed algorithms can be straight applied at regional scale to monitor and improve the management of windthrow areas. The projects investigated entrainment processes, effect of mitigation structure failures and the identification of potential triggering areas. Outcomes of the four projects filled the respective gaps of knowledge, improving the understanding of mass flows and then the prediction of future events. Furthermore, the projects have strong methodological outcomes and new methods to improve the volume estimation of mass flows have been developed and tested. Such methods are further applicable outside of the study areas, supporting different stakeholders in the management of natural hazards of mountain areas

    Congiungere la modellazione dei movimenti di massa alla realtà

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    I flussi di massa sono pericoli naturali di tipo gravitativo tipici delle zone montane che causano ogni anno perdite economiche e vittime. I modelli numerici sono strumenti per prevedere la propagazione di potenziali eventi di flussi di massa su una determinata topografia, ma questi richiedono diversi input. Gli input e i processi che sostanzialmente influenzano i risultati dei modelli sono rappresentati dalla dal volume, dalle condizioni di innesco e dalle interazioni topografia – flusso di massa. Pertanto, l'obiettivo principale della tesi è quello di migliorare la quantificazione del volume coinvolto in un evento di flusso di massa e di aumentare la rappresentazione dell’interazione tra il flusso e la topografia. Quindi, sono stati studiati due tipi di flussi di massa: debris flow e valanghe di neve. Per quanto riguarda i debris flow, la tesi vuole migliorare l'affidabilità dei modelli analizzando l'aumento del volume del flusso attraverso l'erosione del letto del canale e il collasso di strutture di mitigazione. Per le valanghe di neve, lo studio ha come obbiettivo quello di migliorare l'identificazione delle possibili aree di distacco. La tesi è strutturata come una raccolta di articoli dei quali tre sono stati pubblicati e uno è in fase di revisione. Il primo articolo ha migliorato la rappresentazione dei fenomeni erosivi nei modelli numerici grazie ai dati di un evento di debris flow avvenuto nel bacino del rio Gere (Veneto, IT). Una funzione basata sui valori di pendenza è stata definita per calcolare il coefficiente di erosione, successivamente utilizzato per riprodurre l’erosione osservata nel canale. I risultati sono utili per migliorare l'accuratezza di futuri scenari da debris flow per i quali l'erosione è un importante processo nella dinamica del flusso. Il secondo studio ha definito una procedura per simulare l'effetto del collasso delle briglie di consolidamento in un evento di debris flow. La metodologia è stata sviluppata nel rio Rotian (Trentino, IT), dove un evento di pioggia estrema ha innescato un debris flow che ha provocato il collasso di una serie di 15 briglie. La metodologia sviluppata può essere direttamente applicata per mappare il rischio residuo dei canali da debris flow in cui siano presenti opere o dove la mancanza di manutenzione delle misure di mitigazione può diminuire la loro stabilità. Il terzo progetto riguarda lo studio della rugosità del terreno. Sette algoritmi di calcolo della rugosità sono stati testati in due aree studio al fine di identificare quale algoritmo possa rappresentare nel modo più appropriato le tipologie del terreno che interagiscono con i fenomeni di massa. I risultati hanno mostrato che il miglior algoritmo è risultato il vector ruggedness e che l’utilizzo di una risoluzione maggiore non ha migliorato le performance. Il quarto progetto ha analizzato la capacità di protezione delle foreste colpite da tempeste di vento. Due nuovi algoritmi per valutare le caratteristiche degli alberi abbattuti sono stati sviluppati. I risultati hanno evidenziato che il momento di protezione minimo delle foreste contro le valanghe di neve è dopo 10 anni l'evento di tempesta. Inoltre, gli algoritmi possono essere applicati direttamente su scala regionale per la gestione e il monitoraggio delle aree forestali colpite da tempeste. I diversi studi hanno analizzato i processi di erosione, l'effetto del collasso di briglie e l'identificazione di potenziali aree di innesco. I risultati dei quattro progetti hanno risposto ai corrispondenti obbiettivi, migliorando la comprensione dei flussi di massa e quindi la previsione di eventi futuri. Inoltre, i progetti forniscono importanti risultati metodologici e nuovi metodi sono stati sviluppati e testati al fine di migliorare la stima del volume dei flussi di massa. Tali metodi sono inoltre applicabili al di fuori delle aree di studio prese in esame, dando supporto a diversi stakeholder nella gestione dei rischi naturali.Mass flows are gravitational natural hazards typical of mountain areas causing economic losses and fatalities every year. Numerical models are a way to predict the propagation of potential mass flow events over a certain topography. To appropriately reproduce future events, models required different inputs. Inputs and processes consistently affecting the outcomes of mass flow models regard the released volume, the triggering conditions and the interaction with the topography and the features on the ground once the flow is in motion. Therefore, the main objective of the thesis is to improve the quantification of the input volume and to improve the implementation of processes of interaction with the basal topography. In this context, the focus has been placed on two types of mass flows: debris flows and snow avalanches. Regarding debris flows, the study aims to improve the reliability of models to capture the increase in flow volume through channel bed erosion and mitigation structure collapse. For snow avalanches, the study wants to improve the identification of possible avalanche release areas taking into account the role of different types of vegetation structures. The thesis was structured as a collection of articles of which three have been published and one is currently under review. The first paper investigated the improvement of debris flow erosion in computational models thanks to data of a severe event occurred in the Gere catchment (Veneto, IT). A function based on a smoothed terrain slope map was calibrated to derive the erosion coefficient, successively used to reproduce the observed erosion process occurred in the channel. Results can improve the reliability of future scenarios related to debris flows for which bed erosion plays an important role in volume increase. The second study defined a procedure to simulate the effect of check dam collapse in a debris flow event. The methodology was developed in the rio Rotian (Trentino, IT) where an extreme rainfall event triggered a debris flow that collapsed a series of 15 check dams. The adopted methodology can be straight applied to map the residual risk of mountain channels or where the lack of maintenance may decrease torrent countermeasure stability. The third project involves the study of terrain roughness. We tested seven algorithms computing terrain roughness in two study areas with the aim to identify which roughness algorithm can represent in the most appropriate way the features on the ground interacting with natural hazards. Outcomes showed that the best algorithm resulted the vector ruggedness and that the increase in data resolution did not improve the classification performance. Results can improve the reliability of mass flow propagation models over natural areas. The fourth project analysed the protection capacity of forests affected by windstorms. We developed and tested two algorithms to assess the characteristics of abated trees. Results assessed that the time of minimum level of forest protection against snow avalanches in 10 years after the storm event. The developed algorithms can be straight applied at regional scale to monitor and improve the management of windthrow areas. The projects investigated entrainment processes, effect of mitigation structure failures and the identification of potential triggering areas. Outcomes of the four projects filled the respective gaps of knowledge, improving the understanding of mass flows and then the prediction of future events. Furthermore, the projects have strong methodological outcomes and new methods to improve the volume estimation of mass flows have been developed and tested. Such methods are further applicable outside of the study areas, supporting different stakeholders in the management of natural hazards of mountain areas

    Using Lidar Data to Analyse Sinkhole Characteristics Relevant for Understory Vegetation under Forest Cover\u2014Case Study of a High Karst Area in the Dinaric Mountains

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    In this article, we investigate the potential for detection and characterization of sinkholes under dense forest cover by using airborne laser scanning data. Laser pulse returns from the ground provide important data for the estimation of digital elevation model (DEM), which can be used for further processing. The main objectives of this study were to map and determine the geomorphometric characteristics of a large number of sinkholes and to investigate the correlations between geomorphology and vegetation in areas with such characteristics. The selected study area has very low anthropogenic influences and is particularly suitable for studying undisturbed karst sinkholes. The information extracted from this study regarding the shapes and depths of sinkholes show significant directionality for both orientation of sinkholes and their distribution over the area. Furthermore, significant differences in vegetation diversity and composition occur inside and outside the sinkholes, which indicates their presence has important ecological impacts