503 research outputs found

    Tekes projekti SuperMachines loppuraportti

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    Tutkimuksessa kerÀttiin best practice aineistoa ja kehitettiin internet alusta kerÀtyn aineiston tutkimiseen ja hakujen suorittamiseen. Aineisto löytyy internet osoitteesta: http://www.amcase.info/. RekisteröitymÀllÀ kuka vain voi syöttÀÀ alustalle lisÀÀ aineistoa. Kappaleiden suunnitteluohjeet on julkaistu Suomen pikavalmistusyhdistyksen sivuilla: http://firpa.fi/html/am-tietoa.html. Ohjeesta löytyy mm. suositeltu minimi seinÀmÀnvahvuus, suositellun pienimmÀn yksityiskohdan koko, tyypillinen markkinoilta löytyvÀ rakennuskammin koko, sekÀ tyypilliset materiaalit. Valmiiden kokoonpanojen ja mekanismien suunnitteluun muodostettiin Objet 30 ja UPrint SE+ laitteelle ohjeistus josta löytyy pienin radiaalinen vÀlys, aksiaalinen vÀlys, sekÀ pienin rako riippuen rakennussuunnasta. Tutkimusprojektin aikana seurattiin alan teknologian kehitystÀ. Kahden vuoden aikana markkinoille ilmaantui noin. 50 uutta laitevalmistajaa, sekÀ noin 300 erilaista laitetta, sekÀ lukuisia materiaaleja. MerkittÀvimmÀt uudistukset listattiin ja pohdittiin mahdollisia kehityssuuntia. Kaikki uudet toimijat ja laitteet pÀivitettiin Firpan yllÀpitÀmÀÀn tietokantaan: http://firpa.fi/html/am-tietoa.html. Markkinoilla on selvÀ suuntaus tuotantokomponenttien valmistamiseen, kotitulostimien hintojen laskemiseen, sekÀ isompien kappaleiden valmistamiseen. Muovilevy komponenttien muovaamista tutkittiin laserin ja alipaineen avulla DDShape laitteella. Laitteella onnistuttiin tekemÀÀn testikappaleita ja laitetta saatiin kehitettyÀ eteenpÀin. Laitteiston kehittÀmiseksi ja kaupallistamisen tueksi Tekes on myöntÀnyt "Tutkimusideoista uutta tietoa ja liiketoimintaa" (TUTLI) rahoituksen. ISF mini projektissa onnistuttiin kehittÀmÀÀn edullinen pienten kappaleiden painomuovauskone. Samalla kartoitettiin laitteelle soveltuvat parametrit ja rajoitukset. Laseravusteisella muovaamisella pÀÀstÀÀn kuparilla isompaan seinÀmÀn kaltevuuteen ja pinnalaatu pysyy hyvÀnÀ. TerÀksellÀ laserista ei ollut juuri hyötyÀ ja alumiinilla muovattavuus kyllÀ parani, mutta pinnalaatu huononi. AM kappaleiden viimeistelykoneistuksessa tutkittiin muovisten kappaleiden viimeistely jyrsimÀllÀ, sekÀ metallikappaleiden automaattista hiontaa. JyrsinnÀssÀ vertailtiin eri menetelmillÀ tehtyjÀ kappaleita, sekÀ mitattiin kappaleiden mittatarkkuutta ja geometrisia toleransseja. Huonosta kotitulostimella tehdystÀ kappaleesta on vaikea saada hyvÀÀ kappaletta vaikka se viimeisteltÀisiin koneistamalla. Suurimmat ongelmat liittyvÀt kappaleiden vÀÀntymiseen johtuen lÀmpöjÀnnityksistÀ valmistusprosessin aikana. Kappaleiden automaattisessa hionnassa parhaat tulokset saatiin DMLS kappaleille kÀyttÀmÀllÀ hionta-aineena terÀshauleja ja pyörittÀmÀllÀ niitÀ hiottavat kappaleen kanssa rummussa. Ra arvo parani tÀllöin noin seitsemÀstÀ mikrometristÀ kolmeen mikrometriin

    Advances in Robotics, Automation and Control

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    The book presents an excellent overview of the recent developments in the different areas of Robotics, Automation and Control. Through its 24 chapters, this book presents topics related to control and robot design; it also introduces new mathematical tools and techniques devoted to improve the system modeling and control. An important point is the use of rational agents and heuristic techniques to cope with the computational complexity required for controlling complex systems. Through this book, we also find navigation and vision algorithms, automatic handwritten comprehension and speech recognition systems that will be included in the next generation of productive systems developed by man


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    Pemilihan alat kontrasepsi bukan merupakan hal yang mudah karena resiko-resiko dan efek sampingnya akan memberikan dampak pada tubuh yang tidak pernah menggunakan sebelumnya. Di sisi lain, tidak ada alat kontrasepsi yang selalu cocok untuk masing-masing individu karena situasi dan kondisi pada masing-masing tubuh adalah berbeda, jadi pengetahuan lebih lanjut sangat diperlukan untuk mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan dari masing-masing alat kontrasepsi yang digunakan oleh tubuh calon pengguna. Sistem pakar untuk penentuan pemilihan alat kontrasepsi menggunakan metode forward chaining yang dikombinasikan dengan metode CF yang digunakan untuk melakukan pembobotan terhadap setiap indikasi-indikasi yang dialami calon pengguna. Hasil yang diperoleh nantinya dapat membantu masyarakat untuk mengetahui indikasi-indikasi yang mengarah pada alat kontrasepsi yang sesuai dan mendapatkan informasi-informasi lain yang berhubungan dengan alat tersebut. Kata Kunci : Forward Chaining, Certainty Factors, indikasi, Alat Kontrasepsi The choice of contraceptive tools is not an easy thing because the risks or effects will give impact on the body that never using it previously. in the other side ,there is no contraception always suit for everybody because the circumstances of each body is different, so the extensive knowledge must be needed to know the advantages and disadvantages of each contraceptive tools then adjusted to the user's body. The expert system for contraceptive tools uses Forward Chaining search method combined with Certainty Factors Method. These method value the patient’s indication. The Expert system gives the output data which define the kind of tool uses of the patient. the results obtained will be able to help people to find indications that lead to appropriate contraceptive tools and advice or suggestions about these tools. Key Words : Forward Chaining, Certainty Factors, Indications, Contraceptive Tool

    A virus-evolutionary, multi-objective intelligent tool path optimisation methodology for sculptured surface CNC machining

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    Today’s production environment faces multiple challenges involving fast adaptation to modern technologies, flexibility in accommodating them to current industrial practices and cost reduction through automating repetitive tasks. At the same time the requirements for manufacturing functional, aesthetic and versatile products, turn these challenges to clear and present industrial problems that need to be solved by delivering at least semi-optimal results. Even though sculptured surfaces can meet such requirements when it comes to product design, a critical problem exists in terms of their machining operations owing to their arbitrary nature and complex geometrical features as opposed to prismatic surfaces. Current approaches for generating tool paths in computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems are still based on human intervention as well as trial-and-error experiments. These approaches neither can provide optimal tool paths nor can they establish a generic approach for an advantageous and profitable sculptured surface machining (SSM). Major goal of this PhD thesis is the development of an intelligent, automated and generic methodology for generating optimal 5-axis CNC tool paths to machine complex sculptured surfaces. The methodology considers the tool path parameters “cutting tool”, “stepover”, “lead angle”, “tilt angle” and “maximum discretisation step” as the independent variables for optimisation whilst the mean machining error, its mean distribution on the sculptured surface and the minimum number of tool positions are the crucial optimisation criteria formulating the generalized multi-objective sculptured surface CNC machining optimisation problem. The methodology is a two-fold programming framework comprising a virus-evolutionary genetic algorithm as the methodology’s intelligent part for performing the multi-objective optimisation and an automation function for driving the algorithm through its argument-passing elements directly related to CAM software, i.e., tool path computation utilities, objects for programmatically retrieving tool path parameters’ inputs, etc. These two modules (the intelligent algorithm and the automation function) interact and exchange information as needed towards the achievement of creating globally optimal tool paths for any sculptured surface. The methodology has been validated through simulation experiments and actual machining operations conducted to benchmark sculptured surfaces and corresponding results have been compared to those available from already existing tool path generation/optimisation approaches in the literature. The results have proven the methodology’s practical merits as well as its effectiveness for maintaining quality and productivity in sculptured surface 5-axis CNC machining

    Developing a diagnostic heuristic for integrated sugarcane supply and processing systems.

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    Doctoral Degrees. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Innovation is a valuable asset that gives supply chains a competitive edge. Moreover, the adoption of innovative research recommendations in agricultural value chains and integrated sugarcane supply and processing systems (ISSPS) in particular has been relatively slow when compared with other industries such as electronics and automotive. The slow adoption is attributed to the complex, multidimensional nature of ISSPS and the perceived lack of a holistic approach when dealing with certain issues. Most of the interventions into ISSPS often view the system as characterised by tame problems hence, the widespread application of traditional operations research approaches. Integrated sugarcane supply and processing systems are, nonetheless, also characterised by wicked problems. Interventions into such contexts should therefore, embrace tame and/or wicked issues. Systemic approaches are important and have in the past identified several system-scale opportunities within ISSPS. Such interventions are multidisciplinary and employ a range of methodologies spanning across paradigms. The large number of methodologies available, however, makes choosing the right method or a combination thereof difficult. In this context, a novel overarching diagnostic heuristic for ISSPS was developed in this research. The heuristic will be used todiagnose relatively small, but pertinent ISSPS constraints and opportunities. The heuristic includes a causal model that determines and ranks linkages between the many domains that govern integrated agricultural supply and processing systems (IASPS) viz. biophysical, collaboration, culture, economics, environment, future strategy, information sharing, political forces, and structures. Furthermore, a diagnostic toolkit based on the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) was developed. The toolkit comprises a diagnostic criteria and a suite of systemic tools. The toolkit, in addition, determines thesuitability of each tool to diagnose any of the IASPS domains. Overall, the diagnostic criteria include accessibility, interactiveness, transparency, iterativeness, feedback, cause-and-effect logic, and time delays. The tools considered for the toolkit were current reality trees, fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs), network analysis approaches, rich pictures (RP), stock and flow diagrams, cause and effect diagrams (CEDs), and causal loop diagrams (CLDs). Results from the causal model indicate that collaboration, structure and information sharing had a high direct leverage over the other domains as these were associated with a larger number of linkages. Collaboration and structure further provided dynamic leverage as these were also part of feedback loops. Political forces and the culture domain in contrast, provided lowleverage as these domains were only directly linked to collaboration. It was further revealed that each tool provides a different facet to complexity hence, the need for methodological pluralism. All the tools except RP could be applied, to a certain extent, across both appreciation and analysis criteria. Rich pictures do not have causal analysis capabilities viz. cause-and-effect logic, time delays and feedback. Stock and flow diagrams and CLDs conversely, met all criteria. All the diagnostic tools in the toolkit could be used across all the system domains except for FCMs. Fuzzy cognitive maps are explicitly subjective and their contribution lies outside the objective world. Caution should therefore be practiced when FCMs areapplied within the biophysical domain. The heuristic is only an aid to decision making. The decision to select a tool or a combination thereof remains with the user(s). Even though the heuristic was demonstrated at Mhlume sugarcane milling area, it is recommended that other areas be considered for future research. The heuristic itself should continuously be updated with criteria, tools and other domain dimensions

    Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Design Optimization

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are population-based global optimizers, which, due to their characteristics, have allowed us to solve, in a straightforward way, many real world optimization problems in the last three decades, particularly in engineering fields. Their main advantages are the following: they do not require any requisite to the objective/fitness evaluation function (continuity, derivability, convexity, etc.); they are not limited by the appearance of discrete and/or mixed variables or by the requirement of uncertainty quantification in the search. Moreover, they can deal with more than one objective function simultaneously through the use of evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms. This set of advantages, and the continuously increased computing capability of modern computers, has enhanced their application in research and industry. From the application point of view, in this Special Issue, all engineering fields are welcomed, such as aerospace and aeronautical, biomedical, civil, chemical and materials science, electronic and telecommunications, energy and electrical, manufacturing, logistics and transportation, mechanical, naval architecture, reliability, robotics, structural, etc. Within the EA field, the integration of innovative and improvement aspects in the algorithms for solving real world engineering design problems, in the abovementioned application fields, are welcomed and encouraged, such as the following: parallel EAs, surrogate modelling, hybridization with other optimization techniques, multi-objective and many-objective optimization, etc

    Industry 4.0—from Smart Factory to Cognitive Cyberphysical Production System and Cloud Manufacturing

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    This book focuses on recent developments in new industrial platforms, with Industry 4.0 on its way to becoming Industry 5.0. The book covers smart decision support systems for green and sustainable machining, microscale machining, cyber-physical production networks, and the optimization of assembly lines. The modern multiobjective algorithms and multicriteria decision-making methods are applied to various real-world industrial problems. The emerging problem of cybersecurity in advanced technologies is addressed as well

    Planning and Scheduling Optimization

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    Although planning and scheduling optimization have been explored in the literature for many years now, it still remains a hot topic in the current scientific research. The changing market trends, globalization, technical and technological progress, and sustainability considerations make it necessary to deal with new optimization challenges in modern manufacturing, engineering, and healthcare systems. This book provides an overview of the recent advances in different areas connected with operations research models and other applications of intelligent computing techniques used for planning and scheduling optimization. The wide range of theoretical and practical research findings reported in this book confirms that the planning and scheduling problem is a complex issue that is present in different industrial sectors and organizations and opens promising and dynamic perspectives of research and development

    Production Engineering and Management

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    The annual International Conference on Production Engineering and Management takes place for the sixth time his year, and can therefore be considered a well - established event that is the result of the joint effort of the OWL University of Applied Sciences and the University of Trieste. The conference has been established as an annual meeting under the Double Degree Master Program ‘Production Engineering and Management’ by the two partner universities. The main goal of the conference is to provide an opportunity for students, researchers and professionals from Germany, Italy and abroad, to meet and exchange information, discuss experiences, specific practices and technical solutions used in planning, design and management of production and service systems. In addition, the conference is a platform aimed at presenting research projects, introducing young academics to the tradition of Symposiums and promoting the exchange of ideas between the industry and the academy. Especially the contributions of successful graduates of the Double Degree Master Program ‘Production Engineering and Management’ and those of other postgraduate researchers from several European countries have been enforced. This year’s special focus is on Direct Digital Manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0, a topic of great interest for the global industry. The concept is spreading, but the actual solutions must be presented in order to highlight the practical benefits to industry and customers. Indeed, as Henning Banthien, Secretary General of the German ‘Plattform Industrie 4.0’ project office, has recently remarked, “Industry 4.0 requires a close alliance amongst the private sector, academia, politics and trade unions” in order to be “translated into practice and be implemented now”. PEM 2016 takes place between September 29 and 30, 2016 at the OWL University of Applied Sciences in Lemgo. The program is defined by the Organizing and Scientific Committees and clustered into scientific sessions covering topics of main interest and importance to the participants of the conference. The scientific sessions deal with technical and engineering issues, as well as management topics, and include contributions by researchers from academia and industry. The extended abstracts and full papers of the contributions underwent a double - blind review process. The 24 accepted presentations are assigned, according to their subject, to one of the following sessions: ‘Direct Digital Manufacturing in the Context of Industry 4.0’, ‘Industrial Engineering and Lean Management’, ‘Management Techniques and Methodologies’, ‘Wood Processing Technologies and Furniture Production’ and ‘Innovation Techniques and Methodologies
