3 research outputs found

    Model-Based Testing - Automação de testes com base em modelos

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    Com o surgimento de cada vez mais empresas de desenvolvimento de software, a preocupação com a realização de entregas com maior qualidade é cada vez maior. A procura pela metodologia ideal, que permita conjugar o desenvolvimento de software e a realização de testes de forma mais otimizada possível, faz com que seja necessário estudar a prática de novas metodologias que apresentem uma melhoria significativa na implementação dos processos de desenvolvimento e testes. Esta tese de mestrado teve como principal objetivo estudar a técnica do Model-Based Testing que corresponde a uma técnica avançada de realização de testes. No estudo foram analisadas as notações que existem para modelação, as ferramentas, entre outros pontos. Foi também apresentado um caso prático onde a técnica foi adaptada a diferentes cenários de trabalho reais. O Model-Based Testing é uma metodologia relativamente recente. Apresenta uma forma de realização de testes, através da utilização de um modelo que permite gerar de forma automática, casos de teste. Dá resposta a diferentes necessidades dentro de um processo de desenvolvimento e realização de testes. Permite reaproveitar todos os artefactos utilizados, atribuindo outro significado ao tempo gasto com a realização dos testes.With the emergence of more and more software development companies, the concern of delivering higher quality software is greater than ever. The search for the fitting methodology, that allows to optimize the software and test development, test plan and execution, makes it necessary to study the practice of new methodologies that present a significant improvement in the implementation of development and testing processes. This master's thesis has as the main objective to study the Model-Based Testing technique that corresponds to an advanced test implementation technique. In this study were investigated the notations that exist for modeling, the tools, among other details. It is also presented a practical case where the technique has been adapted to different real work scenarios. Model-Based Testing is a relatively recent methodology. It presents an implementation of tests through the use of a model, that allows to automatically generate test cases. It responds to different needs within the process of developing and conducting tests. It allows reusing all the artifacts used, assigning another meaning to the time spent with the tests

    Applications Based on Generator of Test Cases

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvořit přehled aktuálního stavu nástrojů, které umožňují automaticky generovat testovací případy. Dále na příkladu zvoleného nástroje ukázat způsob práce s ním a jeho schopnosti v generaci spustitelných testu. Pro následující práci byl vybrán nástroj UPPAAL, který umožňuje vytvořit model zvoleného systému pomocí časovaných automatů, ověřit a simulovat jeho běh a následně vytvořit testovací případ pro daný systém. Ve výsledku nástroj vygeneruje cestu průchodu systémem, kterou je možné uložit ve formě spustitelného testovacího případu a to v libovolném programovacím jazyce. Pro testování byly zvoleny tři různé systémy: systém vypínače světla, implementovaný v jazyce Java; 2-bitová násobička, jejíž chování je popsané pomocí jazyka Verilog; a systém zjednodušeného výtahu, který je představen v jazyce C. Ve výsledku byly získány spustitelné testovací případy pro zvolené systémy, spolu s jejich vlastnostmi jako pokrytí systému, počet kroků pro dosažení cílů a kvalita vygenerovaných cest.The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to create an overview of the current state of tools that allow automatic generation of test cases and select one tool to show how it works and its ability to generate executable tests. The UPPAAL program was chosen for the following work. Tool allows to create a model of the selected system using timed automata, verify and simulate its operation and create a test case for the system. In the results, the tool generates a path through the system, which can be saved in the form of executable test cases in any programming language. Three different systems were chosen for testing: a light switch system implemented in Java; 2-bit multiplier, which behavior is described by Verilog language; and a simplified elevator system, which working process is introduced in C language. As a result, executable test cases were obtained for selected systems along with their features such as system coverage, number of steps to achieve goals, and quality of generated paths.

    Model-based Testing of Stateful APIs with Modbat

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    Modbat makes testing easier by providing a user-friendly modeling language to describe the behavior of systems, from such a model, test cases are generated and executed. Modbat's domain-specific language is based on Scala, its features include probabilistic and non-deterministic transitions, component models with inheritance, and exceptions. We demonstrate the versatility of Modbat by finding a confirmed defect in the currently latest version of Java, and by testing SAT solvers.QC 20170109</p