74,515 research outputs found

    An Examination of the Logistics Leverage Process: Implications for Marketing Strategy and Competitive Advantage

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    Based on preliminary research on logistics leverage and the lack of research on linking specific logistics capabilities and competitive advantage, it was the primary purpose of this dissertation to develop and test a theoretical model of the logistics leverage process. The model was developed based on the extant literature in logistics, marketing, and strategic management and the data from in-depth interviews with logistics professionals. The nomological network consisted of eight constructs: resource commitment, process capabilities, value-added service capabilities, relational capabilities, logistics performance, competitive advantage, firm performance, and marketing signals of value. Resource commitment and logistics performance were tested as second-order constructs in the model. The survey method was utilized to obtain data on the eight constructs in order to test the hypothesized relationships among the constructs. Logistics professionals in manufacturing organizations were selected as target respondents based on their perceived knowledge on the constructs of interest. The recommended two-step approach was used to analyze the measurement and structural models in structural equation modeling and to test the hypotheses. Four of the nine hypothesized relationships were supported and the overall fit of the structural model was supported by the goodness of fit measures. The findings of this research provide both theoretical and managerial implications

    Thailand Industrial Competitiveness; Enhancing the Logistics and Supply Chain Management Scheme for Thai's Manufacturing

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    Abstract-The purpose of this paper was to describe the state of logistics measurement in Thai industry. The study explores relations between manufacturing and their competitive performance based on the methodology of performance measuring systems, applying to the measurement of both tangible and intangible assets, and also measuring supply chain performance internally and externally. The framework developed enhance the use of metrics strategy across all organization, this metrics are a fundamental part of strategy, goals, key performance areas, process elements and activities, enabling evaluating defined goals, leading to decision making and the implementation of improvement actions. In addition, theory regarding the logistics scorecard model measurement was tested. The design of this paper included Top 5 Manufacturing's that holding high value in inventory cost. Case studies and the assessment completed by professional logistics and supply chain consultants from Private sector, Government sector and Academic sector. Considerable analysis was performed to enhance the understanding of industrial competitiveness in Thai manufacturing supply chain

    Classification of Performance and Quality Indicators in Manufacturing

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    A critical aspect in operations management is to represent the firm goals properly. This is usually done by translating the organisational results and objectives in ‘performance measurements'. The scientific literature shows many applications in different fields such as quality, production, logistics, marketing, etc. Nevertheless, a general theory formalising basic and application concepts is still lacking. This paper shows a classification of ‘performance indicators' in manufacturing, providing a mathematical structure to the concept of ‘indicator'. This approach is based on the formalism of the Representation Theory. All the mentioned concepts are explained and discussed through practical example

    Pomiar wydajności zarządzania zielonymi łańcuchami dostaw

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    Only what is measured can be managed properly. And the measurement process should serve a continuous improvement of companies and whole supply chains. Data from the performance measurement system should cause an increase of cooperation and help in taking right decisions about changes at the operational level, and on the other hand, are an important information when redefining strategies. This will allow for the development of the supply chain based on knowledge, in which the scope of cooperation is literally unlimited (including green aspects). There are two basic approaches to measuring the performance of supply chains: a comprehensive measurement that measures the results of the entire chain (which can be divided into individual tiers and levels) and partial measurement when we measure only certain aspects. Often, in practice, only measurement of separately operating companies is practiced by companies, not throughout chains. And the problem is even more evident when it comes to measuring performance of green activities in integrated supply chains. The paper presents the possibilities of evaluation of GSCM performance. The major challenges and obstacles are presented and assessed.Tylko to, co jest mierzone, może być właściwie zarządzane. Proces pomiaru powinien służyć ciągłemu doskonaleniu przedsiębiorstw i całych łańcuchów dostaw. Dane z systemu pomiaru powinny powodować wzrost współpracy i pomagać w podejmowaniu decyzji o zmianach na poziomie operacyjnym, a z drugiej strony może to być ważna informacja przy przedefiniowaniu strategii. Pozwala to na rozwój łańcuchów dostaw opartych na wiedzy, gdzie zakres współpracy jest dosłownie nieograniczony (dotyczy to również aspektów ekologicznych). Istnieją dwa podstawowe podejścia do pomiaru wydajności łańcucha dostaw: kompleksowy pomiar, który patrzy na wyniki całego łańcucha (który można rozdzielić na poszczególne szczeble i poziomy), oraz pomiar częściowy, gdy mierzymy tylko niektóre aspekty. Często praktykowany jest tylko pomiar oddzielnie działających firm, a nie całego łańcucha. Problem jest jeszcze bardziej widoczny, jeśli chodzi o pomiar wydajności działań ekologicznych w zintegrowanych łańcuchach dostaw. W artykule opisano możliwości oceny wyników GSCM. Przedstawiono i oceniono główne wyzwania i przeszkody stojące przed pomiarem wyników zielonych łańcuchów dostaw

    The Role of Maintenance and Facility Management in Logistics: A Literature Review

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide a literature review on the different ways of carrying out Facility Management and related topics in order to uncover that there is limited research regarding the impact of Facility Management on the logistics and operational performance of warehouses. Design/methodology/approach - Four different focus areas have been identified and for each one different methodologies and streams of research have been studied. Findings - The study underlines the importance of Facility Management for the logistics operations; therefore it supports the notion that investments aiming at preserving the status of the building and service components of warehouses are crucial. Originality/value - This paper aims to suggest to Facility Management managers that they can contribute to enhance business performance by designing effective Facility Management strategie

    The Impact of Strategies in Supply Chain Management for Better Performance in Manufacturing SMEs in Aguascalientes

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    This research aims to analyze the impact of the implementation of strategies in the the Supply Chain Management (SCM), Manufacturing for SMEs in Aguascalientes may have a higher yield. The analysis was performed through the design of an assessment tool aimed at managers through an empirical study in the period from August to December 2013. The methodology has been quantitative approach, as well as correlational and descriptive the sample is random. The expected results are intended to influence the decisions taken by the managers in their organizations to the SCM is still complex, it is more efficient through the implementation of strategies for increased output in manufacturing SMEs in Aguascalientes. In this sense, the expected results intended sizing how important the integration of strategies is in the practice of the SCM, and in turn, the impact of this influence on the Performance of Manufacturing SMEs. In this study, structural equation modeling technique was applied to support software EQS 6.

    How do supply chain management and information systems practices influence operational performance?:Evidence from emerging country SMEs

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    This study first provides a comparative analysis of the impact of supply chain management (SCM) and information systems (IS) practices on operational performance (OPER) of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in two neighbouring emerging country markets of Turkey and Bulgaria. Then, we investigate moderating effects of both SCM–IS-linked enablers and inhibitors on the links between SCM and IS practices and OPER of SMEs. To this end, we first empirically identify the underlying dimensions of SCM and IS practices, and SCM–IS-related enabling and inhibiting factors. Second, a series of regression analyses are undertaken to estimate the impact of the study's constructs on OPER of SMEs. The results are discussed comparatively within the contexts of both Turkish and Bulgarian SMEs and beyond. The study makes a significant contribution to the extant literature through obtaining and analysing cross-national survey data of SCM and IS practices in emerging country markets