23 research outputs found

    Detection of retinal vascular bifurcations by rotation-, scale- and reflection-invariant COSFIRE filters

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    We propose trainable filters, which we call COSFIRE (Combination Of Shifted FIlter REsponses), and use to de- tect vascular bifurcations in retinal images. We configure a COSFIRE filter to be selective for a bifurcation that is speci- fied by a user in a single-step training phase. The automatic configuration comprises the selection of channels of a bank of Gabor filters and the determination of certain blur and shift parameters. A COSFIRE filter response is computed as the geometric mean of the blurred and shifted responses of the selected Gabor filters. The proposed filters share sim- ilar properties with some shape-selective neurons in visual cortex. With only five filters we achieve a recall of 98.57% at a precision of 95.37% on the 40 binary retinal images (from DRIVE), containing more than 5000 bifurcations.peer-reviewe

    Deep multi-instance heatmap regression for the detection of retinal vessel crossings and bifurcations in eye fundus images

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    ©2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. This version of the article: Hervella, Á. S., Rouco, J., Novo, J., Penedo, M. G., & Ortega, M. (2020). “Deep multi-instance heatmap regression for the detection of retinal vessel crossings and bifurcations in eye fundus images” has been accepted for publication in Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 186(105201), 105201. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.105201.[Abstract]: Background and objectives:The analysis of the retinal vasculature plays an important role in the diagnosis of many ocular and systemic diseases. In this context, the accurate detection of the vessel crossings and bifurcations is an important requirement for the automated extraction of relevant biomarkers. In that regard, we propose a novel approach that addresses the simultaneous detection of vessel crossings and bifurcations in eye fundus images. Method: We propose to formulate the detection of vessel crossings and bifurcations in eye fundus images as a multi-instance heatmap regression. In particular, a deep neural network is trained in the prediction of multi-instance heatmaps that model the likelihood of a pixel being a landmark location. This novel approach allows to make predictions using full images and integrates into a single step the detection and distinction of the vascular landmarks. Results: The proposed method is validated on two public datasets of reference that include detailed annotations for vessel crossings and bifurcations in eye fundus images. The conducted experiments evidence that the proposed method offers a satisfactory performance. In particular, the proposed method achieves 74.23% and 70.90% F-score for the detection of crossings and bifurcations, respectively, in color fundus images. Furthermore, the proposed method outperforms previous works by a significant margin. Conclusions: The proposed multi-instance heatmap regression allows to successfully exploit the potential of modern deep learning algorithms for the simultaneous detection of retinal vessel crossings and bifurcations. Consequently, this results in a significant improvement over previous methods, which will further facilitate the automated analysis of the retinal vasculature in many pathological conditions.This work is supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Government of Spain, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union (EU) through the DTS18/00136 research project, and by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Government of Spain, through the DPI2015-69948-R and RTI2018-095894-B-I00 research projects. The authors of this work also receive financial support from the ERDF and European Social Fund (ESF) of the EU, and Xunta de Galicia through Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia, accreditation 2016–2019, ref. ED431G/01, Grupo de Referencia Competitiva, ref. ED431C 2016-047, and the predoctoral grant contract ref. ED481A-2017/328.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-047Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2017/32

    Blood Vessel Enhancement and Segmentation for Screening of Diabetic Retinopathy

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    Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease caused by the increase of insulin in blood and it is one of the main cuases of blindness in idusterlized countries. It is a progressive disease and needs an early detection and treatment. Vascular pattern of human retina helps the ophthalmologists in automated screening and diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy. In this article, we present a method for vascular pattern ehnacement and segmentation. We present an automated system which uses wavelets to enhance the vascular pattern and then it applies a piecewise threshold probing and adaptive thresholding for vessel localization and segmentation respectively. The method is evaluated and tested using publicly available retinal databases and we further compare our method with already proposed techniques.

    Inhibition-augmented trainable COSFIRE filters for keypoint detection and object recognition

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    The shape and meaning of an object can radically change with the addition of one or more contour parts. For instance, a T-junction can become a crossover. We extend the COSFIRE trainable filter approach which uses a positive prototype pattern for configuration by adding a set of negative prototype patterns. The configured filter responds to patterns that are similar to the positive prototype but not to any of the negative prototypes. The configuration of such a filter comprises selecting given channels of a bank of Gabor filters that provide excitatory or inhibitory input and determining certain blur and shift parameters. We compute the response of such a filter as the excitatory input minus a fraction of the maximum of inhibitory inputs. We use three applications to demonstrate the effectiveness of inhibition: the exclusive detection of vascular bifurcations (i.e., without crossovers) in retinal fundus images (DRIVE data set), the recognition of architectural and electrical symbols (GREC’11 data set) and the recognition of handwritten digits (MNIST data set)

    Classification of the vascular tree in fundus images

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    Analýza snímků sítnice má důležitý význam, protože člověk získá kolem 90 % informací z okolí přes oči. Automatizace procesů analýzy zobrazení sítnice přispívá ke zlepšení efektivity lékařských retinálních vyšetření. Tato diplomová práce se zabývá automatickými metodami klasifikace snímků cévního řečiště retiny pořízených digitální fundus kamerou. Je prozkoumána a implementována metoda klasifikace cévního řečiště s použitím klasifikátoru na základě neuronových sítí, které se trénují a pak se testují na úsecích cév retinálního řečiště. Ve stručnosti je v této práci popsán anatomický pohled na sítnici, vlastnosti obrazových dat z digitální fundus kamery a metody klasifikace retinálních snímků. Poslední kapitola se zabývá hodnocením úspěšnosti klasifikace cévního řečiště automatickými metodami.Retinal image analysis plays a very important role, as human gets around 90% of environment information with the help of eyes. Automation of process of retinal image analysis promotes to improve the efficiency of retinal medical examinations. The following thesis is dedicated to automatic classification methods of retinal vascular system images obtained from a digital fundus camera. Vessel classification method using classifier on the base of neural networks, which is trained and then tested on the retinal vessel segments, is investigated and implemented. In this thesis anatomical retinal survey, properties of image data from digital fundus camera and retinal image classification methods are briefly described. The last chapter is devoted to the evaluation of efficiency of retinal vessel classification with automatic methods.

    Automatic computation of the arteriovenous ratio and assessment of its effectiveness as a prognostic indicator in hypertension

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    [Resumen] La retina es la única parte del cuerpo humano en donde se pueden observar los vasos sanguíneos directamente de una forma no invasiva mediante un examen de fondo de ojo. De esta manera, la imagen de la retina mediante las técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes se convirtió en un campo de clave para el diagnóstico precoz de varias enfermedades sistémicas que provocan alteraciones visibles en dicha imagen. Así, alteraciones en el ancho de los vasos retinianos se asocian con patologías tales como diabetes o hipertensión. De hecho, el estrechamiento de las arterias constituye un indicio precoz de la hipertensión arterial sistémica, siendo una característica del grado I de la retinopatía hipertensiva de acuerdo con la clasificación de Keith-Wagener-Barker. En este sentido, se han realizado esfuerzos para desarrollar programas asistidos por ordenador para medir con precisión los cambios en el ancho de los vasos a través del índice arteriovenoso (IAV), es decir, la relación entre los calibres de las arterias y las venas. Sin embargo, aunque estos sistemas se han usado en muchos estudios con fines de investigación, su aplicabilidad en la práctica clínica diaria es todavía discutida. En este trabajo, se propone una nueva metodología para el cálculo del IAV con el fin de estratificar el riesgo cardiovascular de los hipertensos. Por un lado, se ha desarrollado un método completamente automático para estimar el IAV en una imagen de fondo de ojo de un paciente. Por otro lado, se propone un sistema para monitorizar el IAV del paciente a lo largo del tiempo. Para este fin, las mediciones del IAV en las diferentes imágenes adquiridas sobre el mismo ojo del paciente en diferentes fechas se estiman usando el mismo conjunto de vasos medidos en las mismas áreas. Por lo tanto, la mediciones obtenidos de esta manera son comparables y precisas, debido a que son independientes en el conjunto de vasos seleccionados para el cálculo. Las dos técnicas se han integrado en SIRIUS, un sistema web destinado a incluir diferentes servicios en el campo del análisis de la imagen retiniana. El sistema incluye también gestión de pacientes y revisiones, lo que facilita el análisis de las lesiones retinianas causadas por diferentes patologías y su evolución después de un determinado tratamiento. Además al ser una aplicación distribuída a través de la web, proporciona un entorno de colaboración entre diferentes médicos, investigadores y centros.[Resumo] A retina é a única parte do corpo humano onde se poden observar os vasos sanguíneos directamente dunha maneira non invasiva mediante un examen do fondo do ollo. Desta maneira, a imaxe da retina mediante as técnicas de procesamento de imáxenes converteuse nun campo chave para o diagnóstico precoz de varias enfermidades sistémicas que provocan alteracións visibles en dita imaxe. Así, cambios no ancho dos vasos retinianos asócianse con patoloxías tales como a diabetes ou a hipertensión. De feito, o estreitamento das arterias constitúe un indicio prematuro da hipertensión arterial sistémica, sendo unha característica do grado I da retinopatía hipertensiva dacordo coa clasificación de Keith- Wagener-Barker. Neste sentido, fixerónse moitos esforzos para desenvolver programas asistidos por ordenador para medir con precisión os cambios no ancho dos vasos a través do índice arteriovenoso (IAV), é dicir, a relación entre os calibres das arterias e das veas. Nembargantes, aínda que estes sistemas foron usados en moitos estudios con fins investigadores, a sua aplicabilidade na práctica clínica diaria aínda é discutida. Neste traballo, proponse unha nova metodoloxía para o cálculo do IAV co fin de estratificar o risco cardiovascular dos hipertensos. Por un lado, desenvolveuse un método completamente automático para estimar o IAV nunha imaxe de fondo de ollo dun doente. Por outra banda, proponse un sistema para monitorizar o IAV dun doente a lo longo do tempo. Para isto, as medicións do IAV nas diferentes imaxes adquiridas sobre o mesmo ollo do doente en diferentes datas fanse usando o mesmo conxunto de vasos medidos nas mesmas áreas. Polo tanto, as medicións obtidas desta maneira son comparables e precisas, debido a que son independentes do conxunto de vasos seleccionados para o cálculo. As dúas técnicas foron integradas no SIRIUS, un sistema web destinado a incluir diferentes servicios no campo da análise da imaxe retiniana. O sistema inclúe tamén xestión de doentes e revisións, facilitando a análise e estudo das lesións retinianas causadas por diferentes patoloxías e a súa evolución despois dun determinado tratamento. Ademais ao ser unha aplicación distribuída a través da web, proporciona un entorno de colaboración entre diferentes médicos, investigadores e centros.[Abstract] Retina is the only part in the human body where blood vessels can be directly observed in a non-invasive way through an eye fundus examination. In this manner, the retinal imaging assisted by image processing techniques became a key field for the early diagnosis of several systemic diseases which cause visible alterations in the fundus image. Thus, changes in the retinal vessel widths are associated with pathologies such as diabetes or hypertension. In fact, arteriolar narrowing constitutes an early sign of systemic hypertension, being a feature for the grade I of hypertension retinopathy according to Keith-Wagener-Barker classification. In this sense, some efforts have been made to develop computer-assisted programs to measure accurately abnormalities in the vessel widths through the arteriovenous ratio (AVR), that is, the relation between arteriolar and venular vessel widths. However, although these systems have been used in many studies for research purposes, their applicability to daily clinical practice is yet discussed. In this work, a new methodology for the AVR computation is proposed in order to stratify the cardiovascular risk of hypertension. On one hand, a fully automatic method to estimate the AVR in a sample patient's image is developed. On the other hand, an AVR monitoring system to compute the patient's AVR over time was implemented. To this end, the AVR measurements computed in the different patient's images acquired from the same eye at different dates, uses the same set of vessels measured at the same areas. Thus, the measurements achieved in this manner are comparable and precise due to they are independent on the set of vessels selected for the calculus. The two approaches have been integrated in SIRIUS, a web-based system aimed to include different services in the field of retinal image analysis. It includes patient and checkup management, making easier to analyze the retinal lesions caused by different pathologies and their evolution after a specific treatment. Moreover, being a application distributed via the web, it provides a collaborative environment among different physicians, researchers and medical centers