69,868 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Digital di Indonesia

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    P The potential for the digital economy in Indonesia is enormous and is predicted to continue to grow. Indonesia is a very strategic market for digital products and services. The effect of using technology also influences the individual's desire to start a business. This research will examine how the concept of developing digital entrepreneurship in Indonesia uses the basic theory that is generally used in the field of government, namely the theory of policy actors. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the development of digital entrepreneurship in the digital economy era in Indonesia. The benefits of this research are expected to contribute to the discovery of digital entrepreneurship development in Indonesia. This research is an explorative qualitative research based on literature and literature study. Data analysis techniques are carried out by analyzing the contents of the data that has been collected. Based on the analysis that has been carried out, the development of digital entrepreneurship in Indonesia has been carried out using the pentahelix approach model which has involved 5 stakeholders namely government, business, academia, community and mass media. Each stakeholder has been well realized and synergizes with each other. The development of digital entrepreneurship must continue to be carried out with the development of access to internet technology and digitally literate human resources


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    Digital business in Indonesia has been growing rapidly over the last few years. Google, Temasek, and Bain & Company forecast that the value of the digital economy in Indonesia will reach USD 146 billion by 2025, making up 40.22% of the total digital economy in Southeast Asia. This digital development occurs in several industries, one of which is the architecture industry. Indonesian architects began to conduct digital activities, especially for communicating with the public. The practice will develop the architectural industry, but there is an indication of problems related to violations of the Architectural Code of Ethics summarized by the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI). Some of the digital practices of Indonesian architects are suspected to have violated several components in the Code of Ethics. This can lead to the revocation of the STRA certification, which will cause problems with the legality of the practice of Indonesian architecture. Using the literature study method, this paper analyzes the components of the Architectural Code of Ethics with the digital practices of Indonesian architects which are summarized using the AISAS Model. The results of the paper show that with certain approaches, digital practices will not violate the Code of Ethics. Bisnis digital di Indonesia sedang berkembang dengan sangat pesat selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Hal ini diperkuat dengan prediksi dari Google, Temasek, dan Bain & Company yang menyatakan bahwa nilai ekonomi digital di Indonesia akan mencapai 146 miliar USD pada tahun 2025, yaitu hampir setengah dari total ekonomi digital Asia Tenggara. Perkembangan digital ini terjadi pada beberapa industri, salah satunya adalah industri arsitektur. Para arsitek Indonesia mulai melakukan kegiatan digital, terutama dalam aspek komunikasi dengan masyarakat. Hal ini akan mengembangkan industri arsitektur dengan sangat pesat, namun bersamaan dengan keadaan ini, muncul sebuah indikasi masalah terkait pelanggaran Kode Etik Arsitektur yang dirangkum Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI). Beberapa praktik digital arsitek Indonesia dicurigai telah melanggar beberapa komponen dalam kode etik tersebut. Hal ini akan berdampak pada pencabutan sertifikasi STRA yang akan menyebabkan masalah legalitas dari praktik arsitektur Indonesia. Dengan metode studi literatur, penelitian ini menganalisis komponen Kode Etik Arsitektur dengan praktik digital arsitek Indonesia yang dirangkum menggunakan model AISAS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jika dilakukan dengan pendekatan-pendekatan tertentu, maka praktik digital tidak akan melanggar Kode Etik Arsitektur yang telah ditetapkan


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    Digital business in Indonesia has been growing rapidly over the last few years. Google, Temasek, and Bain & Company forecast that the value of the digital economy in Indonesia will reach USD 146 billion by 2025, making up 40.22% of the total digital economy in Southeast Asia. This digital development occurs in several industries, one of which is the architecture industry. Indonesian architects began to conduct digital activities, especially for communicating with the public. The practice will develop the architectural industry, but there is an indication of problems related to violations of the Architectural Code of Ethics summarized by the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI). Some of the digital practices of Indonesian architects are suspected to have violated several components in the Code of Ethics. This can lead to the revocation of the STRA certification, which will cause problems with the legality of the practice of Indonesian architecture. Using the literature study method, this paper analyzes the components of the Architectural Code of Ethics with the digital practices of Indonesian architects which are summarized using the AISAS Model. The results of the paper show that with certain approaches, digital practices will not violate the Code of Ethics. Bisnis digital di Indonesia sedang berkembang dengan sangat pesat selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Hal ini diperkuat dengan prediksi dari Google, Temasek, dan Bain & Company yang menyatakan bahwa nilai ekonomi digital di Indonesia akan mencapai 146 miliar USD pada tahun 2025, yaitu hampir setengah dari total ekonomi digital Asia Tenggara. Perkembangan digital ini terjadi pada beberapa industri, salah satunya adalah industri arsitektur. Para arsitek Indonesia mulai melakukan kegiatan digital, terutama dalam aspek komunikasi dengan masyarakat. Hal ini akan mengembangkan industri arsitektur dengan sangat pesat, namun bersamaan dengan keadaan ini, muncul sebuah indikasi masalah terkait pelanggaran Kode Etik Arsitektur yang dirangkum Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI). Beberapa praktik digital arsitek Indonesia dicurigai telah melanggar beberapa komponen dalam kode etik tersebut. Hal ini akan berdampak pada pencabutan sertifikasi STRA yang akan menyebabkan masalah legalitas dari praktik arsitektur Indonesia. Dengan metode studi literatur, penelitian ini menganalisis komponen Kode Etik Arsitektur dengan praktik digital arsitek Indonesia yang dirangkum menggunakan model AISAS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jika dilakukan dengan pendekatan-pendekatan tertentu, maka praktik digital tidak akan melanggar Kode Etik Arsitektur yang telah ditetapkan

    The Role of Digital Finance to Strengthen Financial Inclusion and the Growth of SME in Indonesia

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    At this era, innovation in technology is one of the key success factor for business to strengthen the maturity life of product life cycle, included financial industry. Nowadays the need for speed in delivery of product or services included in financial services especially Islamic Financial Services is very important. Indonesia which have the unique topography which consist of many islands need the speed of product or service delivery especially for the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) financing which is the fundamental of economy in Indonesia. This paper have purpose to describes the role of Digital Finance to Strengthen Financial Inclusion and the Growth of SME in Indonesia.This paper uses qualitative method. The result of this research is describe the model of the role of Digital Finance to Strengthen Financial Inclusion and the Growth of SME in Indonesia.     Keywords: Digital Finance, Financial Inclusion, Growth of SME, Indonesia


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    Shifts in social, community, economic and cultural life continue to occur following the development of the digital world. This study aims to design a model for the development of the creative economy in the era of society 5.0 in Indonesia. The research method uses literature study with four main stages, namely library data search, information identification, comparative analysis, and in-depth analysis and conclusion analysis. The design of the model uses the Digital Social Innovation (DSI) framework approach which emphasizes the combination of three forming elements, namely digitalization, innovation, and social. The results of this study provide an overview of the creative economy development model as the main actor that can solve social problems in society through the use of technology. In the era of society 5.0, creative economy actors must have the sensitivity to feel, identify, and map social problems so that they are able to generate ideas, strategies, and innovate appropriate solutions supported by the use of digital technology

    The Innovation Resistance Model of Mobile Payments for Micro and Small Enterprises

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    The development of digital technology currently directs people to transact using mobile payments. An efficient payment process or one of them is known as Mobile Payment has its own market compared to the three other services offered by Fintech. This strongly supports the development of the digital economy in Indonesia. This study tries to formulate a conceptual framework and research model developed with the theory of innovation resistance. Methods and models of conceptual formulation are carried out in several stages; literature study, model adoption, and instrument development. Based on theoretical and empirical studies on Innovation Resistance, this study describes the constructs and propositions used as the basis for building a conceptual model. The results of the instrument development can be used for further research

    Business Sustainability Through Technology Adoption: Readiness and Acceptance of E-commerce Technology in MSMEs

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    The digital economy requires all countries to participate in preparing for digital transformation. As a country in Southeast Asia, Indonesia must prepare for the era of global competition. In 2020, the Indonesian government launched a digital transformation program with the vision of the ”Largest Digital Economy.” The digitalization of micro and small businesses in Indonesia is experiencing a slowdown due to the difficulty in adopting technology by MSME actors, and partly because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of this research emphasizes the impact of the readiness of micro, small, and medium enterprises as individual decision-makers on the adoption of marketing technology. The Readiness Acceptance Model (TRAM) technology developed by Lin et al. (2007) utilized in this study explains that the impact of individual characteristics and experiences on their use and usefulness dominates the marketing technology decision-making process. The population of this study includes the micro, small, and medium enterprises in the Sukabumi area with 220 respondents as business actors. The method used is path analysis. The results show that the effect of technological readiness of MSME actors in Sukabumi on the acceptance of e-commerce carriers and technological know-how are influenced by the mindset of optimism, innovation, and discomfort, which have a big impact on the perception of ease of use (PEU) and the perception of usefulness (PU). The PEU has a massive impact on perceived advantages (PU) and the PU and PEU both have a significant positive impact on the intention to use. Keywords: technology readiness, technology acceptance model, e-commerce, UMK

    Digitalization Of Sociopreneurship In Efforts Of Business Development And Optimization Of Workforce Empowerment

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    Sociopreneurship are one of the important goals in the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) related to overcoming poverty. Factors that influence the existence of poverty is the lack of jobs which causes many unemployed in Indonesia. In efforts to empower the workforce in overcoming unemployment, what really needs to be considered is the disabled workforce. Disabled workers have several obstacles and challenges in adapting to the world of work. These obstacles and challenges relate to the ability and knowledge of information technology. Information technology is currently very influential in the economy in Indonesia. Several industries, companies and businesses are digitizing with the aim of developing business in the current digital era. However, there are also businesses that still haven't implemented digitization. The low percentage of digitization implementation is a major challenge in growing and adapting to digital technology. Limitations and accessibility in studying, understanding and applying digitalization abilities and knowledge, support is needed in efforts to optimize technology in empowering disabled workers. This study aims to describe a digitalized business model that is appropriate by identifying the business model, internal factors and external factors, digitalization strategies in efforts to develop sociopreneurship businesses and strategies to increase information technology capabilities and knowledge for workers with disabilities in optimizing workforce empowerment in adapting to digital era in industry

    New Literacy in Digital Era Study: How Economics Creative Develop Regional Economic

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    Purpose: This study aims to see that new literacy in this global era can influence regional economic development in the digital era through creative economy actors. The focus of the new literacy of the current digital era is data literacy, technological literacy, and human literacy.   Theoretical framework: This research takes the Theory of Planned Behavior which is based on the research of Juergens (2020), Claes and Philippette (2020), and Sander (2020), who stated that the behavior of creative economy actors in the digital era had been based on new literacy that has developed, namely data, technology, and humans. The ability of creative economy actors to control new literacy can impact economic developers in each region.   Design/Methodology/Approach: This study uses an exploratory quantitative approach because it wants to see advanced phenomena that each variable cannot explain. The population in this study is very large because it covers all creative economy actors in Indonesia. The sample was calculated using Slovin with a tolerance of 10%, and a sample of 374 perpetrators was obtained. The sampling technique is random sampling, with the data collection technique being a questionnaire that is analyzed using the Structural Equation Model test with the help of WarpPLS as an analytical tool.   Findings: This study reveals that the three new literacies affect regional economic development because those three new literacies can increase the progress of creative economics in the digital economy era. However, they have weak significance; the unconsciousness of creative economy actors indicates this to participate in developing their area. The government must make appropriate policies to increase new literacy for creative economy actors to increase regional development through the creative economy.   Research, practical & social implication: This research is expected to be a recommendation material that benefits regional development and can primarily be implemented to develop creative economics actors who have an important meaning in regional economics.   Originality/Value: This research focuses on new literacy that has developed rapidly in the global era to survive in the digital age. Data literacy, technology, and humans are taken as variables that had never existed before and applied to regional creative economy actors