2,201 research outputs found

    A survey and taxonomy of layout compaction algorithms

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    This paper presents a survey and a taxonomy of layout compaction algorithms, which are an essential part of modern symbolic layout tools employed in VLSI circuit design. Layout compaction techniques are also used in the low-end stages of silicon compilation tools and module generators. The paper addresses the main algorithms used in compaction, focusing on their implementation characteristics, performance, advantages and drawbacks. Compaction is a highly important operation to optimize the use of silicon area, achieve higher speed through wire length minimization, support technology retargeting and also allow the use of legacy layouts. Optimized cells that were developed for a fabrication process with a set of design rules have to be retargeted for a new and more compact process with a different set of design rules

    Path-Planning for optimal coverage under security constraints

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    Treball fet a la Technische Universität Berlin. Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informatik[ANGLÈS] In recent years, three-dimensional building reconstruction has been an active area of research, partly motivated by the spread of low cost unmanned aerial vehicles platforms. These permit exploiting the entire three-dimensional space as long as it is free of obstacles. Current approaches manually plan a set of viewpoints from which to conduct multiple scans of a target building, and then later select the best ones to use in a structure from motion system. This procedure often has two problems: some parts are covered with low detail or some parts are evenly uncovered. In these situations, an automatic view planner is necessary; it will completely cover a building surface, while reducing time and cost of the overall process. This thesis presents an automatic view planner for three-dimensional building reconstruction based on dividing edifices into several slices and for each one solve a two-dimensional problem. From a rough model of the environment and a desired detail level, both described in a cost function, the system computes a route in which there is a set of viewpoints to completely cover a target building surface of any shape, taking into account that there may be obstacles in the environment. The final route is proposed to be followed by an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a digital camera.[CASTELLÀ] En los últimos años, la reconstrucción 3D de edificios ha sido un área activa de investigación, en parte motivada por la difusión de plataformas económicas de unmanned aerial vehicles. Estos permiten explotar completamente el espacio 3D mientras esté libre de obstáculos. Las soluciones actuales planean manualmente una serie de puntos desde donde realizar escaneos de un edificio objetivo, para luego seleccionar los mejores para utilizar en un sistema structure from motion. Este procedimiento a menudo tiene dos grandes problemas: algunas partes del edificio se cubren con bajo detalle u otras partes incluso no se cubren. En estas situaciones un view planner automático es necesario. Este cubrirá completamente la superficie del edificio, a la vez que reducirá costes y tiempo en el proceso global. Este proyecto presenta un view planner automático para la reconstrucción 3D de edificios basado en dividir estos en rebanadas y para cada una resolver un problema en 2D. A partir de un modelo en bruto de la escena, y un detalle deseado, ambos descritos en una función de coste, el sistema calcula una ruta en la que hay una serie de puntos que cubren completamente la superficie de un edificio objetivo de cualquier forma, teniendo en cuenta que puede haber obstáculos en la escena. La idea es que un unmanned aerial vehicle equipado con una cámara digital siga el camino final diseñado.[CATALÀ] Els darrers anys, la reconstrucció 3D d’edificis ha estat una área activa de recerca, en part motivada per la difusió de plataformes econòmiques de unmanned aerial vehicles. Aquests permeten explotar completament l’espai 3D mentres estigui lliure d’obstacles. Les solucions actuals planegen manualment una sèrie de punts des don realitzar escanejos d’un edifici objectiu, per després seleccionar els millors per a utilitzar en un sistema structure from motion. Aquest procediment sovint té dos grans problemes: algunes parts de l’edifici es cobreixen amb baix detall o altres parts inclús no es cobreixen. En aquestes situacions un view planner automàtic es necessari. Aquest cobrirà completament la superfície de l’edifici, a la vegada que reduirà costos i temps en el procés global. Aquest projecte presenta un view planner automàtic per a la reconstrucció 3D d’edificis basat en dividir aquests en llesques i per a cada una resoldre un problema en 2D. A partir d’un model en brut de l’escena, i un detall desitjat, ambdós descrits en una funció de cost, el sistema calcula una ruta en la qual hi ha una serie de punts que cobriran completament la superfície d’un edifici objectiu de qualsevol forma, tenint en compte que hi poden haver obstacles a l’escena. La idea es que un unmanned aerial vehicle equipat amb una càmera digital segueixi el camí final dissenyat

    Elastic principal manifolds and their practical applications

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    Principal manifolds serve as useful tool for many practical applications. These manifolds are defined as lines or surfaces passing through "the middle" of data distribution. We propose an algorithm for fast construction of grid approximations of principal manifolds with given topology. It is based on analogy of principal manifold and elastic membrane. The first advantage of this method is a form of the functional to be minimized which becomes quadratic at the step of the vertices position refinement. This makes the algorithm very effective, especially for parallel implementations. Another advantage is that the same algorithmic kernel is applied to construct principal manifolds of different dimensions and topologies. We demonstrate how flexibility of the approach allows numerous adaptive strategies like principal graph constructing, etc. The algorithm is implemented as a C++ package elmap and as a part of stand-alone data visualization tool VidaExpert, available on the web. We describe the approach and provide several examples of its application with speed performance characteristics.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, edited final versio


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    京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(工学)甲第16840号工博第3561号新制||工||1538(附属図書館)29515京都大学大学院工学研究科機械理工学専攻(主査)教授 椹木 哲夫, 教授 西脇 眞二, 教授 松原 厚学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)Kyoto UniversityDFA