230 research outputs found

    Determination of alloy content from plume spectral measurements

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    The mathematical derivation for a method to determine the identities and amounts of alloys present in a flame where numerous alloys may be present is described. This method is applicable if the total number of elemental species from all alloys that may be in the flame is greater than or equal to the total number of alloys. Arranging the atomic spectral line emission equations for the elemental species as a series of simultaneous equations enables solution for identity and amount of the alloy present in the flame. This technique is intended for identification and quantification of alloy content in the plume of a rocket engine. Spectroscopic measurements reveal the atomic species entrained in the plume. Identification of eroding alloys may lead to the identification of the eroding component

    Conspiracy files: The role of uncertainty and deliberation in conspiracy belief

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    As teorias da conspiração têm consequências sociais nefastas sendo explicações alternativas que pressupõem ações secretas de grupos percecionados como poderosos e malévolos. As crenças conspiratórias encorajam-se por ameaças existenciais (e.g., incerteza) que motivam os indivíduos a explicar o seu contexto. Segundo a teoria da redução da incerteza, os humanos procuram reduzi-la através da procura por informação. Dado que as conspirações podem satisfazer necessidades humanas, as crenças conspiratórias são estratégias apelativas para reduzir a incerteza. Paralelamente, as teorias de processamento dual postulam que os humanos raciocinam através da intuição e deliberação. A intuição é autónoma, porém a deliberação recorre a recursos cognitivos e associa-se a menos crenças conspiratórias - embora o processo seja complexo. Realizou-se um estudo experimental para decifrar o papel da incerteza e da deliberação na promoção de crenças conspiratórias. Os participantes (N = 180) avaliaram a precisão de explicações distintas (Moderadas vs. Conspiratórias) sob diferentes condições de saliência de incerteza (Alta saliência vs. Controlo) e de raciocínio (Intuição vs. Deliberação) através do Two-response paradigm. Esperava-se que a incerteza fomentasse crenças conspiratórias e que a deliberação as reduzisse - particularmente se a incerteza não fosse saliente. A manipulação da saliência de incerteza foi bem sucedida, contudo não foi encontrado nenhum efeito de influência nas crenças conspiratórias. A deliberação favoreceu crenças conspiratórias explicáveis por efeitos de transferência (i.e., ancoragem). Evidência adicional revelou que a deliberação (vs. intuição) não desempenhou nenhum papel diferencial que influenciasse crenças conspiratórias. Estas conclusões discutem-se à luz da teoria da redução de incerteza e teorias de processamento dual.Conspiracy theories have detrimental social consequences. They are alternative explanations entailing secret actions made by groups perceived as powerful and malevolent. Conspiracy beliefs are encouraged by existential threats, such as uncertainty, which drive individuals to rationalise their surroundings. According to uncertainty reduction theory, people attempt to reduce uncertainty and information-seeking behaviours are a vehicle to do so. Since conspiracies may help address human needs, conspiracy beliefs are alluring strategies for reducing uncertainty. In parallel, dual-process theories posit that individuals reason using intuition and deliberation. While intuition is autonomous, deliberation involves cognitive resources and has been associated with decreased conspiracy beliefs - although its role is rather complex. Hence, an experimental study was designed to decipher the role of uncertainty and deliberation in fostering conspiracy beliefs. Participants (N = 180) judged distinct explanations' accuracy (Moderate vs. Conspiratorial) under different conditions of salience of uncertainty (High salience vs. Control) and reasoning (Intuition vs. Deliberation) which employed the Two-response paradigm. It was expected that increased perceived uncertainty would promote conspiracy beliefs and that deliberation would decrease them - particularly when uncertainty was not salient. Although salience of uncertainty was successfully manipulated, no effect of it influencing conspiracy beliefs was found. Additionally, results suggest that deliberation promoted conspiracy beliefs, albeit this effect may be explained by carryover (i.e., anchoring) effects. Further evidence revealed that deliberation (vs. intuition) performed no differential role in impacting conspiracy beliefs. These findings are discussed in light of uncertainty reduction theory and dual-process approaches

    The neural correlates of childhood maltreatment and the ability to understand mental states of others

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    Background\textbf{Background}: Emotional abuse and emotional neglect are related to impaired interpersonal functioning. One underlying mechanism could be a developmental delay in mentalizing, the ability to understand other people’s thoughts and emotions. Objective\textbf{Objective}: This study investigates the neural correlates of mentalizing and the specific relationship with emotional abuse and neglect whilst taking into account the level of sexual abuse, physical abuse and physical neglect. Method\textbf{Method}: The RMET was performed in an fMRI scanner by 46 adolescents (Age: M\textit{M} = 18.70, SD\textit{SD} = 1.46) who reported a large range of emotional abuse and/or emotional neglect. CM was measured using a self-report questionnaire (CTQ). Results\textbf{Results}: Neither severity of emotional abuse nor neglect related to RMET accuracy or reaction time. The severity of sexual abuse was related to an increased activation of the left IFG during mentalization even when controlled for psychopathology and other important covariates. This increased activation was only found in a group reporting both sexual abuse and emotional maltreatment and not when reporting isolated emotional abuse or neglect or no maltreatment. Functional connectivity analysis showed that activation in the left IFG was associated with increased activation in the right insula and right STG, indicating that the IFG activation occurs in a network relevant for mentalizing. Conclusions\textbf{Conclusions}: Being sexually abused in the context of emotional abuse and neglect is related to an increase in activation of the left IFG, which may indicate a delayed development of mirroring other people’s thoughts and emotions. Even though thoughts and emotions were correctly decoded from faces, the heightened activity of the left IFG could be an underlying mechanism for impaired interpersonal functioning when social situations are more complex or more related to maltreatment experiences.This work was supported by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)-E.A.C., VICI-grant [453-14- 001], B.M.E., VIDI-grant [016-085-353], A.L.v.H., Rubicon grant [446-13-006] and by the Royal Society-A.L.v.H., Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship [DH150176]

    Characteristics of mental health literacy measurement in youth:a scoping review of school-based surveys

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    Mental health literacy (MHL) was introduced 25 years ago as knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders which aid in their recognition, management, or prevention. This scoping review mapped the peer-reviewed literature to assess characteristics of secondary school-based surveys in school-attending youth and explore components of school-based programs for fostering MHL in this population. The search was performed following the method for scoping reviews by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Searches were conducted in four scientific databases with no time limit, although all sources had to be written in English. Primary studies (N = 44) provided insight into MHL surveys and programs for school-attending youth across 6 continents. Studies reported that most youth experience moderate or low MHL prior to program participation. School-based MHL programs are relatively unified in their definition and measures of MHL, using closed-ended scales, vignettes, or a combination of the two to measure youth MHL. However, before developing additional interventions, steps should be taken to address areas of weakness in current programming, such as the lack of a standardized tool for assessing MHL levels. Future research could assess the feasibility of developing and implementing a standard measurement protocol, with educator perspectives on integrating MHL efforts into the classroom. Identifying the base levels of MHL amongst school-attending youth promotes the development of targeted programs and reviewing the alignment with program components would allow researchers to build on what works, alter what does not, and come away with new ways to approach these complex challenges, ultimately advancing knowledge of MHL and improving levels of MHL.</p

    Lifecycle Analysis for Environmentally Conscious Solid Freeform Manufacturing

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    A lifecycle based process model for analyzing the environmental performance of SFM processes and SFM based rapid tooling processes is presented in this paper. The process environmental performance assessment model considers material, energy and disposal scenarios. The material use, process parameters (e.g. scanning speed) and power use can affect the environmental consequence of a process when material resource, energy, human health and environmental damage are taken into account. The presented method is applied to the SLA process and two SLA based rapid tooling processes. The method can be used to compare different rapid prototyping (RP) and RT processes in terms of their environmental friendliness and for further multi-objective decision makin

    Huxley Hotline, 1995, October 17

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    Penerapan Media Audio Visual terhadap Kemampuan Passing Ektrakurikuler Futsal MTs Al_Ianah Kosambi

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    Teknik dasar dalam perminan futsal berupa gerakan passing (mengumpan), dribling (menggiring), shooting (menendang), heading (meyundul), control (menahan) semua gerakan ini sangat berpengaruh dalam permainan futsal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh penerapan media pembelajaran audio visual terhadap teknik passing cabang olahraga futsal. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh peserta ekstrakurikuler cabang olahraga futsal MTS Al_Ianah Klari yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan media audiovisual terhadap kemampuan passing ekstrakurikuler MTS AL-IANAH Kosambi mengalami peningkatan dengan t hitung yang dihasilkan adalah 11.803 dan t-tabel sebesar 1.699. Hasil tersebut bahwa nilai t-hitung t-tabel sehingga post-test dapat disimpulkan adanya perbedaan yang nyata antara hasil pre-test dan hasil post-test sehingga hipotesis dapat diterima.dan penerapan media audio-visual terhadap kemampuan passing ekstrakurikuler MTS AL-IANAH Kosambi mengalami adanya peningkatan

    Comparison of horizontally integrated hospitals in private and public sectors of Czech Republic

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    This article presents the results of the research undertaken at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University in Zlin. The research focuses on the efficiency of the healthcare system. One of the goals was to compare the efficiency of private horizontally integrated hospitals and horizontally integrated hospitals owned by county, town or municipality. To evaluate the efficiency the Data Envelopment Analysis method was used, which is a benchmarking method applied to measure the efficiency of homogeneous organisational units. When undertaking such measuring it is crucial to assume that inputs are minimalised and outputs are maximised, i.e. outputs must bring a positive result while inputs must be as low as possible. Even though the research did not prove that either private horizontally integrated hospitals or horizontally integrated hospitals owned by the county, town or municipality to be more efficient than the others, the results are valuable as they point at specific options for increasing the efficiency of individual hospitals

    Monitor Newsletter February 25, 1980

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    Official Publication of Bowling Green State University for Faculty and Staffhttps://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/monitor/1054/thumbnail.jp