8 research outputs found

    MOCURIS - Modern Curriculum in Information Systems at Master Level

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    A lot of curricula in information systems, also at master level, exists today. However, the strong need in new approaches and new curricula still exists, especially, in European area. The paper discusses the modern curriculum in information systems at master level that is currently under development in the Socrates/Erasmus project MOCURIS. The curriculum is oriented to the students of engineering schools of technical universities. The proposed approach takes into account integration trends in European area as well as the transformation of industrial economics into knowledge-based digital economics The paper presents main characteristics of the proposed curriculum, discuses curriculum development techniques used in the project MOCURIS, describes the architecture of the proposed curriculum and the body of knowledge provided by it

    Coordination of Supply Webs Based on Dispositive Protocols

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    A lot of curricula in information systems, also at master level, exists today. However, the strong need in new approaches and new curricula still exists, especially, in European area. The paper discusses the modern curriculum in information systems at master level that is currently under development in the Socrates/Erasmus project MOCURIS. The curriculum is oriented to the students of engineering schools of technical universities. The proposed approach takes into account integration trends in European area as well as the transformation of industrial economics into knowledge-based digital economics The paper presents main characteristics of the proposed curriculum, discuses curriculum development techniques used in the project MOCURIS, describes the architecture of the proposed curriculum and the body of knowledge provided by it

    Development of a Shared Curriculum for Studies in Computer Science and Information Systems

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    The basic principles of the development of modern curriculum in computer science and information systems in Latvia as well as lessons learnt are discussed. The curriculum is based on two widely used documents “Computing Curricula 1991” and “IS’97”. At the same time the curriculum is strongly influenced by the local conditions of Latvian higher education system and requirements of the labour market. Some international experience in a model curriculum development has been acquired, too. New trends have emerged and new requirements have been fixed. Now, after ten years of experience there is a strong necessity to weight the pros and cons and to start revising of the curriculum

    MSIS 2006 Implementation Review in Bulgaria

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    MSIS 2006 is the last version of model curriculum and guidelines for graduate degree programs in information systems, that ACM, AIS, AITP and IFIP have proposed. At Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of University of Sofia, the oldest Master degree program is in Information systems. Its curriculum has been developed following MSIS 2006 predecessor recommendations. In this paper, specifics in implementation of MSIS 2006 are discussed with focus on Service-Oriented Architecture as a backbone of the new recommendations

    Dalykinės srities žinių turinio atnaujinimo valdymo informacinių sąveikų pagrindu modelis

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    The hierarchical Detailed Value Chain Model and the Elementary Management Cycle model of educational domain knowledge content updating are formally described in this paper, wherein computerized process measures are also proposed. The paper provides a method for updating the knowledge of the analyzed domain, referred to as the “enterprise domain,” based on enterprise modelling in terms of management information interactions. A method was designed, the formal DVCM and EMC descriptions of which are provided in the BPMN notation, allowing to develop a two-level (granular) model for describing the knowledge of educational domain management information interactions. In implementing this model and its algorithms in technological terms, a subsystem of enterprise knowledge has been created in a knowledge-based CASE system (computerized knowledge-based IS engineering), which performs the function of a domain knowledge database.Straipsnyje pateiktas nagrinėjamos dalykinės srities, vadinamos „veiklos domenu“, žinių turinio atnaujinimo metodas, grindžiamas veiklos valdymo informacinių sąveikų aspektu, kai yra identifikuojamos valdymo informacinės sąveikos tarp veiklos domeno komponentų. Sukurtas dalykinės srities valdymo žinių modeliavimo metodas, leidžiantis sudaryti analizuojamo domeno valdymo informacinių sąveikų dviejų lygmenų (granuliuoto) žinių aprašymo modelį: aukščiausiojo lygmens modifikuotas vertės grandinės modelis toliau detalizuojamas į elementaraus valdymo ciklo modelių rinkinį; pasirinkta hierarchinė struktūra leidžia sudaryti naujus struktūrinius žinių modelius bei juos atnaujinti. Sukurtas žinių turinio atnaujinimo modelis aprašytas formaliai, pasiūlytos kompiuterizuoto proceso įgyvendinimo priemonės. Pasiūlytas dalykinės srities valdymo žinių modeliavimo metodas, kurio formalūs detalizuoto vertės grandinės modelio (DVGM) ir elementaraus valdymo ciklo (EVC) aprašai pateikti BPMN notacija, pasiūlytos kompiuterizuoto IS inžinerijos proceso priemonės metodui realizuoti

    An approach of multi‐agent control of bio‐robots using intelligent recognition diagnosis of persons with moving disabilities

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    The aims of this research are focused on the construction of intellectualized equipments for people with moving disabilities to help them in sustainable integration into environment. The problem is to reveal main components of diagnosis of disabled persons, as well as to develop decision making models which are integrated into the control mechanisms of the special equipments, that are assigned to the class of bio‐robots. This paper analyses the approach of the construction of such type of bio‐robots with possibilities to integrate different knowledge representation techniques for the development of the reinforcement framework with multiple cooperative agents for the recognition of the diagnosis of emotional situation of disabled persons. Large‐scale of multidimensional recognitions of emotional diagnosis of disabled persons often generate a large amount of multi‐dimensional data with complex recognition mechanisms, based on the integration of different knowledge representation techniques and complex inference models. Sensors can easily record primary data; however, the recognition of abnormal situations, cauterisation of emotional stages and resolution for certain type of diagnosis is an oncoming issue for bio‐robot constructors. The research results present the development of multi‐layered model of this framework with the integration of the evaluation of fuzzy neural control of speed of two wheelchair type robots working in real time by providing moving support for disabled individuals. An approach for representation of reasoning processes, using fuzzy logical Petri nets for evaluation of physiological state of individuals is presented. The reasoning is based on recognition of emotions of persons during their activities. Santrauka Šio mokslinio tyrimo tikslai yra nukreipti į intektualizuotų įrenginių, skirtų žmonėms su judėjimo negalia ir užtikrinančių jų būklės stebėseną ir darnaus judėjimo valdymo aplinkoje galimybes, kūrimą. Sprendžiami uždaviniai skirti neįgaliųjų diagnozės pagrindinių komponenčių tyrimams, sudarant lanksčius sprendimų priėmimo modelius, integruojamus į specialių įrenginių valdymo mechanizmus, kurie priskiriami biorobotų klasei. Straipsnyje pateikiami metodai, kaip konstruoti tokio tipo biorobotų sistemas, leidžiant skirtingų žinių vaizdavimo priemones integruoti į sistemą, kad būtų sukurta daugelio agentų bendradarbiavimo aplinka, skirta neįgaliųjų emocinės būklės diagnuozei analizuoti. Neįgaliųjų diagnozės procesams formalizuoti reikia kelių metodų, kurie grindžiami skirtingais žinių vaizdavimo formalizmais, skirtingų matų parametrų atpažinimo algoritmais. Sensorinės sistemos fiksuoja pirminius stebėsenos duomenis, tačiau nenormalioms situacijos būklėms atpažinti reikia sudėtingų išvedimo metodų, taikant lanksčias neuroninių tinklų valdymo priemones. Tyrimo rezultatai pateikiami per daugelio lygmenų darbo infrastruktūrą, kuri integruoja miglota logika grindžiamų neuroninių tinklų valdymo būdus, taikant juos neįgaliojo vežimėlio valdymo konstrukcijoms, kurios leidžia valdyti vežimėlio judėjimą automatiškai valdoma trajektorija. Miglota logika grindžiamų Petri tinklų taikymas leido pademonstruoti galimybes atpažinti neįgaliojo psichologinės būsenos pokyčius ir vertinti juos laike stebint pacientus skirtingą laiką. First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: daugiaagentis sistemos valdymas, biorobotai, išskirstytosios informacinės sistemos, žinių vaizdavimo priemonės, miglota logika, neuroniniai tinklai, Petri tinklai

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse