909 research outputs found

    Fog and Edge Oriented Embedded Enterprise Systems Patterns: Towards Distributed Enterprise Systems That Run on Edge and Fog Nodes

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    Enterprise software systems enable enterprises to enhance business and management reporting tasks in enterprise settings. Internet of Things (IoT) focuses on making interactions possible between a number of network-connected physical devices. Prominence of IoT sensors and multiple business drivers have created a contemporary need for enterprise software systems to interact with IoT devices. Business process implementations, business logic and microservices have traditionally been centralized in enterprise systems. Constraints like privacy, latency, bandwidth, connectivity and security have posed a new set of architectural challenges that can be resolved by designing enterprise systems differently so that parts of business logic and processes can run on fog and edge devices to improve privacy, minimize communication bandwidth and promote low-latency business process execution. This paper aims to propose a set of patterns for the expansion of previously-centralized enterprise systems to the edge of the network. Patterns are supported by a case study for contextualization and analysis

    Law for the Platform Economy

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    This Article: explores patterns of legal-institutional change in the emerging, platform-driven economy. Its starting premise is that the platform is not simply a new business model, a new social technology, or a new infrastructural formation (although it is also all of those things). Rather, it is the core organizational form of the emerging informational economy. Platforms do not enter or expand markets; they replace (and rematerialize) them. The article argues that legal institutions, including both entitlements and regulatory institutions, have systematically facilitated the platform economy\u27s emergence. It first describes the evolution of the platform as a mode of economic (re)organization and introduces the ways that platforms restructure both economic exchange and patterns of information flow more generally. It then explores some of the ways that actions and interventions by and on behalf of platform businesses are reshaping the landscape of legal entitlements and obligations. Finally, it describes challenges that platform-based intermediation of the information environment has posed for existing regulatory institutions and traces some of the emerging institutional responses

    Digital Finance in Europe: Law, Regulation, and Governance

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    This special volume collects contributions from leading scholars who scrutinize the challenges digital finance presents for the EU internal market and financial market regulation from multiple public policy perspectives. Author contributions aim to provide policy-relevant research and ideas shedding light on the complexities of the digital finance promise. They also offer solid proposals for reform of EU financial services law

    Towards Proactive Mobility-Aware Fog Computing

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    Paljude värkvõrk- ja ärirakenduste tavapäraseks osaks on sõltuvus kaugete pilveteenuste poolt pakutavast andmetöötlusvõimekusest. Arvestatav hulk seesugustest rakendustest koguvad andmeid mitmetelt ümbritsevatelt heterogeensetelt seadmetelt, et pakkuda reaalajal põhinevaid teenuseid oma kasutajatele. Taolise lahenduse negatiivseks küljeks on aga kõrge viiteaeg, mis muutub eriti problemaatiliseks, kui vastava rakenduse efektiivne töö on väleda vastuse saamisega otseses sõltuvuses. Taolise olukorra puhul on viiteaja vähendamiseks välja pakutud uduandmetöötlusel põhinev arhitektuur, mis kujutab endast arvutusmahukate andmetöötlusühikute jaotamist andmeallikate ja lõppkasutajatele lähedal asuvatele arvutusseadmetele. Vaatamata sellele, et uduandmetöötlusel põhinev arhitektuur on paljutõotav, toob see kaasa uusi väljakutseid seoses kvaliteetse uduandmetöötlusteenuse pakkumisega mobiilsetele kasutajatele. Käesolev magistritöö käsitleb proaktiivset lähenemist uduandmetöötlusele, kasutades selleks lähedalasuvatel kasutajatel baseeruvat mobiilset ad hoc võrgustikku, mis võimaldab uduteenusetuvastust ja juurdepääsu ilma pilveteenuse abi kasutamata. Proaktiivset lähenemist kasutatakse nii teenusetuvastuse ja arvutuse migratsiooni kui ka otsese uduteenuse pakkumise käigus, kiirendades arvutusühikute jaotusprotsessi ning parendadades arvutuste jaotust vastavalt käitusaegsele kontekstiinfole (nt. arvutusseadmete hetkevõimekus). Lisaks uuriti uduarvutuse rakendusviisi mobiilses sotsiaal–silmusvõrgustikus, tehes andmeedastuseks optimaalseima valiku vastavalt kuluefektiivsuse indeksile. Lähtudes katsetest nii päris seadmete kui simulaatoritega, viidi läbi käesoleva magistritöö komponentide kontseptuaalsete prototüüpide testhindamine.A common approach for many Internet of Things (IoT) and business applications is to rely on distant Cloud services for the processing of data. Several of these applications collect data from a multitude of proximity-based ubiquitous resources to provide various real-time services for their users. However, this has the downside of resulting in explicit latency of the result, being especially problematic when the application requires a rapid response in the edge network. Therefore, researchers have proposed the Fog computing architecture that distributes the computational data processing tasks to the edge network nodes located in the vicinity of the data sources and end-users, to reduce the latency. Although the Fog computing architecture is promising, it still faces challenges in many areas, especially when dealing with support for mobile users. Utilizing Fog for real-time mobile applications faces the new challenge of ensuring the seamless accessibility of Fog services on the move. Further, Fog computing also faces a challenge in mobility when the tasks originate from mobile ubiquitous applications in which the data sources are moving objects. In this thesis, a proactive approach for Fog computing is proposed, which supports proactive Fog service discovery and process migration using Mobile Ad hoc Social Network in proximity, enabling Fog-assisted ubiquitous service provisioning in proximity without distant Cloud services. Moreover, a proactive approach is also applied for the Fog service provisioning itself, in order to hasten the task distribution process in Mobile Fog use cases and provide an optimization scheme based on runtime context information. In addition, a case study regarding the usage of Fog Computing for the enhancement of Mobile Mesh Social Network was presented, along with a resource-aware Cost-Performance Index scheme to assist choosing the approach to be used for transmission of data. The proposed elements have been evaluated by utilizing a combination of real devices and simulators in order to provide proof-of-concept

    Developing a framework for mobile payments integration

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    This paper derives a theoretical framework for consideration of both the technologically driven dimensions of mobile payment solutions, and the associated value proposition for customers. Banks promote traditional payment instruments whose value proposition is the management of risk for both consumers and merchants. These instruments are centralised, costly and lack decision support functionality. The ubiquity of the mobile phone has provided a decentralised platform for managing payment processes in a new way, but the value proposition for customers has yet to be elaborated clearly. This inertia has stalled the design of sustainable revenue models for a mobile payments ecosystem. Merchants and consumers in the meantime are being seduced by the convenience of on-line and mobile payment solutions. Adopting the purchase and payment process as the unit of analysis, the current mobile payment landscape is reviewed with respect to the creation and consumption of customer value. From this analysis, a framework is derived juxtaposing customer value, related to what is being paid for, with payment integration, related to how payments are being made. The framework provides a theoretical and practical basis for considering the contribution of mobile technologies to the payment industry. The framework is then used to describe the components of a mobile payments pilot project being run on a trial population of 250 students on a campus in Ireland. In this manner, weaknesses in the value proposition for consumers and merchants were highlighted. Limitations of the framework as a research tool are also discussed

    The rise of Africa’s digital economy

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    The rise of an African digital economy is improving millions of lives and rapidly transforming societies. Africa has a unique opportunity to become more sustainable and create economic growth through the better use of data, instead of using old technologies that consume fossil fuels. Digitalisation has many benefits: It speeds up the spread of information, brings people closer together, creates jobs and makes societies more efficient. Digitalisation is a key part of the European Union’s work in Africa. The European Commission and the African Union say digital technology is a priority for economic and social development in Africa. The European Investment Bank will keep playing a central role in Africa's future by providing targeted digital expertise and finance to the public and private sectors

    Administrative Sanctioning Regime for Gatekeepers: Consequences for Non-Compliance with the Digital Markets Act

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    The main objective of this research study is to offer a systematic analysis of the administrative sanctioning regime that applies to large digital platforms. These platforms, often referred to as super intermediaries, possess the power to disrupt the delicate balances ad intra and ad extra of markets, even within entire digital ecosystems that have emerged due to advancements in New Information and Communication Technologies. To this end, this paper explores the transformation brought about by the information society from a legal perspective and how, in response to the numerous challenges and questions arising from this new digital reality, it has led to regulations specifically designed to govern such platforms. The two key regulations in this regard are the Digital Services Act and, particularly relevant for this article, the Digital Markets Act. These regulations are instrumental in fostering competitive and equitable markets.El objetivo principal del presente estudio de investigación consiste en ofrecer un análisis sistemático del régimen administrativo sancionador que recae sobre grandes plataformas digitales, en cuanto superintermediadores con poder de alterar los necesarios equilibrios, ad intra y ad extra, de mercados e, incluso, completos ecosistemas digitales surgidos al amparo de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación. Para ello, se ahondará en la transformación que imprime la sociedad de la información desde una perspectiva legal y cómo, para dar respuesta a los múltiples desafíos e interrogantes que propicia esta nueva realidad digital, nace una normativa que regula específicamente este tipo de plataformas: la Digital Services Act y, sobre todo, en lo que aquí interesa, la Digital Markets Act. Estas regulaciones son un instrumento para el fomento de mercados disputables y leales

    What metrics really mean, a question of causality and construction in leveraging social media audiences into business results: Cases from the UK film industry

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    Digital distribution and sustained audience engagement potentially offer filmmakers new business models for responding to decreasing revenues from DVD and TV rights. Key to campaigns that aim at enrolling audiences, mitigating demand uncertainty and improving revenues, is the management of digital media metrics. This process crucially involves the interpretation of figures where a causal gap exists between some digital activity and a market transaction. This paper charts the conceptual framing methods and calculations of value necessary to manipulating and utilising the audience in a new way. The invisible aspects and mediating role of contemporary creative industries audiences is presented through empirical case study evidence from two UK feature films. Practitioners’ understanding of digital engagement metrics is shown to be a social construction involving the agency of material artefacts as powerful elements of networks that include both market entities and audiences