2,330 research outputs found

    A Contribution to Theory Building for Mobile Marketing: Categorizing Mobile Marketing Campaigns through Case Study Research

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    Marketing experts consider the mobile device as an extremely promising marketing tool as it supports them to cope with their major challenge: getting time and attention from customers. Current mobile marketing research mostly covers success factors and acceptance analysis. Categorization, when addressed, lacks in appropriate foundation and is not linked to objectives at all. In this article we examine 55 case studies in order to identify relevant characteristics of mobile marketing campaigns. The outcome of the paper is the derivation of four mobile marketing standard types and an examination of campaign objectives that can be addressed by mobile marketing. The proposed scheme allows to unambiguously characterize any given mobile marketing campaign and to identify the respective objectives.

    Relative advantage of mobile payment procedures - Mobile Payment from the perspective of the diffusion theory

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    An important condition of business profit in mobile commerce offers in the B2C area is the availability of wide accepted mobile payment procedures. The contribution considers mobile payment on the perspective of diffusion theory and analyses which relative advantages could arise by using mobile payment procedures.

    Added Value-based Approach to Analyze Electronic Commerce and Mobile Commerce Business Models

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    In this contribution we propose to apply the theory of informational added values (IAV) on electronic commerce (EC) and mobile commerce (MC). We state that for the success of electronic and mobile offers it is not sufficient to merely make a conventional offer available with new media. Instead, the use of electronic and mobile communication technology is only remunerative if it results in obtaining distinct supplementary IAV. This depends on the exploitation of certain faculties of the used technology. For EC, we call these the four electronic added values (EAV): reduction of temporal and certain spatial limitations, reduction of technical limitations, multi-mediality of access and egalitarian access. For MC, we call these the four mobile added values (MAV): ubiquity, contextsensitivity,identifying functions and command and control functions. We can find EAV and MAV as typical properties of EC or MC applications. EAV are the basis for the superiority of Internet applications compared with offline solutions. The relationship between the separate EAV and IAV will be explained and analyzed. Proceeding analogously for mobile applications, we analyze the relationship between MAV and resulting IAV. The outcome is an extension of the theory of informational added values with the concept of electronic and mobile added values. This allows for an application of the theory to both EC and MC in order to analyze and qualitatively evaluate any given business model. For determining its crucial added value we have to identify the EAV/MAV which are capitalized and can deduce the IAV resulting for each party involved. The concept put forward is a suggestion to approach business models, with the focus on typical evaluation criteria for Internet/mobile business models. It is also suitable to compare different business models and to put their added value for the involved parties in a context. In this way, objective criteria are established reducing subjectivity and allowing to make certain predictions. The paper ends with a critical review and the perspective for further research

    The “Mobility-M”-framework for Application of Mobile Technology in Business Processes

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    In order to provide a structural framework for the application of mobile technology in business processes that can serve as a basis for understanding the organizational impacts of mobile technologies, we present a model, the „Mobility-M“. It puts the technology and the business processes in context with each other by using the theory of informational added values. The aim is to facilitate and visualize the use of mobile technologies according to their potential benefits and effects. This model and its graphical representation significantly enhance the orientation within the introduction of mobile business processes.

    An Analysis of the Mobile Payment Problem in Europe

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    Mobile payment is crucial for, but not limited to mobile commerce. But a role as an established payment system still seems to be a distant prospect for it. In this paper we examine the basic conditions to mobile payment with special regard to the European market. Based on this, we analyze the current deadlock on the mobile payment market in order to develop a set of requirements to an integrative solution in the form of a Universal Mobile Payment System (UMPS). Finally, applications and constrictions of the results are shown and an outlook on the future of mobile payment is given.

    Assessment of Today’s Mobile Banking Applications from the View of Customer Requirements

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    Mobile banking is a subset of electronic banking which underlies not only the determinants of the banking business but also the special conditions of mobile commerce. This paper analyzes customer needs and expectations from the mobile applications’ view and from the banking view in order to derive a defined set of requirements. Based on these results, existing mobile banking applications are assessed. Their major shortcomings are explained, opportunities for their improvement are shown and the impact of upcoming new technology is discussed. The outcome of the paper is a defined set of customer requirements to mobile banking applications, the identification and assessment of four standard types of current mobile banking applications and an explanation of major failure reasons along with opportunities for their improvement.

    Security Issues in Mobile Payment from the Customer Viewpoint

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    The perception of mobile payment procedures’ security by the customer is one major factor for the market breakthrough of the according systems. In this paper we examine security issues in mobile payment from the viewpoint of customers. Based on theoretical research we analyze empirical data from the MP2 mobile payment study with 8295 respondents in order to develop a set of dimensions, categories and aspects. The results do have a scientific as well as a practical impact: They provide a basis for the selection of appropriate indicators for further empirical studies. Furthermore they can serve as a guideline for mobile payment service providers in order to prevent security concerns through appropriate design and communication of payment procedures and to convince customers of the security of their mobile procedures by meeting concerns in informative advertising.

    Suitability of Mobile Communication Techniques for the Business Processes of Intervention Forces

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    Intervention forces are special, often state-run organizations that are in charge of surveillance and intervention tasks. Examples are police, medical emergency services, civil defense, and security firms. From a business processes view, intervention forces are a subset of organizations whose operational business is mobile. The contribution analyzes the potentials and limits of mobile business processes for intervention forces. It proposes first approaches in the direction of a fully-integrated process chain for these organizations with regard to the special rules of mobile business.

    An Approach for Assessment of Electronic Offers

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    Internet and mobile technology enable businesses to invent new business models by applying new forms of organization or offering new products and services. In order to assess these new business models there has to be a methodology that allows identifying advantages that are caused by electronic and mobile commerce. The proposed approach builds upon the theory of informational added values that provides a classification of gains produced by information work. This theory is extended by the definition of categories of technology inherent added values that result in informational added values. These informational added values can be perceived by users of information products and services and therefore be used to assess electronic offers. The relationship between technology inherent and informational added values will be clarified with examples of real business models. Furthermore, a classification of basic business model types will be provided.

    Location Based Services in Deutschland : eine qualitative Marktanalyse auf Basis von Experteninterviews

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    Trotz der hohen Potenzialeinschätzungen für Location Based Services (LBS) ist die Entwicklung des LBS-Marktes in Deutschland bisher hinter den Erwartungen zurückgeblieben. Die Ursachen hierfür sind bisher weder auf Praxis- noch auf Forschungsseite identifiziert und ausführlich analysiert worden. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zielt daher darauf ab, die Gründe für die hinter den Erwartungen zurück bleibende Entwicklung herauszuarbeiten. Hierzu wird eine qualitative Expertenbefragung in der LBS-Branche durchgeführt. Als Ergebnis der Untersuchung erweisen sich neben technischen Barrieren insbesondere die Unwissenheit und Verunsicherung auf Seiten der Nutzer als Diffusionshemmnisse von LBS. Zudem zeigt sich, dass die derzeitige Struktur der Wertschöpfungskette suboptimal für eine erfolgreiche Marktentwicklung ist. Chancen für die Diffusion von LBS stellen nach Ansicht der befragten Experten die allgemeine gesellschaftliche Entwicklung, der Trend zu Mobilität sowie der Druck zu erhöhter Produktivität und Effizienz dar. Schließlich lassen sich aus den Befragungsergebnissen fünf zentrale Herausforderungen ableiten, welche von den Anbietern ortsbezogener Dienste zu adressieren sind
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