11 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT The evolution of smart phones' hardware and operating systems, users tendency to join social networks and to share multimedia content and daily life events, well-established methods and technologies of Semantic web, and the increasing establishment of Linked Open Data (LOD) APIs, motivate us to introduce a new approach in multimedia content composition and sharing in personal area networks that automatically analyzes, selects, composes, and shares the authored content. The capabilities of social network applications and the application

    Personalization in cultural heritage: the road travelled and the one ahead

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    Over the last 20 years, cultural heritage has been a favored domain for personalization research. For years, researchers have experimented with the cutting edge technology of the day; now, with the convergence of internet and wireless technology, and the increasing adoption of the Web as a platform for the publication of information, the visitor is able to exploit cultural heritage material before, during and after the visit, having different goals and requirements in each phase. However, cultural heritage sites have a huge amount of information to present, which must be filtered and personalized in order to enable the individual user to easily access it. Personalization of cultural heritage information requires a system that is able to model the user (e.g., interest, knowledge and other personal characteristics), as well as contextual aspects, select the most appropriate content, and deliver it in the most suitable way. It should be noted that achieving this result is extremely challenging in the case of first-time users, such as tourists who visit a cultural heritage site for the first time (and maybe the only time in their life). In addition, as tourism is a social activity, adapting to the individual is not enough because groups and communities have to be modeled and supported as well, taking into account their mutual interests, previous mutual experience, and requirements. How to model and represent the user(s) and the context of the visit and how to reason with regard to the information that is available are the challenges faced by researchers in personalization of cultural heritage. Notwithstanding the effort invested so far, a definite solution is far from being reached, mainly because new technology and new aspects of personalization are constantly being introduced. This article surveys the research in this area. Starting from the earlier systems, which presented cultural heritage information in kiosks, it summarizes the evolution of personalization techniques in museum web sites, virtual collections and mobile guides, until recent extension of cultural heritage toward the semantic and social web. The paper concludes with current challenges and points out areas where future research is needed

    PSiS mobile

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    Os sistemas de recomendação têm vindo a ser cada vez mais utilizados nos últimos anos. Por isso, é imprescindível que estes sistemas se adaptem à evolução da sociedade incluindo cada vez mais novas funcionalidades, tais como a adaptação do sistema ao contexto da pessoa. Esta adaptação pode ser feita através de, por exemplo, dispositivos móveis, que têm vindo a apresentar uma taxa de crescimento de vendas muito grande. Dada a crescente integração dos sistemas de recomendação com os sistemas móveis, foi elaborado um estudo sobre o estado da arte dos sistemas de auxílio ao turista que utilizam dispositivos móveis, sendo apresentadas as suas vantagens e desvantagens. Estes sistemas móveis de auxílio a turistas foram divididos em dois grupos: os que apresentam apenas a informação sobre pontos de interesse e os sistemas que são capazes de efectuar recomendações, com base no perfil do turista. Um breve estudo sobre os sistemas operativos para dispositivos móveis é apresentado, sendo especialmente focado o sistema operativo Android que foi o escolhido para esta implementação. Como os dispositivos móveis, actualmente, ainda possuem várias limitações, estas foram descritas e apresentadas as boas práticas no desenvolvimento de aplicações para este tipo de sistemas. É também apresentado um estudo que visa descobrir qual é o método mais leve e mais rápido para trocar dados entre a parte servidora e a parte móvel. Com a parte introdutória apresentada, é exposto o projecto desenvolvido nesta tese, o PSiS Mobile. Este sistema é um módulo que faz parte do projecto PSiS e pretende trazer todas as vantagens dos sistemas móveis para o sistema base já implementado. O projecto PSiS foca-se no estabelecimento de planos de visita personalizados com indicação de percursos para turistas com tempo limitado. Apoiando a definição de planos de visitas de acordo com o perfil do turista (interesses, valores pessoais, desejos, restrições, deficiências, etc.) combinando os produtos de turismo mais adequados (locais de interesse, eventos, restaurantes, etc.) em itinerários eficientes. A utilização de dispositivos móveis para acompanhamento da visita permite uma rápida interacção entre o turista e o sistema. Assim, o PSiS poderá recolher informação contextual do utilizador para que o perfil do mesmo seja enriquecido. O sistema apresentado é composto por duas partes: a parte cliente e a parte servidora. Toda a informação, como por exemplo o perfil do turista, histórico de viagens e valores de similaridade entre utilizadores está presente na parte servidora. O processo de recomendação também é efectuado pela aplicação servidora, sendo esta a responsável pela atribuição de uma classificação aos pontos de interesse tendo em conta o perfil do utilizador em causa. A base de dados do PSiS possui toda a informação relativa aos pontos de interesse numa determinada cidade ou região e o portfólio completo do histórico de visitas de cada utilizador. A componente móvel é uma parte muito importante para o sistema, pois interage com o utilizador no terreno. Um dispositivo móvel como o PDA, não só permite a apresentação de informação relevante ao utilizador, como também permite a recolha automática de informação contextual (por exemplo, a localização). Toda esta informação contribui para a definição de um perfil completo e para uma melhor adaptação do sistema às necessidades do utilizador. De forma a nem sempre estar dependente do servidor, a aplicação móvel possui rotinas para a realização de recomendações básicas. Ou seja, a aplicação móvel não realiza a classificação dos pontos de interesse, mas apenas mostra os principais resultados já formados pela parte servidora. Por exemplo, se um utilizador gostar de comida Chinesa, um restaurante Chinês nas imediações irá ter uma boa classificação e, por isso, ser recomendado. A aplicação móvel mostra ao turista o percurso definido para o dia em que o mesmo se encontra, sendo feito o rastreio do trajecto que o mesmo efectua. Assim, o sistema consegue saber se o horário do planeamento está a ser cumprido ou não. Caso não esteja, é invocado um algoritmo de planeamento que irá tentar corrigir o atraso ou o adiantamento perante o horário inicial. Depois de visitar um ponto de interesse, é pedido ao utilizador para fornecer feedback sobre o mesmo. Se desejado também é possível mostrar os pontos de interesse existentes perto do turista (usando as coordenadas GPS obtidas pelo dispositivo móvel) organizados por categorias, raio de distância, etc. Apesar dos dispositivos móveis possuírem várias restrições, pretendeu-se proporcionar ao utilizador uma boa experiência, através de uma aplicação rápida, de fácil utilização e adaptável, incluindo funcionalidades de planeamento, realidade aumentada e integração com a rede social do sistema. Todos estes factores contribuem para a disponibilização de informação detalhada ao turista.Recommendation systems have been growing in a relative number over the last years. But with the actual society evolution and expectations, these systems need to be improved to include new features, such as adapting the system to the context of the user. This adaptation can be performed using mobile devices, which nowadays are under an incredible growth rate in every business area. Since recommendation and mobile systems might be integrated, this work presents the current state of the art in tourism recommendation systems using mobile devices, and states their advantages/disadvantages. A brief study of mobile devices operating system is made and Android Operating System is described, presenting his functionalities and demonstrate how it works, in a software engineering way. Since mobile devices have several limitations a study will be presented to discover the lightest and fastest way to exchange information between a server and a mobile client. PSiS Mobile, that is the proposal of this thesis, is a mobile recommendation system and planning support, designed to provide an effective support during the visit of a tourist, providing context-aware information and recommendations about places of interest to visit based on tourist preferences and his current context

    Assisting Tourists on the Move- An Evaluation of Mobile Tourist Guides

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    The penetration of high-end mobile devices equipped with GPS and enhanced with multimedia features together with decreasing mobile data prices have resulted in larger usage of mobile services. One of the application domains particularly well-suited for mobile services is tourism, not least since tourists can be assisted especially during the vacation itself. Currently, there is a proliferation of such mobile tourist guides, proposing an unmanageable number of diverse functionalities. To counteract this situation, the contribution of this paper is threefold. First, an evaluation framework is proposed, comprising both, a classification of mobile tourist services and a categorization of their delivery aspects in terms of several orthogonal dimensions. Second, on basis of this framework, four representative mobile tourist guides are evaluated, thereby demonstrating the frameworks ’ applicability. Third, several lessons learned are discussed, thereby shedding light on the current state of effort in the area of mobile tourist guides. 1

    Mobile Datenbanken - heute, morgen und in 20 Jahren. Tagungsband zum 8. Workshop des GI-Arbeitskreises "Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" am 28.2.2005 im Rahmen der BTW 2005 in Karlsruhe

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    Der Workshop Mobile Datenbanken heute, morgen und in 20 Jahren ist der nunmehr achte Workshop des GI Arbeitskreises Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme. Der Workshop findet im Rahmen der BTW 2005, der GI Fachtagung für Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web, vom 28. Februar bis zum 01. März 2005 in Karlsruhe statt. Das Workshopprogramm umfasst zwei eingeladene Vorträge sowie sieben wissenschaftliche Beiträge, die vom Programmkomitee aus den Einreichungen ausgewählt wurden. Für den zweiten Workshoptag, der im Zeichen intensiver Diskussionen stehen soll, wurden zwei weitere Einreichungen als Diskussionsgrundlage ausgewählt. Inhaltlich spannt der Workshop einen weiten Bogen: Von fast schon klassischen Fragen aus dem Kernbereich mobiler Datenbanken, wie etwa der Transaktionsbearbeitung in diesen Systemen, bis hin zu neuen Multimediaanwendungen auf mobilen Geräten und von der Anfragebearbeitung in Ad-hoc-Netzen bis zur Analyse des Stands der Technik beim Entwurf mobiler Anwendungen. Diese Breite spiegelt die Breite der Fragestellungen, die bei der Betrachtung von mobiler Informationsnutzung zu Tage treten, wider. Wir hoffen mit unserem Workshop einen Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis dieser Fragestellungen zu liefern und ein Forum zum Austausch von Fragen, Lösungsansätzen und Problemstellungen zwischen Praktikern und Forschern aus dem universitären Umfeld zu bieten

    Kontext-abhängige Personalisierung multimedialer Inhalte auf mobilen Endgeräten

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    Die Bedeutung multimedialer Dienste hat in den letzten Jahren beträchtlich zugenommen. Ihre Nutzung ist heutzutage nicht mehr nur auf stationäre Geräte beschränkt: durch bessere mobile Endgeräte und leistungsfähigere Netze können diese Dienste immer mehr auch unterwegs eingesetzt werden. Gerade im mobilen Umfeld kämpfen sie aber mit zwei grundlegenden Problemen: zum einen ist es für den Nutzer schwierig, aus der riesigen Menge der Inhalte diejenigen zu finden, die für ihn wirklich relevant sind. Dieses Problem tritt auch bei stationärer Nutzung auf, die schlechteren Eingabemöglichkeiten und die geringere Bandbreite mobiler Endgeräte schränken aber gerade hier die Nutzung massiv ein. Zum anderen zeichnen sich mobile Geräte durch eine starke Heterogenität aus. Um multimediale Inhalte komfortabel nutzen zu können, muss deren optimale Darstellung für die unterschiedlichen Charakteristika dieser heterogenen Endgeräte gefunden werden. Eine Lösung für diese beiden Probleme ist die Personalisierung multimedialer Inhalte. Im mobilen Bereich findet die Nutzung multimedialer Inhalte in einem wesentlich dynamischeren Kontext statt. Der Nutzer kann sich räumlich bewegen, die Umgebungslautstärke und die Lichtverhältnisse ändern sich häufig, und er ist der Witterung ausgesetzt. Wie diese Informationen genutzt werden, um die Personalisierung multimedialer Inhalte zu unterstützen, soll im Rahmen dieser Arbeit näher untersucht werden. Dafür wurde die Multimedia Adaptation and Selection Language (MASL) zur Beschreibung von Inhalten und Nutzern entwickelt. Die Informationen, die mit dieser Sprache erfasst werden, werden durch Nutzereingabe (explizit) oder automatisch (implizit) gewonnen. Exemplarisch wird dies in der vorliegenden Arbeit mit der expliziten und impliziten Gewinnung von Schlüsselwörtern zu Inhalten und Nutzerbewertungen gezeigt. Die Beschreibungen in MASL werden verwendet, um multimediale Inhalte Kontext-abhängig auszuwählen und die gewählten Inhalte in der Darstellung an den aktuellen Nutzungskontext anzupassen. Für die Auswahl werden Empfehlungssysteme eingesetzt, die Inhalte gemäß den aktuellen Kontextinformationen des Nutzers selektieren. Die entwickelten Ansätze werden in ein einheitliches Framework integriert, das flexibel konfigurierbar ist. Für die Anpassung der Darstellung wird eine Middleware entwickelt, die verteilt arbeitet: der Server-seitige Teil führt eine Voranpassung der Inhalte durch, der Client beendet den Anpassungsprozess

    A Software Product Line Approach to Ontology-based Recommendations in E-Tourism Systems

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    This study tackles two concerns of developers of Tourism Information Systems (TIS). First is the need for more dependable recommendation services due to the intangible nature of the tourism product where it is impossible for customers to physically evaluate the services on offer prior to practical experience. Second is the need to manage dynamic user requirements in tourism due to the advent of new technologies such as the semantic web and mobile computing such that etourism systems (TIS) can evolve proactively with emerging user needs at minimal time and development cost without performance tradeoffs. However, TIS have very predictable characteristics and are functionally identical in most cases with minimal variations which make them attractive for software product line development. The Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) paradigm enables the strategic and systematic reuse of common core assets in the development of a family of software products that share some degree of commonality in order to realise a significant improvement in the cost and time of development. Hence, this thesis introduces a novel and systematic approach, called Product Line for Ontology-based Tourism Recommendation (PLONTOREC), a special approach focusing on the creation of variants of TIS products within a product line. PLONTOREC tackles the aforementioned problems in an engineering-like way by hybridizing concepts from ontology engineering and software product line engineering. The approach is a systematic process model consisting of product line management, ontology engineering, domain engineering, and application engineering. The unique feature of PLONTOREC is that it allows common TIS product requirements to be defined, commonalities and differences of content in TIS product variants to be planned and limited in advance using a conceptual model, and variant TIS products to be created according to a construction specification. We demonstrated the novelty in this approach using a case study of product line development of e-tourism systems for three countries in the West-African Region of Africa

    Adventure tourism in the Kwazulu-Natal Province : identification of hotspots and mobile knowledge

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    This research focused on adventure tourism in KZN. The adventurer traveller is interested in remote pristine hotspots. A concern is that irresponsible behaviour on the adventurer’s part could lead to the destruction of the fragile natural environment, as well as negatively interfere with the local traditional cultural values. Adventure hotspots were identified by using the functionalities of a GIS. These findings were validated by tourism practitioners in KZN. The researcher also proposed a practical solution that could improve or enhance the behaviour of adventurers. Existing media were collated into information prompts. These information prompts were categorised in tables that could be linked to a mobile GIS environment. The researcher then examined the framework requirements for a mobile GIS. This resulted in a set of seven criteria that brought together the core essentials required for the conceptual framework of a mobile GIS device dedicated to the adventurer in KZN.GeographyM.A. (Geography

    Exploratory Browsing

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    In recent years the digital media has influenced many areas of our life. The transition from analogue to digital has substantially changed our ways of dealing with media collections. Today‟s interfaces for managing digital media mainly offer fixed linear models corresponding to the underlying technical concepts (folders, events, albums, etc.), or the metaphors borrowed from the analogue counterparts (e.g., stacks, film rolls). However, people‟s mental interpretations of their media collections often go beyond the scope of linear scan. Besides explicit search with specific goals, current interfaces can not sufficiently support the explorative and often non-linear behavior. This dissertation presents an exploration of interface design to enhance the browsing experience with media collections. The main outcome of this thesis is a new model of Exploratory Browsing to guide the design of interfaces to support the full range of browsing activities, especially the Exploratory Browsing. We define Exploratory Browsing as the behavior when the user is uncertain about her or his targets and needs to discover areas of interest (exploratory), in which she or he can explore in detail and possibly find some acceptable items (browsing). According to the browsing objectives, we group browsing activities into three categories: Search Browsing, General Purpose Browsing and Serendipitous Browsing. In the context of this thesis, Exploratory Browsing refers to the latter two browsing activities, which goes beyond explicit search with specific objectives. We systematically explore the design space of interfaces to support the Exploratory Browsing experience. Applying the methodology of User-Centered Design, we develop eight prototypes, covering two main usage contexts of browsing with personal collections and in online communities. The main studied media types are photographs and music. The main contribution of this thesis lies in deepening the understanding of how people‟s exploratory behavior has an impact on the interface design. This thesis contributes to the field of interface design for media collections in several aspects. With the goal to inform the interface design to support the Exploratory Browsing experience with media collections, we present a model of Exploratory Browsing, covering the full range of exploratory activities around media collections. We investigate this model in different usage contexts and develop eight prototypes. The substantial implications gathered during the development and evaluation of these prototypes inform the further refinement of our model: We uncover the underlying transitional relations between browsing activities and discover several stimulators to encourage a fluid and effective activity transition. Based on this model, we propose a catalogue of general interface characteristics, and employ this catalogue as criteria to analyze the effectiveness of our prototypes. We also present several general suggestions for designing interfaces for media collections