144 research outputs found

    Mixed-integer quadrangulation

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    Global parametrization of range image sets

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    We present a method to globally parameterize a surface represented by height maps over a set of planes (range images). In contrast to other parametrization techniques, we do not start with a manifold mesh. The parametrization we compute defines a manifold structure, it is seamless and globally smooth, can be aligned to geometric features and shows good quality in terms of angle and area preservation, comparable to current parametrization techniques for meshes. Computing such global seamless parametrization makes it possible to perform quad remeshing, texture mapping and texture synthesis and many other types of geometry processing operations. Our approach is based on a formulation of the Poisson equation on a manifold structure defined for the surface by the range images. Construction of such global parametrization requires only a way to project surface data onto a set of planes, and can be applied directly to implicit surfaces, nonmanifold surfaces, very large meshes, and collections of range scans. We demonstrate application of our technique to all these geometry types

    Quad Meshing

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    Triangle meshes have been nearly ubiquitous in computer graphics, and a large body of data structures and geometry processing algorithms based on them has been developed in the literature. At the same time, quadrilateral meshes, especially semi-regular ones, have advantages for many applications, and significant progress was made in quadrilateral mesh generation and processing during the last several years. In this State of the Art Report, we discuss the advantages and problems of techniques operating on quadrilateral meshes, including surface analysis and mesh quality, simplification, adaptive refinement, alignment with features, parametrization, and remeshing

    Conversion of trimmed NURBS surfaces to Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces

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    This paper introduces a novel method to convert trimmed NURBS surfaces to untrimmed subdivision surfaces with Bézier edge conditions. We take a NURBS surface and its trimming curves as input, from this we automatically compute a base mesh, the limit surface of which fits the trimmed NURBS surface to a specified tolerance. We first construct the topology of the base mesh by performing a cross-field based decomposition in parameter space. The number and positions of extraordinary vertices required to represent the trimmed shape can be automatically identified by smoothing a cross field bounded by the parametric trimming curves. After the topology construction, the control point positions in the base mesh are calculated based on the limit stencils of the subdivision scheme and constraints to achieve tangential continuity across the boundary. Our method provides the user with either an editable base mesh or a fine mesh whose limit surface approximates the input within a certain tolerance. By integrating the trimming curve as part of the desired limit surface boundary, our conversion can produce gap-free models. Moreover, since we use tangential continuity across the boundary between adjacent surfaces as constraints, the converted surfaces join with G1 continuity. © 2014 The Authors.EPSRC, Chinese Government (PhD studentship) and Cambridge Trust

    Statistics of planar graphs viewed from a vertex: A study via labeled trees

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    We study the statistics of edges and vertices in the vicinity of a reference vertex (origin) within random planar quadrangulations and Eulerian triangulations. Exact generating functions are obtained for theses graphs with fixed numbers of edges and vertices at given geodesic distances from the origin. Our analysis relies on bijections with labeled trees, in which the labels encode the information on the geodesic distance from the origin. In the case of infinitely large graphs, we give in particular explicit formulas for the probabilities that the origin have given numbers of neighboring edges and/or vertices, as well as explicit values for the corresponding moments.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures, tex, harvmac, eps

    Liouville Quantum Gravity and KPZ

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    Consider a bounded planar domain D, an instance h of the Gaussian free field on D (with Dirichlet energy normalized by 1/(2\pi)), and a constant 0 < gamma < 2. The Liouville quantum gravity measure on D is the weak limit as epsilon tends to 0 of the measures \epsilon^{\gamma^2/2} e^{\gamma h_\epsilon(z)}dz, where dz is Lebesgue measure on D and h_\epsilon(z) denotes the mean value of h on the circle of radius epsilon centered at z. Given a random (or deterministic) subset X of D one can define the scaling dimension of X using either Lebesgue measure or this random measure. We derive a general quadratic relation between these two dimensions, which we view as a probabilistic formulation of the KPZ relation from conformal field theory. We also present a boundary analog of KPZ (for subsets of the boundary of D). We discuss the connection between discrete and continuum quantum gravity and provide a framework for understanding Euclidean scaling exponents via quantum gravity.Comment: 56 pages. Revised version contains more details. To appear in Inventione