357 research outputs found

    Robust Positioning in the Presence of Multipath and NLOS GNSS Signals

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    GNSS signals can be blocked and reflected by nearby objects, such as buildings, walls, and vehicles. They can also be reflected by the ground and by water. These effects are the dominant source of GNSS positioning errors in dense urban environments, though they can have an impact almost anywhere. Non- line-of-sight (NLOS) reception occurs when the direct path from the transmitter to the receiver is blocked and signals are received only via a reflected path. Multipath interference occurs, as the name suggests, when a signal is received via multiple paths. This can be via the direct path and one or more reflected paths, or it can be via multiple reflected paths. As their error characteristics are different, NLOS and multipath interference typically require different mitigation techniques, though some techniques are applicable to both. Antenna design and advanced receiver signal processing techniques can substantially reduce multipath errors. Unless an antenna array is used, NLOS reception has to be detected using the receiver's ranging and carrier-power-to-noise-density ratio (C/N0) measurements and mitigated within the positioning algorithm. Some NLOS mitigation techniques can also be used to combat severe multipath interference. Multipath interference, but not NLOS reception, can also be mitigated by comparing or combining code and carrier measurements, comparing ranging and C/N0 measurements from signals on different frequencies, and analyzing the time evolution of the ranging and C/N0 measurements

    Location-Enabled IoT (LE-IoT): A Survey of Positioning Techniques, Error Sources, and Mitigation

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has started to empower the future of many industrial and mass-market applications. Localization techniques are becoming key to add location context to IoT data without human perception and intervention. Meanwhile, the newly-emerged Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) technologies have advantages such as long-range, low power consumption, low cost, massive connections, and the capability for communication in both indoor and outdoor areas. These features make LPWAN signals strong candidates for mass-market localization applications. However, there are various error sources that have limited localization performance by using such IoT signals. This paper reviews the IoT localization system through the following sequence: IoT localization system review -- localization data sources -- localization algorithms -- localization error sources and mitigation -- localization performance evaluation. Compared to the related surveys, this paper has a more comprehensive and state-of-the-art review on IoT localization methods, an original review on IoT localization error sources and mitigation, an original review on IoT localization performance evaluation, and a more comprehensive review of IoT localization applications, opportunities, and challenges. Thus, this survey provides comprehensive guidance for peers who are interested in enabling localization ability in the existing IoT systems, using IoT systems for localization, or integrating IoT signals with the existing localization sensors

    Multipath Propagation, Mitigation and Monitoring in the Light of Galileo and the Modernized GPS

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    Among the numerous potential sources of GNSS signal degradation, multipath takes on a prominent position. Unlike other errors like ionospheric or tropospheric path delays which can be modeled or significantly reduced by differential techniques, multipath influences cannot be mitigated by such approaches. Although a lot of multipath mitigation techniques have been proposed and developed in the past among them many receiver internal approaches using special signal processing algorithms multipath (especially multipath with small geometric path delays) still remains a major error source. This is why multipath has been a major design driver for the definition of the Galileo signal structure carried out in the past years and the subsequent signal optimization activities. This thesis tries to provide a broad and comprehensive insight into various aspects of multipath propagation, mitigation and monitoring (without claiming to be exhaustive). It contains an overview of the most important aspects of multipath propagation, including the discussion of different types of multipath signals (e.g. specular vs. diffuse multipath, satellite vs. receiver multipath or hardware-induced multipath), typical characteristics such as periodic signal variations whose frequency depends on the satellite-antenna-reflector geometry and the impact on the signal tracking process within a GNSS receiver. A large part of this thesis is dedicated to aspects of multipath mitigation, first providing a summary of the most common multipath mitigation techniques with a special focus on receiver-internal approaches such as the narrow correlation technique, double-delta correlator implementations, the Early-Late Slope (ELS) technique or Early/Early tracking implementations. However, other mitigation approaches such as using arrays of closely spaced antennas or multipath-limiting antennas are discussed as well. Some of these techniques are used for subsequent multipath performance analyses considering signals of the (modernized) GPS and Galileo. These analyses base on a new methodology to estimate typical and meaningful multipath errors making use of multipath error envelopes that are scaled in a suitable way to account for different multipath environments. It will be shown that typical (mean) multipath errors can be derived from these scaled envelopes by computation of the envelopes running average and that these mean multipath errors are of the same order as multipath errors obtained from complex statistical channel models. Another part of this thesis covers various aspects of multipath detection and monitoring. First, current techniques for multipath detection and monitoring are described and discussed with respect to their benefits and drawbacks or their real-time capability. Among the considered approaches are techniques like code minus carrier monitoring, SNR monitoring, the use of differenced observations or spectral and wavelet analysis. Following this introductory overview, a completely new approach for real-time multipath monitoring by processing multi-correlator observations will be introduced. Previously being used primarily for the detection of Evil Waveforms (signal failures that originate from a malfunction of the satellites signal generation and transmission hardware), the same basic observations (linear combinations of correlator outputs) can be used for the development of a multi-correlator-based real-time multipath monitoring system. The objective is to provide the user with instant information whether or not a signal is affected by multipath. The proposed monitoring scheme has been implemented in the form of a Matlab-based software called RTMM (Real-Time Multipath Monitor) which has been used to verify the monitoring approach and to determine its sensitivity.Die Qualität eines Satellitensignals wird durch eine Vielzahl potenzieller Fehlerquellen negativ beeinflusst. Neben atmosphärischen Einflüssen tragen Mehrwegeeinflüsse einen wesentlichen Anteil zum Gesamtfehlerbudget der Satellitennavigation bei. Während eine ganze Reihe von Fehlereinflüssen durch geeignete Modellierung oder differenzielle Verfahren deutlich reduziert werden können, ist dies durch die räumliche Dekorrelation der Mehrwegeeffekte nicht möglich. Obwohl in der Vergangenheit eine Vielzahl von Verfahren zur Mehrwegereduzierung vorgeschlagen und entwickelt wurden, stellen Mehrwegesignale noch immer eine wesentliche, stets zu berücksichtigende Fehlerquelle dar. Aus diesem Grund spielten die zu erwartenden Mehrwegefehler auch eine sehr wichtige Rolle im Zuge der Definition sowie der Optimierung der Galileo-Signalstruktur und können somit als wesentliches Design-Kriterium angesehen werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen umfassenden Einblick in verschiedene Aspekte der Mehrwegeausbreitung, -reduzierung sowie der Detektion und der Überwachung auftretender Mehrwegeeffekte. Die Arbeit beschreibt zunächst die wichtigsten Aspekte der Mehrwegeausbreitung, wobei beispielsweise unterschiedliche Arten von Reflexionen oder unterschiedliche Entstehungsarten ebenso diskutiert werden wie typische Auswirkungen von Mehrwegesignalen wie die Entstehung periodischer Signalvariationen. Solche Signalvariationen sind in starkem Maße abhängig von der durch die Satellitenposition, dem Antennenstandpunkt und der Lage des Reflexionspunktes definierten Geometrie. Die Frequenz dieser Signalvariationen wird für unterschiedliche geometrische Verhältnisse berechnet. Zudem werden der Einfluss bzw. die Auswirkungen einer Mehrwegeausbreitung auf den Signalverarbeitungsprozess in einem GNSS Empfänger aufgezeigt. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bilden die derzeit gebräuchlichen Methoden zur Reduzierung von Mehrwegeeinflüssen. Dabei werden zunächst die wichtigsten empfängerinternen Ansätze vorgestellt. Aber auch Methoden wie die Verwendung von Antennenarrays oder spezieller Antennen bleiben nicht unberücksichtigt. Einige dieser Methoden bilden im Folgenden die Grundlage für die Bestimmung von typischen Mehrwegefehlern. Dazu wird eine neuartige Methodik vorgestellt, um aus Hüllkurven des Mehrwegefehlers aussagekräftige mittlere Mehrwegefehler zu bestimmen. Hierzu werden die Hüllkurven mit Hilfe einiger aus statistischen Kanalmodellen abgeleiteter Parameter in geeigneter Weise skaliert, um unterschiedlichen Mehrwegeumgebungen Rechnung zu tragen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die mit Hilfe dieser relativ einfachen und effizienten Methode ermittelten Mehrwegefehler in derselben Größenordnung liegen wie die aus komplexen statistischen Kanalmodellen ermittelten Fehler. Einen weiteren Themenkomplex stellen Methoden zur Detektion und zum Monitoring von Mehrwegeeinflüssen dar. Dabei werden zunächst derzeit verwendete Ansätze vorgestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Vor- und Nachteile sowie hinsichtlich ihrer Echtzeitfähigkeit diskutiert. In Anschluss daran wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Detektion und zum Monitoring von Mehrwegesignalen in Echtzeit vorgestellt, der auf der Auswertung von Multikorrelatorbeobachtungen basiert. Ziel dieser Entwicklung ist es, einen potenziellen Nutzer sofort darüber informieren zu können, wenn ein Signal mit Mehrwegefehlern behaftet ist. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz wurde in Form einer Matlab-basierten implementiert, welche im Folgenden zur Verifizierung und zur Bestimmung der Empfindlichkeit des Verfahrens verwendet wird

    Satellite Navigation for the Age of Autonomy

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) brought navigation to the masses. Coupled with smartphones, the blue dot in the palm of our hands has forever changed the way we interact with the world. Looking forward, cyber-physical systems such as self-driving cars and aerial mobility are pushing the limits of what localization technologies including GNSS can provide. This autonomous revolution requires a solution that supports safety-critical operation, centimeter positioning, and cyber-security for millions of users. To meet these demands, we propose a navigation service from Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites which deliver precision in-part through faster motion, higher power signals for added robustness to interference, constellation autonomous integrity monitoring for integrity, and encryption / authentication for resistance to spoofing attacks. This paradigm is enabled by the 'New Space' movement, where highly capable satellites and components are now built on assembly lines and launch costs have decreased by more than tenfold. Such a ubiquitous positioning service enables a consistent and secure standard where trustworthy information can be validated and shared, extending the electronic horizon from sensor line of sight to an entire city. This enables the situational awareness needed for true safe operation to support autonomy at scale.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 2020 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS

    Reduction of initial convergence period in GPS PPP data processing

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    Precise Point Positioning (PPP) has become a popular technique to process data from GPS receivers by applying precise satellite orbit and clock information, along with other minor corrections to produce cm to dm-level positioning. Although PPP presents definite advantages such as operational flexibility and cost effectiveness for users, it requires 15-25 minutes initialization period as carrier-phase ambiguities converge to constant values and the solution reaches its optimal precision. Pseudorange multipath and noise are the largest remaining unmanaged errors source in PPP. It is proposed that by reducing these effects carrier-phase ambiguities will reach the correct steady state at an earlier time, thus reducing the convergence period of PPP. Given this problem, this study seeks to improve management of these pseudorange errors. The well-known multipath linear combination was used in two distinct ways: 1) to directly correct the raw pseudorange observables, and 2) to stochastically de-weight the pseudorange observables. Corrections to the observables were made in real-time using data from the day before, and post-processed using data from the same day. Post-processing has shown 4 7% improvement in the rate of convergence, as the pseudorange multipath and noise were effectively mitigated. A 36% improvement in the rate of convergence was noted when the pseudorange measurements were stochastically de-weighting using the multipath observable. The strength of this model is that it allows for real-time compensation of the effects of the pseudorange multipath and noise in the stochastic model

    Design and development of a technological demonstrator for the study of high dynamics GNSS receivers

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    [ES] En el marco de esta tesis se van a estudiar, principalmente, los efectos del movimiento de alta dinámica en receptores de Sistemas Globales de Navegación por Satélite (GNSS). El término alta dinámica es un término utilizado para referirse al movimiento de los vehículos en los que van embarcados receptores GNSS, los cuales se mueven lo suficientemente rápido como para causar un gran desplazamiento en frecuencia de la portadora debido al efecto Doppler. Se identificarán los problemas inherentes a este tipo de entornos y se estudiarán y propondrán soluciones. Para poder efectuar el estudio de estos fenómenos, se diseñará un demostrador tecnológico (conjunto de hardware y software para prueba y prototipado de tecnologías) en el que desarrollar el estudio de los casos de interés. Con el fin de trabajar en un entorno repetible, se utilizará un generador de señal GNSS. La señal generada se traslada a un receptor de radiofrecuencia definido por software, Software Defined Radio (SDR). Este tipo de receptor únicamente se encarga de digitalizar la señal de entrada y de llevar las muestras digitales a un ordenador, de modo que todo el procesado de señal se implementa en dicho ordenador. Este esquema de trabajo es ideal habida cuenta de su simplicidad y flexibilidad. Dicha flexibilidad conlleva la posibilidad de sintonizar el demostrador para poder estudiar una amplia gama de arquitecturas de receptor GNSS. Una vez se haya ensamblado el demostrador, se comprobará su correcto funcionamiento en escenarios conocidos usando los algoritmos más utilizados a día de hoy en receptores GNSS. Asegurado el correcto funcionamiento, se comparará el rendimiento de algoritmos de referencia con los algoritmos a estudiar y se extraerán conclusiones.[CA] En aquest treball s'estudiaran, principalment, els efectes del moviment d'alta dinámica en receptors de Navegació per Satèl.lit GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). La denominació alta dinámica, s'utilitza per a descriure el moviment dels vehicles dins dels quals hi han receptors GNSS. El moviment d'aquests vehicles és suficientment ràpid com per a causar un gran desplaçament en freqüència de la freqüència portadora. Aquest desplaçament és consqüència de l'efecte Doppler. S'identificaran els problemes inherents d'aquest tipus de entorns GNSS i es propsararàn solucions. Per a estudiar l'efecte de l'alta dinàmica, es dissenyarà un demostrador tecnològic (conjunt de maquinari i software per a proves i prototipat de tecnologies) en que es pot desenvolupar l'estudi dels casos d'interès. Amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir treballar en un entorn repetible s'utilitzarà un generador de senyal GNSS. El senyal es processarà mitjançant un receptor SDR (Software Defined Radio). Aquest tipus de receptor s'encarrega del processat que fa un receptor GNSS en un PC. Aquesta filosofia de treball és idónia per la seua flexibilitat i simplicitat. Quan s'haja ensamblat el demostrador, és comprovarà el seu correct funcionament en escenaris de prova utilitzant els algoritmes implementats en receptors GNSS comercials. En aquest moment, el demostrador estarà preparat per a estudiar el casos d'alta dinàmica, que és l'objectiu fonamental d'aquest treball.[EN] The study of the effects of the high dynamics on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers constitute the main matter of study in this work. The term high dynamics refers to the movement of vehicles that carry GNSS embedded receivers, which move fast enough to generate a large carrier frequency drift caused by the Doppler effect. The problems linked to these environments will be characterized and solutions to counteract possible signal impairments will be discussed. In order to correctly characterize these problems, a technological demonstrator (set of hardware components interacting with software tools enabling fast prototyping) will be designed and constructed. Using this technological demonstrator, different case studies will be developed. With the aim of achieving experimental repeatability, a GNSS signal generator will be used. The generated GNSS signal is fed to a Software Defined Radio (SDR) GNSS receiver. This receiver type is in charge of digitizing the analog RF signal and carrying the resulting samples to a computer in which signal processing tasks implementing the functions of GNSS receivers, take place. The main advantage linked to the usage of this work scheme is that by changing the software part, different receiver architectures can be implemented in a simple manner. Furthermore, by taking advantage of the flexible architecture it is possible to tune the detector in such a manner that it is possible to implement many different architecture types. Once the technological demonstrator is assembled, tests to assure its correct operation will be conducted by performing comparisons with the behaviour of well-known GNSS receivers in known scenarios. Later on, comparative tests using signals from high dynamics scenarios will take place. Insight and analysis of comparative performance will be given.Alcaide Guillén, C. (2019). Design and development of a technological demonstrator for the study of high dynamics GNSS receivers [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/131697TESI

    Geodetic Sciences

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    Space geodetic techniques, e.g., global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), satellite gravimetry and altimetry, and GNSS Reflectometry & Radio Occultation, are capable of measuring small changes of the Earth�s shape, rotation, and gravity field, as well as mass changes in the Earth system with an unprecedented accuracy. This book is devoted to presenting recent results and development in space geodetic techniques and sciences, including GNSS, VLBI, gravimetry, geoid, geodetic atmosphere, geodetic geophysics and geodetic mass transport associated with the ocean, hydrology, cryosphere and solid-Earth. This book provides a good reference for geodetic techniques, engineers, scientists as well as user community