88 research outputs found


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    Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration Based on Adaptive Multi-scale PIIFD

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    In recent years, due to the wide application of multi-sensor vision systems, multimodal image acquisition technology has continued to develop, and the registration problem based on multimodal images has gradually emerged. Most of the existing multimodal image registration methods are only suitable for two modalities, and cannot uniformly register multiple modal image data. Therefore, this paper proposes a multimodal remote sensing image registration method based on adaptive multi-scale PIIFD(AM-PIIFD). This method extracts KAZE features, which can effectively retain edge feature information while filtering noise. Then adaptive multi-scale PIIFD is calculated for matching. Finally, the mismatch is removed through the consistency of the feature main direction, and the image alignment transformation is realized. The qualitative and quantitative comparisons with other three advanced methods shows that our method can achieve excellent performance in multimodal remote sensing image registration


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    Human inspired pattern recognition via local invariant features

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    Vision is increasingly becoming a vital element in the manufacturing industry. As complex as it already is, vision is becoming even more difficult to implement in a pattern recognition environment as it converges toward the level of what humans visualize. Relevant brain work technologies are allowing vision systems to add capability and tasks that were long reserved for humans. The ability to recognize patterns like humans do is a good goal in terms of performance metrics for manufacturing activities. To achieve this goal, we created a neural network that achieves pattern recognition analogous to the human visual cortex using high quality keypoints by optimizing the scale space and pairing keypoints with edges as input into the model. This research uses the Taguchi Design of Experiments approach to find optimal values for the SIFT parameters with respect to finding correct matches between images that vary in rotation and scale. The approach used the Taguchi L18 matrix to determine the optimal parameter set. The performance obtained from SIFT using the optimal solution was compared with the performance from the original SIFT algorithm parameters. It is shown that correct matches between an original image and a scaled, rotated, or scaled and rotated version of that image improves by 17% using the optimal values of the SIFT. A human inspired approach was used to create a CMAC based neural network capable of pattern recognition. A comparison of 3 object, 30 object, and 50 object scenes were examined using edge and optimized SIFT based features as inputs and produced extensible results from 3 to 50 objects based on classification performance. The classification results prove that we achieve a high level of pattern recognition that ranged from 96.1% to 100% for objects under consideration. The result is a pattern recognition model capable of locally based classification based on invariant information without the need for sets of information that include input sensory data that is not necessarily invariant (background data, raw pixel data, viewpoint angles) that global models rely on in pattern recognition

    Path Planning for UAVs Based on Computational Verb Theory

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    计算动词理论作为一门新兴的学科,已有十六年的发展历史。在这期间,计算动词以其强大的理论适用性渗透到自动控制、信号处理、经济学等领域并发挥了其解决复杂工程及社会问题的能力。 关联规则挖掘是数据挖掘的应用之一,本文的第一部分将计算动词理论中的动词相似度应用于关联规则挖掘的数据预处理中,使我们能够更好地研究事务动态发展趋势之间的关联。本文的第二部分构建基于障碍物规避的无人机路径规划系统,该系统由障碍物识别、障碍物规避、路径选取、路径平滑四个模块组成。利用基于计算动词规则库的障碍物规避方案得到最大规避角,并以精确解决方案为参照,和模糊规则库解决方案进行比较,结果显示计算动词理论解决复杂问题的优势。 ...Since its invention, computational verb theory has been developed for some 16 years. During this period, with its strong theoretical applicability, the computational verb theory penetrates into the fields of automatic control, signal processing, economics and so on and shows the ability of solving complex engineering and social problems. Association rules mining is one way to do data mining. In ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电子与通信工程学号:2312010115295

    Real Time Stereo Cameras System Calibration Tool and Attitude and Pose Computation with Low Cost Cameras

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    The Engineering in autonomous systems has many strands. The area in which this work falls, the artificial vision, has become one of great interest in multiple contexts and focuses on robotics. This work seeks to address and overcome some real difficulties encountered when developing technologies with artificial vision systems which are, the calibration process and pose computation of robots in real-time. Initially, it aims to perform real-time camera intrinsic (3.2.1) and extrinsic (3.3) stereo camera systems calibration needed to the main goal of this work, the real-time pose (position and orientation) computation of an active coloured target with stereo vision systems. Designed to be intuitive, easy-to-use and able to run under real-time applications, this work was developed for use either with low-cost and easy-to-acquire or more complex and high resolution stereo vision systems in order to compute all the parameters inherent to this same system such as the intrinsic values of each one of the cameras and the extrinsic matrices computation between both cameras. More oriented towards the underwater environments, which are very dynamic and computationally more complex due to its particularities such as light reflections. The available calibration information, whether generated by this tool or loaded configurations from other tools allows, in a simplistic way, to proceed to the calibration of an environment colorspace and the detection parameters of a specific target with active visual markers (4.1.1), useful within unstructured environments. With a calibrated system and environment, it is possible to detect and compute, in real time, the pose of a target of interest. The combination of position and orientation or attitude is referred as the pose of an object. For performance analysis and quality of the information obtained, this tools are compared with others already existent.A engenharia de sistemas autónomos actua em diversas vertentes. Uma delas, a visão artificial, em que este trabalho assenta, tornou-se uma das de maior interesse em múltiplos contextos e focos na robótica. Assim, este trabalho procura abordar e superar algumas dificuldades encontradas aquando do desenvolvimento de tecnologias baseadas na visão artificial. Inicialmente, propõe-se a fornecer ferramentas para realizar as calibrações necessárias de intrínsecos (3.2.1) e extrínsecos (3.3) de sistemas de visão stereo em tempo real para atingir o objectivo principal, uma ferramenta de cálculo da posição e orientação de um alvo activo e colorido através de sistemas de visão stereo. Desenhadas para serem intuitivas, fáceis de utilizar e capazes de operar em tempo real, estas ferramentas foram desenvolvidas tendo em vista a sua integração quer com camaras de baixo custo e aquisição fácil como com camaras mais complexas e de maior resolução. Propõem-se a realizar a calibração dos parâmetros inerentes ao sistema de visão stereo como os intrínsecos de cada uma das camaras e as matrizes de extrínsecos que relacionam ambas as camaras. Este trabalho foi orientado para utilização em meio subaquático onde se presenciam ambientes com elevada dinâmica visual e maior complexidade computacional devido `a suas particularidades como reflexões de luz e má visibilidade. Com a informação de calibração disponível, quer gerada pelas ferramentas fornecidas, quer obtida a partir de outras, pode ser carregada para proceder a uma calibração simplista do espaço de cor e dos parâmetros de deteção de um alvo específico com marcadores ativos coloridos (4.1.1). Estes marcadores são ´uteis em ambientes não estruturados. Para análise da performance e qualidade da informação obtida, as ferramentas de calibração e cálculo de pose (posição e orientação), serão comparadas com outras já existentes

    Development Of A High Performance Mosaicing And Super-Resolution Algorithm

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    In this dissertation, a high-performance mosaicing and super-resolution algorithm is described. The scale invariant feature transform (SIFT)-based mosaicing algorithm builds an initial mosaic which is iteratively updated by the robust super resolution algorithm to achieve the final high-resolution mosaic. Two different types of datasets are used for testing: high altitude balloon data and unmanned aerial vehicle data. To evaluate our algorithm, five performance metrics are employed: mean square error, peak signal to noise ratio, singular value decomposition, slope of reciprocal singular value curve, and cumulative probability of blur detection. Extensive testing shows that the proposed algorithm is effective in improving the captured aerial data and the performance metrics are accurate in quantifying the evaluation of the algorithm

    Edge adaptive filtering of depth maps for mobile devices

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    Abstract. Mobile phone cameras have an almost unlimited depth of field, and therefore the images captured with them have wide areas in focus. When the depth of field is digitally manipulated through image processing, accurate perception of depth in a captured scene is important. Capturing depth data requires advanced imaging methods. In case a stereo lens system is used, depth information is calculated from the disparities between stereo frames. The resulting depth map is often noisy or doesn’t have information for every pixel. Therefore it has to be filtered before it is used for emphasizing depth. Edges must be taken into account in this process to create natural-looking shallow depth of field images. In this study five filtering methods are compared with each other. The main focus is the Fast Bilateral Solver, because of its novelty and high reported quality. Mobile imaging requires fast filtering in uncontrolled environments, so optimizing the processing time of the filters is essential. In the evaluations the depth maps are filtered, and the quality and the speed is determined for every method. The results show that the Fast Bilateral Solver filters the depth maps well, and can handle noisy depth maps better than the other evaluated methods. However, in mobile imaging it is slow and needs further optimization.Reunatietoinen syvyyskarttojen suodatus mobiililaitteilla. Tiivistelmä. Matkapuhelimien kameroissa on lähes rajoittamaton syväterävyysalue, ja siksi niillä otetuissa kuvissa laajat alueet näkyvät tarkennettuina. Digitaalisessa syvyysterävyysalueen muokkauksessa tarvitaan luotettava syvyystieto. Syvyysdatan hankinta vaatii edistyneitä kuvausmenetelmiä. Käytettäessä stereokameroita syvyystieto lasketaan kuvien välisistä dispariteeteista. Tuloksena syntyvä syvyyskartta on usein kohinainen, tai se ei sisällä syvyystietoa joka pikselille. Tästä syystä se on suodatettava ennen käyttöä syvyyden korostamiseen. Tässä prosessissa reunat ovat otettava huomioon, jotta saadaan luotua luonnollisen näköisiä kapean syväterävyysalueen kuvia. Tässä tutkimuksessa verrataan viittä suodatusmenetelmää keskenään. Eniten keskitytään nopeaan bilateraaliseen ratkaisijaan, johtuen sen uutuudesta ja korkeasta tuloksen laadusta. Mobiililaitteella kuvantamisen vaatimuksena on nopea suodatus hallitsemattomissa olosuhteissa, joten suodattimien prosessointiajan optimointi on erittäin tärkeää. Vertailuissa syvyyskuvat suodatetaan ja suodatuksen laatu ja nopeus mitataan jokaiselle menetelmälle. Tulokset osoittavat, että nopea bilateraalinen ratkaisija suodattaa syvyyskarttoja hyvin ja osaa käsitellä kohinaisia syvyyskarttoja paremmin kuin muut tarkastellut menetelmät. Mobiilikuvantamiseen se on kuitenkin hidas ja tarvitsee pidemmälle menevää optimointia