114 research outputs found

    Robust mean absolute deviation problems on networks with linear vertex weights

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    This article deals with incorporating the mean absolute deviation objective function in several robust single facility location models on networks with dynamic evolution of node weights, which are modeled by means of linear functions of a parameter. Specifically, we have considered two robustness criteria applied to the mean absolute deviation problem: the MinMax criterion, and the MinMax regret criterion. For solving the corresponding optimization problems, exact algorithms have been proposed and their complexities have been also analyzed.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2007-67433-C02-(01,02)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2009-14243Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2010-19576-C02-(01,02)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DE2009-0057Junta de Andalucía P09-TEP-5022Junta de Andalucía FQM-584

    Minmax regret combinatorial optimization problems: an Algorithmic Perspective

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    Candia-Vejar, A (reprint author), Univ Talca, Modeling & Ind Management Dept, Curico, Chile.Uncertainty in optimization is not a new ingredient. Diverse models considering uncertainty have been developed over the last 40 years. In our paper we essentially discuss a particular uncertainty model associated with combinatorial optimization problems, developed in the 90's and broadly studied in the past years. This approach named minmax regret (in particular our emphasis is on the robust deviation criteria) is different from the classical approach for handling uncertainty, stochastic approach, where uncertainty is modeled by assumed probability distributions over the space of all possible scenarios and the objective is to find a solution with good probabilistic performance. In the minmax regret (MMR) approach, the set of all possible scenarios is described deterministically, and the search is for a solution that performs reasonably well for all scenarios, i.e., that has the best worst-case performance. In this paper we discuss the computational complexity of some classic combinatorial optimization problems using MMR. approach, analyze the design of several algorithms for these problems, suggest the study of some specific research problems in this attractive area, and also discuss some applications using this model

    Contributions to robust and bilevel optimization models for decision-making

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    Los problemas de optimización combinatorios han sido ampliamente estudiados en la literatura especializada desde mediados del siglo pasado. No obstante, en las últimas décadas ha habido un cambio de paradigma en el tratamiento de problemas cada vez más realistas, en los que se incluyen fuentes de aleatoriedad e incertidumbre en los datos, múltiples criterios de optimización y múltiples niveles de decisión. Esta tesis se desarrolla en este contexto. El objetivo principal de la misma es el de construir modelos de optimización que incorporen aspectos inciertos en los parámetros que de nen el problema así como el desarrollo de modelos que incluyan múltiples niveles de decisión. Para dar respuesta a problemas con incertidumbre usaremos los modelos Minmax Regret de Optimización Robusta, mientras que las situaciones con múltiples decisiones secuenciales serán analizadas usando Optimización Binivel. En los Capítulos 2, 3 y 4 se estudian diferentes problemas de decisión bajo incertidumbre a los que se dará una solución robusta que proteja al decisor minimizando el máximo regret en el que puede incurrir. El criterio minmax regret analiza el comportamiento del modelo bajo distintos escenarios posibles, comparando su e ciencia con la e ciencia óptima bajo cada escenario factible. El resultado es una solución con una eviciencia lo más próxima posible a la óptima en el conjunto de las posibles realizaciones de los parámetros desconocidos. En el Capítulo 2 se estudia un problema de diseño de redes en el que los costes, los pares proveedor-cliente y las demandas pueden ser inciertos, y además se utilizan poliedros para modelar la incertidumbre, permitiendo de este modo relaciones de dependencia entre los parámetros. En el Capítulo 3 se proponen, en el contexto de la secuenciación de tareas o la computación grid, versiones del problema del camino más corto y del problema del viajante de comercio en el que el coste de recorrer un arco depende de la posición que este ocupa en el camino, y además algunos de los parámetros que de nen esta función de costes son inciertos. La combinación de la dependencia en los costes y la incertidumbre en los parámetros da lugar a dependencias entre los parámetros desconocidos, que obliga a modelar los posibles escenarios usando conjuntos más generales que los hipercubos, habitualmente utilizados en este contexto. En este capítulo, usaremos poliedros generales para este cometido. Para analizar este primer bloque de aplicaciones, en el Capítulo 4, se analiza un modelo de optimización en el que el conjunto de posibles escenarios puede ser alterado mediante la realización de inversiones en el sistema. En los problemas estudiados en este primer bloque, cada decisión factible es evaluada en base a la reacción más desfavorable que pueda darse en el sistema. En los Capítulos 5 y 6 seguiremos usando esta idea pero ahora se supondrá que esa reacción a la decisión factible inicial está en manos de un adversario o follower. Estos dos capítulos se centran en el estudio de diferentes modelos binivel. La Optimización Binivel aborda problemas en los que existen dos niveles de decisión, con diferentes decisores en cada uno ellos y la decisión se toma de manera jerárquica. En concreto, en el Capítulo 5 se estudian distintos modelos de jación de precios en el contexto de selección de carteras de valores, en los que el intermediario nanciero, que se convierte en decisor, debe jar los costes de invertir en determinados activos y el inversor debe seleccionar su cartera de acuerdo a distintos criterios. Finalmente, en el Capítulo 6 se estudia un problema de localización en el que hay distintos decisores, con intereses contrapuestos, que deben determinar secuencialmente la ubicación de distintas localizaciones. Este modelo de localización binivel se puede aplicar en contextos como la localización de servicios no deseados o peligrosos (plantas de reciclaje, centrales térmicas, etcétera) o en problemas de ataque-defensa. Todos estos modelos se abordan mediante el uso de técnicas de Programación Matemática. De cada uno de ellos se analizan algunas de sus propiedades y se desarrollan formulaciones y algoritmos, que son examinados también desde el punto de vista computacional. Además, se justica la validez de los modelos desde un enfoque de las aplicaciones prácticas. Los modelos presentados en esta tesis comparten la peculiaridad de requerir resolver distintos problemas de optimización encajados.Combinatorial optimization problems have been extensively studied in the specialized literature since the mid-twentieth century. However, in recent decades, there has been a paradigm shift to the treatment of ever more realistic problems, which include sources of randomness and uncertainty in the data, multiple optimization criteria and multiple levels of decision. This thesis concerns the development of such concepts. Our objective is to study optimization models that incorporate uncertainty elements in the parameters de ning the model, as well as the development of optimization models integrating multiple decision levels. In order to consider problems under uncertainty, we use Minmax Regret models from Robust Optimization; whereas the multiplicity and hierarchy in the decision levels is addressed using Bilevel Optimization. In Chapters 2, 3 and 4, we study di erent decision problems under uncertainty to which we give a robust solution that protects the decision-maker minimizing the maximum regret that may occur. This robust criterion analyzes the performance of the system under multiple possible scenarios, comparing its e ciency with the optimum one under each feasible scenario. We obtain, as a result, a solution whose e ciency is as close as possible to the optimal one in the set of feasible realizations of the uncertain parameters. In Chapter 2, we study a network design problem in which the costs, the pairs supplier-customer, and the demands can take uncertain values. Furthermore, the uncertainty in the parameters is modeled via polyhedral sets, thereby allowing relationships among the uncertain parameters. In Chapter 3, we propose time-dependent versions of the shortest path and traveling salesman problems in which the costs of traversing an arc depends on the relative position that the arc occupies in the path. Moreover, we assume that some of the parameters de ning these costs can be uncertain. These models can be applied in the context of task sequencing or grid computing. The incorporation of time-dependencies together with uncertainties in the parameters gives rise to dependencies among the uncertain parameters, which require modeling the possible scenarios using more general sets than hypercubes, normally used in this context. In this chapter, we use general polyhedral sets with this purpose. To nalize this rst block of applications, in Chapter 4, we analyze an optimization model in which the set of possible scenarios can be modi ed by making some investments in the system. In the problems studied in this rst block, each feasible decision is evaluated based on the most unfavorable possible reaction of the system. In Chapters 5 and 6, we will still follow this idea, but assuming that the reaction to the initial feasible decision will be held by a follower or an adversary, instead of assuming the most unfavorable one. These two chapters are focused on the study of some bilevel models. Bilevel Optimization addresses optimization problems with multiple decision levels, di erent decision-makers in each level and a hierarchical decision order. In particular, in Chapter 5, we study some price setting problems in the context of portfolio selection. In these problems, the nancial intermediary becomes a decisionmaker and sets the transaction costs for investing in some securities, and the investor chooses her portfolio according to di erent criteria. Finally, in Chapter 6, we study a location problem with several decision-makers and opposite interests, that must set, sequentially, some location points. This bilevel location model can be applied in practical applications such as the location of semi-obnoxious facilities (power or electricity plants, waste dumps, etc.) or interdiction problems. All these models are stated from a Mathematical Programming perspective, analyzing their properties and developing formulations and algorithms, that are tested from a computational point of view. Furthermore, we pay special attention to justifying the validity of the models from the practical applications point of view. The models presented in this thesis share the characteristic of involving the resolution of nested optimization problems.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Robust optimization criteria: state-of-the-art and new issues

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    Uncertain parameters appear in many optimization problems raised by real-world applications. To handle such problems, several approaches to model uncertainty are available, such as stochastic programming and robust optimization. This study is focused on robust optimization, in particular, the criteria to select and determine a robust solution. We provide an overview on robust optimization criteria and introduce two new classifications criteria for measuring the robustness of both scenarios and solutions. They can be used independently or coupled with classical robust optimization criteria and could work as a complementary tool for intensification in local searches

    New results on minimax regret single facility ordered median location problems on networks

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    We consider the single facility ordered median location problem with uncertainty in the parameters (weights) defining the objective function. We study two cases. In the first case the uncertain weights belong to a region with a finite number of extreme points, and in the second case they must also satisfy some order constraints and belong to some box, (convex case). To deal with the uncertainty we apply the minimax regret approach, providing strongly polynomial time algorithms to solve these problems

    An O(n^2 log^2 n) Time Algorithm for Minmax Regret Minsum Sink on Path Networks

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    We model evacuation in emergency situations by dynamic flow in a network. We want to minimize the aggregate evacuation time to an evacuation center (called a sink) on a path network with uniform edge capacities. The evacuees are initially located at the vertices, but their precise numbers are unknown, and are given by upper and lower bounds. Under this assumption, we compute a sink location that minimizes the maximum "regret." We present the first sub-cubic time algorithm in n to solve this problem, where n is the number of vertices. Although we cast our problem as evacuation, our result is accurate if the "evacuees" are fluid-like continuous material, but is a good approximation for discrete evacuees