1,613 research outputs found

    Large Formless Sets of Data for Competitor Mining

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    A company's success is determined by its ability to make a thing appealing to its customers rather than the competitors. We have some questions within the context of this challenge: how can competition between two parts be formalized and quantified? Who are the primary rivals of a certain item? What are an item's most distinguishing features? Despite the fact that this subject has a wide range of influence and relevance, only a little amount of effort has gone into developing a suitable answer. The competition between two items is observed formally in this project, depending on the business areas they both represent. Consumer comments and a wide range of available knowledge in a variety of fields are used in our competitiveness assessment. We provide efficient approaches for assessing competition and resolving the inherent challenge of finishing the top-known competitors of a specific object using large data sets. Finally, we test the validity and scalability of our conclusions using a variety of datasets from other domains

    Characteristics Description of Potential User Segments on the E-Commerce Website oriented to Precision Marketing

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    In the increasingly competitive environment between e-commerce companies, for more accurate implementation of marketing strategies, e-commerce websites often choose to subdivide the consumer market of the enterprise to identify site users’ characteristics to find their needs. In this paper, we subdivide consumer market from the four dimensions of behavior, geography, demography and psychology and propose a model to describe the characteristics of potential user market segments. Based on the web log data and user transaction data, a classification algorithm is used to analyze user behavior data in Web log to find the potential user segments and the user\u27s descriptive characteristics in user transaction data are clustered to obtain the distribution of consumer characteristics under various product categories, then we use the product categories in e-commerce website as an intermediary to give every single potential user in potential user market segments the descriptive characteristics, which can provide data support for the realization of precision marketing. The proposed model is applied to the actual data of a certain insurance e-commerce platform, and based on the results, we gain some implications for marketing of the e-commerce website

    Information Entropy Theory Based Recognition of the Validity of Contextual Information of Restaurants: An Empirical Study

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    Contextual information plays a key role in personalized recommendations. However, not all contextual information plays a positive role in personalized recommendations. Therefore, it is critical to identify the effective contextual information to realize personalized recommendations. This study aims to develop a set of feasible context importance calculation methods that can identify effective contextual information in different application scenarios. The information entropy of each contextual dimension is calculated, and the validity of the context compared according to the magnitude of its entropy is determined based on the informational entropy theory. Subsequently, this approach is applied to hotel and catering service data to determine the valid context in the dining domain. The experimental results indicate that location, work-rest condition, weather, mood and companionship considerably influence consumers’ behaviour and decisions in a catering environment, and the user preference in such contexts should be carefully considered

    Analysis and Implementation of Augmented Reality Using Markerless and A-Star Algorithm (Case Study: Gedung Kuliah Umum ITERA)

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    Institut Teknologi Sumatera is a public university in the province of Lampung. Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) has many buildings, including Gedung Kuliah Umum (GKU). GKU is the largest and widest lecture building in ITERA. GKU has four floors, where each floor has many rooms in it with different functions in each room. As the largest building in ITERA, GKU is often used for various events, including CPNS exams, new student admissions, or for visits from other campuses. Due to the size of this building, this allows visitors from outside ITERA to GKU to experience problems in terms of time to ask questions and difficulty finding various spaces in the GKU Building. This research uses Augmented Reality technology to help make it easier for visitors from outside ITERA to find space quickly and precisely. In its development using several tools, including the ARWaKit SDK. This framework is used on devices with the IoS operating system. In its implementation, it requires a camera on a smartphone to capture existing images and convert them into cyberspace. In the ARWayKit framework, Azure Spatial Anchors have been used which can be used to carry out the mapping process as a markerless method and to optimize the distance from the user's position to the destination location, the a-star algorithm is used. The results obtained from the Variation-2 test were 91.6%

    “WARES”, a Web Analytics Recommender System

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    Il est difficile d'imaginer des entreprises modernes sans analyse, c'est une tendance dans les entreprises modernes, même les petites entreprises et les entrepreneurs individuels commencent à utiliser des outils d'analyse d'une manière ou d'une autre pour leur entreprise. Pas étonnant qu'il existe un grand nombre d'outils différents pour les différents domaines, ils varient dans le but de simples statistiques d'amis et de visites pour votre page Facebook à grands et sophistiqués dans le cas des systèmes conçus pour les grandes entreprises, ils pourraient être shareware ou payés. Parfois, vous devez passer une formation spéciale, être un spécialiste certifiés, ou même avoir un diplôme afin d'être en mesure d'utiliser l'outil d'analyse. D'autres outils offrent une interface d’utilisateur simple, avec des tableaux de bord, pour satisfaire leur compréhension d’information pour tous ceux qui les ont vus pour la première fois. Ce travail sera consacré aux outils d'analyse Web. Quoi qu'il en soit pour tous ceux qui pensent à utiliser l'analyse pour ses propres besoins se pose une question: "quel outil doit je utiliser, qui convient à mes besoins, et comment payer moins et obtenir un gain maximum". Dans ce travail je vais essayer de donner une réponse sur cette question en proposant le système de recommandation pour les outils analytiques web –WARES, qui aideront l'utilisateur avec cette tâche "simple". Le système WARES utilise l'approche hybride, mais surtout, utilise des techniques basées sur le contenu pour faire des suggestions. Le système utilise certains ratings initiaux faites par utilisateur, comme entrée, pour résoudre le problème du “démarrage à froid”, offrant la meilleure solution possible en fonction des besoins des utilisateurs. Le besoin de consultations coûteuses avec des experts ou de passer beaucoup d'heures sur Internet, en essayant de trouver le bon outil. Le système lui–même devrait effectuer une recherche en ligne en utilisant certaines données préalablement mises en cache dans la base de données hors ligne, représentée comme une ontologie d'outils analytiques web existants extraits lors de la recherche en ligne précédente.It is hard to imagine modern business without analytics; it is a trend in modern business, even small companies and individual entrepreneurs start using analytics tools, in one way or another, for their business. Not surprising that there exist many different tools for different domains, they vary in purpose from simple friends and visits statistic for your Facebook page, to big and sophisticated systems designed for the big corporations, they could be free or paid. Sometimes you need to pass special training, be a certified specialist, or even have a degree to be able to use analytics tool, other tools offers simple user interface with dashboards for easy understanding and availability for everyone who saw them for the first time. Anyway, for everyone who is thinking about using analytics for his/her own needs stands a question: “what tool should I use, which one suits my needs and how to pay less and get maximum gain”. In this work, I will try to give an answer to this question by proposing a recommender tool, which will help the user with this “simple task”. This paper is devoted to the creation of WARES, as reduction from Web Analytics REcommender System. Proposed recommender system uses hybrid approach, but mostly, utilize content–based techniques for making suggestions, while using some user’s ratings as an input for “cold start” search. System produces recommendations depending on user’s needs, also allowing quick adjustments in selection without need of expensive consultations with experts or spending lots of hours for Internet search, trying to find out the right tool. The system itself should perform as an online search using some pre–cached data in offline database, represented as an ontology of existing web analytics tools, extracted during the previous online search

    A proposal for the development of adaptive spoken interfaces to access the Web

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    Spoken dialog systems have been proposed as a solution to facilitate a more natural human–machine interaction. In this paper, we propose a framework to model the user׳s intention during the dialog and adapt the dialog model dynamically to the user needs and preferences, thus developing more efficient, adapted, and usable spoken dialog systems. Our framework employs statistical models based on neural networks that take into account the history of the dialog up to the current dialog state in order to predict the user׳s intention and the next system response. We describe our proposal and detail its application in the Let׳s Go spoken dialog system.Work partially supported by Projects MINECO TEC2012-37832- C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/ TIC-1485

    Freeform User Interfaces for Graphical Computing

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    報告番号: 甲15222 ; 学位授与年月日: 2000-03-29 ; 学位の種別: 課程博士 ; 学位の種類: 博士(工学) ; 学位記番号: 博工第4717号 ; 研究科・専攻: 工学系研究科情報工学専