284 research outputs found

    Minimizing Crossings in Constrained Two-Sided Circular Graph Layouts

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    Circular layouts are a popular graph drawing style, where vertices are placed on a circle and edges are drawn as straight chords. Crossing minimization in circular layouts is NP-hard. One way to allow for fewer crossings in practice are two-sided layouts that draw some edges as curves in the exterior of the circle. In fact, one- and two-sided circular layouts are equivalent to one-page and two-page book drawings, i.e., graph layouts with all vertices placed on a line (the spine) and edges drawn in one or two distinct half-planes (the pages) bounded by the spine. In this paper we study the problem of minimizing the crossings for a fixed cyclic vertex order by computing an optimal k-plane set of exteriorly drawn edges for k >= 1, extending the previously studied case k=0. We show that this relates to finding bounded-degree maximum-weight induced subgraphs of circle graphs, which is a graph-theoretic problem of independent interest. We show NP-hardness for arbitrary k, present an efficient algorithm for k=1, and generalize it to an explicit XP-time algorithm for any fixed k. For the practically interesting case k=1 we implemented our algorithm and present experimental results that confirm the applicability of our algorithm

    Connecting the dots (with minimum crossings)

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    We study a prototype Crossing Minimization problem, defined as follows. Let F be an infinite family of (possibly vertex-labeled) graphs. Then, given a set P of (possibly labeled) n points in the Euclidean plane, a collection L subseteq Lines(P)={l: l is a line segment with both endpoints in P}, and a non-negative integer k, decide if there is a subcollection L'subseteq L such that the graph G=(P,L') is isomorphic to a graph in F and L' has at most k crossings. By G=(P,L'), we refer to the graph on vertex set P, where two vertices are adjacent if and only if there is a line segment that connects them in L'. Intuitively, in Crossing Minimization, we have a set of locations of interest, and we want to build/draw/exhibit connections between them (where L indicates where it is feasible to have these connections) so that we obtain a structure in F. Natural choices for F are the collections of perfect matchings, Hamiltonian paths, and graphs that contain an (s,t)-path (a path whose endpoints are labeled). While the objective of seeking a solution with few crossings is of interest from a theoretical point of view, it is also well motivated by a wide range of practical considerations. For example, links/roads (such as highways) may be cheaper to build and faster to traverse, and signals/moving objects would collide/interrupt each other less often. Further, graphs with fewer crossings are preferred for graphic user interfaces. As a starting point for a systematic study, we consider a special case of Crossing Minimization. Already for this case, we obtain NP-hardness and W[1]-hardness results, and ETH-based lower bounds. Specifically, suppose that the input also contains a collection D of d non-crossing line segments such that each point in P belongs to exactly one line in D, and L does not contain line segments between points on the same line in D. Clearly, Crossing Minimization is the case where d=n - then, P is in general position. The case of d=2 is of interest not only because it is the most restricted non-trivial case, but also since it corresponds to a class of graphs that has been well studied - specifically, it is Crossing Minimization where G=(P,L) is a (bipartite) graph with a so called two-layer drawing. For d=2, we consider three basic choices of F. For perfect matchings, we show (i) NP-hardness with an ETH-based lower bound, (ii) solvability in subexponential parameterized time, and (iii) existence of an O(k^2)-vertex kernel. Second, for Hamiltonian paths, we show (i) solvability in subexponential parameterized time, and (ii) existence of an O(k^2)-vertex kernel. Lastly, for graphs that contain an (s,t)-path, we show (i) NP-hardness and W[1]-hardness, and (ii) membership in XP

    AccuSyn: Using Simulated Annealing to Declutter Genome Visualizations

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    We apply Simulated Annealing, a well-known metaheuristic for obtaining near-optimal solutions to optimization problems, to discover conserved synteny relations (similar features) in genomes. The analysis of synteny gives biologists insights into the evolutionary history of species and the functional relationships between genes. However, as even simple organisms have huge numbers of genomic features, syntenic plots initially present an enormous clutter of connections, making the structure difficult to understand. We address this problem by using Simulated Annealing to minimize link crossings. Our interactive web-based synteny browser, AccuSyn, visualizes syntenic relations with circular plots of chromosomes and draws links between similar blocks of genes. It also brings together a huge amount of genomic data by integrating an adjacent view and additional tracks, to visualize the details of the blocks and accompanying genomic data, respectively. Our work shows multiple ways to manually declutter a synteny plot and then thoroughly explains how we integrated Simulated Annealing, along with human interventions as a human-in-the-loop approach, to achieve an accurate representation of conserved synteny relations for any genome. The goal of AccuSyn was to make a fairly complete tool combining ideas from four major areas: genetics, information visualization, heuristic search, and human-in-the-loop. Our results contribute to a better understanding of synteny plots and show the potential that decluttering algorithms have for syntenic analysis, adding more clues for evolutionary development. At this writing, AccuSyn is already actively used in the research being done at the University of Saskatchewan and has already produced a visualization of the recently-sequenced Wheat genome

    Network Visualization: Algorithms, Applications, and Complexity

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    Visualization Algorithms for Maps and Diagrams

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    One of the most common visualization tools used by mankind are maps or diagrams. In this thesis we explore new algorithms for visualizing maps (road and argument maps). A map without any textual information or pictograms is often without use so we research also further into the field of labeling maps. In particular we consider the new challenges posed by interactive maps offered by mobile devices. We discuss new algorithmic approaches and experimentally evaluate them

    Zyklische Levelzeichnungen gerichteter Graphen

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    The Sugiyama framework proposed in the seminal paper of 1981 is one of the most important algorithms in graph drawing and is widely used for visualizing directed graphs. In its common version, it draws graphs hierarchically and, hence, maps the topological direction to a geometric direction. However, such a hierarchical layout is not possible if the graph contains cycles, which have to be destroyed in a preceding step. In certain application and problem settings, e.g., bio sciences or periodic scheduling problems, it is important that the cyclic structure of the input graph is preserved and clearly visible in drawings. Sugiyama et al. also suggested apart from the nowadays standard horizontal algorithm a cyclic version they called recurrent hierarchies. However, this cyclic drawing style has not received much attention since. In this thesis we consider such cyclic drawings and investigate the Sugiyama framework for this new scenario. As our goal is to visualize cycles directly, the first phase of the Sugiyama framework, which is concerned with removing such cycles, can be neglected. The cyclic structure of the graph leads to new problems in the remaining phases, however, for which solutions are proposed in this thesis. The aim is a complete adaption of the Sugiyama framework for cyclic drawings. To complement our adaption of the Sugiyama framework, we also treat the problem of cyclic level planarity and present a linear time cyclic level planarity testing and embedding algorithm for strongly connected graphs

    FieldPlacer - A flexible, fast and unconstrained force-directed placement method for heterogeneous reconfigurable logic architectures

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    The field of placement methods for components of integrated circuits, especially in the domain of reconfigurable chip architectures, is mainly dominated by a handful of concepts. While some of these are easy to apply but difficult to adapt to new situations, others are more flexible but rather complex to realize. This work presents the FieldPlacer framework, a flexible, fast and unconstrained force-directed placement method for heterogeneous reconfigurable logic architectures, in particular for the ever important heterogeneous FPGAs. In contrast to many other force-directed placers, this approach is called ‘unconstrained’ as it does not require a priori fixed logic elements in order to calculate a force equilibrium as the solution to a system of equations. Instead, it is based on a free spring embedder simulation of a graph representation which includes all logic block types of a design simultaneously. The FieldPlacer framework offers a huge amount of flexibility in applying different distance norms (e. g., the Manhattan distance) for the force-directed layout and aims at creating adapted layouts for various objective functions, e. g., highest performance or improved routability. Depending on the individual situation, a runtime-quality trade-off can be considered to either produce a decent placement in a very short time or to generate an exceptionally good placement, which takes longer. An extensive comparison with the latest simulated annealing placement method from the well-known Versatile Place and Route (VPR) framework shows that the FieldPlacer approach can create placements of comparable quality much faster than VPR or, alternatively, generate better placements in the same time. The flexibility in defining arbitrary objective functions and the intuitive adaptability of the method, which, among others, includes different concepts from the field of graph drawing, should facilitate further developments with this framework, e. g., for new upcoming optimization targets like the energy consumption of an implemented design