9,846 research outputs found

    Predicting Cost/Reliability/Maintainability of Advanced General Aviation Avionics Equipment

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    A methodology is provided for assisting NASA in estimating the cost, reliability, and maintenance (CRM) requirements for general avionics equipment operating in the 1980's. Practical problems of predicting these factors are examined. The usefulness and short comings of different approaches for modeling coast and reliability estimates are discussed together with special problems caused by the lack of historical data on the cost of maintaining general aviation avionics. Suggestions are offered on how NASA might proceed in assessing cost reliability CRM implications in the absence of reliable generalized predictive models

    TRIDEnT: Building Decentralized Incentives for Collaborative Security

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    Sophisticated mass attacks, especially when exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities, have the potential to cause destructive damage to organizations and critical infrastructure. To timely detect and contain such attacks, collaboration among the defenders is critical. By correlating real-time detection information (alerts) from multiple sources (collaborative intrusion detection), defenders can detect attacks and take the appropriate defensive measures in time. However, although the technical tools to facilitate collaboration exist, real-world adoption of such collaborative security mechanisms is still underwhelming. This is largely due to a lack of trust and participation incentives for companies and organizations. This paper proposes TRIDEnT, a novel collaborative platform that aims to enable and incentivize parties to exchange network alert data, thus increasing their overall detection capabilities. TRIDEnT allows parties that may be in a competitive relationship, to selectively advertise, sell and acquire security alerts in the form of (near) real-time peer-to-peer streams. To validate the basic principles behind TRIDEnT, we present an intuitive game-theoretic model of alert sharing, that is of independent interest, and show that collaboration is bound to take place infinitely often. Furthermore, to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we instantiate our design in a decentralized manner using Ethereum smart contracts and provide a fully functional prototype.Comment: 28 page

    Optimal Burn-In under Complex Failure Processes: Some New Perspectives

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    Video Guidance, Landing, and Imaging system (VGLIS) for space missions

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    The feasibility of an autonomous video guidance system that is capable of observing a planetary surface during terminal descent and selecting the most acceptable landing site was demonstrated. The system was breadboarded and "flown" on a physical simulator consisting of a control panel and monitor, a dynamic simulator, and a PDP-9 computer. The breadboard VGLIS consisted of an image dissector camera and the appropriate processing logic. Results are reported

    Reliability Analysis of Nanocrystal Embedded High-k Nonvolatile Memories

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    The evolution of the MOSFET technology has been driven by the aggressive shrinkage of the device size to improve the device performance and to increase the circuit density. Currently, many research demonstrated that the continuous polycrystalline silicon film in the floating-gate dielectric could be replaced with nanocrystal (nc) embedded high-k thin film to minimize the charge loss due to the defective thin tunnel dielectric layer. This research deals with both the statistical aspect of reliability and electrical aspect of reliability characterization as well. In this study, the Zr-doped HfO2 (ZrHfO) high-k MOS capacitors, which separately contain the nanocrystalline zinc oxide (nc-ZnO), silicon (nc-Si), Indium Tin Oxide (nc-ITO) and ruthenium (nc-Ru) are studied on their memory properties, charge transportation mechanism, ramp-relax test, accelerated life tests, failure rate estimation and thermal effect on the above reliability properties. C-V hysteresis result show that the amount of charges trapped in nanocrystal embedded films is in the order of nc-ZnO\u3enc-Ru\u3enc-Si~nc-ITO, which might probably be influenced by the EOT of each sample. In addition, all the results show that the nc-ZnO embedded ZrHfO non-volatile memory capacitor has the best memory property and reliability. In this study, the optimal burn-in time for this kind of device has been also investigated with nonparametric Bayesian analysis. The results show the optimal burn-in period for nc-ZnO embedded high-k device is 5470s with the maximum one-year mission reliability

    Video guidance, landing, and imaging systems

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    The adaptive potential of video guidance technology for earth orbital and interplanetary missions was explored. The application of video acquisition, pointing, tracking, and navigation technology was considered to three primary missions: planetary landing, earth resources satellite, and spacecraft rendezvous and docking. It was found that an imaging system can be mechanized to provide a spacecraft or satellite with a considerable amount of adaptability with respect to its environment. It also provides a level of autonomy essential to many future missions and enhances their data gathering ability. The feasibility of an autonomous video guidance system capable of observing a planetary surface during terminal descent and selecting the most acceptable landing site was successfully demonstrated in the laboratory. The techniques developed for acquisition, pointing, and tracking show promise for recognizing and tracking coastlines, rivers, and other constituents of interest. Routines were written and checked for rendezvous, docking, and station-keeping functions

    Apollo Lightcraft project

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    The detailed design of a beam-powered transatmospheric vehicle, the Apollo Lightcraft, was selected as the project for the design course. The principal goal is to reduce the LEO payload delivery cost by at least three orders of magnitude below the Space Shuttle Orbiter in the post 2020 era. The completely reusable, single-stage-to-orbit shuttlecraft will take off and land vertically, and have a reentry heat shield integrated with its lower surface. At appropriate points along the launch trajectory, the combined cycle propulsion system will transition through three or four airbreathing modes, and finally use a pure rocket mode for orbital insertion. The objective for the Spring semester propulsion source was to design and perform a detailed theoretical analysis on an advanced combined-cycle engine suitable for the Apollo Lightcraft. The preliminary theoretical analysis of this combined-cycle engine is now completed, and the acceleration performance along representative orbital trajectories was simulated. The total round trip cost is 3430or3430 or 686 per person. This represents a payload delivery cost of $3.11/lb, which is a factor of 1000 below the STS. The Apollo Lightcraft concept is now ready for a more detailed investigation during the Fall semester Transatmosphere Vehicle Design course

    Low thrust orbit determination program

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    Logical flow and guidelines are provided for the construction of a low thrust orbit determination computer program. The program, tentatively called FRACAS (filter response analysis for continuously accelerating spacecraft), is capable of generating a reference low thrust trajectory, performing a linear covariance analysis of guidance and navigation processes, and analyzing trajectory nonlinearities in Monte Carlo fashion. The choice of trajectory, guidance and navigation models has been made after extensive literature surveys and investigation of previous software. A key part of program design relied upon experience gained in developing and using Martin Marietta Aerospace programs: TOPSEP (Targeting/Optimization for Solar Electric Propulsion), GODSEP (Guidance and Orbit Determination for SEP) and SIMSEP (Simulation of SEP)

    Upravljanje putanjama vazduhoplova u kontroli letenja na pre-taktičkom i taktičkom nivou

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    Global air traffic demand is continuously increasing, and it is predicted to be tripled by 2050. The need for increasing air traffic capacity motivates a shift of ATM towards Trajectory Based Operations (TBOs). This implies the possibility to design efficient congestion-free aircraft trajectories more in advance (pre-tactical, strategic level) reducing controller’s workload on tactical level. As consequence, controllers will be able to manage more flights. Current flow management practices in air traffic management (ATM) system shows that under the present system settings there are only timid demand management actions taken prior to the day of operation such as: slot allocation and strategic flow rerouting. But the choice of air route for a particular flight is seen as a commercial decision to be taken by airlines, given air traffic control constraints. This thesis investigates the potential of robust trajectory planning (considered as an additional demand management action) at pre-tactical level as a mean to alleviate the en-route congestion in airspace. Robust trajectory planning (RTP) involves generation of congestion-free trajectories with minimum operating cost taking into account uncertainty of trajectory prediction and unforeseen event. Although planned cost could be higher than of conventional models, adding robustness to schedules might reduce cost of disruptions and hopefully lead to reductions in operating cost. The most of existing trajectory planning models consider finding of conflict-free trajectories without taking into account uncertainty of trajectory prediction. It is shown in the thesis that in the case of traffic disturbances, it is better to have a robust solution otherwise newly generated congestion problems would be hard and costly to solve. This thesis introduces a novel approach for route generation (3D trajectory) based on homotopic feature of continuous functions. It is shown that this approach is capable of generating a large number of route shapes with a reasonable number of decision variables. Those shapes are then coupled with time dimension in order to create trajectories (4D)...Globalna potražnja za vazdušnim saobraćajem u stalnom je porastu i prognozira se da će broj letova biti utrostručen do 2050 godine. Potreba za povećanjem kapaciteta sistema vazdušnog saobraćaja motivisala je promene u sistemu upravljanja saobraćajnim tokovima u kome će u budućnosti centralnu ulogu imati putanje vazduhoplova tzv. “trajectory-based” koncept. Takav sistem omogućiće planiranje putanja vazduhoplova koje ne stvaraju zagušenja u sistemu na pre-taktičkom nivou i time smanjiti radno opterećenje kontrolora na taktičkom nivou. Kao posledica, kontrolor će moći da upravlja više letova nego u današnjem sistemu. Današnja praksa upravljanja saobraćajnim tokovima pokazuje da se mali broj upravljačkih akcija primenjuje pre dana obavljanja letova npr.: alokacija slotova poletanja i strateško upravljanje saobraćajnim tokovima. Međutim izbor putanje kojom će se odviti let posmatra se kao komercijalna odluka aviokompanije (uz poštovanje postavljenih ograničenja od strane kontrole letenja) i stoga je ostavljen na izbor avio-kompaniji. Većina, do danas razvijenih, modela upravljanja putanjama vazduhoplova ima za cilj generisanje bez-konfliktnih putanja, ne uzimajući u obzir neizvesnost u poziciji vazduhoplova. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji ispitivano je planiranje robustnih putanja vazduhoplova (RTP) na pre-taktičkom nivou kao sredstvo ublažavanja zagušenja u vazdušnom prostoru . Robustno upravljanje putanjama vazduhoplova podrazumeva izbor putanja vazduhoplova sa minimalnim operativnim troškovima koje ne izazivaju zagušenja u vazdušnom prostoru u uslovima neizvesnosti buduđe pozicije vazduhoplova i nepredviđenih događaja. Iako predviđeni (planirani) operativni troškovi robustnih putanja mogu u startu biti veći od operativnih troškova bez-konfliktnih putanja, robusnost može uticati na smanjenje troškove poremećaja putanja jer ne zahteva dodatnu promenu putanja vazduhplova radi izbegavanja konfliktnih situacija na taktičkom nivou. To na kraju može dovesti i do smanjenja stvarnih operativnih troškova. U tezi je pokazano, da je u slučaju poremećaja saobraćaja bolje imati robustno rešenje (putanje), jer novo-nastali problem zagušenosti vazdušnog prostora je teško i skupo rešiti..