166 research outputs found

    A Communication Model to Integrate the Request-Response and the Publish-Subscribe Paradigms into Ubiquitous Systems

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    The Request-Response (RR) paradigm is widely used in ubiquitous systems to exchange information in a secure, reliable and timely manner. Nonetheless, there is also an emerging need for adopting the Publish-Subscribe (PubSub) paradigm in this kind of systems, due to the advantages that this paradigm offers in supporting mobility by means of asynchronous, non-blocking and one-to-many message distribution semantics for event notification. This paper analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of both the RR and PubSub paradigms to support communications in ubiquitous systems and proposes an abstract communication model in order to enable their seamless integration. Thus, developers will be focused on communication semantics and the required quality properties, rather than be concerned about specific communication mechanisms. The aim is to provide developers with abstractions intended to decrease the complexity of integrating different communication paradigms commonly needed in ubiquitous systems. The proposal has been applied to implement a middleware and a real home automation system to show its applicability and benefits.This research work is funded by the Project P10-TIC-6600 granted by the Andalusian Regional Government, and the Project 20F2/36 granted by CEI-BioTIC Granada. This work has also been partially supported by the “Contrato-Programa, Facultad de Educacin y Humanidades de Ceuta 2010-2012” of the University of Granada

    Autonomic Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Autonomic computing (AC) is a promising approach to meet basic requirements in the design of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and its principles can be applied to efficiently manage nodes operation and optimize network resources. Middleware for WSNs supports the implementation and basic operation of such networks. In this systematic literature review (SLR) we aim to provide an overview of existing WSN middleware systems that address autonomic properties. The main goal is to identify which development approaches of AC are used for designing WSN middleware system, which allow the self-management of WSN. Another goal is finding out which interactions and behavior can be automated in WSN components. We drew the following main conclusions from the SLR results: (i) the selected studies address WSN concerns according to the self-* properties of AC, namely, self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection; (ii) the selected studies use different approaches for managing the dynamic behavior of middleware systems for WSN, such as policy-based reasoning, context-based reasoning, feedback control loops, mobile agents, model transformations, and code generation. Finally, we identified a lack of comprehensive system architecture designs that support the autonomy of sensor networking

    The COMQUAD Component Container Architecture and Contract Negotiation

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    Component-based applications require runtime support to be able to guarantee non-functional properties. This report proposes an architecture for a real-time-capable, component-based runtime environment, which allows to separate non-functional and functional concerns in component-based software development. The architecture is presented with particular focus on three key issues: the conceptual architecture, an approach including implementation issues for splitting the runtime environment into a real-time-capable and a real-time-incapable part, and details of contract negotiation. The latter includes selecting component implementations for instantiantion based on their non-functional properties

    "May I borrow Your Filter?" Exchanging Filters to Combat Spam in a Community

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    Leveraging social networks in computer systems can be effective in dealing with a number of trust and security issues. Spam is one such issue where the "wisdom of crowds" can be harnessed by mining the collective knowledge of ordinary individuals. In this paper, we present a mechanism through which members of a virtual community can exchange information to combat spam. Previous attempts at collaborative spam filtering have concentrated on digest-based indexing techniques to share digests or fingerprints of emails that are known to be spam. We take a different approach and allow users to share their spam filters instead, thus dramatically reducing the amount of traffic generated in the network. The resultant diversity in the filters and cooperation in a community allows it to respond to spam in an autonomic fashion. As a test case for exchanging filters we use the popular SpamAssassin spam filtering software and show that exchanging spam filters provides an alternative method to improve spam filtering performance

    Context-Aware Publish Subscribe in Mobile ad Hoc Networks

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    The publish-subscribe communication paradigm is enjoying increasing popularity thanks to its ability to simplify the development of complex distributed applications. However, existing solutions in the publish-subscribe domain address only part of the challenges associated with the development of applications in dynamic scenarios such as mobile ad hoc networks. Mobile applications must be able to assist users in a variety of situations, responding not only to their inputs but also to the characteristics of the environment in which they operate. In this paper, we address these challenges by extending the publish-subscribe paradigm with the ability to manage and exploit context information when matching events against subscriptions. We present our extension in terms of a formal model of context-aware publish-subscribe. We propose a solution for its implementation in MANETs; and finally we validate our approach by means of extensive simulations


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    Едно от най-големите предизвикателства на информатиката е да създава правилно работещи компютърни системи. За да се гарантира коректността на една система, по време на дизайн могат де се прилагат формални методи за моделиране и валидация. Този подход е за съжаление труден и скъп за приложение при мнозинството компютърни системи. Алтернативният подход е да се наблюдава и анализира поведението на системата по време на изпълнение след нейното създаване. В този доклад представям научната си работа по въпроса за наблюдение на копютърните системи. Предлагам един общ поглед на три основни страни на проблема: как трябва да се наблюдават компютърните системи, как се използват наблюденията при недетерминистични системи и как се работи по отворен, гъвкав и възпроизводим начин с наблюдения.One of the biggest challenges in computer science is to produce correct computer systems. One way of ensuring system correction is to use formal techniques to validate the system during its design. This approach is compulsory for critical systems but difficult and expensive for most computer systems. The alternative consists in observing and analyzing systems' behavior during execution. In this thesis, I present my research on system observation. I describe my contributions on generic observation mechanisms, on the use of observations for debugging nondeterministic systems and on the definition of an open, flexible and reproducible management of observations.Un des plus grands défis de l'informatique est de produire des systèmes corrects. Une manière d'assurer la correction des systèmes est d'utiliser des méthodes formelles de modélisation et de validation.Obligatoire dans le domaine des systèmes critiques, cette approche est difficile et coûteuse à mettre en place dans la plupart des systèmes informatiques.L'alternative est de vérifier le comportement des systèmes déjà développés en observant et analysant leur comportement à l'exécution.Ce mémoire présente mes contributions autour de l'observation des systèmes. Il discute de la définition de mécanismes génériques d'observation, de l'exploitation des observations pour le débogage de systèmes non déterministes et de la gestion ouverte, flexible et reproductible d'observations

    Better Generative Programming with Generic Aspects

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    Abstract. After a brief introduction to generative, generic, and aspect-oriented programming, we point out four key elements that appear in the definition of generative programming and that are addressed in this position paper from the perspective of distributed systems development. Then, based on a concrete RMI distribution example, we start motivating how the expressiveness power of generics and the crosscutting modularization power of aspects could be combined in order to achieve highly reusable generic aspects. We conclude by presenting how generic concern-oriented model transformations could help in providing the necessary information to aspect generators for automatically instantiating our generic aspects before weaving them into concrete applications

    Energy-Efficient Management of Data Center Resources for Cloud Computing: A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Open Challenges

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    Cloud computing is offering utility-oriented IT services to users worldwide. Based on a pay-as-you-go model, it enables hosting of pervasive applications from consumer, scientific, and business domains. However, data centers hosting Cloud applications consume huge amounts of energy, contributing to high operational costs and carbon footprints to the environment. Therefore, we need Green Cloud computing solutions that can not only save energy for the environment but also reduce operational costs. This paper presents vision, challenges, and architectural elements for energy-efficient management of Cloud computing environments. We focus on the development of dynamic resource provisioning and allocation algorithms that consider the synergy between various data center infrastructures (i.e., the hardware, power units, cooling and software), and holistically work to boost data center energy efficiency and performance. In particular, this paper proposes (a) architectural principles for energy-efficient management of Clouds; (b) energy-efficient resource allocation policies and scheduling algorithms considering quality-of-service expectations, and devices power usage characteristics; and (c) a novel software technology for energy-efficient management of Clouds. We have validated our approach by conducting a set of rigorous performance evaluation study using the CloudSim toolkit. The results demonstrate that Cloud computing model has immense potential as it offers significant performance gains as regards to response time and cost saving under dynamic workload scenarios.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures,Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA 2010), Las Vegas, USA, July 12-15, 201

    Contributions à la réplication de données dans les systèmes distribués à grande échelle

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    Data replication is a key mechanism for building a reliable and efficient data management system. Indeed, by keeping several replicas for each piece of data, it is possible to improve durability. Furthermore, well-placed copies reduce data accesstime. However, having multiple copies for a single piece of data creates consistency problems when the data is updated. Over the last years, I made contributions related to these three aspects: data durability, data access performance and data consistency. RelaxDHT and SPLAD enhance data durability by placing data copies smartly. Caju, AREN and POPS reduce access time by improving data locality and by taking popularity into account. To enhance data lookup performance, DONUT creates efficient shortcuts taking data distribution into account. Finally, in the replicated database context, Gargamel parallelizes independent transactions only, improving database performance and avoiding aborting transactions. My research has been carried out in collaboration with height PhD students, four of which have defended. In my future work, I plan to extend these contributions by (i) designing a storage system tailored for MMOGs, which are very demanding, and (ii) designing a data management system that is able to re-distribute data automatically in order to scale the number of servers up and down according to the changing workload, leading to a greener data management.La réplication de données est une technique clé pour permettre aux systèmes de gestion de données distribués à grande échelle d'offrir un stockage fiable et performant. Comme il gère un nombre suffisant de copies de chaque donnée, le système peut améliorer la pérennité. De plus, la présence de copies bien placées réduit les temps d'accès. Cependant, cette même existence de plusieurs copies pose des problèmes de cohérence en cas de modification. Ces dernières années, mes contributions ont porté sur ces trois aspects liés à la réplication de données: la pérennité des données, la performance desaccès et la gestion de la cohérence. RelaxDHT et SPLAD permettent d'améliorer la pérennité des données en jouant sur le placement des copies. Caju, AREN et POPS permettent de réduire les temps d'accès aux données en améliorant la localité et en prenant en compte la popularité. Pour accélérer la localisation des copies, DONUT crée des raccourcis efficaces prenant en compte la distribution des données. Enfin, dans le contexte des bases de données répliquées,Gargamel permet de ne paralléliser que les transactions qui sont indépendantes, améliorant ainsi les performances et évitant tout abandon de transaction pour cause de conflit. Ces travaux ont été réalisés avec huit étudiants en thèse dont quatre ont soutenu. Pour l'avenir, je me propose d'étendre ces travaux, d'une part en concevant un système de gestion de données pour les MMOGs, une classe d'application particulièrement exigeante; et, d'autre part, en concevant des mécanismes de gestion de données permettant de n'utiliser que la quantité strictement nécessaire de ressources, en redistribuant dynamiquement les données en fonction des besoins, un pas vers une gestion plus écologique des données

    Mobile Aware Business Logic Container

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