33 research outputs found

    Intracellular delivery by membrane disruption: Mechanisms, strategies, and concepts

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    漏 2018 American Chemical Society. Intracellular delivery is a key step in biological research and has enabled decades of biomedical discoveries. It is also becoming increasingly important in industrial and medical applications ranging from biomanufacture to cell-based therapies. Here, we review techniques for membrane disruption-based intracellular delivery from 1911 until the present. These methods achieve rapid, direct, and universal delivery of almost any cargo molecule or material that can be dispersed in solution. We start by covering the motivations for intracellular delivery and the challenges associated with the different cargo types帽Ysmall molecules, proteins/peptides, nucleic acids, synthetic nanomaterials, and large cargo. The review then presents a broad comparison of delivery strategies followed by an analysis of membrane disruption mechanisms and the biology of the cell response. We cover mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical, and chemical strategies of membrane disruption with a particular emphasis on their applications and challenges to implementation. Throughout, we highlight specific mechanisms of membrane disruption and suggest areas in need of further experimentation. We hope the concepts discussed in our review inspire scientists and engineers with further ideas to improve intracellular delivery

    Characterisation of adherent microbubbles for molecular targeted ultrasound

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    Molecular imaging is a field of medicine which can offer great potential for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Within this field contrast enhanced ultrasound displays the possibility of making molecular imaging a cost effective viable tool in an increasingly diverse set of clinical situations. One of the current challenges associated with this technique is how one differentiates the signal for adherent microbubbles from those produced by the bulk non-adherent population. The first part of this thesis acoustically examines the response of single microbubbles under the effects of adhesion and compares the response observed with that of the MBs non-adherent counterpart. It was found experimentally that differences could be observed in both the 2nd harmonic signals generation and in the stability over repeated exposure. These differences could be utilised as the basis for discretisation imaging strategies. The second section of this thesis attempts to characterize these differences in terms of current theoretical models. A more comprehensive modelling strategy is utilised for the fitting of increasingly complex theoretical models. Good agreement was found with the outputs of this fitting procedure with previously reported parameters. Further detail could also be observed in the form of various size/resonance effects which have not previously been reported. There was little observed difference between the parameters extracted for the adherent and non-adherent MBs although it was suggested that the effective elasticity of an adherent MB could be elevated in comparison to its non-adherent counterpart in the region of resonance. Efforts will be required to control and account for some of the variability observed in MB response before this can be stated definitively however.Open Acces

    Sensitivity of photoacoustic microscopy

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    Building on its high spatial resolution, deep penetration depth and excellent image contrast, 3D photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) has grown tremendously since its first publication in 2005. Integrating optical excitation and acoustic detection, PAM has broken through both the optical diffusion and optical diffraction limits. PAM has 100% relative sensitivity to optical absorption (i.e., a given percentage change in the optical absorption coefficient yields the same percentage change in the photoacoustic amplitude), and its ultimate detection sensitivity is limited only by thermal noise. Focusing on the engineering aspects of PAM, this Review discusses the detection sensitivity of PAM, compares the detection efficiency of different PAM designs, and summarizes the imaging performance of various endogenous and exogenous contrast agents. It then describes representative PAM applications with high detection sensitivity, and outlines paths to further improvement

    Whispering Gallery Modes: Advanced Photonic Applications

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    Los micro-resonadores basados en Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs) han atraido un gran inter茅s en las 煤ltimas d茅cadas debido a su fuerte confinamiento de la luz. Tales micro-resonadores pueden ser fabricados con diferentes geometr铆as y materiales. Estos micro-resonadores exhiben factores de calidad Q altos y vol煤menes modales peque帽os, lo que permite realizar un gran n煤mero de estudios y aplicaciones, como por ejemplo el estudio de efectos no-lineales 贸pticos. La delgada anchura spectral que presentan las resonancias WGM permite la medida de peque帽as perturbaciones de los par谩metros de los micro-resonadores, con un l铆mite de detecci贸n bajo. Esta tesis proporciona la caracterizaci贸n experimental de distintas propiedades de diferentes dispositivos fabricados en fibra 贸ptica mediante los WGMs. El principio operacional de la t茅cnicas de medida est谩 basado en explotar la sintonizaci贸n de las resonancias WGM mediante la variaci贸n de los par谩metros que definen al material y la geometr铆a de los micro-resonadores. Este m茅todo permite el estudio de las propiedades del micro-resonador midiendo la posici贸n espectral de las resonancias WGM. La variaci贸n de los par谩metros del micro-resonador puede estar inducida por deformaciones, por un cambio de temperatura, o por un campo magn茅tico externo. La caracterizaci贸n del efecto elasto-贸ptico en fibras 贸pticas de s铆lice y PMMA longitudinalmente estiradas permite la determinaci贸n de los coeficientes elasto-贸pticos de ambos materiales. Com煤nmente, un estiramiento axial genera una anisotrop铆a uniaxial que puede ser medida directamente con nuestra t茅cnica. An谩logamente, la caracterizaci贸n del efecto termo-贸ptico en diferentes dispositivos 贸ptico en fibra, los cuales han sido iluminados con diferentes se帽ales 贸pticas de potencia moderada, permite la medida de una variedad de par谩metros: permite medir las contribuciones de la absorci贸n y el scattering al coeficiente de atenuaci贸n en fibras fotosensibles irradiadas con luz Ultra-violeta, tambi茅n permite medir los perfiles t茅rmicos en redes de periodo largo (LPGs), y el calentamiento inducido 贸pticamente en fibras activas dopadas con diferentes elementos, como por ejemple el Holmio. Las principales caracter铆sticas de la t茅cnica experimental implementada son su bajo l铆mite de detecci贸n, su resoluci贸n espacial, y su capacidad de medir los par谩metros en un rango ancho de longitudes de onda, obteniendo as铆 informaci贸n de la dispersi贸n crom谩tica. Las t茅cnicas de enganche son necesarias en experimentos que involucran WGMs, para as铆 generar efectos no-lineales estables en el tiempo. Este trabajo propone dos nuevas t茅cnicas de enganche para estabilizar el sistema mientras se trabaja a una longitud de onda operacional constante. Ambas t茅cnicas est谩n basadas en sintonizar la posici贸n espectral de las resonancias WGM por medio de tensi贸n axial, o una variaci贸n de la temperatura del micro-resonador. Finalmente, tambi茅n se han estudiado efectos opto-mec谩nicos inducidos por la potencia del WGM el cual est谩 circulando en la cavidad, lo que resulta en la excitaci贸n de modos ac煤sticos en el micro-resonador. Los modos vibracionales con altos factores de calidad mec谩nicos fueron identificados y caracterizados en micro-resonadores con geometr铆a de burbuja. Adem谩s, fue observado la transici贸n hacia un comportamiento ca贸tico del sistema a medida que la potencia del WGM fue incrementada.Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs) based microresonators have attracted a great interest in the last decades due to their strong confinement of the light. Such microresonators can be fabricated with different geometries and materials. They exhibit high Q-factors and small mode volumes, which allows a great number of fundamental studies and applications, as for example the study of nonlinear phenomena. The narrow linewidths that the WGM resonances present enable the measurement of small perturbations of the microresonator parameters, with a low detection limit. This thesis provides an experimental characterization of the properties of different optical fiber devices by means of WGMs. The operational principle is based on exploiting the tunability of the WGM resonances by means of variations in the parameters that define the material and the geometry of the microresonators. This feature enables the study of the microresonator properties by measuring the optical spectral position of the WGM resonances. The variation of the microresonator鈥檚 parameters can be induced by strain, a temperature change, or an external magnetic field. The characterization of the strain-optic effect in silica and PMMA axially stretched optical fibers allowed the determination of the strain-optic coefficients of both materials. Commonly, an axial strain generates a uniaxial anisotropy that can be measured directly with our approach. Analogously, the characterization of the thermo-optic effect in different optical fiber devices, illuminated with different optical signals, enables the measurement of a variety of parameters: the contributions of absorption and scattering to the loss coefficient in UV-irradiated photosensitive fibers, thermal profiles in long period gratings, and the heating induced optically in active doped fibers. The main features of the implemented experimental technique are its low detection limit, its spatial resolution, and its capability to perform the measurements in a broad range of optical wavelengths. Locking techniques are necessary in experiments involving WGMs, to generate stable, nonlinear phenomena. This work provides two novel active locking techniques to stabilize the system at constant laser wavelength, which were experimentally tested. Both of them are based on the tuning of the spectral position of the WGM resonances either by means of axial strain, or temperature variations of the microresonators. Finally, optomechanical phenomena are a nonlinear effect induced by the high optical circulating power of the WGM, which results in the excitation of the acoustic modes of a microresonator. Vibrational resonant modes with high mechanical Q-factors were identified and characterized in bubble microresonators, and it was observed the transition to a chaotic behavior of this system, as the circulating power was increased

    Nonlinear and Quantum Optics with Whispering Gallery Resonators

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    Optical Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs) derive their name from a famous acoustic phenomenon of guiding a wave by a curved boundary observed nearly a century ago. This phenomenon has a rather general nature, equally applicable to sound and all other waves. It enables resonators of unique properties attractive both in science and engineering. Very high quality factors of optical WGM resonators persisting in a wide wavelength range spanning from radio frequencies to ultraviolet light, their small mode volume, and tunable in- and out- coupling make them exceptionally efficient for nonlinear optical applications. Nonlinear optics facilitates interaction of photons with each other and with other physical systems, and is of prime importance in quantum optics. In this paper we review numerous applications of WGM resonators in nonlinear and quantum optics. We outline the current areas of interest, summarize progress, highlight difficulties, and discuss possible future development trends in these areas.Comment: This is a review paper with 615 references, submitted to J. Op

    Preparation of Tissues and Heterogeneous Cellular Samples for Single-Cell Analysis

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    While sample preparation techniques for the chemical and biochemical analysis of tissues are fairly well advanced, the preparation of complex, heterogenous samples for single-cell analysis can be difficult and challenging. Nevertheless, there is growing interest in preparing complex cellular samples, particularly tissues, for analysis via single-cell resolution techniques such as single-cell sequencing or flow cytometry. Recent microfluidic tissue dissociation approaches have helped to expedite the preparation of single cells from tissues through the use of optimized, controlled mechanical forces. Cell sorting and selective cellular recovery from heterogenous samples have also gained traction in biosensors, microfluidic systems, and other diagnostic devices. Together, these recent developments in tissue disaggregation and targeted cellular retrieval have contributed to the development of increasingly streamlined sample preparation workflows for single-cell analysis technologies, which minimize equipment requirements, enable lower processing times and costs, and pave the way for high-throughput, automated technologies. In this chapter, we survey recent developments and emerging trends in this field