309 research outputs found

    Bioinspired approaches for coordination and behaviour adaptation of aerial robot swarms

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    Behavioural adaptation is a pervasive component in a myriad of animal societies. A well-known strategy, known as Levy Walk, has been commonly linked to such adaptation in foraging animals, where the motion of individuals couples periods of localized search and long straight forward motions. Despite the vast number of studies on Levy Walks in computational ecology, it was only in the past decade that the first studies applied this concept to robotics tasks. Therefore, this Thesis draws inspiration from the Levy Walk behaviour, and its recent applications to robotics, to design biologically inspired models for two swarm robotics tasks, aiming at increasing the performance with respect to the state of the art. The first task is cooperative surveillance, where the aim is to deploy a swarm so that at any point in time regions of the domain are observed by multiple robots simultaneously. One of the contributions of this Thesis, is the Levy Swarm Algorithm that augments the concept of Levy Walk to include the Reynolds’ flocking rules and achieve both exploration and coordination in a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles. The second task is adaptive foraging in environments of clustered rewards. In such environments behavioural adaptation is of paramount importance to modulate the transition between exploitation and exploration. Nature enables these adaptive changes by coupling the behaviour to the fluctuation of hormones that are mostly regulated by the endocrine system. This Thesis draws further inspiration from Nature and proposes a second model, the Endocrine Levy Walk, that employs an Artificial Endocrine System as a modulating mechanism of Levy Walk behaviour. The Endocrine Levy Walk is compared with the Yuragi model (Nurzaman et al., 2010), in both simulated and physical experiments where it shows its increased performance in terms of search efficiency, energy efficiency and number of rewards found. The Endocrine Levy Walk is then augmented to consider social interactions between members of the swarm by mimicking the behaviour of fireflies, where individuals attract others when finding suitable environmental conditions. This extended model, the Endocrine Levy Firefly, is compared to the Levy+ model (Sutantyo et al., 2013) and the Adaptive Collective Levy Walk Nauta et al. (2020). This comparison is also made both in simulated and physical experiments and assessed in terms of search efficiency, number of rewards found and cluster search efficiency, strengthening the argument in favour of the Endocrine Levy Firefly as a promising approach to tackle collaborative foragin

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    An Approach Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Inspection of Spacecraft Hulls by a Swarm of Miniaturized Robots

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    The remoteness and hazards that are inherent to the operating environments of space infrastructures promote their need for automated robotic inspection. In particular, micrometeoroid and orbital debris impact and structural fatigue are common sources of damage to spacecraft hulls. Vibration sensing has been used to detect structural damage in spacecraft hulls as well as in structural health monitoring practices in industry by deploying static sensors. In this paper, we propose using a swarm of miniaturized vibration-sensing mobile robots realizing a network of mobile sensors. We present a distributed inspection algorithm based on the bio-inspired particle swarm optimization and evolutionary algorithm niching techniques to deliver the task of enumeration and localization of an a priori unknown number of vibration sources on a simplified 2.5D spacecraft surface. Our algorithm is deployed on a swarm of simulated cm-scale wheeled robots. These are guided in their inspection task by sensing vibrations arising from failure points on the surface which are detected by on-board accelerometers. We study three performance metrics: (1) proximity of the localized sources to the ground truth locations, (2) time to localize each source, and (3) time to finish the inspection task given a 75% inspection coverage threshold. We find that our swarm is able to successfully localize the present so

    A review of artificial intelligence applied to path planning in UAV swarms

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00521-021-06569-4This is the accepted version of: A. Puente-Castro, D. Rivero, A. Pazos, and E. Fernández-Blanco, "A review of artificial intelligence applied to path planning in UAV swarms", Neural Computing and Applications, vol. 34, pp. 153–170, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-06569-4[Abstract]: Path Planning problems with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are among the most studied knowledge areas in the related literature. However, few of them have been applied to groups of UAVs. The use of swarms allows to speed up the flight time and, thus, reducing the operational costs. When combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, a single system or operator can control all aircraft while optimal paths for each one can be computed. In order to introduce the current situation of these AI-based systems, a review of the most novel and relevant articles was carried out. This review was performed in two steps: first, a summary of the found articles; second, a quantitative analysis of the publications found based on different factors, such as the temporal evolution or the number of articles found based on different criteria. Therefore, this review provides not only a summary of the most recent work but it gives an overview of the trend in the use of AI algorithms in UAV swarms for Path Planning problems. The AI techniques of the articles found can be separated into four main groups based on their technique: reinforcement Learning techniques, Evolutive Computing techniques, Swarm Intelligence techniques, and, Graph Neural Networks. The final results show an increase in publications in recent years and that there is a change in the predominance of the most widely used techniques.This work is supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grant number PI17/01826 (Collaborative Project in Genomic Data Integration (CICLOGEN) funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III from the Spanish National plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013–2016 and the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER)—“A way to build Europe.”. This project was also supported by the General Directorate of Culture, Education and University Management of Xunta de Galicia ED431D 2017/16 and “Drug Discovery Galician Network” Ref. ED431G/01 and the “Galician Network for Colorectal Cancer Research” (Ref. ED431D 2017/23). This work was also funded by the grant for the consolidation and structuring of competitive research units (ED431C 2018/49) from the General Directorate of Culture, Education and University Management of Xunta de Galicia, and the CYTED network (PCI2018_093284) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Ministry of Innovation and Science. This project was also supported by the General Directorate of Culture, Education and University Management of Xunta de Galicia “PRACTICUM DIRECT” Ref. IN845D-2020/03.Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/16Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/23Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/49Xunta de Galicia; IN845D-2020/0

    Fruit-Fly Based Searching Algorithm For Cooperative Swarming Robotic System

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    Swarm intelligence can be described as a complex behaviour generated from a large number of individual agents, where each agent follows very simple rules. It is actually inspired by understanding the decentralized mechanisms in the organization of natural swarms such as the birds, the ants, the bees, the glowworms, and the fireflies. Observation of these biological behaviour has given birth to swarm robotics whereby robots have the capability to work with one another in a group to achieve the same kind of parallelism, robustness and collective capabilities. A collective behaviour movement strategy such as a “source search” and “aggregation” are commonly exhibited by the animals while finding their source of food. However, the situation for the robots is to find the source of odour, light, and sound. Meanwhile, there has been mounting interest, particularly for finding the deepest location in lakes and dams for bathymetric survey systems. Using the existing lawnmower methods incur substantial costs in terms of time, accuracy and reliability. Therefore, the usage of a swarming robotic system is proposed. In this thesis, a simple framework and methodology in developing a bio-inspired algorithm for cooperative swarming robotic application has been developed. The fruit flies or Drosophila Melanogaster movement strategy offers some advantages such as strategic 'search-aggregation' cycle, distribution of moving patterns with Levy Random, information sharing in real-time, and reduction of controller parameters during movements. A number of benchmark function processes were conducted to assess the performance of proposed FOA (Fly Optimisation Algorithm)

    Background, Systematic Review, Challenges and Outlook

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2013 IEEE. This research is supported by the Digital Manufacturing and Design Training Network (DiManD) project funded by the European Union through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018) under grant agreement no. 814078The concept of smart manufacturing has attracted huge attention in the last years as an answer to the increasing complexity, heterogeneity, and dynamism of manufacturing ecosystems. This vision embraces the notion of autonomous and self-organized elements, capable of self-management and self-decision-making under a context-aware and intelligent infrastructure. While dealing with dynamic and uncertain environments, these solutions are also contributing to generating social impact and introducing sustainability into the industrial equation thanks to the development of task-specific resources that can be easily adapted, re-used, and shared. A lot of research under the context of self-organization in smart manufacturing has been produced in the last decade considering different methodologies and developed under different contexts. Most of these works are still in the conceptual or experimental stage and have been developed under different application scenarios. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate their design principles and potentiate their results. The objective of this paper is threefold. First, to introduce the main ideas behind self-organization in smart manufacturing. Then, through a systematic literature review, describe the current status in terms of technological and implementation details, mechanisms used, and some of the potential future research directions. Finally, the presentation of an outlook that summarizes the main results of this work and their interrelation to facilitate the development of self-organized manufacturing solutions. By providing a holistic overview of the field, we expect that this work can be used by academics and practitioners as a guide to generate awareness of possible requirements, industrial challenges, and opportunities that future self-organizing solutions can have towards a smart manufacturing transition.publishersversionpublishe

    Recent Advances in Multi Robot Systems

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    To design a team of robots which is able to perform given tasks is a great concern of many members of robotics community. There are many problems left to be solved in order to have the fully functional robot team. Robotics community is trying hard to solve such problems (navigation, task allocation, communication, adaptation, control, ...). This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field. It is focused on the challenging issues of team architectures, vehicle learning and adaptation, heterogeneous group control and cooperation, task selection, dynamic autonomy, mixed initiative, and human and robot team interaction. The book consists of 16 chapters introducing both basic research and advanced developments. Topics covered include kinematics, dynamic analysis, accuracy, optimization design, modelling, simulation and control of multi robot systems