311 research outputs found

    Scalable QoS-aware Mobility for Future Mobile Operators

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    Telecom operators and Internet service providers are heading for a new shift in communications paradigms. The forthcoming convergence of cellular and wireless data networks is often manifested in an “all IP approach” in which all communications are based on an end-to-end IP protocol framework. The approach to network design becomes user and service-centered, so that continuous reachability of mobile users and sustained communication capabilities are default requirements for a prospective architecture. In this article, we describe a network architecture which is able to provide seamless communication mobility, triggered either by the user or by the network, across multiple technologies. The architecture allows for media independent handovers and supports optimized mobility and resource management functions. The main focus of the article is on major technical highlights of mobility and quality-of-service (QoS) management subsystems for converged networks.Publicad

    Cross-layer energy optimisation of routing protocols in wireless sensor networks

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    Recent technological developments in embedded systems have led to the emergence of a new class of networks, known asWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), where individual nodes cooperate wirelessly with each other with the goal of sensing and interacting with the environment.Many routing protocols have been developed tomeet the unique and challenging characteristics of WSNs (notably very limited power resources to sustain an expected lifetime of perhaps years, and the restricted computation, storage and communication capabilities of nodes that are nonetheless required to support large networks and diverse applications). No standards for routing have been developed yet for WSNs, nor has any protocol gained a dominant position among the research community. Routing has a significant influence on the overall WSN lifetime, and providing an energy efficient routing protocol remains an open problem. This thesis addresses the issue of designing WSN routing methods that feature energy efficiency. A common time reference across nodes is required in mostWSN applications. It is needed, for example, to time-stamp sensor samples and for duty cycling of nodes. Alsomany routing protocols require that nodes communicate according to some predefined schedule. However, independent distribution of the time information, without considering the routing algorithm schedule or network topology may lead to a failure of the synchronisation protocol. This was confirmed empirically, and was shown to result in loss of connectivity. This can be avoided by integrating the synchronisation service into the network layer with a so-called cross-layer approach. This approach introduces interactions between the layers of a conventional layered network stack, so that the routing layer may share information with other layers. I explore whether energy efficiency can be enhanced through the use of cross-layer optimisations and present three novel cross-layer routing algorithms. The first protocol, designed for hierarchical, cluster based networks and called CLEAR (Cross Layer Efficient Architecture for Routing), uses the routing algorithm to distribute time information which can be used for efficient duty cycling of nodes. The second method - called RISS (Routing Integrated Synchronization Service) - integrates time synchronization into the network layer and is designed to work well in flat, non-hierarchical network topologies. The third method - called SCALE (Smart Clustering Adapted LEACH) - addresses the influence of the intra-cluster topology on the energy dissipation of nodes. I also investigate the impact of the hop distance on network lifetime and propose a method of determining the optimal location of the relay node (the node through which data is routed in a two-hop network). I also address the problem of predicting the transition region (the zone separating the region where all packets can be received and that where no data can be received) and I describe a way of preventing the forwarding of packets through relays belonging in this transition region. I implemented and tested the performance of these solutions in simulations and also deployed these routing techniques on sensor nodes using TinyOS. I compared the average power consumption of the nodes and the precision of time synchronization with the corresponding parameters of a number of existing algorithms. All proposed schemes extend the network lifetime and due to their lightweight architecture they are very efficient on WSN nodes with constrained resources. Hence it is recommended that a cross-layer approach should be a feature of any routing algorithm for WSNs

    End-to-end security in embedded system for modern mobile communication technologies

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    Modern mobile electronic devices such as smartphones or cell phones can now be used for distant devices such as technical systems to monitor and control. While surveillance systems do not require high standards navigating about the time of transfer of the displayed data. More real-time data are needed for a remote mobile robot transfer. Therefore, it has investigated and measured not only the possibilities of employing mobile devices. But also, the supported data transmission channels, such as UMTS, GSM, Wireless LAN, and Bluetooth. The remotecontrol system is used in many applications such as smart homes, cities, smart hospitals, etc., but it must be today updated to ensure fast-changing technology. Extensive coverage, remote control, and reliable operation in realtime in the deployment of wireless security knowledge. The home automation control system delivers significant features together with a user-friendly interface. A secure remote-based end-to-end security system NTMobile, a technique that enables NAT to provide transverse and encrypted communication from end to end. This confirmed that evaluating the performance of the system in the ECHONET lite compatible smartphone ecosystem. This gives flexibility in configuring time-sensitive industrial networks and enables them to be secured. A safe and reliable remote-control system is also conceivable under the privacy of the user

    Personal communication services in wireless networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2005, nr 4

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    The paper presents modern personal services and new trends observed in evolution of wireless services. The article covers voice and data transmission services offered in mobile networks as well as information services delivered to users over Internet/IP networks. With reference to voice services, selected GSM services based on IN services platform, e.g., the services of flexible scenarios are described. Moreover, the status of VoIP service provided over WLAN is explained. Concerning data transmission services, selected UMTS services are presented as well. Among information services, presentation of wide scope of services offered to mobile users, e.g., messaging, location-based information, transferring text information, unified communications as well as Internet services, e.g., e-commerce, e-shopping, telebanking and micropayments is done. For both, voice and data transmission services, personal services are presented exclusively. Generally, the most attractive services with personal features are selected and described in this paper

    Distributed Adaptation Techniques for Connected Vehicles

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    In this PhD dissertation, we propose distributed adaptation mechanisms for connected vehicles to deal with the connectivity challenges. To understand the system behavior of the solutions for connected vehicles, we first need to characterize the operational environment. Therefore, we devised a large scale fading model for various link types, including point-to-point vehicular communications and multi-hop connected vehicles. We explored two small scale fading models to define the characteristics of multi-hop connected vehicles. Taking our research into multi-hop connected vehicles one step further, we propose selective information relaying to avoid message congestion due to redundant messages received by the relay vehicle. Results show that the proposed mechanism reduces messaging load by up to 75% without sacrificing environmental awareness. Once we define the channel characteristics, we propose a distributed congestion control algorithm to solve the messaging overhead on the channels as the next research interest of this dissertation. We propose a combined transmit power and message rate adaptation for connected vehicles. The proposed algorithm increases the environmental awareness and achieves the application requirements by considering highly dynamic network characteristics. Both power and rate adaptation mechanisms are performed jointly to avoid one result affecting the other negatively. Results prove that the proposed algorithm can increase awareness by 20% while keeping the channel load and interference at almost the same level as well as improve the average message rate by 18%. As the last step of this dissertation, distributed cooperative dynamic spectrum access technique is proposed to solve the channel overhead and the limited resources issues. The adaptive energy detection threshold, which is used to decide whether the channel is busy, is optimized in this work by using a computationally efficient numerical approach. Each vehicle evaluates the available channels by voting on the information received from one-hop neighbors. An interdisciplinary approach referred to as entropy-based weighting is used for defining the neighbor credibility. Once the vehicle accesses the channel, we propose a decision mechanism for channel switching that is inspired by the optimal flower selection process employed by bumblebees foraging. Experimental results show that by using the proposed distributed cooperative spectrum sensing mechanism, spectrum detection error converges to zero

    7. GI/ITG KuVS FachgesprÀch Drahtlose Sensornetze

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    In dem vorliegenden Tagungsband sind die BeitrĂ€ge des FachgesprĂ€chs Drahtlose Sensornetze 2008 zusammengefasst. Ziel dieses FachgesprĂ€chs ist es, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus diesem Gebiet die Möglichkeit zu einem informellen Austausch zu geben – wobei immer auch Teilnehmer aus der Industrieforschung willkommen sind, die auch in diesem Jahr wieder teilnehmen.Das FachgesprĂ€ch ist eine betont informelle Veranstaltung der GI/ITG-Fachgruppe „Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme“ (www.kuvs.de). Es ist ausdrĂŒcklich keine weitere Konferenz mit ihrem großen Overhead und der Anforderung, fertige und möglichst „wasserdichte“ Ergebnisse zu prĂ€sentieren, sondern es dient auch ganz explizit dazu, mit Neueinsteigern auf der Suche nach ihrem Thema zu diskutieren und herauszufinden, wo die Herausforderungen an die zukĂŒnftige Forschung ĂŒberhaupt liegen.Das FachgesprĂ€ch Drahtlose Sensornetze 2008 findet in Berlin statt, in den RĂ€umen der Freien UniversitĂ€t Berlin, aber in Kooperation mit der ScatterWeb GmbH. Auch dies ein Novum, es zeigt, dass das FachgesprĂ€ch doch deutlich mehr als nur ein nettes Beisammensein unter einem Motto ist.FĂŒr die Organisation des Rahmens und der Abendveranstaltung gebĂŒhrt Dank den beiden Mitgliedern im Organisationskomitee, Kirsten Terfloth und Georg Wittenburg, aber auch Stefanie Bahe, welche die redaktionelle Betreuung des Tagungsbands ĂŒbernommen hat, vielen anderen Mitgliedern der AG Technische Informatik der FU Berlin und natĂŒrlich auch ihrem Leiter, Prof. Jochen Schiller

    Modelling and Analysis of Network Security Policies

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    Nowadays, computers and network communications have a pervasive presence in all our daily activities. Their correct configuration in terms of security is becoming more and more complex due to the growing number and variety of services present in a network. Generally, the security configuration of a computer network is dictated by specifying the policies of the security controls (e.g. firewall, VPN gateway) in the network. This implies that the specification of the network security policies is a crucial step to avoid errors in network configuration (e.g., blocking legitimate traffic, permitting unwanted traffic or sending insecure data). In the literature, an anomaly is an incorrect policy specification that an administrator may introduce in the network. In this thesis, we indicate as policy anomaly any conflict (e.g. two triggered policy rules enforcing contradictory actions), error (e.g. a policy cannot be enforced because it requires a cryptographic algorithm not supported by the security controls) or sub-optimization (e.g. redundant policies) that may arise in the policy specification phase. Security administrators, thus, have to face the hard job of correctly specifying the policies, which requires a high level of competence. Several studies have confirmed, in fact, that many security breaches and breakdowns are attributable to administrators’ responsibilities. Several approaches have been proposed to analyze the presence of anomalies among policy rules, in order to enforce a correct security configuration. However, we have identified two limitations of such approaches. On one hand, current literature identifies only the anomalies among policies of a single security technology (i.e., IPsec, TLS), while a network is generally configured with many technologies. On the other hand, existing approaches work on a single policy type, also named domain (i.e., filtering, communication protection). Unfortunately, the complexity of real systems is not self-contained and each network security control may affect the behavior of other controls in the same network. The objective of this PhD work was to investigate novel approaches for modelling security policies and their anomalies, and formal techniques of anomaly analysis. We present in this dissertation our contributions to the current policy analysis state of the art and the achieved results. A first contribution was the definition of a new class of policy anomalies, i.e. the inter-technology anomalies, which arises in a set of policies of multiple security technologies. We provided also a formal model able to detect these new types of anomalies. One of the results achieved by applying the inter-technology analysis to the communication protection policies was to categorize twelve new types of anomalies. The second result of this activity was derived from an empirical assessment that proved the practical significance of detecting such new anomalies. The second contribution of this thesis was the definition of a newly-defined type of policy analysis, named inter-domain analysis, which identifies any anomaly that may arise among different policy domains. We improved the state of the art by proposing a possible model to detect the inter-domain anomalies, which is a generalization of the aforementioned inter-technology model. In particular, we defined the Unified Model for Policy Analysis (UMPA) to perform the inter-domain analysis by extending the analysis model applied for a single policy domain to comprehensive analysis of anomalies among many policy domains. The result of this last part of our dissertation was to improve the effectiveness of the analysis process. Thanks to the inter-domain analysis, indeed, administrators can detect in a simple and customizable way a greater set of anomalies than the sets they could detect by running individually any other model

    Emergent Workflow

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