727 research outputs found

    Methods for reliable estimation of pulse transit time and blood pressure variations using smartphone sensors

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    Hypertension is known to affect around one third of adults globally and early diagnosis is essential to reduce the effects of this affliction. Today’s Blood Pressure (BP) monitoring cuffs are obtrusive and in- convenient for performing regular measurements, and continuous non-invasive blood pressure devices are too complex and expensive for ambulatory use. Hence, there is a strong need for affordable systems that can measure blood pressure (BP) variations throughout the day as this will allow to monitor, diagnose and follow-up not only patients at risk, but also healthy population in general for early diagnosis. A promising method for arterial BP estimation is to measure the Pulse Transit Time (PTT) and derive pres- sure values from it. However, current methods for measuring this surrogate marker of BP require com- plex sensing and analysis circuitry and the related medical devices are expensive and inconvenient for the user. In this paper, we present new methods to estimate PTT reliably and subsequently BP, from the baseline sensors of smartphones. This new approach involves determining PTT by simultaneously mea- suring the time the blood leaves the heart, by recording the heart sound using the standard microphone of the phone, and the time it reaches the finger, by measuring the pulse wave using the phone’s camera. We present algorithms that can be executed directly on current smartphones to obtain clean and robust heart sound signals and to extract the pulse wave characteristics. We also present methods to ensure a synchronous capture of the waveforms, which is essential to obtain reliable PTT values with inexpen- sive sensors. Additionally, we combine Autocorrelation and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)-based methods for reliably estimating the user heart rate (HR) from his/her heart sounds, and describe how to use the calculate HR to compensate for the camera frame rate variations and to improve the robustness of PTT estimation. Our experiments show that the computational overhead of the proposed processing meth- ods is minimum, which allows real-time feedback to the user, and that the PTT values are fully accurate (beat-to-beat), thereby enabling state-of-the-art smartphones to be used as affordable medical devices

    Mobile Personal Healthcare System for Non-Invasive, Pervasive and Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring: A Feasibility Study

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    Background: Smartphone-based blood pressure (BP) monitor using photoplethysmogram (PPG) technology has emerged as a promising approach to empower users with self-monitoring for effective diagnosis and control ofhypertension (HT). Objective: This study aimed to develop a mobile personal healthcare system for non-invasive, pervasive, and continuous estimation of BP level and variability to be user-friendly to elderly. Methods: The proposed approach was integrated by a self-designed cuffless, calibration-free, wireless and wearable PPG-only sensor, and a native purposely-designed smartphone application using multilayer perceptron machine learning techniques from raw signals. We performed a pilot study with three elder adults (mean age 61.3 ± 1.5 years; 66% women) to test usability and accuracy of the smartphone-based BP monitor. Results: The employed artificial neural network (ANN) model performed with high accuracy in terms of predicting the reference BP values of our validation sample (n=150). On average, our approach predicted BP measures with accuracy \u3e90% and correlations \u3e0.90 (P \u3c .0001). Bland-Altman plots showed that most of the errors for BP prediction were less than 10 mmHg. Conclusions: With further development and validation, the proposed system could provide a cost-effective strategy to improve the quality and coverage of healthcare, particularly in rural zones, areas lacking physicians, and solitary elderly populations

    Estimación robusta de la diferencia del tiempo de tránsito del pulso sanguíneo a partir de señales fotopletismográficas

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    En el presente trabajo se va a estudiar la posibilidad de detectar estrés mental utilizando técnicas no invasivas basadas en la señal fotopletismográfica de pulso (PPG). Para ello se pretende detectar cambios en la velocidad de pulso arterial (PWV), utilizando señales de PPG tomadas en dos puntos distintos del árbol arterial con las que poder medir el tiempo de llegada de pulso arterial a la periferia (PAT) y la diferencia de ese tiempo de llegada entre dos puntos de la periferia distintos (PTTD). Tanto el PAT como el PTTD han sido propuestas en la bibliografía como medidas influenciados por el Tiempo de Tránsito de Pulso (PTT), este último capaz de medir cambios en la dinámica cardiovascular. Sin embargo, el PTTD, al contrario que el PAT, no necesita del electrocardiograma (ECG) para ser obtenido y no está influenciado por el periodo de pre-eyección (PEP) -un intervalo de tiempo en la sístole ventricular que cambia pulso a pulso- el cual genera que el PAT pierda la relación con el PTT, dos factores importantes que aventajan al PTTD frente al PAT. Primero, se estudia de fiabilidad de los puntos fiduciales para la detección de los pulsos de la señal PPG y con ésto comprobar cuál es el método con la mayor precisión. Se demuestra mediante diversos análisis que el mejor punto para detectar los pulsos corresponde al valor de la PPG en el instante de máxima pendiente (valor máximo en la primera derivada). Resulta necesario implementar un detector de artefactos ya que el método de adquisición de la PPG es muy sensible a ellos pudiendo llegar a haber segmentos en los que la señal registrada es absolutamente inutilizable. Posteriormente, se analizan 14 voluntarios sanos sometidos a un protocolo de estrés y se realiza un test estadístico para comprobar la validez del método propuesto. Los resultados muestran que la desviación estándar de la PTTD tiene la capacidad estadística suficiente como para discernir entre estados de estrés y de relajación, para cada uno de los sujetos por separado. Además, se puede ver una tendencia descendente generalizada del descenso de la PTTD en situación de estrés con respecto a relajación. %Sin embargo, resultará necesario repetir el análisis con una muestra de señales mayor ya que se dispone de pocos sujetos en la base de datos utilizada, ya que la calidad de la señal de PPG que se registró en la frente es muy mala y hay muy pocos sujetos con los que se puede computar la PTTD. A modo de conclusión, se ha visto que la PTTD contiene información fisiológica que puede ser interesante para la detección de estrés. A su vez, también es una técnica potencialmente interesante para otros tipos de aplicaciones clínicas tales como la estimación no invasiva de la presión arterial o la evaluación de la rigidez arterial, pero se necesita estudiar la adecuación de ésta en cada escenario en particular. Además, como la PTTD se puede medir a partir de únicamente dos señales PPG, la técnica es idónea para dispositivos wearable y smartphones

    CardioCam: Leveraging Camera on Mobile Devices to Verify Users While Their Heart is Pumping

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    With the increasing prevalence of mobile and IoT devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, smart-home appliances), massive private and sensitive information are stored on these devices. To prevent unauthorized access on these devices, existing user verification solutions either rely on the complexity of user-defined secrets (e.g., password) or resort to specialized biometric sensors (e.g., fingerprint reader), but the users may still suffer from various attacks, such as password theft, shoulder surfing, smudge, and forged biometrics attacks. In this paper, we propose, CardioCam, a low-cost, general, hard-to-forge user verification system leveraging the unique cardiac biometrics extracted from the readily available built-in cameras in mobile and IoT devices. We demonstrate that the unique cardiac features can be extracted from the cardiac motion patterns in fingertips, by pressing on the built-in camera. To mitigate the impacts of various ambient lighting conditions and human movements under practical scenarios, CardioCam develops a gradient-based technique to optimize the camera configuration, and dynamically selects the most sensitive pixels in a camera frame to extract reliable cardiac motion patterns. Furthermore, the morphological characteristic analysis is deployed to derive user-specific cardiac features, and a feature transformation scheme grounded on Principle Component Analysis (PCA) is developed to enhance the robustness of cardiac biometrics for effective user verification. With the prototyped system, extensive experiments involving 25 subjects are conducted to demonstrate that CardioCam can achieve effective and reliable user verification with over 99% average true positive rate (TPR) while maintaining the false positive rate (FPR) as low as 4%

    Estimation of Blood Pressure and Pulse Transit Time Using Your Smartphone

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    It is widely recognized today that there is an alarming rise of lifestyle-induced chronic diseases (e.g., type II diabetes) in our society. Therefore, a strong need exists for cost-effective and non-invasive devices that can measure blood pressure (BP) to monitor, diagnose and follow-up patients at risk, but also healthy population in general. One promising method for arterial BP estimation is to measure a surrogate marker of it, such as, Pulse Transit Time (PTT) and derive pressure values from it. However, current methods for measuring PTT require complex sensing and analysis circuitry and the related medical devices are expensive and inconvenient for the user to wear. In this paper, we present a new smartphone-based method to estimate PTT reliably and subsequently BP from the baseline sensors on smartphones. This new approach involves determining PTT by simultaneously measuring the time the blood leaves the heart, by recording the heart sound using the standard microphone of the phone and the time it reaches the finger, by measuring the pulse wave using the phone’s camera. Moreover, we also describe algorithms that can be executed directly on current smartphones to obtain clean and robust heart sound signals and to extract the pulse wave characteristics using smartphones. We also present methods to ensure a synchronous capture of the waveforms, which is essential to obtain reliable PTT values with inexpensive sensors. Our experiments show that the computational overhead of the proposed two-phase processing method is minimum, with the ability to reliably measure the PTT values in a fully accurate (beat-to-beat) fashion using directly state-of-the-art smartphones as medical devices

    Development of a PPG-based hardware and software system deployable on elbow and thumb for real-time estimation of pulse transit time

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    Blood pressure (BP) is a vital parameter used by clinicians to diagnose issues in the human cardiovascular system. Cuff-based BP devices are currently the standard method for on-the-spot and ambulatory BP measurements. However, cuff-based devices are not comfortable and are not suitable for long-term BP monitoring. Many studies have reported a significant correlation between pulse transit time (PTT) with blood pressure. However, this relation is impacted by many internal and external factors which might lower the accuracy of the PTT method. In this paper, we present a novel hardware system consisting of two custom photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors designed particularly for the estimation of PTT. In addition, a software interface and algorithms have been implemented to perform a real-time assessment of the PTT and other features of interest from signals gathered between the brachial artery and the thumb. A preclinical study has been conducted to validate the system. Five healthy volunteer subjects were tested and the results were then compared with those gathered using a reference device. The analysis reports a mean difference among subjects equal to -3.75±7.28 ms. Moreover, the standard deviation values obtained for each individual showed comparable results with the reference device, proving to be a valuable tool to investigate the factors impacting the BP-PTT relationship.Clinical Relevance- The proposed system proved to be a feasible solution to detect blood volume changes providing good quality signals to be used in the study of BP-PTT relationship

    The 2023 wearable photoplethysmography roadmap

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    Photoplethysmography is a key sensing technology which is used in wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers. Currently, photoplethysmography sensors are used to monitor physiological parameters including heart rate and heart rhythm, and to track activities like sleep and exercise. Yet, wearable photoplethysmography has potential to provide much more information on health and wellbeing, which could inform clinical decision making. This Roadmap outlines directions for research and development to realise the full potential of wearable photoplethysmography. Experts discuss key topics within the areas of sensor design, signal processing, clinical applications, and research directions. Their perspectives provide valuable guidance to researchers developing wearable photoplethysmography technology

    BEst (Biomarker Estimation): Health Biomarker Estimation Non-invasively and Ubiquitously

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    This dissertation focuses on the non-invasive assessment of blood-hemoglobin levels. The primary goal of this research is to investigate a reliable, affordable, and user-friendly point-of-care solution for hemoglobin-level determination using fingertip videos captured by a smartphone. I evaluated videos obtained from five patient groups, three from the United States and two from Bangladesh, under two sets of lighting conditions. In the last group, based on human tissue optical transmission modeling data, I used near-infrared light-emitting diode sources of three wavelengths. I developed novel image processing techniques for fingertip video analysis to estimate hemoglobin levels. I studied video images creating image histogram and subdividing each image into multiple blocks. I determined the region of interest in a video and created photoplethysmogram signals. I created features from image histograms and PPG signals. I used the Partial Least Squares Regression and Support Vector Machine Regression tools to analyze input features and to build hemoglobin prediction models. Using data from the last and largest group of patients studied, I was able to develop a model with a strong linear correlation between estimated and clinically-measured hemoglobin levels. With further data and methodological refinements, the approach I have developed may be able to define a clinically accurate public health applicable tool for hemoglobin level and other blood constituent assessment
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