13,070 research outputs found

    An Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Maritime Collision Avoidance Route Planning

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    High accuracy navigation and surveillance systems are pivotal to ensure efficient ship route planning and marine safety. Based on existing ship navigation and maritime collision prevention rules, an improved approach for collision avoidance route planning using a differential evolution algorithm was developed. Simulation results show that the algorithm is capable of significantly enhancing the optimized route over current methods. It has the potential to be used as a tool to generate optimal vessel routing in the presence of conflicts

    Genetic programming for the automatic design of controllers for a surface ship

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    In this paper, the implementation of genetic programming (GP) to design a contoller structure is assessed. GP is used to evolve control strategies that, given the current and desired state of the propulsion and heading dynamics of a supply ship as inputs, generate the command forces required to maneuver the ship. The controllers created using GP are evaluated through computer simulations and real maneuverability tests in a laboratory water basin facility. The robustness of each controller is analyzed through the simulation of environmental disturbances. In addition, GP runs in the presence of disturbances are carried out so that the different controllers obtained can be compared. The particular vessel used in this paper is a scale model of a supply ship called CyberShip II. The results obtained illustrate the benefits of using GP for the automatic design of propulsion and navigation controllers for surface ships

    Automatic collision avoidance of ships

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    One of the key elements in automatic simulation of ship manoeuvring in confined waterways is route finding and collision avoidance. This paper presents a new practical method of automatic trajectory planning and collision avoidance based on an artificial potential field and speed vector. Collision prevention regulations and international navigational rules have been incorporated into the algorithm. The algorithm is fairly straightforward and simple to implement, but has been shown to be effective in finding safe paths for all ships concerned in complex situations. The method has been applied to some typical test cases and the results are very encouraging

    Risk assessment in narrow chanel

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    Bridge and ship collision risk assessment and safety management countermeasures in Shanghai Port waters

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    Прецедентний метод визначення розпливчатих меж безпечних областей у разі спільного руху засобів пересування

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    The case-based assessment method of determining the vague boundaries of safety domains inuncertainty situations using the rough set approach is considered. The construction of spatialconfigurations are described, method of determining the spatio-temporal similarity function is proposed.The proposed method is not sensitive to imprecise and incomplete observations due to using the roughsets to determine dynamic safety domainsРассмотрен прецедентный метод оценивания для определения расплывчатых границ областей безопасности вситуациях неопределенности с использованием подхода на основе приближенных множеств. Описано построение пространственных конфигураций, предложен способ определения пространственно-временнойфункции сходства. Предложенный метод является не чувствительным к неточным и неполным наблюдениям вследствие использования приближенных множеств для определения динамических доменов безопасностиРозглянуто прецедентний метод оцінювання для визначення розпливчатих меж областей безпеки в ситуаціях невизначеності з використанням підходу на основі наближених множин. Описано побудову просторових конфігурацій, запропоновано спосіб визначення просторово-часової функції подібності. Запропонований метод є не чутливим до неточних і неповних спостережень внаслідок використання наближених множин для визначення динамічних доменів безпек

    Risk-based system to control safety level of flooded passenger ships

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    Predicting the consequences of flooding is a key issue that may help the ship master of a large passenger ship to make rational decisions in emergency situations. To this end, the Delphi Emergency Decision Support System (Delphi EDSS) has been designed and is under implementation to continuously assess ship's state of survivability. Analyses are performed by means of a time-domain simulation program, where transient stages of flooding are investigated and stored off-line for all the potential damage scenarios. The Delphi EDSS evaluates the ship risk level including the most important aspects related to safety state while establishing the time-to-capsize which is of primary concern for the safe evacuation of the damaged ship. The methodology is based on a scientific approach, setting an overall platform for rational assessment of non-survivability risk. Determination of the global risk level and its components requires solution of a multicriterial problem, where the level of importance of each criterion contributing to determination of a global risk index is combined with fuzzified contributors to risk calculated at lower levels