127,538 research outputs found

    La formación de docentes en TIC: aportaciones desde diferentes modelos de formación

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    Training the teaching staff in Information and Communication Technologies comes implicitly with the study of its different dimensions and principles, regarding the indications that have been pointed from a variety of studies and works. In our current society, it is clear that the significance of ICT to improve quality and educational performance is not exclusively determined by its presence, but also by the variety of transformations that involves not only using them as a way of consuming knowledge but also seeing them as tools to enrich, create and generate said knowledge. From this perspective, investment in professional development is more important than investment in resources associated with technology. ftis is an important aspect for incorporation of ITC, not considering only its use to do better things than we do without it, but to do things in a complete different manner. We present this article which describes a tour of some of the bases and models, analyzing the problematic of training in digital skills that teachers might face when they incorporate them into their teaching and professional practice.Hablar de la formación del profesorado en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, implica el estudio de diferentes dimensiones y principios, contemplando las indicaciones que han apuntado distintos estudios y trabajos. En la sociedad actual, es claro que la significación de las TIC para mejorar la calidad y el rendimiento educativo, no viene exclusivamente determinado por su presencia, sino también por diferentes transformaciones que implican pasar de utilizarlas únicamente como una forma de consumir conocimientos, a verlas como herramientas para enriquecerlos, crearlos y generarlos. Desde esta perspectiva, la inversión en desarrollo profesional es más importante que la inversión en recursos asociados a la tecnología, siendo unaspecto importantepara su incorporación, el noplantearse únicamente su utilización para hacer mejor las cosas que hacemos sin ellas, sino para hacer cosas completamente distintas. Desde esta óptica, planteamos el presente artículo en el que se describe un recorrido por algunas de las bases y modelos, analizando la problemática de la formación en las competencias digitales que debe poseer el profesorado a la hora de incorporarlas en su práctica docente y profesional

    Taking the Initiative? TLRP and Educational Research

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    Directing the Teaching and Learning Research Programme: or ‘trying to fly a glider made of jelly’

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    TLRP’s generic phase (1999-2009) is believed to have been the largest ever UK investment in educational research. This paper describes the critique from which TLRP emerged, its strategic positioning and the roles of successive directors and their teams in its development. The paper offers an early stock take of TLRP’s achievements from the perspective of the last Programme Director. The efficacy of the form of the Programme, once likened to ‘a glider made of jelly’, is discussed

    Collaborative E-learning Methodologies: an Experience of Active Knowledge in ICT Classrooms

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    In the present study we highlight a specific environment that makes use of collaborative technological tools, like wikis and forums within an e-learning platform. Both of these approaches convey a lot of responsibility from the teacher to the students and the hoping, as backed up by the literature, is to promote deeper learning and reasoning skills at a higher level. The general goal of this paper is to contribute for the theoretical discussion on how active and collaborative experiences in ICT classrooms play a role on the construction of knowledge in HEIs. Based on the pointed outlines, we intend to: (1) understand how collaborative e-learning environments get students actively involved in the learning process;(2) perspective the role of collaborative tools at the level of group work and (3) find out how students assess their performance within a working group. Data was collected through questionnaires available on the e-learning platform Moodle. Descriptive statistical techniques were used to analyze quantitative data. Within the research questions proposed, the study, points towards some understanding of how a collaborative learning environment seems to get students actively involved in the learning process mainly if the tasks to be perform have an empirical component. The study also has shown that students seem to identify themselves with the need to be involved in simulations of their future professional activity, as well as with the need to regulate their own learning and to promote discussion not only between peers but also with the teacher

    Culture of Silence, Professional Identity and the Educator: A State of the Question

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    This paper aims to establish an analytical framework about the culture of silence in the educator’s identity, showing problems and theoretical and methodological bases. It is a cross-section of the research entitled Culture of Silence in the professional identity of Educational Topics Technicians and Educators in the light of the Freirean thought currently being carried out at the Postgraduate Program in Education (Academic Doctorate Degree in Education) of the State University of Ceará (PPGE/UECE). The methodology adopted at this stage was the qualitative research, resorting to the State of the Question, with a survey, review and deep bibliographical data analysis of the data, based on Freire’s studies. Among other sources, the most important are the directories named Thesis and Dissertations Bank of the Coordinating Agency for Advanced Training of Graduate Personnel (CAPES), the Brazilian Digital Library of Thesis and Dissertations (BDTD), and the CAPES Journals Portal. The results include 36 mapped papers, 10 of which deal with the culture of silence, and 26 of which deal with the educator’s professional identity. We verified a predominance of the qualitative approach of investigation, with a quantitative highlight for bibliographical, documentary, and field/exploratory research. Among the data collection procedures, the application of a questionnaire and the conduction of a semi-structured interview stand out. As for the theoretical bases, the studies by Paulo Freire and Venício Artur Lima (‘Culture of silence’ category); Stuart Hall and Claude Dubar (‘Identity’ category); and Selma Garrido Pimenta, José Carlos Libâneo and Dermeval Saviani (‘Educator’ category). Thus, considering the theoretical and methodological contributions (investigative purpose, goals, problems, analysis categories and references), we emphasize the pertinence of more and deeper reflections about the State of the Question as an original, creative, critical and contributory manner in comparison with scientific research. Keywords: State of the Question. Academic papers. Theoretical and methodological bases DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-16-01 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Extending, broadening and rethinking existing research on transfer of training

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    Research on transfer of training has a long history, with thousands of empirical studies since the 1950s investigating whether, and under which conditions, knowledge and skills acquired during training are subsequently used in the work environment (see reviews by Baldwin and Ford, 1988, Blume et al., 2010 and Burke and Hutchins, 2007). The generation of such an abundance of research can be linked to organisations’ fundamental and ongoing concern to ensure that their employees possess the necessary knowledge and skills from their employer to maintain a competitive advantage and thrive economically. Training and development is, however, extremely costly to organisations, which has created the need to determine the effectiveness of training, and the conditions under which transfer of training is optimal. A recent overview of “what really matters” for successful transfer of training (Grossman & Salas, 2011), aimed at a training and development readership, summarized the most influential variables emerging from this vast body of research. Based on the expectation that the list of factors which may contribute to influence transfer could always be extended and that it would be impractical to incorporate every single factor in research designs, the authors recommended a shift in future research towards deeper investigations of the conditions under which selected variables are more or less influential in their relationship with training. This Special Issue contributes to this important research agenda and extends it further through the inclusion of a diverse collection of conceptual contributions and reviews, from several scientific disciplines, a plurality of theoretical perspectives and a range of methodological approaches. Expanding the theoretical grounding underpinning empirical work on transfer of training and scrutinizing existing conceptualizations of the notion of transfer is timely in light of widespread concerns from organisations about minimal return on investment in training, and repeated evidence in the transfer of training literature of an enduring “transfer problem”. The aim of this article is to explore the value of extending, broadening and rethinking existing research on transfer of training. The benefits of extending research on transfer of training is considered first, through examining how the contributions of this Special Issue add to the existing literature on transfer of training, and the implications of the new insights for addressing the “transfer problem”. How transfer of training research could be broadened, thus enriched, through incorporating ideas from recent literature on transfer of learning is considered next. Finally, proposals to rethink transfer as boundary crossing from an activity theory perspective are scrutinized for their potential to better understand the learning that takes place at the boundaries of training and work environments. The article concludes by elaborating on the conceptual value of a refocus on ‘transfer of learning from training’ within a perspective of adaptive learning, and a call for cross-fertilisation with the extensive theory grounded literatures on transfer of learning and boundary crossing

    Practice-informed research: An alternative paradigm for scholastic enquiry in the built environment

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    This paper introduces the concept of practice-informed research. It offers this as an alternative approach to scholarship that has the potential to increase the relevance of research within universities, and to generate an increased level of dialogue between academics and practitioners. The article demonstrates the long academic pedigree of the proposed approach through an examination of established theoretical perspectives. It seeks to encourage debate about the legitimacy of academic research in a vocational subject area, and to encourage the adoption of a greater breadth of research approaches within the built environment subject area