976 research outputs found

    The role of digital technologies for the LCA empowerment towards circular economy goals: a scenario analysis for the agri-food system

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    Purpose This paper aims to develop a scenario analysis on the experts' perceptions of benefits and barriers related to adopting digital technologies for the life cycle assessment (LCA) to catalyse a circular economy transition in the agri-food system. Methods A literature review was performed to identify LCA's digital technologies that can be implemented within the agri-food system. Furthermore, an in-depth interview with a panel of senior researchers was conducted to establish a set of items and assess the perceived benefits and barriers associated with an "empowered LCA", i.e. a future-oriented LCA based on digital technologies. To this end, a two-stage exploratory factor analysis relying on the principal component analysis technique was carried out to refine the set of items. Finally, a covariance-based structural equation model was performed, built on a confirmatory factor analysis, to test the measurement model. Results and discussion The study's findings provide five constructs to explore the potential benefits and barriers related to adopting a digital technologies-based LCA (empowered LCA) for a circular economy transition in the agri-food system. More specifically, the benefits can be assessed using the following constructs: "benefits for the data collection and analysis", "benefits for the LCA analysts", "benefits for the management" and "benefits for traceability". In addition, the barriers have been evaluated using a single construct labelled "general barriers". Conclusions The study highlights the relevance of digital technologies for a circular economy transition to develop a more reliable LCA, enhancing legislative compliance and supporting the traceability processes in the agri-food system. The associated implications for LCA experts, agri-food managers and policymakers are presented. Furthermore, limitations and future research directions are also discussed

    The intersection of blockchain technology and circular economy in the agri-food sector

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    A transition towards a circular economy within the agri-food sector requires the improvement of efficiency in resource utilization, the prevention of food loss or waste, whilst adopting regenerative agricultural practices. In addition to the technical challenges, the agri-food industry needs to address the food safety concerns resulting from biomass recycling processes. Increasingly, blockchain technology is gaining traction, moving towards more sustainable and precision agriculture. The blockchain is a decentralized, immutable, and shared database that records the provenance of digital assets, making it a suitable platform for traceability and food supply chain management. Despite its growing importance, the existing literature regarding these themes and the empirical evidence of blockchain-based solutions for a circular economy is rather fragmented. This paper offers a scoping review regarding the role of blockchain technology in the transition towards a circular food system. A total of 44 papers published in peer-reviewed journals were reviewed to identify new scientific insights into the application of blockchains within the agricultural sector. The results indicate that blockchain technology has a great potential in reducing food loss through optimized eco-efficiency (e.g., digitalization and integration with the Internet of Things) and by alleviating asymmetric information (by increasing transparency and reducing dependence on intermediaries). However, in the case of recycling efficiency, despite its potential, there remains a paucity of evidence regarding the use of blockchain technology in improving the residual valorization processes. Furthermore, there is a stream of literature focusing on the ability of blockchain-enabled traceability (e.g., for organic production or supply chain management). Yet, the role of blockchain traceability in the monitoring of risks from recycled biomass and the reporting of the sustainability performance in the supply chain has received scant attention within research literature. These results provide insights for supply chain management operations with the view of shifting towards a circular economy whilst also suggesting an agenda for future research areas

    Sustainability on the craft beer sector: Management improvements towards sustainable business and supply chain transparency: A case study on BARONA Brewing Company

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    Craft beer has revolutionized the beer industry and market worldwide through diversification, innovation, authenticity, and tradition. As a result, these SMEs challenged the large breweries operating in a highly homogenized and consolidated market. Thus, addressing sustainability challenges in the growing craft beer sector is a strong recommendation. Therefore, this study has two main objectives. The first one is to understand how to improve sustainability in a Portuguese SME craft brewery named BARONA Brewing Company and implement sustainability practices into the business model. The second objective is more geared to operational level and practical improvements, looking to understand how this microbrewery can adapt to a transparent supply chain. A mixed methodology was used to provide value-added suggestions. Information about the current sustainability and supply chain activities and performance will be collected through direct field observation and semi-structured interviews. Results analysis showed that sustainability is not a focus for SMEs craft brewers. Even though it can be challenging to improve processes and measures to accomplish it, it is possible to include it in a business model by reducing resource consumption, minimizing waste, and focusing on efficient production. This will be cost-effective and make the company closer to a fully sustainable approach. However, when it comes to the supply chain transparency topic and the use of blockchain technology this is more challenging once it needs an investment of time and money, something some SME craft brewers may not be able to dispose of.A cerveja artesanal tem revolucionado a indústria e o mercado mundial da cerveja, através da sua diversificação, inovação, autenticidade e tradição. Estas PMEs vieram desafiar as grandes cervejarias que operam num mercado altamente homogeneizado e consolidado. Assim, enfrentar os desafios da sustentabilidade no sector da cerveja artesanal é urgente. Este estudo tem dois objetivos. O primeiro é compreender como é possível melhorar a sustentabilidade numa PME portuguesa fabricante de cerveja artesanal chamada BARONA Brewing Company e implementar práticas de sustentabilidade no modelo de negócio. O segundo objetivo é orientado para o nível operacional, procurando compreender como é possível esta microcervejeira adaptar-se a uma cadeia de abastecimento transparente. Para fornecer sugestões com valor, foi escolhida uma metodologia mista. Serão recolhidas informações sobre as atividades de sustentabilidade e da cadeia de abastecimento, através da observação direta no terreno e de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados evidenciam que a sustentabilidade não é um foco para as cervejeiras artesanais. É um desafio melhorar os processos e as medidas de sustentabilidade, mas é possível incluí-la no modelo de negócio através da redução do consumo de recursos, minimização do desperdício e foco na produção eficiente. Assim será rentável e a empresa ficará mais próxima de uma abordagem totalmente sustentável. Quando se trata do tema de transparência da cadeia de abastecimento e da utilização de tecnologia de blockchain, isto é ainda mais desafiante uma vez que necessita de investimento de tempo e dinheiro, algo que algumas cervejeiras artesanais podem não ser capazes de disponibilizar

    Blockchain-based life cycle assessment: An implementation framework and system architecture

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    Life cycle assessment (LCA) is widely used for assessing the environmental impacts of a product or service. Collecting reliable data is a major challenge in LCA due to the complexities involved in the tracking and quantifying inputs and outputs at multiple supply chain stages. Blockchain technology offers an ideal solution to overcome the challenge in sustainable supply chain management. Its use in combination with internet-of-things (IoT) and big data analytics and visualization can help organizations achieve operational excellence in conducting LCA for improving supply chain sustainability. This research develops a framework to guide the implementation of Blockchain-based LCA. It proposes a system architecture that integrates the use of Blockchain, IoT, and big data analytics and visualization. The proposed implementation framework and system architecture were validated by practitioners who were experienced with Blockchain applications. The research also analyzes system implementation costs and discusses potential issues and solutions, as well as managerial and policy implications


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    The complexity in the Agri-Food Supply Chain (AFSC) has made the traceability of causes of disease difficult in the supply chain. Stakeholders in this supply chain have been adopting centralized systems of traceability that are prone to manipulations and single-point attacks. But as advancement is rapidly driving Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), researchers have attempted to apply the potentials of blockchain technology in the agri-food industry. A fundamental component of blockchain is a smart contract which is mostly challenged with the problem of conflict resolution among contracting parties. This paper investigates the phenomenon and proposes a conceptual framework to drive future practical researches in this field. An algorithm was also developed to address the conflict resolution challenges in the supply chain as it was identified to be one of the major challenges causing stakeholders’ skepticism on the acceptability of blockchain technology in AFSC.The complexity in the Agri-Food Supply Chain (AFSC) has made the traceability of causes of disease difficult in the supply chain. Stakeholders in this supply chain have been adopting centralized systems of traceability that are prone to manipulations and single-point attacks. But as advancement is rapidly driving Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), researchers have attempted to apply the potentials of blockchain technology in the agri-food industry. A fundamental component of blockchain is a smart contract which is mostly challenged with the problem of conflict resolution among contracting parties. This paper investigates the phenomenon and proposes a conceptual framework to drive future practical researches in this field. An algorithm was also developed to address the conflict resolution challenges in the supply chain as it was identified to be one of the major challenges causing stakeholders’ skepticism on the acceptability of blockchain technology in AFSC


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    The complexity in the Agri-Food Supply Chain (AFSC) has made the traceability of causes of disease difficult in the supply chain. Stakeholders in this supply chain have been adopting centralized systems of traceability that are prone to manipulations and single-point attacks. But as advancement is rapidly driving Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), researchers have attempted to apply the potentials of blockchain technology in the agri-food industry. A fundamental component of blockchain is a smart contract which is mostly challenged with the problem of conflict resolution among contracting parties. This paper investigates the phenomenon and proposes a conceptual framework to drive future practical researches in this field. An algorithm was also developed to address the conflict resolution challenges in the supply chain as it was identified to be one of the major challenges causing stakeholders’ skepticism on the acceptability of blockchain technology in AFSC.The complexity in the Agri-Food Supply Chain (AFSC) has made the traceability of causes of disease difficult in the supply chain. Stakeholders in this supply chain have been adopting centralized systems of traceability that are prone to manipulations and single-point attacks. But as advancement is rapidly driving Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), researchers have attempted to apply the potentials of blockchain technology in the agri-food industry. A fundamental component of blockchain is a smart contract which is mostly challenged with the problem of conflict resolution among contracting parties. This paper investigates the phenomenon and proposes a conceptual framework to drive future practical researches in this field. An algorithm was also developed to address the conflict resolution challenges in the supply chain as it was identified to be one of the major challenges causing stakeholders’ skepticism on the acceptability of blockchain technology in AFSC

    Blockchain technology to improve supply chain management - a systematic literature review

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    This study followed the systematic literature review approach to analyse how blockchain technology can improve supply chain management and to promote a future research agenda. The search was carried out at Web of Science Core Collection between September 2019 and February 2020 by using the keywords “blockchain” AND “supply chain” OR “blockchain” AND “logistics” in the title. In this review 127 studies were identified for screening and a final sample of 67 studies met the inclusion criteria and were analysed to answer the research questions. After examining the selected studies, our findings uncover a range of approaches showing how blockchain can enhance the supply chain management and point out which sectors are most likely to benefit from its implementation. This study contributes to the existing literature by systematising the most relevant information on blockchain implementation in supply chains. In addition, the findings of this study also provide managers and researchers with insights about the likely consequences of blockchain adoption in various sectors. Although there are already some literature reviews on blockchain technology in the supply chain management, this is one of the first studies that brings together the main issues focused on the consequences of blockchain adoption in the supply chain management.A gestão da cadeia de abastecimento está a passar por um processo de digitalização das suas operações justificada pela Quarta Revolução Industrial (Indústria 4.0) que prevê a adoção de novas tecnologias com o objetivo de reduzir custos operacionais, aumentar a eficiência da cadeia de abastecimento e agregar valor aos produtos e serviços. Ferramentas tecnológicas como a internet das coisas (IoT), identificação por radiofrequência (RFID) e Big Data, estão a ser utilizadas na melhoria dos controlos de produção, compra, procura, na tomadas de decisões dos gestores, entretanto, a recente tecnologia blockchain tem chamado atenção de pesquisadores e especialistas devido ao seu potencial transformador nos negócios e principalmente na gestão da cadeia de abastecimento. Por este motivo, este estudo propõe uma revisão sistemática de literatura com o objetivo de analisar como a tecnologia blockchain pode melhorar a gestão da cadeia de abastecimento e propor uma agenda de investigação para o futuro. A pesquisa foi realizada na base de dados Web of Science Core Collection entre setembro de 2019 e fevereiro de 2020 usando as palavras-chave "blockchain" E "supply chain" OU "blockchain" E "logistics" no título. O critério de seleção dos artigos considerou apenas estudos revistos por pares, anais de conferência e livros nos idiomas inglês, espanhol, francês e português. A seleção dos estudos ocorreu em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa, foram analisados títulos e resumos. Na segunda etapa, foi realizada a leitura integral dos estudos que não foram excluídos na primeira fase. Os critérios de exclusão foram: artigos de revisão de literatura, relatórios, estudos focados em informações técnicas, estudos que enfatizaram outras tecnologias (IoT, RFID), gestão financeira da cadeia de abastecimento e/ou estudos relacionados com bitcoins. Os artigos que preencheram um desses critérios foram excluídos com justificativa. Embora tenhamos excluído artigos de revisão de literatura, esses documentos ainda foram utilizados para identificar estudos-chave que não haviam sido capturados da base de dados Web of Science. Por fim, nesta revisão foram identificados 127 estudos para triagem e uma amostra final de 67 estudos atendeu aos critérios de inclusão e foram analisados para responder às perguntas da pesquisa. As perguntas a que a pesquisa teve por objetivo responder foram: quais os benefícios e riscos da tecnologia blockchain; quais os setores que já adotaram a tecnologia blockchain na gestão da cadeia de abastecimento e sua fase de implementação; quais as características das empresas que utilizam a tecnologia; quais são os fatores facilitadores e barreiras para a adoção da tecnologia blockchain nas empresas; qual a influência da tecnologia blockchain na garantia da sustentabilidade da cadeia de abastecimento dentro da estratégia organizacional e dos níveis operacionais; como avaliar o desempenho da tecnologia blockchain na gestão da cadeia de abastecimento. Os estudos selecionados apontam que a partir de 2017 houve um aumento expressivo de estudos relacionados ao uso da tecnologia blockchain na cadeia de abastecimento. Os Estados Unidos, China e Índia são os países com a maior percentagem de publicações sobre o tema e representam aproximadamente 44% do total. Os estudos foram publicados em jornais especializados em sistema de produção e processos, engenharia industrial, tecnologia, gestão, logística, cadeia de abastecimento e sustentabilidade. Quanto aos benefícios e riscos da adoção da tecnologia blockchain, os estudos indicam que a transparência dos dados, rastreabilidade e a redução dos custos operacionais são um dos maiores benefícios da adoção da tecnologia blockchain na cadeia de abastecimento, enquanto a escalabilidade e interoperabilidade foram identificados com os maiores riscos/limitações da implantação da tecnologia. No que tange aos fatores facilitadores da adoção da tecnologia blockchain, a gestão de topo apresenta-se como agente principal no incentivo à adoção do blockchain nas organizações, além disso, a perceção de utilização da tecnologia pelos funcionários também influencia o sucesso de implantação da tecnologia blockchain. Outras características que afetam a adoção da tecnologia são a infraestrutura das empresas, políticas governamentais e a cultura do país, entretanto esses fatores tendem a ter níveis diferentes de acordo com o país onde a empresa está instalada. No que diz respeito aos fatores que dificultam a implantação do blockchain nas organizações, são apontados a falta de conhecimento da tecnologia blockchain e dos seus potenciais benefícios, a existência de um número reduzido de aplicações do blockchain nas empresas, a coordenação e comprometimento dos parceiros de negócios na resolução de problemas e no tratamento de dados, fatores externos, como a legislação e incentivos governamentais. Após examinar os estudos selecionados, a nossa análise revela uma série de abordagens que mostram como a blockchain pode melhorar a gestão da cadeia de abastecimento e identifica os setores mais propensos a retirar benefícios de sua implementação. A indústria de alimentos e a indústria farmacêutica são apontados como os setores com maior vantagem na adoção do blockchain devido a criticidade dos seus produtos, a procura crescente por informações referente a proveniência dos bens e seu alto valor agregado. O perfil das organizações que adotaram a tecnologia blockchain são geralmente multinacionais de grande e médio porte, com capilaridade de parceiros de negócios, grande volume de produção e alto valor agregado aos seus bens. Quanto a sustentabilidade, a tecnologia blockchain pode influenciar, através da transparência e rastreabilidade dos produtos, na redução da produção de lixo e das emissões de carbono no meio ambiente, no controlo das leis e práticas laborais, evitando-se trabalho escravo e, relacionado com as questões económicas, redução dos custos com auditorias, controlo de pedidos de compra, produção e procura. Os indicadores de performance, de acordo com os estudos revistos, podem ser melhorados com a utilização da tecnologia blockchain, promovendo novas métricas sustentáveis baseadas na rastreabilidade e na transparência dos dados. Apesar da fase inicial da tecnologia blockchain, alguns estudos propõem indicadores que avaliam a eficiência da cadeia de abastecimento após a adoção do blockchain, como o tempo de processamento das transações, a utilização de recursos (água, energia elétrica) e níveis de emissão de carbono. Embora já existam algumas revisões de literatura sobre a tecnologia blockchain na gestão da cadeia de abastecimento, este é um dos primeiros estudos que reúne questões importantes focadas nas consequências da adoção do blockchain na gestão. Além disso, os resultados deste estudo fornecem implicações para a gestão e para a teoria sobre as prováveis consequências da adoção de blockchain em vários setores da economia

    How can blockchain make the food supply chain more sustainable? A case study of Norwegian fishing supply chain

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    Discovering Blockchain for Sustainable Product-Service Systems to enhance the Circular Economy

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    An increasing amount of use cases is discovered for blockchain technology, since it promises tamper-proof recording of product-related data. It has the potential to improve the reliability of information management for whole supply chains and thus enables new ecologically and economically service offerings. Integrating products and services into one marketable bundle is no new concept and is referred to as product-service systems (PSS). Therefore, the methodical integration of knowledge on sustainable businesses, PSS and blockchain is a promising approach to overcome current barriers to achieve an applicable circular economy. Our study contributes a structured literature review on ongoing research in the field of sustainability-focused blockchain applications. From this, we elaborate a holistic perspective by the integration of key concepts from two additional literature reviews for blockchain and PSS. Asa result, we point out potential benefits and present the effect of blockchain on sustainable PSS with a product-life cycle model