31,917 research outputs found

    Role of evolving Web Technologies in the discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities in technology-based organisations

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    Information and communication technologies are inspiring and enabling entrepreneurial endeavours yet our understanding of how entrepreneurial opportunities are discovered, especially influenced by the web technologies, is limited. The advent of web technologies (especially Web 2.0 and Web 3.0) has enabled the creation of internet giants such as Facebook and Twitter on one hand, while empowered the existing online businesses such as Amazon and eBay on the other. However, there is limited research that investigates the role of web technologies for entrepreneurial opportunities discovery (EOD). The findings of a systematic literature review reveal that prior EOD research has mostly investigated different factors such as prior knowledge, social capital and systematic search in isolation. Most of these studies did not investigate the role of technology in EOD indicating a dearth of research. The study used qualitative multiple case studies research methodology including semi-structured interviews, informal observations and archival review to collect data. The qualitative case study methodology was chosen because little was known about the phenomenon under investigation, and the purpose of the study was to develop a theory of entrepreneurial opportunity discovery in the context of web technologies. The research findings revealed several factors that influence entrepreneurial opportunity discovery in technology-based organisations and shed light on the enabling role of web technologies for EOD. The extensive data and information accumulated on the web can be exploited by companies to find entrepreneurial opportunities. The findings of present research can stimulate and encourage the use of web technologies for EOD, which has so far not been used to its full potential

    Role of evolving Web Technologies in the discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities in technology-based organisations

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    Information and communication technologies are inspiring and enabling entrepreneurial endeavours yet our understanding of how entrepreneurial opportunities are discovered, especially influenced by the web technologies, is limited. The advent of web technologies (especially Web 2.0 and Web 3.0) has enabled the creation of internet giants such as Facebook and Twitter on one hand, while empowered the existing online businesses such as Amazon and eBay on the other. However, there is limited research that investigates the role of web technologies for entrepreneurial opportunities discovery (EOD). The findings of a systematic literature review reveal that prior EOD research has mostly investigated different factors such as prior knowledge, social capital and systematic search in isolation. Most of these studies did not investigate the role of technology in EOD indicating a dearth of research. The study used qualitative multiple case studies research methodology including semi-structured interviews, informal observations and archival review to collect data. The qualitative case study methodology was chosen because little was known about the phenomenon under investigation, and the purpose of the study was to develop a theory of entrepreneurial opportunity discovery in the context of web technologies. The research findings revealed several factors that influence entrepreneurial opportunity discovery in technology-based organisations and shed light on the enabling role of web technologies for EOD. The extensive data and information accumulated on the web can be exploited by companies to find entrepreneurial opportunities. The findings of present research can stimulate and encourage the use of web technologies for EOD, which has so far not been used to its full potential

    Understanding collective international opportunity recognition : Studies on Finnish SMEs exploring maritime and offshore industry markets in Norway and Russia

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    This doctoral research was triggered by my interest in understanding why some Finnish maritime and offshore sector SMEs engage in a joint entry to new, challenging foreign markets, such as neighbouring Norway and Russia, while others do not. On this basis, the objective of the thesis is to explore the dynamics of the collective international opportunity recognition process among Finnish maritime and offshore industry SMEs that aim at joint internationalisation. This objective is divided into the following research questions: (1) How do individual entrepreneurs recognise collective international opportunities? (2) How do several entrepreneurs together recognise collective international opportunities? (3) How does the collective international opportunity recognition process evolve over time? These questions are answered in four empirical articles that constitute the core of the thesis. The employed theoretical framework builds on three streams of literature: international opportunity recognition, mental images and sensemaking, and network interaction. The qualitative data were collected primarily via biyearly interviews from 2015 to 2017 with representatives of Finnish maritime industry SMEs exploring business opportunities in Norway and Russia. The thesis contributes particularly to the international entrepreneurship literature by providing insight into collective international opportunity recognition, a process critical to the joint internationalisation of SMEs yet highly understudied. First, by introducing mental images specific to opportunity contexts and by exploring the dynamics of auspicious and ominous sensemaking involved in an individual’s recognition of collective international opportunities, this thesis sheds light on the individual-level aspects of the phenomenon. Second, by investigating two forms of inter-firm sensemaking, that is, collective and fragmented sensemaking, the study provides insight into how multiple individuals from different firms come to recognise, together, an opportunity for joint internationalisation. Third, by building on the process-based approach, this thesis provides understanding on the temporal dynamics of collective international opportunity recognition: mental images and sensemaking processes evolve over time through various kinds of events and determine whether managers recognize opportunities for joint internationalisation in the future. In addition, this thesis provides avenues for further research and offers managerial and policy recommendations for supporting the joint internationalisation of SMEs.Tämä väitöskirjatutkimus sai alkunsa kiinnostuksestani ymmärtää miksi jotkin suomalaiset meri- ja offshore-teollisuuden pk-yritykset lähtevät yhteistyössä kansainvälistymään uusille haastaville markkinoille, kuten Norjaan ja Venäjälle, kun taas toiset eivät. Väitöskirjan tavoitteena onkin tutkia kollektiivisten kansainvälistymismahdollisuuksien tunnistamisen dynamiikkaa sellaisten suomalaisten meri- ja offshore-teollisuuden pk-yritysten keskuudessa, jotka pyrkivät kansainvälisille markkinoille yhteistyössä. Tämä tavoite jakautuu edelleen seuraaviin tutkimuskysymyksiin: (1) Miten yksittäiset yrittäjät tunnistavat yhteisen kansainvälistymisen mahdollisuuksia? (2) Miten useat yrittäjät yhdessä tunnistavat yhteisen kansainvälistymisen mahdollisuuksia? (3) Miten yhteisten kansainvälistymismahdollisuuksien tunnistaminen kehittyy ajan kuluessa? Vastaan näihin kysymyksiin neljässä empiirisessä artikkelissa, jotka muodostavat väitöskirjan ytimen. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys yhdistää elementtejä kolmesta tutkimuskirjallisuudesta, jotka ovat kansainvälisten mahdollisuuksien tunnistaminen,’mielikuvat’ (mental images) ja ’järkeistäminen’ (sensemaking), sekä vuorovaikutus yritysverkostoissa. Olen kerännyt tutkimuksen kvalitatiivisen aineiston haastattelemalla Norjan ja Venäjän liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia tutkailevien suomalaisten meriteollisuusyritysten edustajia puolivuosittain vuosina 2015–2017. Väitöskirja edistää erityisesti kansainvälisen yrittäjyyden kirjallisuutta luomalla uutta ymmärrystä kollektiivisten kansainvälisten mahdollisuuksien tunnistamisesta, joka on pk-yritysten kansainvälistymiselle kriittinen, mutta silti vielä varsin tutkimaton ilmiö. Ensinnäkin, tutkimuksen mukaan eri mahdollisuuskonteksteihin liittyvät mielikuvat sekä hyväenteinen ja pahaenteinen järkeistäminen ovat keskeisiä yksilötason elementtejä yhteisten kansainvälisten mahdollisuuksien tunnistamisessa. Toiseksi, yritystenvälisellä tasolla hajautununut ja kollektiivinen järkeistäminen puolestaan määrittävät miten useat yksilöt yhdessä tunnistavat mahdollisuuksia kansainvälistyä yhteistyössä. Kolmanneksi, tämä prosessipohjainen tutkimus avaa ilmiön ajallista dynamiikkaa; miten mielikuvat ja järkeistäminen kehittyvät erilaisten tapahtumien myötä ja vaikuttavat siihen miten johtajat tunnistavat yhteisen kansainvälistymisen mahdollisuuksia tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimus tarjoaa myös jatkotutkimusehdotuksia sekä suosituksia pk-yritysten yhteisen kansainvälistymisen tukemiseksi

    Knowledge technologies process and cultures - improving information and knowledge sharing at the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA)

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    Over the last few years the ASA determined KM as a priority to assist with reducing knowledge loss, realising information assets and reducing work duplication by attempting to implement IKM tools and strategies. This research employed a pragmatic viewpoint, using a mix of both quantitative and qualitative methods to check reliability, to ensure validity while undertaking the task of implementing the IKM tools. Using a case study strategy and action research was justified, as to be pragmatic the researcher needed to understand the extent of the problem within a specified context. The research discussed in this thesis, provides a new framework for implementing KM tools; focusing on the NSO category, which the case study organisation falls into. The literature agrees enlisting influential members onto the project is vital for success; however, the findings suggested that success was not only tied to this buy-in alone, but also to the organisation s ability to retain these members for the duration of the project. The research proposed the use of a newly developed tool within the new framework, as an approach to reduce the time it takes to undertake traditional social network analysis of the organisation, as it became clear that there was a need for a method of producing updated results of the SNA, which would span the length of long projects within organisations with significantly high staff turn-over rates. Privacy was given as a factor to consider the in literature; however, the findings from this study indicated that a majority of the participants were comfortable with the system. Email knowledge extraction, and email social network systems are not new concepts, however this research presents EKESNA; a novel tool that combines both concepts in a way that allows for the continuous discovery, visualisation, and analysis of knowledge networks around specified topics of interest within an organisation; linking conversations to specific expert knowledge. EKESNA s continuous discovery of the organisation s knowledge network affords members up-to-date data to inform business process reengineering. This is a potentially ground breaking new tool that has the possibility of transforming the KM landscape in NSOs as well as a whole range of other kinds of enterprises

    Building institutional capacity for industrial symbiosis development : a case study of an industrial symbiosis coordination network in China

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    Recent research has examined how the concept of institutional capacity relates to the ability of organisations to deliver industrial symbiosis, and in particular how that ability itself can develop over time. One approach to developing industrial symbiosis has been to build a network of local bodies to work together to this end. Terming such a body an industrial symbiosis coordination network, this study innovatively applies institutional capacity building theory in the context of a Chinese eco-industrial park. It examines how the coordination network developed the expertise to encourage local companies to engage in industrial symbiosis. This research consisted of a qualitative study, including participant observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis to analyse the development of an industrial symbiosis coordination network in Tianjin Binhai New Area. It is found that the network increased institutional capacity for local IS development by promoting relational links across organisational divisions and governance levels, and by increasing various types of knowledge for coordinating IS. The concept of institutional capacity building is shown to have cross-cultural applicability. Reflections on this study indicate that local government can play a vital role in building and maintaining an IS coordination network in the Chinese context, but that other bodies are also needed to mobilise institutional capacity for IS development

    Corporate advisory networks of knowledge sharing agents

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    M.Phil. (Information Management)This study was aimed at the discovery of in corporate advisory networks who act as agents to share information and knowledge. In the current competitive and often uncertain economic business environment, savvy executives need to leverage off the expertise of their company employees in order to service their customers effectively and remain competitive. Since not all employees in the company have expert knowledge, executives need to discover the advisory networks of expert employees embedded in formal organisational structures and encourage them to share and transfer their expert knowledge to novices and/or less experienced employees. In light of the current argument, a diagnostic technique known as social network analysis (SNA) was used to map out and measure the advisory relational X-ray patterns within organisational departments and across to other functional business units. Once the patterns are discovered and the key expert networked employees identified, knowledge sharing interventions are introduced to facilitate experts to share and transfer their information, knowledge, insights and experiences to other less knowledgeable employees within the departments and across to other functional areas in the organisation. The overall objective of this study is therefore to utilise the SNA technique to discover the experts in the corporate advisory networks whom will act as agents to facilitate information and knowledge sharing in the organisation to improve other employees’ work performance thereby enabling the organisation to meet and even exceed its strategic objectives..

    The mediating role of entrepreneurial leadership: an investigation of the competitiveness of SMEs in the UK South-West food and drink manufacturing

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    ABSTRACT It has long been argued that Social Capital, a concept represented by the value embedded in the social relationships of individuals or collectives constitute strategic resources for individuals and organisations. Social networks are thus perceived by businesses, particularly small and medium enterprises, as a means to access those resources, for example gaining privileged access to strategic information that could secure financial resources. In reality, and because of the inherent characteristics of Social Capital, entrepreneurs or business owner/managers who effectively use resources available within social networks are driven by a clear and compelling vision and sustained by a set of leadership attributes which are in line with the process of recognising, evaluating and exploiting opportunities. This study reinforces the concept of Entrepreneurship as a multi-social construct. Using survey data from 359 SMEs in UK South West food and drink manufacturing, this study uses a structural equation model to evaluate the relationships of interdependence between Social Capital, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Process. The mediating role of leadership in this interaction first, explains the relationship between Social Capital and Entrepreneurship Process and second, exposes the entrepreneurial behaviour common among SW food and drink manufacturers as the underlying explanatory factor of the competitiveness. Notwithstanding the prevalence of social networks, the level of brokerage appears to be very concentrated on closed networks with providers of professional services and local associations. This inadequate level of brokerage heightens the existence of structural holes which points to a situation of ‘over-socialisation’ suggesting that social norms prescribe economic action. The lack of appropriate market knowledge among ii owners/managers of small medium enterprises in the UK South West food and drink manufacturing frustrates the formulation of a comprehensive vision, in spite of the fact that values of ‘hard work’, ‘continued improvement’ and ‘ambition are largely shared among them. The main findings contribute toward a better understanding of Social Capital as distinct from social networks and the leadership role in business competitiveness. It makes a significant contribution to the debate on the integration of individual and environmental perspectives as a direction of future research on the understanding of Entrepreneurship. The study implications address policy-makers and business managers in filling the skills and knowledge gaps which are restraining the competitiveness of SMEs in this important and strategic sectorself-sponsore

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse