993 research outputs found

    Examining the Risk Factors for Hospital Ransomware Attacks: A Qualitative Study

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    Ransomware attacks have started to affect the hospital industry and cause major disruptions in operations. There are at least five successful ransomware attacks that have affected hospitals. The only way they were able to regain access to their systems were to submit payment via bitcoin to the entity that conveyed the ransom or recover their systems from backups. In this study, we identified risk factors from published reports for hospital ransomware attacks. This study employed a qualitative review of published news articles and reports that discussed the events of the ransomware attacks. This exploratory method is appropriate for new and emerging topics and used to compare written text to established guidelines or models. We used the NIST Cyber Security Framework to code content and analyze information from journal articles, memos, blogs, research studies and white papers that contained information reported by the hospitals. Hospitals and media reports were not transparent in reporting detailed information surrounding the events of ransomware attacks. Overall, study results demonstrate that there are risk factors for hospitals to become targets for ransomware attacks

    A Strategic Decision for Information Security

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    A utilização de recursos informáticos é a estratégia mais comum à maioria das organizações para gerirem os seus ativos e propriedade intelectual. Esta decisão estratégica implica a sua exposição ao exterior através de canais de comunicação (infraestrutura de dados). McDermott e Redish (1999), descrevem a terceira lei de Newton como o princípio da ação - reação, as organizações ao exporem a sua infraestrutura ao exterior despoletaram, como reação, estranhos quererem aceder à sua infraestrutura para diversos fins, seja como puro divertimento, detetarem fragilidades ou, mais relevante para este trabalho, roubarem ativos/propriedade intelectual e criarem uma disrupção no serviços. As organizações sentem necessidade de se protegerem contra estes estranhos/ataques ao implementarem estratégias de segurança, mas a realidade é que as linhas de defesa da rede são permeáveis e as arquiteturas de segurança não são suficientemente dinâmicas para travar as ameaças existentes. Uma estratégia de segurança informática baseada na tecnologia “Deception” poderá permitir de uma forma rápida detetar, analisar e defender as redes organizacionais contra-ataquesem tempo real. Esta tecnologia “Deception” poderá oferecer informações precisas sobre “malware” e atividades maliciosas não detetadas por outros tipos de defesa cibernética. Este trabalho pretende explorar esta estratégia recente baseada em “Deception”, que pretende ser diferenciadora face à panóplia de dispositivos/software de segurança informática existentes. Como resultados, pretende-se elaborar uma análise onde as organizações possam perceber a tecnologia “Deception” nas suas vertentes da eficácia, eficiência e o seu valor estratégico para que, eventualmente, a possam utilizar para suportar/adicionar valor a uma decisão de estratégia de segurança informática.The use of Information Technology (IT) resources are the common approach for most organizations so they assets and intellectual property are properly managed. This strategic decision implies its exposure to the outside world through the data infrastructure. McDermott and Redish (1999), described the third Newton’s law as the principle of action- reaction, when organizations expose their infrastructure to the outside world and, as a response, strangers want to access their infrastructure for various purposes, either as pure fun, detect weaknesses or, more relevant for this work, steal assets/intellectual property. Organizations feel the need to protect themselves against these strangers/attacks by implementing security strategies, but truly, the network's first defense lines are permeable, and the security architectures are not dynamic enough to face existing or future threats. A Deception-based technology could enable the organizations to quickly detect, analyze and defend organizational networks against real-time attacks. Deception technology may provide accurate information on malware and malicious activity not detected by other types of cyber defense. This work intends to explore a new technology, Deception, that claims a differentiation when compared with the range of existing information security suite. The types of cyber-threats and their materialization could be relevant to the information technology and risk analysis. Thus, the intent is to elaborate an analysis where organizations can understand the Deception technology, his effectiveness, and strategic value so they can, eventually, use it to support/add value to a decision regarding information security strategy

    Securing the Biometric through ECG using Machine Learning Techniques

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    In the current era, biometrics is widely used for maintaining the security. To extract the information from the biomedical signals, biomedical signal processing is needed. One of the significant tools used for the diagnostic is electrocardiogram (ECG). The main reason behind this is the certain uniqueness in the ECG signals of the individual.  In this paper, the focus will be on distinguishing the individual on the basis of ECG signals using feature extraction approaches and the machine learning algorithms. Other than preprocessing approach, the discrete cosine transform is applied to perform the extraction. The classification between the signals of the individuals is carried out using the Support Vector Machine and K-Nearest Neighbor machine learning techniques.  The classification accuracy achieved through SVM is 87% and K-NN has achieved a classification accuracy of 96.6% with k=3. The work has shown how machine learning can be used to classify the ECG signal

    An Analysis of Successful SQLIA for Future Evolutionary Prediction

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    Web applications are a fundamental component of the internet, many interact with backend databases. Securing web applications and their databases from hackers should be a top priority for cybersecurity researchers. Structured Query Language (SQL) injection attacks (SQLIA) constitute a significant threat to web applications. They can hijack the backend databases to steal personally identifiable information (PII), initiate scams, or launch more sophisticated cyberattacks. SQLIA has evolved since its conception in the early 2000s and will continue to do so in the coming years. This paper analyzes past literature and successful SQLIA from specific time periods to identify themes and methods used by security researchers and hackers. By extrapolating and interpreting the themes of both literature and effective SQLIA, trends can be identified, and a clearer understanding of the future of SQL injection can be defined to improve cybersecurity best practices

    A Cybersecurity review of Healthcare Industry

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    Antecedentes La ciberseguridad no es un concepto nuevo de nuestros días. Desde los años 60 la ciberseguridad ha sido un ámbito de discusión e investigación. Aunque los mecanismos de defensa en materia de seguridad han evolucionado, las capacidades del atacante también se han incrementado de igual o mayor manera. Prueba de este hecho es la precaria situación en materia de ciberseguridad de muchas empresas, que ha llevado a un incremento de ataques de ransomware y el establecimiento de grandes organizaciones criminales dedicadas al cibercrimen. Esta situación, evidencia la necesidad de avances e inversión en ciberseguridad en multitud de sectores, siendo especialmente relevante en la protección de infraestructuras críticas. Se conoce como infraestructuras críticas aquellas infraestructuras estratégicas cuyo funcionamiento es indispensable y no permite soluciones alternativas, por lo que su perturbación o destrucción tendría un grave impacto sobre los servicios esenciales. Dentro de esta categorización se encuentran los servicios e infraestructuras sanitarias. Estas infraestructuras ofrecen un servicio, cuya interrupción conlleva graves consecuencias, como la pérdida de vidas humanas. Un ciberataque puede afectar a estos servicios sanitarios, llevando a su paralización total o parcial, como se ha visto en recientes incidentes, llevando incluso a la pérdida de vidas humanas. Además, este tipo de servicios contienen multitud de información personal de carácter altamente sensible. Los datos médicos son un tipo de datos con alto valor en mercados ilegales, y por tanto objetivos de ataques centrados en su robo. Por otra parte, se debe mencionar, que al igual que otros sectores, actualmente los servicios sanitarios se encuentran en un proceso de digitalización. Esta evolución, ha obviado la ciberseguridad en la mayoría de sus desarrollos, contribuyendo al crecimiento y gravedad de los ataques previamente mencionados. - Metodología e investigación El trabajo presentado en esta tesis sigue claramente un método experimental y deductivo. Está investigación se ha centrado en evaluar el estado de la ciberseguridad en infraestructuras sanitarias y proponer mejoras y mecanismos de detección de ciberataques. Las tres publicaciones científicas incluidas en esta tesis buscan dar soluciones y evaluar problemas actuales en el ámbito de las infraestructuras y sistemas sanitarios. La primera publicación, 'Mobile malware detection using machine learning techniques', se centró en desarrollar nuevas técnicas de detección de amenazas basadas en el uso de tecnologías de inteligencia artificial y ‘machine learning’. Esta investigación fue capaz de desarrollar un método de detección de aplicaciones potencialmente no deseadas y maliciosas en entornos móviles de tipo Android. Además, tanto en el diseño y creación se tuvo en cuenta las necesidades específicas de los entornos sanitarios. Buscando ofrecer una implantación sencilla y viable de acorde las necesidades de estos centros, obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios. La segunda publicación, 'Interconnection Between Darknets', buscaba identificar y detectar robos y venta de datos médicos en darknets. El desarrollo de esta investigación conllevó el descubrimiento y prueba de la interconexión entre distintas darknets. La búsqueda y el análisis de información en este tipo de redes permitió demostrar como distintas redes comparten información y referencias entre ellas. El análisis de una darknet implica la necesidad de analizar otras, para obtener una información más completa de la primera. Finalmente, la última publicación, 'Security and privacy issues of data-over-sound technologies used in IoT healthcare devices' buscó investigar y evaluar la seguridad de dispositivos médicos IoT ('Internet of Things'). Para desarrollar esta investigación se adquirió un dispositivo médico, un electrocardiógrafo portable, actualmente en uso por diversos hospitales. Las pruebas realizadas sobre este dispositivo fueron capaces de descubrir múltiples fallos de ciberseguridad. Estos descubrimientos evidenciaron la carencia de certificaciones y revisiones obligatorias en materia ciberseguridad en productos sanitarios, comercializados actualmente. Desgraciadamente la falta de presupuesto dedicado a investigación no permitió la adquisición de varios dispositivos médicos, para su posterior evaluación en ciberseguridad. - Conclusiones La realización de los trabajos e investigaciones previamente mencionadas permitió obtener las siguientes conclusiones. Partiendo de la necesidad en mecanismos de ciberseguridad de las infraestructuras sanitarias, se debe tener en cuenta su particularidad diseño y funcionamiento. Las pruebas y mecanismos de ciberseguridad diseñados han de ser aplicables en entornos reales. Desgraciadamente actualmente en las infraestructuras sanitarias hay sistemas tecnológicos imposibles de actualizar o modificar. Multitud de máquinas de tratamiento y diagnostico cuentan con software y sistemas operativos propietarios a los cuales los administradores y empleados no tienen acceso. Teniendo en cuenta esta situación, se deben desarrollar medidas que permitan su aplicación en este ecosistema y que en la medida de los posible puedan reducir y paliar el riesgo ofrecido por estos sistemas. Esta conclusión viene ligada a la falta de seguridad en dispositivos médicos. La mayoría de los dispositivos médicos no han seguido un proceso de diseño seguro y no han sido sometidos a pruebas de seguridad por parte de los fabricantes, al suponer esto un coste directo en el desarrollo del producto. La única solución en este aspecto es la aplicación de una legislación que fuerce a los fabricantes a cumplir estándares de seguridad. Y aunque actualmente se ha avanzado en este aspecto regulatorio, se tardaran años o décadas en sustituir los dispositivos inseguros. La imposibilidad de actualizar, o fallos relacionados con el hardware de los productos, hacen imposible la solución de todos los fallos de seguridad que se descubran. Abocando al reemplazo del dispositivo, cuando exista una alternativa satisfactoria en materia de ciberseguridad. Por esta razón es necesario diseñar nuevos mecanismos de ciberseguridad que puedan ser aplicados actualmente y puedan mitigar estos riesgos en este periodo de transición. Finalmente, en materia de robo de datos. Aunque las investigaciones preliminares realizadas en esta tesis no consiguieron realizar ningún descubrimiento significativo en el robo y venta de datos. Actualmente las darknets, en concreto la red Tor, se han convertido un punto clave en el modelo de Ransomware as a Business (RaaB), al ofrecer sitios webs de extorsión y contacto con estos grupos

    Cryptocurrency scams: analysis and perspectives

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    Since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009, the market of cryptocurrencies has grown beyond the initial expectations, as witnessed by the thousands of tokenised assets available on the market, whose daily trades amount to dozens of USD billions. The pseudonymity features of these cryptocurrencies have attracted the attention of cybercriminals, who exploit them to carry out potentially untraceable scams. The wide range of cryptocurrency-based scams observed over the last ten years has fostered the research on the analysis of their effects, and the development of techniques to counter them. However, doing research in this field requires addressing several challenges: for instance, although a few data sources about cryptocurrency scams are publicly available, they often contain incomplete or misclassified data. Further, there is no standard taxonomy of scams, which leads to ambiguous and incoherent interpretations of their nature. Indeed, the unavailability of reliable datasets makes it difficult to train effective automatic classifiers that can detect and analyse cryptocurrency scams. In this paper, we perform an extensive review of the scientific literature on cryptocurrency scams, which we systematise according to a novel taxonomy. By collecting and homogenising data from different public sources, we build a uniform dataset of thousands of cryptocurrency scams.We devise an automatic tool that recognises scams and classifies them according to our taxonomy.We assess the effectiveness of our tool through standard performance metrics.We also give an in-depth analysis of the classification results, offering several insights into threat types, from their features to their connection with other types. Finally, we provide a set of guidelines that policymakers could follow to improve user protection against cryptocurrency scams

    Sec-Lib: Protecting Scholarly Digital Libraries From Infected Papers Using Active Machine Learning Framework

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    Researchers from academia and the corporate-sector rely on scholarly digital libraries to access articles. Attackers take advantage of innocent users who consider the articles' files safe and thus open PDF-files with little concern. In addition, researchers consider scholarly libraries a reliable, trusted, and untainted corpus of papers. For these reasons, scholarly digital libraries are an attractive-target and inadvertently support the proliferation of cyber-attacks launched via malicious PDF-files. In this study, we present related vulnerabilities and malware distribution approaches that exploit the vulnerabilities of scholarly digital libraries. We evaluated over two-million scholarly papers in the CiteSeerX library and found the library to be contaminated with a surprisingly large number (0.3-2%) of malicious PDF documents (over 55% were crawled from the IPs of US-universities). We developed a two layered detection framework aimed at enhancing the detection of malicious PDF documents, Sec-Lib, which offers a security solution for large digital libraries. Sec-Lib includes a deterministic layer for detecting known malware, and a machine learning based layer for detecting unknown malware. Our evaluation showed that scholarly digital libraries can detect 96.9% of malware with Sec-Lib, while minimizing the number of PDF-files requiring labeling, and thus reducing the manual inspection efforts of security-experts by 98%

    NLP-Based Techniques for Cyber Threat Intelligence

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    In the digital era, threat actors employ sophisticated techniques for which, often, digital traces in the form of textual data are available. Cyber Threat Intelligence~(CTI) is related to all the solutions inherent to data collection, processing, and analysis useful to understand a threat actor's targets and attack behavior. Currently, CTI is assuming an always more crucial role in identifying and mitigating threats and enabling proactive defense strategies. In this context, NLP, an artificial intelligence branch, has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing threat intelligence capabilities. This survey paper provides a comprehensive overview of NLP-based techniques applied in the context of threat intelligence. It begins by describing the foundational definitions and principles of CTI as a major tool for safeguarding digital assets. It then undertakes a thorough examination of NLP-based techniques for CTI data crawling from Web sources, CTI data analysis, Relation Extraction from cybersecurity data, CTI sharing and collaboration, and security threats of CTI. Finally, the challenges and limitations of NLP in threat intelligence are exhaustively examined, including data quality issues and ethical considerations. This survey draws a complete framework and serves as a valuable resource for security professionals and researchers seeking to understand the state-of-the-art NLP-based threat intelligence techniques and their potential impact on cybersecurity