42 research outputs found

    The 5th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    A configuration-based domain-specific rule generation framework for process model customization

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    In today’s changing world, there is an ever-increasing demand and need for software reuse in applications, where the process model needs to be reused in different applications in a domain-specific environment. The process model is required to adapt and implement changes promptly at run-time, in response of the end-user configuration requirements. Furthermore, reusability is emerging strongly as a necessary underlying capability, particularly for customization of business in a dynamic environment where end-users can select their requirements to achieve a specific goal. Such adaptations are in general, performed by non-technical end-users which can lead to losing a significant number of person-days and which can also open up possibilities to introduce errors into the system. These scenarios call for - indeed cry out for - a system with a configurable and customizable business process, operable by users with limited technical expertise. Research aims to provide a framework for generating the rule language and configuring domain constraints. This framework builds upon the core idea of Software Product Lines Engineering (SPLE) and Model-Driven Architecture (MDA). The SPLE provides a platform that includes the variability model. Variability models offer features where end-users can select features and customize possible changes in the domain template, which is the container for domain and process models. The user selects their requirements as a feature from feature models and generates rules from domain models using MDA. Then, the generated rules are translated from a high-level domain model, based on the requirements of the end-user. On the other hand, the weaving model is responsible for reflecting activation and de-activation of features of variabilities in the domain template. The usability of the proposed framework is evaluated with a user study in the area of Digital Content Technology. The results demonstrate that usability improvements can be achieved by using the proposed techniques. The framework can be used to support semi-automatic configuration that is efficient, effective and satisfactory

    Model-Driven Development of Interactive Multimedia Applications

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    The development of highly interactive multimedia applications is still a challenging and complex task. In addition to the application logic, multimedia applications typically provide a sophisticated user interface with integrated media objects. As a consequence, the development process involves different experts for software design, user interface design, and media design. There is still a lack of concepts for a systematic development which integrates these aspects. This thesis provides a model-driven development approach addressing this problem. Therefore it introduces the Multimedia Modeling Language (MML), a visual modeling language supporting a design phase in multimedia application development. The language is oriented on well-established software engineering concepts, like UML 2, and integrates concepts from the areas of multimedia development and model-based user interface development. MML allows the generation of code skeletons from the models. Thereby, the core idea is to generate code skeletons which can be directly processed in multimedia authoring tools. In this way, the strengths of both are combined: Authoring tools are used to perform the creative development tasks while models are used to design the overall application structure and to enable a well-coordinated development process. This is demonstrated using the professional authoring tool Adobe Flash. MML is supported by modeling and code generation tools which have been used to validate the approach over several years in various student projects and teaching courses. Additional prototypes have been developed to demonstrate, e.g., the ability to generate code for different target platforms. Finally, it is discussed how models can contribute in general to a better integration of well-structured software development and creative visual design

    Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications

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    Experimental Object-Oriented Modelling

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    This thesis examines object-oriented modelling in experimental system development. Object-oriented modelling aims at representing concepts and phenomena of a problem domain in terms of classes and objects. Experimental system development seeks active experimentation in a system development project through, e.g., technical prototyping and active user involvement. We introduce and examine "experimental object-oriented modelling" as the intersection of these practices

    Adaptive object-modeling : patterns, tools and applications

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    Tese de Programa Doutoral. InformĂĄtica. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Contribution des services dirigĂ©s par l’ontologie pour l’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© de la gestion opĂ©rationnelle multi-acteurs des situations des crises

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    La gestion opĂ©rationnelle de situations de crise nĂ©cessite, selon l’importance et l’étendue de la crise, la mobilisation rapide et la coordination des diffĂ©rents services de secours. Malheureusement, cette coordination interservices est un exercice trĂšs dĂ©licat du fait de la diversitĂ© des acteurs intervenant sur le terrain et de l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des diffĂ©rentes organisations. Aujourd’hui, il y a un manque de coordination, l’information n’est que trĂšs peu partagĂ©e entre les acteurs opĂ©rationnels et la communication n’est pas formalisĂ©e. Ces inconvĂ©nients conduisent au dysfonctionnement des rĂ©ponses aux situations de crise. Afin de mieux rĂ©pondre aux situations de crise, nous proposons POLARISC, une plateforme interopĂ©rable de coordination interservices pour la gestion opĂ©rationnelle de catastrophes visualisant en temps rĂ©el le thĂ©Ăątre des opĂ©rations. L’objectif de POLARISC est d’aider Ă  la dĂ©cision quel que soit le niveau de commandement. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, le premier enjeu de cette thĂšse est de garantir une interopĂ©rabilitĂ© sĂ©mantique entre les diffĂ©rents acteurs mĂ©tiers pour assurer l’échange et le partage des informations. À cet Ă©gard, l’idĂ©e est de formaliser sĂ©mantiquement les connaissances des acteurs mĂ©tiers de la gestion opĂ©rationnelle Ă  l’aide des ontologies. En effet, nous proposons une approche fĂ©dĂ©rĂ©e qui reprĂ©sente les donnĂ©es, les services, les processus et les mĂ©tiers de chaque acteur. Nous avons modĂ©lisĂ© les connaissances des acteurs de secours en dĂ©veloppant une ontologie modulaire (POLARISCO) comportant un module ontologique pour chaque acteur de secours et intĂ©grĂ© ces derniers pour proposer un vocabulaire partagĂ©. L’utilisation des ontologies de haut niveaux et des ontologies intermĂ©diaires, respectivement « Basic Formel Ontology » et « Common Core Ontologies », facilitent l’intĂ©gration de ces modules et de leurs mappings. Le deuxiĂšme enjeu est d’exploiter ces ontologies afin de diminuer l’ambigĂŒitĂ© et d’éviter la mal interprĂ©tation des informations Ă©changĂ©es. Par consĂ©quent, nous proposons un service de messagerie appelĂ© PROMES transformant sĂ©mantiquement le message envoyĂ© par un acteur Ă©metteur selon le module ontologique de l’acteur destinataire. En effet, PROMES se base sur l’ontologie POLARISCO et sert Ă  enrichir sĂ©mantiquement le message pour Ă©viter tout type d’ambiguĂŻtĂ©. Le fonctionnement de PROMES est basĂ© principalement sur deux algorithmes ; un algorithme de transformation textuelle, et par la suite, un algorithme de transformation sĂ©mantique. Ainsi, nous avons instanciĂ© l’ontologie POLARISCO avec des donnĂ©es rĂ©elles de la rĂ©ponse aux attaques terroristes de Paris en 2015 afin d’évaluer l’ontologie et le service de messagerie. Le troisiĂšme et dernier enjeu est de proposer un service d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision multicritĂšre qui permet de proposer des stratĂ©gies d’évacuation des victimes aprĂšs le lancement du plan blanc. L’objectif est de trouver les structures hospitaliĂšres les plus adaptĂ©es Ă  l’état de la victime. Le choix de l’hĂŽpital le plus appropriĂ© dĂ©pend de la durĂ©e du transport, et surtout de la disponibilitĂ© des ressources matĂ©rielles et humaines, de façon Ă  prendre en charge les victimes le plus rapide que possible. Notre Ă©tude comprend deux Ă©tapes : la premiĂšre Ă©tape consiste Ă  dĂ©velopper un module ontologique qui associe Ă  chaque pathologie les ressources indispensables pour une meilleure prise en charge des victimes selon leurs Ă©tats. La deuxiĂšme Ă©tape consiste Ă  dĂ©velopper un algorithme qui permet de vĂ©rifier la disponibilitĂ© des ressources nĂ©cessaires, calculer le temps d’attente pour que la victime soit prise en charge dans chaque hĂŽpital et par la suite choisir l’hĂŽpital le plus appropri