387 research outputs found

    Integration of domain and resource-based reasoning for real-time control in dynamic environments

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    A real-time software controller that successfully integrates domain-based and resource-based control reasoning to perform task execution in a dynamically changing environment is described. The design of the controller is based on the concept of partitioning the process to be controlled into a set of tasks, each of which achieves some process goal. It is assumed that, in general, there are multiple ways (tasks) to achieve a goal. The controller dynamically determines current goals and their current criticality, choosing and scheduling tasks to achieve those goals in the time available. It incorporates rule-based goal reasoning, a TMS-based criticality propagation mechanism, and a real-time scheduler. The controller has been used to build a knowledge-based situation assessment system that formed a major component of a real-time, distributed, cooperative problem solving system built under DARPA contract. It is also being employed in other applications now in progress

    Two Decades of Maude

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    This paper is a tribute to José Meseguer, from the rest of us in the Maude team, reviewing the past, the present, and the future of the language and system with which we have been working for around two decades under his leadership. After reviewing the origins and the language's main features, we present the latest additions to the language and some features currently under development. This paper is not an introduction to Maude, and some familiarity with it and with rewriting logic are indeed assumed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    An Intelligent Interactive Knowledge Model for Decision Support in Real Time Traffic Management

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    This paper proposes the use of advanced knowledge models to support real time decision for management problems as an adequate response to the current needs and technology. The new conditions for human operation created by the telematics technology are discussed and a general architecture using knowledge modelling techniques is proposed. Then, the application of the approach to support real time management of the private traffic in the city of Turin is described

    Principles for Consciousness in Integrated Cognitive Control

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    In this article we will argue that given certain conditions for the evolution of bi- \ud ological controllers, these will necessarily evolve in the direction of incorporating \ud consciousness capabilities. We will also see what are the necessary mechanics for \ud the provision of these capabilities and extrapolate this vision to the world of artifi- \ud cial systems postulating seven design principles for conscious systems. This article \ud was published in the journal Neural Networks special issue on brain and conscious- \ud ness

    Human-machine cooperation in large-scale multimedia retrieval : a survey

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    Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval(LSMR) is the task to fast analyze a large amount of multimedia data like images or videos and accurately find the ones relevant to a certain semantic meaning. Although LSMR has been investigated for more than two decades in the fields of multimedia processing and computer vision, a more interdisciplinary approach is necessary to develop an LSMR system that is really meaningful for humans. To this end, this paper aims to stimulate attention to the LSMR problem from diverse research fields. By explaining basic terminologies in LSMR, we first survey several representative methods in chronological order. This reveals that due to prioritizing the generality and scalability for large-scale data, recent methods interpret semantic meanings with a completely different mechanism from humans, though such humanlike mechanisms were used in classical heuristic-based methods. Based on this, we discuss human-machine cooperation, which incorporates knowledge about human interpretation into LSMR without sacrificing the generality and scalability. In particular, we present three approaches to human-machine cooperation (cognitive, ontological, and adaptive), which are attributed to cognitive science, ontology engineering, and metacognition, respectively. We hope that this paper will create a bridge to enable researchers in different fields to communicate about the LSMR problem and lead to a ground-breaking next generation of LSMR systems

    Human-Machine Cooperation in Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval: A Survey

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    Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval(LSMR) is the task to fast analyze a large amount of multimedia data like images or videos and accurately find the ones relevant to a certain semantic meaning. Although LSMR has been investigated for more than two decades in the fields of multimedia processing and computer vision, a more interdisciplinary approach is necessary to develop an LSMR system that is really meaningful for humans. To this end, this paper aims to stimulate attention to the LSMR problem from diverse research fields. By explaining basic terminologies in LSMR, we first survey several representative methods in chronological order. This reveals that due to prioritizing the generality and scalability for large-scale data, recent methods interpret semantic meanings with a completely different mechanism from humans, though such humanlike mechanisms were used in classical heuristic-based methods. Based on this, we discuss human-machine cooperation, which incorporates knowledge about human interpretation into LSMR without sacrificing the generality and scalability. In particular, we present three approaches to human-machine cooperation (cognitive, ontological, and adaptive), which are attributed to cognitive science, ontology engineering, and metacognition, respectively. We hope that this paper will create a bridge to enable researchers in different fields to communicate about the LSMR problem and lead to a ground-breaking next generation of LSMR systems

    READUP BUILDUP. Thync - instant α-readings

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    Menetelmiä ja malleja kielelliseen ja musiikilliseen laskennalliseen luovuuteen

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    Computational creativity is an area of artificial intelligence that develops algorithms and simulations of creative phenomena, as well as tools for performing creative tasks. In this thesis, we present various computational methods and models of linguistic and musical creativity. The emphasis is on developing methods that are maximally unsupervised, i.e. methods that require a minimal amount of hand-crafted linguistic, world, or domain knowledge. This thesis consists of an introductory part and five original research articles. The introductory part outlines computational creativity as a research field and discusses some of the philosophical foundations underlying the current work. The research articles present specific methods and algorithms for automatic composition of poetry and songs. The first article proposes a corpus-based poetry generation method that relies on statistical language modelling and morphological analysis and synthesis. In the second article, we expand that basic model with constraint programming techniques to handle more aspects of the poetic structure and style. The third article presents a method for mining document-specific word associations and proposes using them in poetry generation to produce poems based, for instance, on a specific news story. The fourth article presents a song composition system that utilises constraint programming to produce songs with matching lyrics and music in a transformational way, i.e. it is able to modify its own search space and preferences. Transformationality of the system is achieved with a metalevel component that can modify the system's internal constraints leading into new conceptual spaces. Finally, the fifth article discusses possibilities of combining personal biosignal measurements, especially electroencephalography, with techniques of computational creativity and presents an art installation called Brain Poetry based on these ideas. The current work relies heavily on the use of unsupervised data mining techniques to automatically build models of specific creative domains such as poetry. The proposed methods and models are flexible and they are to a large extent independent of language and style. Thus, they provide a general framework for computational or synthetic creativity in linguistic and musical domains that can be easily expanded in many ways. Applications of this work include pedagogical tools, computer games, and artistic results.Laskennallinen luovuus on tekoälytutkimuksen osa-alue, joka kehittää algoritmeja ja simulaatioita luovista ilmiöistä sekä työkaluja luovien tehtävien suorittamiseen. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetään uusia laskennallisia menetelmiä kielellisen ja musiikillisen luovuuden alueella. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen pääpaino on ollut mahdollisimman ohjaamattomien menetelmien kehittämisessä. Toisin sanoen näiden menetelmien tulisi vaatia minimaalinen määrä käsin syötettyä tietoa kielestä, maailmasta tai tietystä erityisalasta. Väitöskirja koostuu johdanto-osasta sekä viidestä alkuperäisestä tutkimusartikkelista. Johdanto-osa esittelee laskennallisen luovuuden tutkimusalana ja käsittelee tärkeimpiä työn taustalla olevia filosofisia kysymyksiä. Tutkimusartikkelit esittelevät spesifejä menetelmiä ja algoritmeja runojen ja laulujen automaattiseen tuottamiseen. Nämä menetelmät perustuvat kielen tilastolliseen mallintamiseen, morfologiseen analyysiin ja synteesiin sekä rajoitelaskentaan. Lisäksi esitetään, kuinka rajoitelaskentaa voidaan hyödyntää laskennallisesti luovan järjestelmän transformationaalisuuden saavuttamiseen. Tällöin järjestelmä kykenee muokkaamaan omaa hakuavaruuttaan ja tavoitteitaan sisäisiä rajoitteitaan muuntelemalla. Viimeisessä artikkelissa käsitellään biosignaalimittausten yhdistämistä laskennallisen luovuuden menetelmiin ja esitellään taideinstallaatio, joka perustuu näihin ajatuksiin. Tehdyssä tutkimuksessa on hyödynnetty erityisesti ohjaamattomia tiedonlouhintamenetelmiä mallien rakentamiseksi luovuutta vaativina pidetyistä alueista, kuten runoudesta. Esitetyt menetelmät ja mallit ovat joustavia ja pitkälti riippumattomia tietystä kielestä tai tyylilajista. Siten ne tarjoavat yleisluontoisen ja helposti laajennettavissa olevan viitekehyksen laskennalliselle kielelliselle ja musiikilliselle luovuudelle. Työn sovelluksiin lukeutuvat muun muassa pedagogiset työkalut, tietokonepelit ja taiteelliset tulokset