854 research outputs found

    Planificación de trayectorias usando metaheurísticas

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    In this work, a comparison between two metaheuristic methods to solve the path planning problem is presented. These methods are 1) Artificial ant colony and 2) Artificial bee colony. The following metrics are used to evaluate these implementations: 1) Path length and 2) Execution time. The comparison was tested using ten maps obtained from the University of Prague Department of Intelligent Cybernetics and the Mobil Robotics Group. Several runs were carried out to find the best algorithm parameters and get the best algorithm for the route planning task. The best algorithm was the artificial bee colony. These evaluations were visualized using the VPython package; here, a differential mobile robot was simulated to follow the trajectory calculated by the best algorithm. This simulation made it possible to observe that the robot makes the correct trajectory from the starting point to the objective point in each evaluated map.En este trabajo se presenta una comparación entre dos métodos metaheurísticos para resolver problemas de planificación de rutas. Estos métodos son: 1) Colonia de hormigas artificiales y 2) Colonia de abejas artificiales. Para evaluar estas implementaciones, se utilizan las siguientes métricas: 1) Longitud de ruta y 2) Tiempo de ejecución. El comparativo se probó utilizando diez mapas obtenidos del Departamento de Cibernética Inteligente y Mobil Robotics Group de la Universidad de Praga. Se realizaron varias ejecuciones con el objetivo de encontrar los mejores parámetros de los algoritmos y obtener el mejor algoritmo para la tarea de planificación de ruta. El mejor algoritmo fue la colonia de abejas artificiales. Estas evaluaciones se visualizaron utilizando el paquete VPython, aquí se simuló un robot móvil diferencial para seguir la trayectoria calculada por el mejor algoritmo. A partir de esta simulación fue posible observar que el robot realiza la trayectoria correcta desde el punto de inicio hasta el punto objetivo en cada uno de los mapas evaluados

    A Comprehensive Overview of Classical and Modern Route Planning Algorithms for Self-Driving Mobile Robots

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    Mobile robots are increasingly being applied in a variety of sectors, including agricultural, firefighting, and search and rescue operations. Robotics and autonomous technology research and development have played a major role in making this possible. Before a robot can reliably and effectively navigate a space without human aid, there are still several challenges to be addressed. When planning a path to its destination, the robot should be able to gather information from its surroundings and take the appropriate actions to avoid colliding with obstacles along the way. The following review analyses and compares 200 articles from two databases, Scopus and IEEE Xplore, and selects 60 articles as references from those articles. This evaluation focuses mostly on the accuracy of the different path-planning algorithms. Common collision-free path planning methodologies are examined in this paper, including classical or traditional and modern intelligence techniques, as well as both global and local approaches, in static and dynamic environments. Classical or traditional methods, such as Roadmaps (Visibility Graph and Voronoi Diagram), Potential Fields, and Cell Decomposition, and modern methodologies such as heuristic-based (Dijkstra Method, A* Algorithms, and D* Algorithms), metaheuristics algorithms (such as PSO, Bat Algorithm, ACO, and Genetic Algorithm), and neural systems such as fuzzy neural networks or fuzzy logic (FL) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are described in this report. In this study, we outline the ideas, benefits, and downsides of modeling and path-searching technologies for a mobile robot

    Energy-Efficient Robot Configuration and Motion Planning Using Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization

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    The implementation of Industry 5.0 necessitates a decrease in the energy consumption of industrial robots. This research investigates energy optimization for optimal motion planning for a dual-arm industrial robot. The objective function for the energy minimization problem is stated based on the execution time and total energy consumption of the robot arm configurations in its workspace for pick-and-place operation. Firstly, the PID controller is being used to achieve the optimal parameters. The parameters of PID are then fine-tuned using metaheuristic algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization methods to create a more precise robot motion trajectory, resulting in an energy-efficient robot configuration. The results for different robot configurations were compared with both motion planning algorithms, which shows better compatibility in terms of both execution time and energy efficiency. The feasibility of the algorithms is demonstrated by conducting experiments on a dual-arm robot, named as duAro. In terms of energy efficiency, the results show that dual-arm motions can save more energy than single-arm motions for an industrial robot. Furthermore, combining the robot configuration problem with metaheuristic approaches saves energy consumption and robot execution time when compared to motion planning with PID controllers alone

    Neuro-Fuzzy Combination for Reactive Mobile Robot Navigation: A Survey

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    Autonomous navigation of mobile robots is a fruitful research area because of the diversity of methods adopted by artificial intelligence. Recently, several works have generally surveyed the methods adopted to solve the path-planning problem of mobile robots. But in this paper, we focus on methods that combine neuro-fuzzy techniques to solve the reactive navigation problem of mobile robots in a previously unknown environment. Based on information sensed locally by an onboard system, these methods aim to design controllers capable of leading a robot to a target and avoiding obstacles encountered in a workspace. Thus, this study explores the neuro-fuzzy methods that have shown their effectiveness in reactive mobile robot navigation to analyze their architectures and discuss the algorithms and metaheuristics adopted in the learning phase

    An Analysis Review: Optimal Trajectory for 6-DOF-based Intelligent Controller in Biomedical Application

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    With technological advancements and the development of robots have begun to be utilized in numerous sectors, including industrial, agricultural, and medical. Optimizing the path planning of robot manipulators is a fundamental aspect of robot research with promising future prospects. The precise robot manipulator tracks can enhance the efficacy of a variety of robot duties, such as workshop operations, crop harvesting, and medical procedures, among others. Trajectory planning for robot manipulators is one of the fundamental robot technologies, and manipulator trajectory accuracy can be enhanced by the design of their controllers. However, the majority of controllers devised up to this point were incapable of effectively resolving the nonlinearity and uncertainty issues of high-degree freedom manipulators in order to overcome these issues and enhance the track performance of high-degree freedom manipulators. Developing practical path-planning algorithms to efficiently complete robot functions in autonomous robotics is critical. In addition, designing a collision-free path in conjunction with the physical limitations of the robot is a very challenging challenge due to the complex environment surrounding the dynamics and kinetics of robots with different degrees of freedom (DoF) and/or multiple arms. The advantages and disadvantages of current robot motion planning methods, incompleteness, scalability, safety, stability, smoothness, accuracy, optimization, and efficiency are examined in this paper

    Performance evaluation of Max-Min Ant System Algorithm for Robot Path Planning in Grid Environment

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    Path planning is an essential task for the robot to navigate and control its motion in any environment. The optimal path needs to be rerouted each time a new obstacle appears in front of the robot in a dynamic environment. This research focuses on the MAX-MIN Ant System Algorithm(MMAS) which is an Ant Colony Algorithm derived from Ant System(AS) and is different from it in terms of the pheromone deposition. The effectiveness of this algorithm to obtain a near optimal solution is illustrated by the means of experimental study. Using a greedier search than the Ant System algorithm is one of the specific characteristics of the MMAS, which will be studied in the research. The robot environment model is represented by a grid which has obstacles whose positions change in each map that is used. Local search routines and diversification mechanisms introduced by the previous researchers are used to enhance the performance of the MMAS algorithm. To implement the MMAS algorithm used in our research, the experiments are performed in Matlab development environment where a simulation program is designed, and the algorithm is implemented in grid maps of sizes starting from the smallest grid 10x10 to the grid of size 400x400. We implemented and analyzed the performance of the algorithm in larger grid environments to understand how it would perform when the search space is too huge; which would enable researchers to use the MMAS algorithm in experiments involving real-life environments. In our experiments, a new obstacle is added after every iteration of the algorithm which makes it challenging for the robots to find the near-optimal path. The performance evaluation of the MMAS algorithm is studied and is also compared to that of the ACO algorithm when implemented in differently sized grid maps

    A face - off - classical and heuristic - based path planning approaches

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    Robot path planning is a computational problem to find a valid sequence of configurations to move a robot from an initial to a final destination. Several classical and heuristic-based methods exist that can be used to solve the problem. This paper compares the performance of a classical method based on potential field, Lyapunov-based Control Scheme, with those of the standard and stepping ahead Firefly Algorithms. The performance comparison is based on the optimal path distance and time. The results show that the stepping ahead Firefly algorithm finds a shorter path in lesser duration when compared with the Lyapunov-based method. The LbCS also inherently faces the local minima problem when the start, target, and obstacle’s center coordinates are collinear. This problem is solved using the firefly algorithm where the diversification of the fireflies helps escape local minima

    Route Planning for Long-Term Robotics Missions

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    Many future robotic applications such as the operation in large uncertain environment depend on a more autonomous robot. The robotics long term autonomy presents challenges on how to plan and schedule goal locations across multiple days of mission duration. This is an NP-hard problem that is infeasible to solve for an optimal solution due to the large number of vertices to visit. In some cases the robot hardware constraints also adds the requirement to return to a charging station multiple times in a long term mission. The uncertainties in the robot model and environment require the robot planner to account for them beforehand or to adapt and improve its plan during runtime. The problem to be solved in this work is how to plan multiple day routes for a robot where all predefined locations must be visited only a single time and at each route the robot must start and return to the same initial position while respecting the daily maximum operation time constraint. The proposed solution uses problem definitions from the delivery industry and compares various metaheuristic based techniques for planning and scheduling the multiple day routes for a robotic mission. Therefore the problem of planning multiple day routes for a robot is modeled as a time constrained Vehicle Routing Problem where the robot daily plan is limited by how long the robot with a full charge can operate. The costs are modeled as the time a robot takes to move among locations considering robot and environment characteristics. The solution for this method is obtained in a two step process where a greedy initial solution is generated and then a local search is performed using meta-heuristic based methods. A custom time window formulation with respect to the theoretical maximum daily route is presented to add human expert input, priorities or expiration time to the planned routes allowing the planner to be flexible to various robotic applications. This thesis also proposes an intermediary mission control layer, that connects the daily route plan to the robot navigation layer. The goal of the Mission Control is to monitor the robot operation, continuously improve its route and adapt to unexpected events by dropping waypoints according to some defined penalties. This is an iterative process where optimization is performed locally in real time as the robot traverse its goals and offline at the end of each day with the remaining vertices. The performance of the various meta-heuristic and how optimization improves over time are analysed in several robotic route planning and scheduling scenarios. Two robotic simulation environments were built to demonstrate practical application of these methods. An unmanned ground vehicle operated fully autonomously using the presented methods in a simulated underground stone mine environment where the goal is to inspect the pillars for structural failures and a farm environment where the goal is to pollinate flowers with an attached robotic arm. All the optimization methods tested presented significant improvement in the total route costs compared to the initial Path-Cheapest-Arc solution. However the Guided Local Search presented a smaller standard deviation among the methods in most situations. The time-windows allowed for a seamless integration with an expert human input and the mission control layer, forced the robot to operate within the mission constraints by dynamically choosing the routes and the necessity of dropping some of the vertices

    Grey Wolf Optimizer-Based Approaches to Path Planning and Fuzzy Logic-based Tracking Control for Mobile Robots

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    This paper proposes two applications of Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) algorithms to a path planning (PaPl) problem and a Proportional-Integral (PI)-fuzzy controller tuning problem. Both optimization problems solved by GWO algorithms are explained in detail. An off-line GWO-based PaPl approach for Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots (NWMRs) in static environments is proposed. Once the PaPl problem is solved resulting in the reference trajectory of the robots, the paper also suggests a GWO-based approach to tune cost-effective PI-fuzzy controllers in tracking control problem for NWMRs. The experimental results are demonstrated through simple multiagent settings conducted on the nRobotic platform developed at the Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, and they prove both the effectiveness of the two GWO-based approaches and major performance improvement