42 research outputs found

    Neurobiological markers for remission and persistence of childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent neurodevelopmental disorders in children. Symptoms of childhood ADHD persist into adulthood in around 65% of patients, which elevates the risk for a number of adverse outcomes, resulting in substantial individual and societal burden. A neurodevelopmental double dissociation model is proposed based on existing studies in which the early onset of childhood ADHD is suggested to associate with dysfunctional subcortical structures that remain static throughout the lifetime; while diminution of symptoms over development could link to optimal development of prefrontal cortex. Current existing studies only assess basic measures including regional brain activation and connectivity, which have limited capacity to characterize the functional brain as a high performance parallel information processing system, the field lacks systems-level investigations of the structural and functional patterns that significantly contribute to the symptom remission and persistence in adults with childhood ADHD. Furthermore, traditional statistical methods estimate group differences only within a voxel or region of interest (ROI) at a time without having the capacity to explore how ROIs interact in linear and/or non-linear ways, as they quickly become overburdened when attempting to combine predictors and their interactions from high-dimensional imaging data set. This dissertation is the first study to apply ensemble learning techniques (ELT) in multimodal neuroimaging features from a sample of adults with childhood ADHD and controls, who have been clinically followed up since childhood. A total of 36 adult probands who were diagnosed with ADHD combined-type during childhood and 36 matched normal controls (NCs) are involved in this dissertation research. Thirty-six adult probands are further split into 18 remitters (ADHD-R) and 18 persisters (ADHD-P) based on the symptoms in their adulthood from DSM-IV ADHD criteria. Cued attention task-based fMRI, structural MRI, and diffusion tensor imaging data from each individual are analyzed. The high-dimensional neuroimaging features, including pair-wise regional connectivity and global/nodal topological properties of the functional brain network for cue-evoked attention process, regional cortical thickness and surface area, subcortical volume, volume and fractional anisotropy of major white matter fiber tract for each subject are calculated. In addition, all the currently available optimization strategies for ensemble learning techniques (i.e., voting, bagging, boosting and stacking techniques) are tested in a pool of semi-final classification results generated by seven basic classifiers, including K-Nearest Neighbors, support vector machine (SVM), logistic regression, NaĂŻve Bayes, linear discriminant analysis, random forest, and multilayer perceptron. As hypothesized, results indicate that the features of nodal efficiency in right inferior frontal gyrus, right middle frontal (MFG)-inferior parietal (IPL) functional connectivity, and right amygdala volume significantly contributed to accurate discrimination between ADHD probands and controls; higher nodal efficiency of right MFG greatly contributed to inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive symptom remission, while higher right MFG-IPL functional connectivity strongly linked to symptom persistence in adults with childhood ADHD. The utilization of ELTs indicates that the bagging-based ELT with the base model of SVM achieves the best results, with the most significant improvement of the area under the receiver of operating characteristic curve (0.89 for ADHD probands vs. NCs, and 0.9 for ADHD-P vs. ADHD-R). The outcomes of this dissertation research have considerable value for the development of novel interventions that target mechanisms associated with recovery

    Automatic Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection Using Artificial Intelligence Methods with MRI Neuroimaging: A Review

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a brain condition characterized by diverse signs and symptoms that appear in early childhood. ASD is also associated with communication deficits and repetitive behavior in affected individuals. Various ASD detection methods have been developed, including neuroimaging modalities and psychological tests. Among these methods, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging modalities are of paramount importance to physicians. Clinicians rely on MRI modalities to diagnose ASD accurately. The MRI modalities are non-invasive methods that include functional (fMRI) and structural (sMRI) neuroimaging methods. However, the process of diagnosing ASD with fMRI and sMRI for specialists is often laborious and time-consuming; therefore, several computer-aided design systems (CADS) based on artificial intelligence (AI) have been developed to assist the specialist physicians. Conventional machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) are the most popular schemes of AI used for diagnosing ASD. This study aims to review the automated detection of ASD using AI. We review several CADS that have been developed using ML techniques for the automated diagnosis of ASD using MRI modalities. There has been very limited work on the use of DL techniques to develop automated diagnostic models for ASD. A summary of the studies developed using DL is provided in the appendix. Then, the challenges encountered during the automated diagnosis of ASD using MRI and AI techniques are described in detail. Additionally, a graphical comparison of studies using ML and DL to diagnose ASD automatically is discussed. We conclude by suggesting future approaches to detecting ASDs using AI techniques and MRI neuroimaging

    Understanding Huntington\u27s disease using Machine Learning Approaches

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a debilitating neurodegenerative disorder with a complex pathophysiology. Despite extensive studies to study the disease, the sequence of events through which mutant Huntingtin (mHtt) protein executes its action still remains elusive. The phenotype of HD is an outcome of numerous processes initiated by the mHtt protein along with other proteins that act as either suppressors or enhancers of the effects of mHtt protein and PolyQ aggregates. Utilizing an integrative systems biology approach, I construct and analyze a Huntington’s disease integrome using human orthologs of protein interactors of wild type and mHtt protein. Analysis of this integrome using unsupervised machine learning methods reveals a novel connection linking mHtt protein with chromosome condensation and DNA repair. I generate a list of candidate genes that upon validation in a yeast and drosophila model of HD are shown to affect the mHtt phenotype and provide an in-vivo evidence of our hypothesis. A separate supervised machine learning approach is applied to build a classifier model that predicts protein interactors of wild type and mHtt protein. Both the machine learning models that I employ, have important applications for Huntington’s disease in predicting both protein and genetic interactions of huntingtin protein and can be easily extended to other PolyQ and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

    Statistical methods for gene selection and genetic association studies

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    This dissertation includes five Chapters. A brief description of each chapter is organized as follows. In Chapter One, we propose a signed bipartite genotype and phenotype network (GPN) by linking phenotypes and genotypes based on the statistical associations. It provides a new insight to investigate the genetic architecture among multiple correlated phenotypes and explore where phenotypes might be related at a higher level of cellular and organismal organization. We show that multiple phenotypes association studies by considering the proposed network are improved by incorporating the genetic information into the phenotype clustering. In Chapter Two, we first illustrate the proposed GPN to GWAS summary statistics. Then, we assess contributions to constructing a well-defined GPN with a clear representation of genetic associations by comparing the network properties with a random network, including connectivity, centrality, and community structure. The network topology annotations based on the sparse representations of GPN can be used to understand the disease heritability for the highly correlated phenotypes. In applications of phenome-wide association studies, the proposed GPN can identify more significant pairs of genetic variant and phenotype categories. In Chapter Three, a powerful and computationally efficient gene-based association test is proposed, aggregating information from different gene-based association tests and also incorporating expression quantitative trait locus information. We show that the proposed method controls the type I error rates very well and has higher power in the simulation studies and can identify more significant genes in the real data analyses. In Chapter Four, we develop six statistical selection methods based on the penalized regression for inferring target genes of a transcription factor (TF). In this study, the proposed selection methods combine statistics, machine learning , and convex optimization approach, which have great efficacy in identifying the true target genes. The methods will fill the gap of lacking the appropriate methods for predicting target genes of a TF, and are instrumental for validating experimental results yielding from ChIP-seq and DAP-seq, and conversely, selection and annotation of TFs based on their target genes. In Chapter Five, we propose a gene selection approach by capturing gene-level signals in network-based regression into case-control association studies with DNA sequence data or DNA methylation data, inspired by the popular gene-based association tests using a weighted combination of genetic variants to capture the combined effect of individual genetic variants within a gene. We show that the proposed gene selection approach have higher true positive rates than using traditional dimension reduction techniques in the simulation studies and select potentially rheumatoid arthritis related genes that are missed by existing methods

    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Conference

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    In this dissertation, we develop three novel analytic approaches for scRNA-seq data. In the first project, we aim to utilize scRNA-seq data to efficiently deconvolute bulk RNA-seq data. Deconvolution of bulk RNA-seq data by scRNA-seq data benefits from the high resolution in the characterization of transcriptomic heterogeneity from single-cells while enjoying higher statistical testing power with lower cost provided by bulk samples. Specifically, we propose an ENSEMBLE method SCDC (scRNA-seq DeConvolution), which integrates deconvolution results derived from multiple reference datasets, implicitly addressing the well-known batch effects. SCDC is benchmarked against existing methods and illustrated by the application to a human pancreatic islet dataset and a mouse mammary gland dataset.In the second project, to better understand gene regulatory networks under different but related conditions with single-cell resolution, we propose to construct Joint Gene Networks with scRNA-seq data (JGNsc) using the Gaussian graphical models (GGMs) framework. The sparsity feature of scRNA-seq data hinders the direct application of the popular GGMs. To facilitate the use of GGMs, JGNsc first proposes a hybrid imputation procedure that combines a Bayesian zero-inflated Poisson model with an iterative low-rank matrix completion step to efficiently impute zeros resulted from technical artifacts. JGNsc then transforms the imputed data via a nonparanormal transformation, based on which joint GGMs are constructed. We demonstrate JGNsc and assess its performance using synthetic data and two cancer clinical studies of medulloblastoma and glioblastoma.In the third project, for scRNA-seq data with continuous or ambiguous cell states, we develop a covariance-based change point detection (CPD) procedure to infer the discrete subgroups by utilizing the continuous pseudotime of single-cells. Little research suggests whether and how well the existing multivariate CPD methods work for scRNA-seq data. Hence, popular existing methods are benchmarked and evaluated in the simulation study and are shown to be powered for detecting mean but not covariance changes. To detect covariance changes, we propose the algorithm covcpd, which partitions single-cell samples into homogeneous network groups by utilizing a covariance equality testing statistic. covcpd is evaluated by simulation and is further illustrated through a mouse embryonic dataset and a human embryonic stem-cell dataset.Doctor of Philosoph

    Integrative Modeling of Transcriptional Regulation in Response to Autoimmune Desease Therapies

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    Die rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) und die Multiple Sklerose (MS) werden allgemein als Autoimmunkrankheiten eingestuft. Zur Behandlung dieser Krankheiten werden immunmodulatorische Medikamente eingesetzt, etwa TNF-alpha-Blocker (z.B. Etanercept) im Falle der RA und IFN-beta-Präparate (z.B. Betaferon und Avonex) im Falle der MS. Bis heute sind die molekularen Mechanismen dieser Therapien weitestgehend unbekannt. Zudem ist ihre Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit bei einigen Patienten unzureichend. In dieser Arbeit wurde die transkriptionelle Antwort im Blut von Patienten auf jede dieser drei Therapien untersucht, um die Wirkungsweise dieser Medikamente besser zu verstehen. Dabei wurden Methoden der Netzwerkinferenz eingesetzt, mit dem Ziel, die genregulatorischen Netzwerke (GRNs) der in ihrer Expression veränderten Gene zu rekonstruieren. Ausgangspunkt dieser Analysen war jeweils ein Genexpressions- Datensatz. Daraus wurden zunächst Gene gefiltert, die nach Therapiebeginn hoch- oder herunterreguliert sind. Anschließend wurden die genregulatorischen Regionen dieser Gene auf Transkriptionsfaktor-Bindestellen (TFBS) analysiert. Um schließlich GRN-Modelle abzuleiten, wurde ein neuer Netzwerkinferenz-Algorithmus (TILAR) verwendet. TILAR unterscheidet zwischen Genen und TF und beschreibt die regulatorischen Effekte zwischen diesen durch ein lineares Gleichungssystem. TILAR erlaubt dabei Vorwissen über Gen-TF- und TF-Gen-Interaktionen einzubeziehen. Im Ergebnis wurden komplexe Netzwerkstrukturen rekonstruiert, welche die regulatorischen Beziehungen zwischen den Genen beschreiben, die im Verlauf der Therapien differentiell exprimiert sind. Für die Etanercept-Therapie wurde ein Teilnetz gefunden, das Gene enthält, die niedrigere Expressionslevel bei RA-Patienten zeigen, die sehr gut auf das Medikament ansprechen. Die Analyse von GRNs kann somit zu einem besseren Verständnis Therapie-assoziierter Prozesse beitragen und transkriptionelle Unterschiede zwischen Patienten aufzeigen

    Automatic autism spectrum disorder detection using artificial intelligence methods with MRI neuroimaging: A review

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a brain condition characterized by diverse signs and symptoms that appear in early childhood. ASD is also associated with communication deficits and repetitive behavior in affected individuals. Various ASD detection methods have been developed, including neuroimaging modalities and psychological tests. Among these methods, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging modalities are of paramount importance to physicians. Clinicians rely on MRI modalities to diagnose ASD accurately. The MRI modalities are non-invasive methods that include functional (fMRI) and structural (sMRI) neuroimaging methods. However, diagnosing ASD with fMRI and sMRI for specialists is often laborious and time-consuming; therefore, several computer-aided design systems (CADS) based on artificial intelligence (AI) have been developed to assist specialist physicians. Conventional machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) are the most popular schemes of AI used for diagnosing ASD. This study aims to review the automated detection of ASD using AI. We review several CADS that have been developed using ML techniques for the automated diagnosis of ASD using MRI modalities. There has been very limited work on the use of DL techniques to develop automated diagnostic models for ASD. A summary of the studies developed using DL is provided in the Supplementary Appendix. Then, the challenges encountered during the automated diagnosis of ASD using MRI and AI techniques are described in detail. Additionally, a graphical comparison of studies using ML and DL to diagnose ASD automatically is discussed. We suggest future approaches to detecting ASDs using AI techniques and MRI neuroimaging.Qatar National Librar

    Untangling hotel industry’s inefficiency: An SFA approach applied to a renowned Portuguese hotel chain

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    The present paper explores the technical efficiency of four hotels from Teixeira Duarte Group - a renowned Portuguese hotel chain. An efficiency ranking is established from these four hotel units located in Portugal using Stochastic Frontier Analysis. This methodology allows to discriminate between measurement error and systematic inefficiencies in the estimation process enabling to investigate the main inefficiency causes. Several suggestions concerning efficiency improvement are undertaken for each hotel studied.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Recent publications from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: Reviewing progress toward improved AD clinical trials

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    INTRODUCTION: The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) has continued development and standardization of methodologies for biomarkers and has provided an increased depth and breadth of data available to qualified researchers. This review summarizes the over 400 publications using ADNI data during 2014 and 2015. METHODS: We used standard searches to find publications using ADNI data. RESULTS: (1) Structural and functional changes, including subtle changes to hippocampal shape and texture, atrophy in areas outside of hippocampus, and disruption to functional networks, are detectable in presymptomatic subjects before hippocampal atrophy; (2) In subjects with abnormal β-amyloid deposition (Aβ+), biomarkers become abnormal in the order predicted by the amyloid cascade hypothesis; (3) Cognitive decline is more closely linked to tau than Aβ deposition; (4) Cerebrovascular risk factors may interact with Aβ to increase white-matter (WM) abnormalities which may accelerate Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression in conjunction with tau abnormalities; (5) Different patterns of atrophy are associated with impairment of memory and executive function and may underlie psychiatric symptoms; (6) Structural, functional, and metabolic network connectivities are disrupted as AD progresses. Models of prion-like spreading of Aβ pathology along WM tracts predict known patterns of cortical Aβ deposition and declines in glucose metabolism; (7) New AD risk and protective gene loci have been identified using biologically informed approaches; (8) Cognitively normal and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subjects are heterogeneous and include groups typified not only by "classic" AD pathology but also by normal biomarkers, accelerated decline, and suspected non-Alzheimer's pathology; (9) Selection of subjects at risk of imminent decline on the basis of one or more pathologies improves the power of clinical trials; (10) Sensitivity of cognitive outcome measures to early changes in cognition has been improved and surrogate outcome measures using longitudinal structural magnetic resonance imaging may further reduce clinical trial cost and duration; (11) Advances in machine learning techniques such as neural networks have improved diagnostic and prognostic accuracy especially in challenges involving MCI subjects; and (12) Network connectivity measures and genetic variants show promise in multimodal classification and some classifiers using single modalities are rivaling multimodal classifiers. DISCUSSION: Taken together, these studies fundamentally deepen our understanding of AD progression and its underlying genetic basis, which in turn informs and improves clinical trial desig