289 research outputs found

    Learning Parameterized Task Structure for Generalization to Unseen Entities

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    Real world tasks are hierarchical and compositional. Tasks can be composed of multiple subtasks (or sub-goals) that are dependent on each other. These subtasks are defined in terms of entities (e.g., "apple", "pear") that can be recombined to form new subtasks (e.g., "pickup apple", and "pickup pear"). To solve these tasks efficiently, an agent must infer subtask dependencies (e.g. an agent must execute "pickup apple" before "place apple in pot"), and generalize the inferred dependencies to new subtasks (e.g. "place apple in pot" is similar to "place apple in pan"). Moreover, an agent may also need to solve unseen tasks, which can involve unseen entities. To this end, we formulate parameterized subtask graph inference (PSGI), a method for modeling subtask dependencies using first-order logic with subtask entities. To facilitate this, we learn entity attributes in a zero-shot manner, which are used as quantifiers (e.g. "is_pickable(X)") for the parameterized subtask graph. We show this approach accurately learns the latent structure on hierarchical and compositional tasks more efficiently than prior work, and show PSGI can generalize by modelling structure on subtasks unseen during adaptation.Comment: Published in AAAI 202

    SAI: Solving AI Tasks with Systematic Artificial Intelligence in Communication Network

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    In the rapid development of artificial intelligence, solving complex AI tasks is a crucial technology in intelligent mobile networks. Despite the good performance of specialized AI models in intelligent mobile networks, they are unable to handle complicated AI tasks. To address this challenge, we propose Systematic Artificial Intelligence (SAI), which is a framework designed to solve AI tasks by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) and JSON-format intent-based input to connect self-designed model library and database. Specifically, we first design a multi-input component, which simultaneously integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) and JSON-format intent-based inputs to fulfill the diverse intent requirements of different users. In addition, we introduce a model library module based on model cards which employ model cards to pairwise match between different modules for model composition. Model cards contain the corresponding model's name and the required performance metrics. Then when receiving user network requirements, we execute each subtask for multiple selected model combinations and provide output based on the execution results and LLM feedback. By leveraging the language capabilities of LLMs and the abundant AI models in the model library, SAI can complete numerous complex AI tasks in the communication network, achieving impressive results in network optimization, resource allocation, and other challenging tasks

    Multi-task Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Compositional Tasks

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    This thesis presents the algorithms for solve multiple compositional tasks with high sample efficiency and strong generalization ability. Central to this work is the subtask graph which models the structure in compositional tasks into a graph form. We formulate the compositional tasks as a multi-task and meta-RL problems using the subtask graph and discuss different approaches to tackle the problem. Specifically, we present four contributions, where the common idea is to exploit the inductive bias in the hierarchical task structure for efficien learning and strong generalization. The first part of the thesis formally introduces the subtask graph execution problem: a modeling of the compositional task as an multi-task RL problem where the agent is given a task description input in a graph form as an additional input. We present the hierarchical architecture where high-level policy determines the subtask to execute and low-level policy executes the given subtask. The high-level policy learns the modular neural network that can be dynamically assmbled according to the input task description to choose the optimal sequence of subtasks to maximize the reward. We demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve a strong zero-shot task generalization ability, and also improve the search efficiency of existing planning method when combined together. The second part studies the more general setting where the task structure is not available to agent such that the task should be inferred from the agent's own experience; ie, few-shot reinforcement learning setting. Specifically, we combine the meta-reinforcemenet learning with an inductive logic programming (ILP) method to explicitly infer the latent task structure in terms of subtask graph from agent's trajectory. Our empirical study shows that the underlying task structure can be accurately inferred from a small amount of environment interaction without any explicit supervision on complex 3D environments with high-dimensional state and actions space. The third contribution extends thesecond contribution by transfer-learning the prior over the task structure from training tasks to the unseen testing task to achieve a faster adaptation. Although the meta-policy learned the general exploration strategy over the distribution of tasks, the task structure was independently inferred from scratch for each task in the previous part. We overcome such limitation by modeling the prior of the tasks from the subtask graph inferred via ILP, and transfer-learning the learned prior when performing the inference of novel test tasks. To achieve this, we propose a novel prior sampling and posterior update method to incorporate the knowledge learned from the seen task that is most relevant to the current task. The last part investigates more indirect form of inductive bias that is implemented as a constraint on the trajectory rolled out by the policy in MDP. We present a theoretical result proving that the proposed constraint preserves the optimality while reducing the policy search space. Empirically, the proposed method improves the sample effciency of the policy gradient method on a wide range of challenging sparse-reward tasks. Overall, this work formulates the hierarchical structure in the compositional tasks and provides the evidences that such structure exists in many important problems. In addition, we present diverse principled approaches to exploit the inductive bias on the hierarchical structure in MDP in different problem settings and assumptions, and demonstrate the usefulness of such inductive bias when tackling compositional tasks.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169951/1/srsohn_1.pd

    Lifelong learning of concepts in CRAFT

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    La planification à des niveaux d’abstraction plus élevés est essentielle lorsqu’il s’agit de résoudre des tâches à long horizon avec des complexités hiérarchiques. Pour planifier avec succès à un niveau d’abstraction donné, un agent doit comprendre le fonctionnement de l’environnement à ce niveau particulier. Cette compréhension peut être implicite en termes de politiques, de fonctions de valeur et de modèles, ou elle peut être définie explicitement. Dans ce travail, nous introduisons les concepts comme un moyen de représenter et d’accumuler explicitement des informations sur l’environnement. Les concepts sont définis en termes de transition d’état et des conditions requises pour que cette transition ait lieu. La simplicité de cette définition offre flexibilité et contrôle sur le processus d’apprentissage. Étant donné que les concepts sont de nature hautement interprétable, il est facile d’encoder les connaissances antérieures et d’intervenir au cours du processus d’apprentissage si nécessaire. Cette définition facilite également le transfert de concepts entre différents domaines. Les concepts, à un niveau d’abstraction donné, sont intimement liés aux compétences, ou actions temporellement abstraites. Toutes les transitions d’état suffisamment importantes pour être représentées par un concept se produisent après l’exécution réussie d’une compétence. En exploitant cette relation, nous introduisons un cadre qui facilite l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie et le raffinement des concepts à différents niveaux d’abstraction. Le cadre comporte trois volets: Le sytème 1 segmente un flux d’expérience (par exemple une démonstration) en une séquence de compétences. Cette segmentation peut se faire à différents niveaux d’abstraction. Le sytème 2 analyse ces segments pour affiner et mettre à niveau son ensemble de concepts, lorsqu’applicable. Le sytème 3 utilise les concepts disponibles pour générer un graphe de dépendance de sous-tâches. Ce graphe peut être utilisé pour planifier à différents niveaux d’abstraction. Nous démontrons l’applicabilité de ce cadre dans l’environnement hiérarchique 2D CRAFT. Nous effectuons des expériences pour explorer comment les concepts peuvent être appris de différents flux d’expérience et comment la qualité de la base de concepts affecte l’optimalité du plan général. Dans les tâches avec des dépendances de sous-tâches complexes, où la plupart des algorithmes ne parviennent pas à se généraliser ou prennent un temps impraticable à converger, nous démontrons que les concepts peuvent être utilisés pour simplifier considérablement la planification. Ce cadre peut également être utilisé pour comprendre l’intention d’une démonstration donnée en termes de concepts. Cela permet à l’agent de répliquer facilement la démonstration dans différents environnements. Nous montrons que cette méthode d’imitation est beaucoup plus robuste aux changements de configuration de l’environnement que les méthodes traditionnelles. Dans notre formulation du problème, nous faisons deux hypothèses: 1) que nous avons accès à un ensemble de compétences suffisamment exhaustif, et 2) que notre agent a accès à des environnements de pratique, qui peuvent être utilisés pour affiner les concepts en cas de besoin. L’objectif de ce travail est d’explorer l’aspect pratique des concepts d’apprentissage comme moyen d’améliorer la compréhension de l’environnement. Dans l’ensemble, nous démontrons que les concepts d’apprentissagePlanning at higher levels of abstraction is critical when it comes to solving long horizon tasks with hierarchical complexities. To plan successfully at a given level of abstraction, an agent must have an understanding of how the environment functions at that particular level. This understanding may be implicit in terms of policies, value functions, and world models, or it can be defined explicitly. In this work, we introduce concepts as a means to explicitly represent and accumulate information about the environment. Concepts are defined in terms of a state transition and the conditions required for that transition to take place. The simplicity of this definition offers flexibility and control over the learning process. Since concepts are highly interpretable in nature, it is easy to encode prior knowledge and intervene during the learning process if necessary. This definition also makes it relatively straightforward to transfer concepts across different domains wherever applicable. Concepts, at a given level of abstraction, are intricately linked to skills, or temporally abstracted actions. All the state transitions significant enough to be represented by a concept occur only after the successful execution of a skill. Exploiting this relationship, we introduce a framework that aids in lifelong learning and refining of concepts across different levels of abstraction. The framework has three components: - System 1 segments a stream of experience (e.g. a demonstration) into a sequence of skills. This segmentation can be done at different levels of abstraction. - System 2 analyses these segments to refine and upgrade its set of concepts, whenever applicable. - System 3 utilises the available concepts to generate a sub-task dependency graph. This graph can be used for planning at different levels of abstraction We demonstrate the applicability of this framework in the 2D hierarchical environment CRAFT. We perform experiments to explore how concepts can be learned from different streams of experience, and how the quality of the concept base affects the optimality of the overall plan. In tasks with complex sub-task dependencies, where most algorithms fail to generalise or take an impractical amount of time to converge, we demonstrate that concepts can be used to significantly simplify planning. This framework can also be used to understand the intention of a given demonstration in terms of concepts. This makes it easy for the agent to replicate a demonstration in different environments. We show that this method of imitation is much more robust to changes in the environment configurations than traditional methods. In our problem formulation, we make two assumptions: 1) that we have access to a sufficiently exhaustive set of skills, and 2) that our agent has access to practice environments, which can be used to refine concepts when needed. The objective behind this work is to explore the practicality of learning concepts as a means to improve one’s understanding about the environment. Overall, we demonstrate that learning concepts can be a light-weight yet efficient way to increase the capability of a system

    Neural Task Programming: Learning to Generalize Across Hierarchical Tasks

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    In this work, we propose a novel robot learning framework called Neural Task Programming (NTP), which bridges the idea of few-shot learning from demonstration and neural program induction. NTP takes as input a task specification (e.g., video demonstration of a task) and recursively decomposes it into finer sub-task specifications. These specifications are fed to a hierarchical neural program, where bottom-level programs are callable subroutines that interact with the environment. We validate our method in three robot manipulation tasks. NTP achieves strong generalization across sequential tasks that exhibit hierarchal and compositional structures. The experimental results show that NTP learns to generalize well to- wards unseen tasks with increasing lengths, variable topologies, and changing objectives.Comment: ICRA 201

    Automating Data Science: Prospects and Challenges

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    Given the complexity of typical data science projects and the associated demand for human expertise, automation has the potential to transform the data science process. Key insights: * Automation in data science aims to facilitate and transform the work of data scientists, not to replace them. * Important parts of data science are already being automated, especially in the modeling stages, where techniques such as automated machine learning (AutoML) are gaining traction. * Other aspects are harder to automate, not only because of technological challenges, but because open-ended and context-dependent tasks require human interaction.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. v1 accepted for publication (April 2021) in Communications of the AC

    Sample efficiency, transfer learning and interpretability for deep reinforcement learning

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    Deep learning has revolutionised artificial intelligence, where the application of increased compute to train neural networks on large datasets has resulted in improvements in real-world applications such as object detection, text-to-speech synthesis and machine translation. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has similarly shown impressive results in board and video games, but less so in real-world applications such as robotic control. To address this, I have investigated three factors prohibiting further deployment of DRL: sample efficiency, transfer learning, and interpretability. To decrease the amount of data needed to train DRL systems, I have explored various storage strategies and exploration policies for episodic control (EC) algorithms, resulting in the application of online clustering to improve the memory efficiency of EC algorithms, and the maximum entropy mellowmax policy for improving the sample efficiency and final performance of the same EC algorithms. To improve performance during transfer learning, I have shown that a multi-headed neural network architecture trained using hierarchical reinforcement learning can retain the benefits of positive transfer between tasks while mitigating the interference effects of negative transfer. I additionally investigated the use of multi-headed architectures to reduce catastrophic forgetting under the continual learning setting. While the use of multiple heads worked well within a simple environment, it was of limited use within a more complex domain, indicating that this strategy does not scale well. Finally, I applied a wide range of quantitative and qualitative techniques to better interpret trained DRL agents. In particular, I compared the effects of training DRL agents both with and without visual domain randomisation (DR), a popular technique to achieve simulation-to-real transfer, providing a series of tests that can be applied before real-world deployment. One of the major findings is that DR produces more entangled representations within trained DRL agents, indicating quantitatively that they are invariant to nuisance factors associated with the DR process. Additionally, while my environment allowed agents trained without DR to succeed without requiring complex recurrent processing, all agents trained with DR appear to integrate information over time, as evidenced through ablations on the recurrent state.Open Acces
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