14,553 research outputs found

    Towards Intelligent Databases

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    This article is a presentation of the objectives and techniques of deductive databases. The deductive approach to databases aims at extending with intensional definitions other database paradigms that describe applications extensionaUy. We first show how constructive specifications can be expressed with deduction rules, and how normative conditions can be defined using integrity constraints. We outline the principles of bottom-up and top-down query answering procedures and present the techniques used for integrity checking. We then argue that it is often desirable to manage with a database system not only database applications, but also specifications of system components. We present such meta-level specifications and discuss their advantages over conventional approaches

    In and Off the Show: Co-constructing ‘invisibility’ in an Interpreter-Mediated Talk Show Interview

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    This paper examines how participants in an interpreter-mediated televised interview communicate involvement in a shared event. It takes as a case in point an interview where Michail Gorbachev, accompanied by his interpreter Pavel Palazchenko, appear on the ALL TALK show, hosted by the BBC journalist Clive Anderson. Detailed analysis of the interview demonstrates how the interpreter’s physical presence helps shape a shared image of him as someone “just translating.” It is suggested, that the efficiency by which his translation work is communicated, apart from owing to the interpreter’s fluency in English and Russian, is due to the others’ communicative behaviour. While addressing one another as conversational partners and interacting with the studio audience and the viewer, they cast him variably as sharing and not fully sharing their ongoing exchange. Moreover, his efficiency as interpreter is shown to be a result of his ability to anticipate grammatical and pragmatic features of turn composition. Overall, the study demonstrates how detailed analyses of real-life interpreter-mediated interaction can assist in explaining and teasing apart the illusive “invisibility” of interpreters.Cet article examine comment les participants Ă  une interview tĂ©lĂ©visĂ©e assistĂ©e par un interprĂšte signalent leur engagement dans un Ă©vĂ©nement partagĂ©. Un exemple est fourni par l’interview oĂč MikhaĂŻl Gorbatchev, accompagnĂ© de son interprĂšte Pavel Palazchenko, intervient dans le ALL TALK show, animĂ© par le journaliste de la BBC Clive Anderson. Une analyse fouillĂ©e de l’interview montre comment la prĂ©sence physique de l’interprĂšte aide Ă  modeler une image partagĂ©e de sa personne en tant que « simple interprĂšte ». L’analyse montre que l’efficacitĂ© de son travail de traduction est due non seulement Ă  sa parfaite connaissance de l’anglais et du russe mais aussi au comportement communicatif des autres. Tout en discutant ensemble comme des partenaires de conversation et interagissant avec l’auditoire du studio et le tĂ©lĂ©spectateur, ils lui attribuent Ă  la fois un rĂŽle de participant et de non-participant Ă  leurs Ă©changes. De plus, son efficacitĂ© d’interprĂšte semble rĂ©sulter de sa capacitĂ© Ă  anticiper les dispositifs grammaticaux et pragmatiques de la composition des tours de paroles. Plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, cette Ă©tude montre comment des analyses dĂ©taillĂ©es en temps rĂ©el des interactions assistĂ©es par un interprĂšte peuvent aider Ă  dĂ©mĂȘler et mieux comprendre l’invisibilitĂ© illusoire de l’interprĂšte

    Throwing away the textbook: a process drama approach to teaching ESL in China

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    The author considers the effectiveness of process drama as a pedagogical method and questions the difference between process drama and the kinds of role-play commonly used in ESL classes. Adopting a process drama methodology the author delivered two Oral English courses for undergraduate students and at the conclusion of the course invited the students to evaluate their learning in the form of a focus group. The results of the research suggest that there are distinct advantages to using a process drama approach to teaching oral English. Students on the course not only improved their self-confidence and operational performance but also exhibited behaviours commonly attributed to autonomous learners. They were also able to identify these improvements in themselves and engage in goal setting for future learning

    Corpus-based Interpreting Studies : early Work and Future Prospects

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    Aquest article fa una revisiĂł dels projectes de recerca realitzats en el passat i en el present dins del camp dels Estudis d'InterpretaciĂł basats en Corpus (EIC). S'analitzen breument els obstacles generals que apareixen en la creaciĂł de cĂČrpora electrĂČnics destinats a l’estudi de la interpretaciĂł. Es subratllen tambĂ© les principals raons per les quals el desenvolupament dels Estudis d'InterpretaciĂł basats en Corpus es troba encara en un estat menys avançat que el dels Estudis de TraducciĂł basats en Corpus (ETC). AllĂČ que es pot aprendre de les experiĂšncies passades i presents en el desenvolupament de cĂČrpora d'interpretaciĂł pot suggerir maneres de salvar gradualment l'escull actual entre EIC i ETC.Este artĂ­culo hace una revisiĂłn de los proyectos de investigaciĂłn realizados en el pasado y en el presente dentro del campo de los Estudios de InterpretaciĂłn basados en Corpus (EIC). Se analizan brevemente los obstĂĄculos generales que aparecen en la creaciĂłn de corpus electrĂłnicos destinados al estudio de la interpretaciĂłn. AdemĂĄs, se hace hincapiĂ© en las principales razones por las que el desarrollo de los Estudios de InterpretaciĂłn basados en Corpus se encuentra aĂșn en un estado menos avanzado que el de los Estudios de TraducciĂłn basados en Corpus (ETC). Todo lo que podemos aprender de las experiencias pasadas y presentes en el desarrollo de corpus de interpretaciĂłn puede sugerir maneras de salvar el desnivel entre EIC y ETC.The present paper offers an overview of past and ongoing research projects within the field of Corpus-based Interpreting Studies (CIS). General obstacles to the creation of machine-readable corpora to study interpreting are briefly discussed, highlighting the main reasons why the development of Corpus-based Interpreting Studies is still at a less advanced stage than that of Corpus-based Translation Studies (CTS). What can be learnt from past and current experiences in developing interpreting corpora may suggest ways to gradually bridge the existing gap between CIS and CTS

    Corpus-based Interpreting Studies : early Work and Future Prospects

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    Aquest article fa una revisiĂł dels projectes de recerca realitzats en el passat i en el present dins del camp dels Estudis d'InterpretaciĂł basats en Corpus (EIC). S'analitzen breument els obstacles generals que apareixen en la creaciĂł de cĂČrpora electrĂČnics destinats a l'estudi de la interpretaciĂł. Es subratllen tambĂ© les principals raons per les quals el desenvolupament dels Estudis d'InterpretaciĂł basats en Corpus es troba encara en un estat menys avançat que el dels Estudis de TraducciĂł basats en Corpus (ETC). AllĂČ que es pot aprendre de les experiĂšncies passades i presents en el desenvolupament de cĂČrpora d'interpretaciĂł pot suggerir maneres de salvar gradualment l'escull actual entre EIC i ETC.Este artĂ­culo hace una revisiĂłn de los proyectos de investigaciĂłn realizados en el pasado y en el presente dentro del campo de los Estudios de InterpretaciĂłn basados en Corpus (EIC). Se analizan brevemente los obstĂĄculos generales que aparecen en la creaciĂłn de corpus electrĂłnicos destinados al estudio de la interpretaciĂłn. AdemĂĄs, se hace hincapiĂ© en las principales razones por las que el desarrollo de los Estudios de InterpretaciĂłn basados en Corpus se encuentra aĂșn en un estado menos avanzado que el de los Estudios de TraducciĂłn basados en Corpus (ETC). Todo lo que podemos aprender de las experiencias pasadas y presentes en el desarrollo de corpus de interpretaciĂłn puede sugerir maneras de salvar el desnivel entre EIC y ETC.The present paper offers an overview of past and ongoing research projects within the field of Corpus-based Interpreting Studies (CIS). General obstacles to the creation of machine-readable corpora to study interpreting are briefly discussed, highlighting the main reasons why the development of Corpus-based Interpreting Studies is still at a less advanced stage than that of Corpus-based Translation Studies (CTS). What can be learnt from past and current experiences in developing interpreting corpora may suggest ways to gradually bridge the existing gap between CIS and CTS

    Designated or preferred? A deaf academic and two signed language interpreters working together for a PhD defence: A case study of best practice

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    In this paper we present an appreciative inquiry case study of our work together in a PhD defence, which we believe demonstrates a best practice in the field of signed language interpreting. We call into question the meaning and relevance of the ‘designated interpreter’ model, examining whether there is a ‘perfect formula’ for deaf academics and interpreters working together, not only in PhD defences, but also in academia more generally. We also challenge the very system for the provision of interpreter services as an institution creating structural inequalities, because it is heavily based on privilege. We argue that what is key is preference (i.e. the ability to exercise real choice) and familiarity, rather than the assignation of a ‘designated’ interpreter, and that simply achieving a degree in interpreting cannot guarantee that an interpreter will be prepared to meet the needs of deaf professionals. We also argue that sign language interpreter education needs to focus more than it does now on training to work into English (and/or other spoken languages in non-English-speaking countries), on performing visibly comfortable language work, and on specific specializations linked to deaf professional access and continuing professional development
