20 research outputs found

    Applying FPGA Runtime Reconfiguration to Multi-Hash Proof-of-Work Algorithms

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    In the cryptocurrency mining field, algorithms have been developed to discourage the development of ASICs that greatly out-compete general-purpose hardware in both perfor- mance and power efficiency. A class of algorithms that claims to be ASIC-resistant is the class of randomised multi-hash proof-of-work algorithms, such as X16R. For these algo- rithms, the result of one iteration depends on the chained application of several randomly selected hash functions, which has the effect of disadvantaging fixed-function ASICs due to their inflexibility. FPGAs lie between GPUs and ASICs in terms of raw performance and flexibility. We investigate the use of FPGAs for this type of proof-of-work, in partic- ular, by leveraging the ability of modern FPGAs to quickly reconfigure at runtime. We implemented a design that runs the X16R algorithm by partially reconfiguring the FPGA for every hash function in the chain and processing the data in batches. We show that our system achieves better performance when compared to GPUs that are manufactured on the same semiconductor process technology node, while being several times more power ef- ficient. The two key takeaways from this work are that FPGA runtime reconfiguration can be used to effectively accelerate algorithms for which the demand for different processing elements changes over time, and that proof-of-work algorithm designers should consider FPGAs as a class of computing device that is separate from fixed-function ASICs

    MergeMAC:A MAC for Authentication with Strict Time Constraints and Limited Bandwidth

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    This paper presents MergeMAC, a MAC that is particularly suitable for environments with strict time requirements and extremely limited bandwidth. MergeMAC computes the MAC by splitting the message into two parts. We use a pseudorandom function (PRF) to map messages to random bit strings and then merge them with a very efficient keyless function. The advantage of this approach is that the outputs of the PRF can be cached for frequently needed message parts. We demonstrate the merits of MergeMAC for authenticating messages on the CAN bus where bandwidth is extremely limited and caching can be used to recover parts of the message counter instead of transmitting it. We recommend an instantiation of the merging function MERGE and analyze the security of our construction. Requirements for a merging function are formally defined and the resulting EUF-CMA security of MergeMAC is proven

    Fast Skinny-128 SIMD Implementations for Sequential Modes of Operation

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    This paper reports new software implementation results for the Skinny-128 tweakable block ciphers on various SIMD architectures. More precisely, we introduce a decomposition of the 8-bit S-box into four 4-bit S-boxes in order to take advantage of vector permute instructions, leading to significant performance improvements over previous constant-time implementations. Since our approach is of particular interest when Skinny-128 is used in sequential modes of operation, we also report how it benefits to the Romulus authenticated encryption scheme, a finalist of the NIST LWC standardization process

    Nutzung kryptographischer Funktionen zur Verbesserung der Systemzuverlässigkeit

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    Cryptographic techniques deal with securing information against unwanted usage, while coding techniques deals with keeping data error-free and retrieving them reliably. However, both techniques share many tools, bounds and limitations. In this thesis, several novel approaches towards improving system reliability by combining cryptographic and coding techniques in several constellations are presented. The first constellation is deploying pure cryptographic functions to improve reliability issues overshadowed in systems that previously had no reliability-supporting coding mechanisms. Such systems could have just authenticity, secrecy and/or integrity mechanisms for security services. The second constellation deploys a mixture of both cryptographic functions and error correction codes to improve the overall system reliability. The first contribution in this thesis, presents a new practical approach for detection and correction of execution errors for AES cipher. The source of such errors could be natural or as a result of fault injection attacks. The proposed approach is making use of the two linear mappings in the AES round structure for error control. The second contribution is investigating the possibility and ability of deploying pure cryptographic hash functions to detect and correct a class of errors. The error correction is achieved by deploying a part of the hash bits to correct a class of selected unidirectional error class with high probability. The error correction process would degrade the authentication level in a non-significant fashion. In the third and fourth contributions, we propose algorithms to improve system correctability beyond classical limits by combining coding and cryptographic functions. The new algorithms are based mainly on the fundamentals investigated in the second contribution as mechanisms to detect and correct errors. The new algorithms are investigated in terms of collision and attacking complexity, as error correction via hash matching is similar to a successful authentication attack. The resulting performance showed achievable good error correctability, authenticity, and integrity figures.Kryptografische Methoden zielen der Sicherung von Information gegen unerwünschte Nutzung, wobei Codierungstechnik behandelt die Korrektur der Fehler in den Daten und deren zuverlässigen Rückgewinnung. Beide Techniken bedienen sich ähnlich Instrumente und besitzen ähnliche grenzen und Grenzwerte. In diese Dissertation, werden mehrere neue Verfahren zur Verbesserung der Systemzuverlässigkeit durch verschiedene Konstellationen zur Kombination der beiden Fehlerkontrollcodierung und Kryptografische Verfahren. In der ersten Konstellation werden reine kryptologische Funktionen verwendet, die zur Verbesserung der Zuverlässigkeitsaspekte in den Systemen die keine Zuverlässigkeitsfördernde Codierungs-Maßnahme enthalten dienen. Solche Systeme besitzen z. B. nur Authentifikation, Geheimhaltung oder Integritäts-Mechanismen in den Sicherheitsdiensten. Die zweite Konstellation verwendet eine Kombination von Fehlerkorrigierende Codes und Krypto-Mechanismen für die Verbesserung der Zuverlässigkeit des Systems. Der erste Beitrag in diese Arbeit präsentiert ein neues praktisches Verfahren zur Erkennung und Korrektur von Verarbeitungsfehler in AES Chiffre. Die Ursachen solche Fehler konnten natürlich oder als Resultat eines beabsichtigten „Fault Injection“ Angriff sein. Das Verfahren nutzt die linearen Abbildungen im AES Runden-Funktion für Fehlerkontrolle. Der zweite Beitrag untersucht die Möglichkeit und Fähigkeit zur Einsatz von Hashfunktionen zur Erkennung und Korrektur vom Fehler. Die Fehlerkorrektur ist erreicht durch die Nutzung eines Anteil des Hash Bits um eine Klasse von ausgewähltem Unidirektionalen-Fehler mit höhe Wahrscheinlichkeit zu korrigieren. Dabei wird der Fehlerkorrekturprozess die Authentifikationsgrad des Hashfunktion nicht signifikant reduzieren. In den dritten und vierten Beitrag werden Algorithmen vorgeschlagen um die Zuverlässigkeit des System über die klassischen grenzen verbessert. Das wird durch Kombination von Kryptologischen und Codierung Funktionen erreicht. Die neuen Algorithmen sind auf die fundamentale Untersuchungen des zweiten Beitrag als Mechanismen für Fehlererkennung und Fehlerkorrektur basiert. Die neuen Algorithmen sind auf deren Kollision und Angriffskomplexität Verhalten untersucht worden, da Fehlerkorrektur durch Hashwert-Anpassung eines erfolgreichen Authentifikationsangriff ähnlich ist. Die resultierenden Verhalten zeigen gute Werte für erreichbare Fehlerkorrekturfähigkeit, Authentifikations-Grad und Integrität

    Design and Analysis of Symmetric Primitives

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